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November 08, 1930 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-11-08

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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the
President until 3:30, excepting Sundays. 11:30 a. m. Saturday.
VOL. XLI. SATURDAY, NOV. 8, 1930. NO. 36


Offers Advertising on Greater
Scale as Infallible
Calls Prescription Wiser Policy
Than Increase in Public


____ _

Medical and Dental Students who have not been able to secure their
identification cards may call for them on Tuesday, November 11, between
12M. and 1:00 p.m. or between 5:00 and 6:00 p.m. Please call at Room 4,
University Hall. J. A. Bursley, Dean of Students.
University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information:
The Bureau will hold its annual registration for teachers in 201 Mason
Hall next week, Monday through Friday; hours, eight to twelve and
one-thirty to four-thirty. After Friday the 14th there will be a late
registration fee of one dollar, to be paid at the University Treasurer's
Graduate and undergraduate students, alumni, and faculty members
are eligible for enrollment.
Candidates for advanced degrees should enroll next week, as well as
the undergraduates, and complete their records early. The Bureau has
oppcrtunities to place well qualified persons in colleges, normal schools,
and universities as well as in public school positions.
Hygiene Lectures: Names of freshman and upperclass women who
have missed one or more hygiene lectures have been posted in Barbour
Gym. Will all those attending the lectures please check their attendance
with these lists? Make-up assignments have also been posted.
Aeronautical Lecture: Mr. Kennedy, of the Boeing School of Aero-
nautics, will present a lecture, with moving pictures, portraying methods
of modern aeronautical training. This lecture will be held at 7:30 p.m.
in Room 1042 East Engneering Building, and is open to the public.
Aeronautical Society: The lecture by Mr. Kennedy, of the Boeing
School of Aeronautics, at 7:30 p.m. in Room 1042 East Engineering
Building, and a film depicting Boeing School Training activities should
be of interest to Aeronautical Society members.
Michigan College Chemistry Teachers Association Meeting. Morning
Session, 11:00 a.m. Room 122, Chemistry Building. H. N. Cole: Qualitative
Analysis Without the Use of Hydrogen Sulfide. Dr. L. C. Anderson:
Some Uses of the Spectrograph in Organic Chemistry. Luncheon: Wom-
en's League Building, 12:30. Afternoon Session, 1:30 p.m. Room 1041,
New Physics Building.
Dr. N. H. Williams: Measurement of Charges of Electrons and Ions.
The music committee for the Junior Girls' Play will meet at 2 o'clock
today, i'n the W. A. A. office in the League building.
Chemical Engineering Students: Football smoker. Returns by radio,
Room 3201 East Eng. Bldg., 1:30 p.m.
Acolytes: Prof. Etienne Gilson of Paris will speak at a special meet-
ing at 3:00 p.m. in Room 202 S. W.
Junior Class Hockey Squad: All members please report at the Wom-
en's Athletic Building at 3 p.m. for a game with Detroit City College.
The Ongawa Japanese Players will present a program of songs,
legends, and dances of the Far East tonight at 8:30 in the Lydia Men-
delssohn theatre. They will include a play, "The Fox Woman," of parti-
cular interest to all students of literature and the drama.
The Wesleyan Guild. The first event of the Outdoor Club is scheduled
for today. Come prepared. There will be a small charge for food. Leave
Wesley Hall at 3:00 o'clock.
Upper Room Bible Class meets at 7:00 p.m. in the Upper Room at
Lane Hall.
The "Upper Room" Forum meets Sunday morning at 9:30.
All Michigan men are cordially invited.
Craftsmen: Meet at Masonic Temple at 7:30 p.m.
Cosmopolitan Club: Initiation meeting at 8 p.m., Auditori'um of Lane
Hall. Dr. Frederick Fisher will be the speaker. Members and candidates
for membership are urged to be in attendance. All interested are invited.
Catholic Students: There will be a mixer for Catholic students and
their friends in the Michigan Union ballroom. Harvard game by radio
from 2 o'clock on. Music from 3 to 5 by Union Orchestra.
Second Thomas Spencer Jerome Lecture, "The Life of the People
in Town and Country, Part One," by Professor J. G. Winter, Tuesday,
November 11, at 4:15 p.m., Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall.
Junior Medical Students: Class meeting in the Hospital Amphi-
theatre Tuesday, November 11, at 4:30. The purpose of the meeting is
to select a J-Hop committeeman. Candidates must establish eligibility.
Alpha Nu will meet Tuesday night, November 11. Prof. Howard
McClusky, of the School of Education, will speak. All members are
urged to be present. Tryouts are to meet between 7.and 7:30.
Howard McCluskey of the Dept.
of Psychology will speak on "Tech-Eomplete Line of
naques of Private Worship" at the
Student Volunteer meeting in the THE MATCHLE
fire-place room of Harris Hall (Hur-]H ACL

on & State) Sunday morning, 8:30 ' \VICTOR, MA
a.m. Those interested in the subject UECLE
atre cordially invited. ] UNEXCELLED

(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Nov. 7.- Roger W.
Babson has settled upon a remedy
for the present business depression.
His prescription is a sure cure, he<
Diagnosing the reason for the
crash as over-production, he points
out that this condition will be cor-
rected as soon as mass consump-
tion can be stimulated to catch upj
with mass production. Sinclair Lewis,
The necessary stimulant-the in- American author, who has been
fallible cure, he says, is advertising, named winner of the 1930 Nobel
on a larger scale than the world prize for literature, is pictured here
has ever known. with his son, Michael.
Stresses Mass Production.
"This is the way out from the BANDS GO WITH1
present situation," he asserts in T
Collier's today. "It is our hope of
making mass production our eco-
nomic salvation instead of the dyn- lMichigan, Illinois, Ohio State,
amite that may wreck the world. Represent Mid-West.
"As one who has studied business
depression ii life rather than in (By Associated Press)
libraries, I see in current conditions NEW YORK, Nov. 7. - Some 500
the call for advertising. There's bandsmen from the midwest will
nothing wrong with the patient but toot on eastern gridirons Saturday.
poor circulation. Money is being The Illinois band, 160 strong
held instead of circulated. which has been called the finest
"Advertising is ideallyfitted and college band, will be at the Yankee
competent to accelerate the circu- stadium for the Army game.
lation. It is the most effective The Michigan band of 120 will
known force for accomplishing the follow its team to the Harvard sta-
speeding up of money and thereby dium. As many more bandsmen
giving us more business at times wearing the scarlet and gray uni-
when more business is the nation's forms of Ohio State will join the
greatest need. festivities at Baltimore where the
Claims Money Plentiful. Buckeyes meet the Navy. N o t r e
"There never was more money Dame, which is famed much more
than there is today. Banks hold it, for its football players than its
corporations hold it, the people hold musicians, will bring 100 bandsmen
it. That is the trouble, the money to Philadelphia for the game with
is held instead of circulated. A Pennsylvania.

Notes of Designer Introduced
at Inquiry Points Out
Bad Construction.f
LONDON, Nov. 7. -Documents I
indicating that major construe-
tion faults had been discovered in
the dirig ble R-101 before she wast
sliced in two for insertion of a 75-
foot section were introduced today
at the inquiry into the ship's loss
One of them was the memoran-
dum by Col. V. C. Richmond, de-
signer of the craft, who perishedI
in the crash of Oct. 5. In it heI
noted that holes in the gas bags
caused serious loss of lifting power.
Sir John Simon, head of the
board of inquiry, said these docu-
ments had been on file at thej
Cardington airship headquarters
for some time and he could not
understand why they had not been
produced before.
Col. Richmond's memorandum
was filed last July, after the ship
had handled heavily in a trial
fight. He wrote that his investiga-
Lion of the effect of the gas bo
holes indicated the loss of lift
amounted to about one ton foi
each square inch of hole in 12
hours. In his opinion, the memor-
andum stated, this was somewhat
startling, and indicated the great
importance of guarding againsj
i such holes.
Debating Team to Sell
Byrd Antarctic Photos
Through arrangement with the
photographic division of the Byrd
Antarctic expedition, the debating
team will offer for sale pictures tak-
en during the expedition.
These will be on sale the night
of Commander Byrd's lectures here
in Ann Arbor. They will be sold
by members of the team on Mon-
day in the lobby of Angell hall.
Diamond Broker Tells
of Holdup,_Abduction
(PBy Associated Press)
CHICAGO, Nov. 7. - Diamonds
valued at $40,000 were stolen from
him Wednesday night by thre
bandits who kidnaped him near
his home, Abe Rothblum, a dia-
mond broker, told police.
Barley has been added to the list
of winter cover crops sown in west-
ern North Carolina for hay and


University Library
to Get Collection
of Minister's Notes

Six volumes from the collection of
the documents of Davild L. Gregg,
one-time United States commission-
er of Hawaii and minister of finance
of the Hawaiian kingdom, h a v e
been turned over to the curator of
rare books at the University library,
it was said in an announcement re-
ceived yesterday from Dr. William
W. Bishop, librarian.
These volumes cover the diaries
of Gregg from 1854 to 1857, his offi-
cial correspondence with the United
States, and his private letters up to
1866, together with miscellaneous
letters and papers. They are type-
written copies of parts of the Gregg
collection of documents now in the
possession of the historical commis-
sion on Hawaii.
The transcription was furnished
to the library through Col. Thomas
M. Spaulding, of the United States
army, an alumnus of the University.
Col. Spaulding has done much to
aid the library in securing an in-
clusive selection of books and docu-
ments concerning the Hawaiian is-
lands, Dr. Bishop stated.
The University has, through stu-
dents, many connections with Ha-
waii, and is seeking to secure a good
collection of books in the Hawaiian
language, publications of the gov-
ernment of Hawaii, and books
about Hawaii, Dr. Bishop said.
Bandits Take Baggage,
Mail in Train Holdup
(By Associated Press)
OAKLAND, Calif., Nov. 7. - An
eastbound Southern Pacific passen-
ger train was held up and robbed at
5:30 this morning at Nobel, a small
town north of Berkeley. Reports re-
ceived here said the mail and bag-
gage car were rifled.
& Company, Inc.
Orders executed on all ex-
changes.* Accounts carried
on conservative margin.c
Telephone 23271












beautiful system of piping, a plenti-
ful supply of fluid, butthe whole
mechanism fails to function for
want of the pumpiing power of pub-
licity to tell the world of better
goods, lower prices and greater
"The basic cause at which the
jobless should shake their fists is
not that too few mills are running,
but that too few advertising cam-
paigns are running.
"One proposed plan for reforming
bad times is to increase public
works. That policy is wise. The
need, however, is not merely for
works but for workers-and the way
to make people work is to arouse
wholesome desires through worthy
Women's Education Club w ill
meet at the Women's Athletic build-
ing on Monday, November 10, at
4:15 p.m. This will be a social
gathering and all women interested
in education are cordially invited.
Tolstoy Anniversary: M o n d a y,
Nov. 10, Dr. F. S. Onderdonk wi l
give an illustrated lecture on H. G.
Wells and L. N. Tolstoy at 4:15 in
Room 231, Angell Hall.
Faculty Alumni Dance Series: The
first dance of the series will take
place in the Union at 8:30 p.m.
Tuesday evening, Nov. 11. Series
tickets may be secured at the dance
or from Mrs. A. S. Aiton, 2020 Sen-
eca Street.
Everything Musical
Terms to Suit

DO-X Finishes First
Lap ofOcean Flight
(By Assoc fated Press)
AMSTERDAM, Nov. 7-The great
bulk of the German flying boat,
DO-X, largest seaplane in the
world, floated tonight in the Schel-
lingwoude basin at the end of the
first lap of her trans-Atlantic voy-
age to New York.











University Symphony Orchestra:
No rehearsal Sunday morning. Reg-
ular rehearsals Monday, Tuesday,
and Thursday.
Beta Kappa Rho will hold a tea
in lounge 2 of the League Building
Sunday, Nov. 9, from 4-6.
Pledges, Tau Beta Pi: Pledges ex-
amination will be held Tuesday
night, November 11, instead of Mon-
day, November 10.

William Wade Hinshaw
Devoted to Music
Cor. Maynard and William
Phone 7515



Michigan's Favorite College Songs ...........................$4.75
Michigan Memory Books .......... $1.75, $3.50, $4.50, $6.00, $6.50
Michigan Blankets ........... .. . ....... $12.00, $12.50, $13.00
Michigan Banners, Pennants and Pillows.
Michigan Book Ends, Seals, Shields and Jewelry.
M;ic;ip,anSttinerv ............75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50

Lydia eelssohn Theatre

I 1.





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