ASHED "V E F U1 EDITED AND MANAGED BY THE STUDENTS OF THE UNIVE RSITY OF MICHIGAN MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS www XLI TEN PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1930 TWO SECTIONS PRICE FIVE Y PRODUCTION WILL TAKE OVER MIMES THE T 9 TIGE GAIN N BTGI( NOTED FINANCIER WILL TALK HERE, BRUENIG STREISSESl IMMEDIATE ACTION' iim rwiirnr nrrnnnn LEG AL MON TH LY APPOINTS BOARPD Waite, Shartel Announce Senior Editors of Law Review. PR S En T OO R il LiUL Il UUPIIL Have Close Joined of were, 4CEIVES POST ollege Adds Seven to Total; Four cmatics Group. J 0 professors, assist- ind instructors have 1ty of the Univer- conclusion of the A large number of med in yesterday's he personnel of the veering and Archi- the appointment Lovell as assistant N .ege of Engineering' n the electrical de- n Estes Hobart as sor mechanics and awing; George B. istant professor of alph H. Upson of er on lighter-than- Jd L. Eiksen as partmuent of engin- an i s, Milton J. istant professor of nd Arlen K. Hell- Dr in electrical 'en- iffe Here omics department,. dliffe will take the F. Remer who is ,nce in China. Pro- Associated Press Photo Hjalmar Schacht, Former president of the Reichs bank in Germany, who is one of the outstanding men engaged to appear in the University lecture series this season. KREIISLER TO PLA ON' CHORALSEIESI Ticket Sale for First Concert Begins; Season Passes Are Offffered. TEN NUMBERS PLANNED Charles A. Sink, president of the' h,. id economic prob- East. Prof. M. A. from the facultyl -rsity to teach sta- reed economic the- Ramsdell has been ofessor of forestry. chigan student and. ltion has been con- staffs of seven dif- forests. have been added A the political sci- They are Dr. H. and Earl E. War- groves, of the Un- go, Dr. John D. El- in S. Peterson, and . have been named if the mathematics; ch Associate Ragland, Jr., of thel the University ofj be research associr research institute will make a study r-the- discovery ofj School of Music, announced yester- day that the sale of season ticketsl for the 52nd Choral Union concertl series had begun, and that applica- tions were bieing filed for the first# concert, to be given by Fritz Kreis- ler, noted Austrian violinist, at 8:15 o'clock on Monday, October 13, in Hill auditorium. A total of ten concerts will be giv- en on this year's series. The sec= and, on Friday, October 31, will be given by Clare Clairbert, Belgian coloratura soprano. The other con- certs and the date of their pre- sentation are as follows: November 7, Alexander Brailow- sky, Russian pianist; November 20 the Don Cossack chorus under the direction of Serge Jaroff; November 24 the Detroit Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Ossip Gabril- owitsch; December 12 Jose Iturbi, Spanish pianist; January 12, the Detroit Symphony orchestra under the guest-conductorship of Bernar- dino Molinari; January 27, Albert Spalding, American violinist; Feb- ruary 2, Paul Robeson, negro bari- tone; and February 10, Sergei Rach- maninoft, Russian pianist-compos- er. According to an announcement by Prof. John B. Waite and Prof. Burke Shartel, faculty editors, the N following Law school seniors have . G erman C ancellor Adopts Bold been elected to the board of edi- Plans to Discuss Difficulties of Showdown Tactics in Face tors. of the Michigan Law Review: Nation in Boston, Cleveland, of Hitler Threats. William W. Bishop, William M. King's Mountain. Emery, Robert E. Finch, Mrs. Flor-i WOULD SLASH SALARIES Hugh A. Fulonk, amue Fhauf BROADCASTS PROPOSED Ve BeMark H. Harrington, Daniel R. La- Von Hindenburg Backs Measures Bar, and Robert O. Jones. Chief Executive to Attend World Expected to Effect Saving i Ellis B. Merry, Virgil D. Parish, Series Game at Philadelphiaf of Billion Marks. Benjamina 4. Pierce, William C.: Before Trip to Ohio. of BillionPusch, Maxwell L. Rubin, James___ H. Spencer, JQhn S. Tennant, Theo- BERLIN, Sept. 30.-With the firm dor L. Weiss, Jaques L. Weiner, and WASHINGTON,-Sept. 30.-Presi- backing of President von Hinden- Lewis D. Wilson. dent Hoover leaves tomorrow to dis- burg, Chancellor Breunig today The appointment of the twenty cuss in four major addresses prob- confronted German paliamentar- stuIdents to the board was made on lems facing the country. ism with the choice of either sav- the basis of scholarship. Before inaugurating his speaking ing its own life by speedy action Monthly the Law Review pre- program Thursday, in Cleveland, in the hour of the country's dire sents articles by legal authorities however, he is to take a holiday need or committing suicide and and, contributions by students. and see the opening game of the being sent home indefinitely. 3-World's Series at Philadelphia to- The decision of the government ru T1ftITi morrow. He will leave immediately to come out boldly with a financial - afterward for Qhio. reform program and force a show- The next seven days will take him down was decided upon in the face into three sections of the nation, of threats by Adolph Hitler, na- the Midwest, the East, and the tional socialist (Fascist) leader LLI1 LUDULyli14N South, giving him the fullest oppor- that any attempt by the President __tunity for intensive discussion of and Chancellor to eliminate Reich- ofC s e the questions of his office he has stag interference with theirpro-Members Campus Societies had since entering the White House. gram might lead to President von Obtain Higher Scholastic To Discuss Tariff. Hindenburg's indictment or to a Rating, Survey Shows. In addition to the tariff, at least Fascist putsch. three of the addresses will be broad- To Halt High Taxes SORORITIES HEAD LIST cast over nation-wide radio hook- : Ever since Sept. 13, when the ._ups; the first in Cleveland before election was held which placed 107 Triangle headed the list of gen- the American Bankers association, Fascstsin-the new Reichstag, the I ,eral fraternities in scholastic stand I the second next Monday morning to BFaucit 'hthe American Legion in Boston and Breunig cabinet has been working I ing during the year 1929-1930 withta on a program of essential reformsia 79.8 standing, according to figures alfi one at Kings Mountas to put the Reich's finances in or- issued from the office of Joseph A. attlefield, S.C., are to be broadcast. dsudermte fieo osp 'Arrangements for the seech be- I der. Bursley, dean of students. Pi Beta fp Final touches were put to this Phi lead the sororities with an 82.9 Lor t Boston Fod ernon program late in the night. These average. I after the Legionadresshasy nrot consisted ° of 'slashing salaries, a Nu Sigma Nu headed the list of been completed because of the bold halt to mounting taxes, and medical fraternities with 80.1 stand- World's series, and it was believed a rigid economy in public admin- ing. Among the law fraternitiesPhid today that itwoulde istration. Delta Phi lead with 74.4, and Psidd No sooner than President von Omega, dental group, lead in its More than 50 persons will board Hindenburg returned today from a college with 78.2. the special train with the chief ex- few days' outing at the presiden- Alpha Chi Sigma with an 85.1 ecutive when he departs tomorrow tial hunting lodge than Chancellor standing lead the other profession-jtiol Breunig laid the completed pro- al fraternities, and also headed the usforet temae starts.Philadephia I gram before him. -The veteran field of all organized groups. Martha 1bers of his cabinet, Secretaries Hur- chief executive not only approved Cook lead the list of women's dor- Ihley, fhyde, Wilbur, and Davis, will the measures but pledged himself mitories and league houses with an see the game witha him, returning to back his cabinet to the limit, 83.5 standing. Stone was second afterward with Walter Hope, assist_ emphasizing, however, that there and Alumnae third.1aterarytWatereassiyt-nd must be no delay. .According to the scholacrhip chart asecretary of the treasury, and President to Take Cut A equals 100 per cent; B, 85 per LenceaRiey, o o pi- It is up to the Reichstag mem- cent; C, 70 per cent; D, 50 per cent; only as far as Philadelphia. bership, conservative, liberals, and and E, 20 per cent. Friends In Party radicals, business men and far- The classification shows t h e Postmaster General Brown, David mers, to take the von Hindenburg- standing of the groups as follows: S. Ingalls, of Cleveland, assistant Breunig program or leave it. In General Sororities 78.9; Women secretary of the navy aeronautics, other words, the first in command I Students 78.2; Independent Women George Akerson, another member of and his financial aide are willing Students 77.9; Women's Dormitories the White House secretariat; Col to follow the constitutional method and League Houses, 77.6; General Campbell C. Hodges, military aide of securing or attempting to secure Fraternities and Sororities 76.3; j to the president; Capt. Russell the Reichstag's approval of the Men and Women 75.8; Independent Train, naval aide; and Capt. Joel program admittedly rigorous and Men and Women 75.4; General Fra- T Boone, the White House physi- drastic and demanding vast patri- ,ternities 75.3; Men Students 74.7; cian, will continue with the party otic sacrifices. Independent Men Students 74.2. to Cleveland Not the least of the reforms fall At the ball game, Mr. Hoover also directly upon the heads of admin- UNION URGES MEN will have as his guests Jeremiah istrative officials from President Milbank of New York eastern trea- von, Hindenburg down the line to TO REGISTER NOW Mi!an of e eastrn trea- the ank of ivi sevice Th -~surer of the Republican national{ the ranks of civil service. The -committee, in 1928; Daniel E. Pom- President will take a salary cut of Less Than 3,000 Students Have Ieroy, vice-chairman of the Republi- 20 per cent. He will share this' 2 with cabinet members and Reich- Registered to Date, can national committee and nation- stag members. Civil service salar- al committeeman for New Jersey I ies will shrink six pervcent, as will Less than 3,000 students have, as and Jay Cooke, a Philadelphia the income of Reichbank ands th- yet, registered at the Union, ac- banker, who entertained the Presi- er state employees. cording to Harold O. Warren, '31,! dent last spring at his hunting er___ate__mp __yee_' recording-secretary of 'the Union, lodge near Williamsport. who urged that all men students I Telegram May be Clue of the University should . register R UTHVEN ELECTED to M ssing ypsg Co-ed. 'in the Student offices on the first Ifloor of the Union during this week. TO S. C. A. BOARD (3 , Associated Press) !The offices will be open from 2 to V71_C'TT A''TT Co+ 9 Pl hI ~..1 .,.- - - 800 SEEK WORK; 68 SECURE JOBS Work Unavailable for Many Student Applicants. Two days after the official open- ing of the fall term at the Univer- sity, only 68 of the 400 unemployed students who have requested aid from the office of the Dean of Stud- ents have been placed, it was an- nounced at the dean's office yester-1 day. All available jobs as waiters, dishwashers, and kitchen assistants in the various restaurants and fraternity and sorority houses have been taken and the rooming house proprietors have all made arrange'I. meritstohave students assist them with the heavy work about the buildings. Students employed in e a t i n g places receive free board in return for their work while those workingi in rooming houses are given freeE rooms. Odd jobs, such as operating motor cars, cleaning basements, c and removing screens which payI cash are in great demand, and a' small group is assembled at the dean's office throughout the day, waiting for possible chances to do these small jobs. a 't Card System in Cheering Section1 and Homecoming Game to be Discussed. PROPOSE INVOCATIONS Discussion of important campus questions and the election of two juniors -o fill Meacnie~n h Student Council will occupy the at- tention of the student governing body at their first meeting of the semester tonight. Due to the scholastic ineligibilityt of Thomas G. Roach, '32, and John2 D. Hubly, '32, both of whom were elected in the All-Campus electionst last spring, the council as a body I will chose two men to fill the posi- tions. The council will also select its secretary, treasurer, and other officers for the coming year. Ap-t pointment of the chairman and committeemen by President Merton J. Bell will complete the admini- strative work for the evening. Plans for the cheering sectiot for the Purdue, Illinois, Minnesotal and Chicago games will be discussed I and a councilman will be appointed I to work with the Athletic associa- tion and Montgomery Shick, '31, Varsity cheerleader, in perfecting the details of the new card system. Large varied colored cards which will be used for the first time this year, will be fastened to each seat in the section so that various figures and designs may be formed. The section will also differ from the block "M" of former years in that it will be both narrower and longer. It is expected that the subject of the proposed honor system of the literary colleL;, the adoptbhn of which was favored by the literary students of the University in the elections last spring, will come be- ; fore the council. The date for the L. of PLAN TO,-ROUSE DRAMACLASSES Playhouse Transfer Indicates Coming Centralization of Campus Dramatics. YANT CONTINUES PLANS Building to be Known as Play Production Laboratory Theater' in Future. Centralization of campus dramat- ics under the University was fore- seen in the announcement made yesterday by Paul Buckley, manager of the Michigan Union, that the Mimes theatre 'had been leased to the University for Play Production, and that all the equipment had been sold to the University. E. Mortimer Shuter, Mimes director, whose contract expired last June, is not expected to return. . "When Play Production was forced to give up the University hall theater, they needed a place for full time rehearsals and classes. The reason on the part of the Union in leasing theme the theater consisted in part of the fact that the Mimes house had been operated at a con- sistent loss. Interest on the part of the student body did not warrant continuation of productions on the scale of the past few years. With the discontinuation of the opera, the rehearsal space that the build- ing offered could not afford to be step in' acting on the, report sub- initted by Danial Quimby, director of the Savannah Little Theater, who was brought to the University to study the dramatic situation and to recommend improvements. James Yant, '31M, president of Mimes, made the following state- ment: "This event does not mean that Mimes as a dramatic organ- ization is going to go out of exist- ence. Before the contracts were signed, Mr. Buckley stated that the interests of. Mimes would be pro- tected, and the week at Christmas, usually filled by the opera, as well as two other weeks during the sec- ond semester, have been reserved for our prpductions. I understand that this measure, as well as the lapse from the road show, is merely temporary, provided that enthusi- asm can be aroused on the campus. We have nearly completed our plans for the December show, and they will be announced soon." To Change Theatre Name The statement made by Valentine B. Windt, director of Play Produc- tion,. was as follows: "It was only through the especially gracious con- cession by the Board of Regents that we were permitted to stay in the University hall theatre after it had been condemned by the fire in-. spectors. We had no other place to imove to at the time, but when the announcement was made that the Mimes theatre would be available, I we- accepted promptly. The Univer- sity appropriated funds for mak-ing revisions in the building arrange- W. Mi facult 11 Fos Bacher and Jeannette become assistant deans of LEADERS TO' TALK n; N. B. Eddy, research pro- iBEFOREF rin materia medica; W. L. iFRESHMEN dge, clinical professor; and I phile Rapheal, psychiatrist, Students and Faculty Men Will ns to the University from the Speak at Banquet. liatric clinic in "Detroit. c to an error in The Daily, it,' Short talks by prominent faculty stated yesterday that Prof. and student leaders will be the >r W. Crane would direct the 'features of the annual all-Fresh-I es which were formerly taught 1mnen banquet to be held at 6:15 ie late Prof. Claude H. Van'~o'clock tomorrow night in the ball-l Professor Crane will handle 1 room of the Union. More than 400 ssoT Van' Tyne's graduate I tickets have been sold. A few are es while Professor Vander yet on sale for one dollar, and may will teach the undergraduate be obtained at the student offices es of the Union at the time of regis-I 1 tration or at the desk in the main W E A K lobby.I Prof. William D. Henderson, di-j 1ADE BY HAWKS erector of the Extension division will be the principle speaker on the (B Assorat Prcess) ' program. Prof. Waldo Abbot, head LLEY STEAM, N. Y., Sept. 30. of the Freshmen English .depart- nk Hawks, who holds trans-.ment will be the toastmaster. nental .speed records in both Other speakers include Fielding' tions, flew here from Detroit 1 H. Yost, director of athletics, James 7in 2 hours and 41 minutes, 0. H. Simrall, '31, captain of the h is believed to be the fastest football team, Paul C. Showers, '31, ever made over such a dis- l editor of the Michigan Gargoyle, and Albert F. Donohue, '31, pres- wks estimated he flew 6401 ident of the Union. i 's 6 i i homecoming football game and the ments, and the changes are now be- annual sophomore and freshman ing made. And I would like to em- fall games will also be set. Arrange- phasize that from now on the bulld- ments of pep meetings, class parties ing will be known as the Play Pro- and class elections are expected to duction Laboratory theater, instead jYPILAJNTa, , ept. 29.-Edham 5 o'clock every afternoon and trom Hoenes, Michigan State Normal 7 to 9 o'clock tonight. college student, missing since Wed- } Registration entitles the student nesday, when she left the home of to the membership card, the Union her cousin, Frank Hoenes, 317 button, and the use of the facia- Washtenaw .avenue, to report for ties of the building, including the work at a restaurant, is believed to swimming pool, the billiard room, be in Detroit. Chief of Police bowling alleys, library and the Ralph Southard received a tele- rooming arrangements for parents gram today from Sheriff George and friends. W. Colby, of Cahoun county, stat-: A stamped treasurer's receipt ing that Edith Hoenes had tele- must be presented at the time of graphed to the Marshall bank for registration. There is no other ex- $42.10 to be withdrawn from her pense. acount there and to be sent to a' Grand River bus station in Detroit. Frissel Receives Last year she taught school near Award in A heCte Marshall. Award in Architecture Ma t GivesJ. Martin Frissel. '30, M.L.S., has Manuactr Gves been awarded the annual American A4np-v M A fi In '11C01111' rc, Pal1,-vciciiT i, r t-n f r Sih 1e-l Smithppite L1 Re-es:1. lilected, App. it. ii ointed M4VWA dWN;WWL 'VL ~bV~l 11JVLYi Ch eiFe Y n be discussed at the meeting. of Mimes theater, and that it will Chairman for Five Years, f house our plays as heretofore the PUBLICA TION SALE University hall has, except for the . Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven, pres- ! more difficult and ambitious pro- ident of the University, has been CONCLUDES TODA Y ductions which will take place in elected an ex-officio member of, the Lydia Mendelssohn stage.,, the board of the Student Christ- Concluding a ten-day drive, the At present the right mezzanine ian association, it was announced Students' Publications Club sub- seats have been removed, and the yesterday by Fenelon Boesche '31, 1scription offer will be closed at 5 space has been converted into a student president of the organza-' o'clock this afternoon. After that "student lounge." The back part of tion. Other elections to the board time, subscriptions to the Daily, the theater has been converted into were also announced. Ira M. Smith, the Michiganensian, and the Gar- the "green room," which will serve treasurer of the University, was re- goyle must be purchased separate- as a rehearsal room, and also as a elected to the board and made ly. lobby during performances. chairman for a term of five years., Although originally planned to -- Frank Royce, resident of Ann Ar- hold only during Orientation week,, Washington University bor, was re-elected treasurer of the this offer will be continued until1G Hudle C organization. |today because of the great demand Gets Hurdes Champ Among the committee chairmen for the subscriptions.(P John Lederle'31, replaced Nelson' The Club rates include a sub- SEATTLE, Set. 30.-Steve And- Armstrong '31 as chairman of the scription to The Daily, a year's is- Per winn+3 rri . '1 kivin'g him an average sneedI _ i