r, NOVEMvB~lf 8, 1930 TrHE MTCHI WN YATE W~V 'W cam. t MICHIGAN PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPA RTMENT SPONSORS SECOND COLLEGIATE HOCKEY PLAY DAY Teams From Five Colleges Will Compete at Palmer Field All Today. CLASS TEAMS WILL PLAY Entertainment Includes Lunch, Tea Dance After Games Are Finished. Teams from five colleges will compete today on Palmer field in the second annual Hockey Play Day being sponsored by the phys- ical education department for women. Two teams will represent each of the following schools: Michigan State College at Lansing, Battle Creek School of Physical Educa- tion, Detroit City College, and Michigan State Normal at Ypsi- lanti. The University of Michigan will enter five teams, one from each class, and two from the Freshman class. The schedule will open with a game between the Ypsilanti A team and the Michigan seniors at 10:15 o'clock. The second game will be played at 10:30 o'clock between. the Lansing A team and the Ypsi- lanti B team. Battle Creek A team will play the Detroit City College A team at 11:00 o'clock. Movie Will Follow Luncheon. Luncheon will be servedat 12:30 o'clock in the lounge of the Ath- letic building, after which a hockey film will be shown through the courtesy of the United States Field Hockey association. Games will be resumed at 2:30 o'clock when the Battle Creek B team will play against the Michi- gan freshman team. The Lansing B team will play the Michigan sophomores at 2:45 and at 3 o'clock the last game will be played, -between the Detroit City college team and the Michigan juniors. An open hockey game will be held after the'scheduled games for any women not playing in the competitive games who would like to play. Any faculty members or members of the Ann Arbor hockey team may enter this game. Captains to Pour at Tea Dance Members of the visiting teams will again be entertained at 5:30 o'clock when a tea-dance will be held in the Athletic building. Skits from last year's Junior Girls' Play will be given at this time. The cap- tains of each team will be asked to pour. The senior team representing the University of Michigan will include Marie Bachman, Florence Benel, Helen Domine, Nell Hagedorn, Helen Hammond, Alice Lynch, Helen Moore, Clara Parkinson, Florence Seys, Katherine Sitterly, Evelyn Sharff, Ula Trodahl, Fran- ces Whipple, Janet Woodmansee, and Elizabeth Whitney. Those on the junior team are Ethel Arscott, Dorothy Birdzell, Roselyn Caley, Violet Canberg, Leonora Caro, Irene Cochran, Dorothy Elsworth, Dorothy Felske, Elisabeth Gardner, Margaret Healy, Esther LaRowe, Elisabeth Louden, Katherine Robinson, Gladys Timp- son, and Helen Townsend. E. WHITNEY HEADS HOCKEY PLAY DAY Elizabeth Whitney, '31 Ed, has been acting as chairman of the sec- ond annual hockey play day, to be held today on Palmer field, and sponsored by the Women's Physical Education department. ARTIST DEPLORES JAZZ POPULARITY Popular Music Spoils Tastes of Young People. "Musical tastes of the younger generation are being spoiled by jazz," is the belief of Alexander Brailowsky, Russian pianist, whose concert was an event of last eve- ning in Hill Auditorium. "T h e s e younger people, especially, are not sufficiently educated in musical ap- preciation to realize that the hum- drum dry rhythm of jazz is injuri- ous, and cannot be mixed success- fully with the more flexible classical music.' "I hope there will be a strong re- action to jazz some day here such as there is now iin England, where they are substituting the old-fash- ioned type of waltz for dancing. Unfortunately the radio is spread- ing jazz and the numerous pro- grams of popular music broadcast are very harmful because the listen- er's mind becomes entirely imbued with this unchanging rhythm," stated Mr. Brailowsky. "An effective element in combat- ing this 'jazz trend' is the symphony orchestra. Their type of music is much more educational for the pop- ular audiences common in this country than that of a violin or a piano soloist. Audiences in America are constantly becoming more cul- tured, due chiefly to the influx of European musicians following the World War," continued the artist. "One common characteristic of your audiences, too, is the exceed- ingly large number of people at- tending one piano concert. It is a great mistake, because an artist cannot convey the intimate feeling to his listeners, such as is necessary to the success of a "Nocturne of Chopin," Mr. Brailowsky concluded. JAPANESE ACTORS PERFORM TONIGHT Mr. and Mrs. Michitaro Ongawa Will Present Varied Program at League Theater. Mr. and Mrs. Michitaro Ongawa will appear at 8:30 o'clock tonight, at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The first half of their program will consist of songs, legends, and dances, and the second part will be a dramatization of the play "The Fox Woman," in which Mrs. Ongawa will take three parts. Although some of the presenta- tions will be inJapanese, these will be prefaced in English, which both Mr. and Mrs. Ongawa speak fluent- ly. Mrs. Ongawa is the singer and dancer of the troupe, and has a mezzo-soprano voice. She gives Japanese songs and dances in elaborate costumes, many of which are rare enough to be placed in museums. Their settings also are both unusual and priceless. Mrs. Ongawa accompanies her songs herself by the samisen. She uses her hands beautifully, and the famous dance Cho Cho (Butter- flies) is portrayed entirely with her nands. All her movements are ar- tistic and graceful. The Japanese girls of the Nippon club will act as ushers in native costume. HOUSE PRESIDENTS TO ATTEND INNER Members of Dean's Staff Will Entertain in League Next Tuesday. INVITE FACULTY GUESTS Presidents ofdall sorority houses, dormitories, and league houses wil] be the guests of the staff members of the Dean of Women's Office next Tuesday, November 11, at 5:45 o'clock. The annual supper given for them will be held this year in private dinning rooms A, B, and C of the Michigan League. Staff members of the Dean Alice Lloyd's office include: Mrs. Beryl Backer, Miss Jean Perry, Miss Ellen Steven- son, Miss Ethel MacCormick. The following members of the faculty have been invited as guests of honor: Dr. Margaret Bell and Dr. Emmeth Schutz of the Health Service; Miss Laurie Campbell, of the Physical Education department, Dr. Margaret Elliott, of the School of Business Administration, and Professor Barbara Bartlett, of Pub- lic Health Department. Student guests will be Eleanor Cooke, '31, president of the Wo- men's League, Helen Domine, '31, president of the Women's Athletic Association, Helen Cheever, '31, president of the Pan-Hellenic As- sociation, Albertina Maslen, '31, chairman of the house organiza- tion committee, and Ruth Van Tuyl, '31, chairman of the Judi- ciary Council. TEACHERS COLLEGE, Columbia -"It's just too bad for you if you are a fat girl," according to Dr. George C. Bellingrath, of Teachers college, Columbia university. He has recently completed a study in which he discovered that girls who are of either extreme cannot ever become leaders of their classes. WOMEN'S LAGUE r ^a~ umu.rlr o ^1SI m .D Poorer Classes of Women Have' IGreatest Chance to Secure READING PROGRAMS ~fSocialContacts. We, who are so used to our own --ways of living may not realize how Dewitt H. Parker Opens Series differently other women of the ,fd worldTexist. Miss Iva Robertson, of Informal Readings 'Io- Spec., who is enrolled this year in morrow Afternoon. the University of Michigan is better able than the rest of the students TEA TO FOLLOW LECTURE to see this difference. For the last five years she has been teaching and nursing in Kuwait, Arabia, where Meetings Give Students Oppor- she has come to knowtheArabian tunity to Become Familiar women, their customs, and their With Good Literature. characteristics. In scme ways, the Kuwait women Opening the series of Sunday aft- are not very much different from readngs ponored theus,"~ she said. "They have fine large ernoon readings sponsored by the dark eyes and dark hair, and they Women's League last spring for the enhance their beauty by using kohl first time, Professor Dewitt H. Park- on their eyebrows and eyelashes. er will give a reading at 3:30 to- Some of them however are afflict- morrow afternoon in the Grand ed with inflamed eyes as they get, Rapids room of the League build-lolder, as there is a great deal of ing. Tea will be served in the con- trachoma in the district. Though course following the lecture. These many of them have been saved programs are informal and open to from total blindness through the Iany students who wish to attend jfo oa lnns hog h them dhelp and care of the missionary doctors. F. Jennings Heads Committee. "They are different in matters of Entertainments of this nature character, too. Their environment were begun last spring under the is very much different from ours. direction of Albertina Maslen, '31. Each woman lives in a house in Each of the three readings given which she is one of four or five then were entirely successful, she wives, and much quarreling and said. Frances Jennings, '31, chair- disturbance exists in the home. As man of the library committee, is in the father is the patriarch, each of charge of them this year and, with his sons brings his wife to the the assistance of her committee, is family home to live when he is making all arrangements for to- married, making the system even morrow's program. Betty Gerhard, more complex," Miss Robertson '31, is tea chairman, and Eleanor stated. Cooke, '31, president of the League, "Only the poorer women have will pour. any chance for social contacts. CONCERNING LII SPECIAL STUDENT RELATES FACTS J. Y YY! F Io i t 4 Y_,r YYX E OF ARAB WOMEN' They may see each other at the sea side where they go to wash their clothes, and their conversations are comparable to the gaiety thatI exists at the bridge table of the higher class women in this country. "Their food is highly seasoned, spiced, and contains much dehan, an Arab kind of shortening. Flat unleavened bread is placed upon the table, folded, to serve as both food and napkin. Their favorite sweetmeat is a sort of candy called "hellwa". They also have a candy made ofrsesame seedsand and boiled syrup," she continued. "The lower class women are very attractive to look at. They have perfect postures, due to the burd- ens which they must balance on their heads. This makes them graceful and supple, and they look queenly as they swqap along in their full robes. Their hair hangs down in long dark braids one over each shoulder, and they often dangle a gold ornament on each braid. They are scrupulously clean, and they take as much, if not more time with their dressing than the American girls do," Miss Robertson concluded. MUSICAL GROUPS PLAN FULL YEAR Honor Sororities Will Entertain Patronesses, Alumnae. Of the national honorary fra- ternities on campus, local chapters of the musical sororities are among the most active. Teas and lunch- eons enhance the attractiveness of the musicales, given in addition to the regular meetinigs of these or- ganizations. The members of Sigma Alpha Iota entertained with a musical tea for Mrs. Joseph Brinkman, of Chicago, Wednesday afternoon in the Grand Rapids room of the League building. Patronesses and alumnae were guests at the affair; Mrs. Benjamin Bailey and Mrs. Strauss poured, and in the receiv- ing line were Mrs. E. H. Gallop and Miss Bernice Fallis. Another out- of-town guest was Mrs. Virginia Tice Gurnsey, of New York. Betty Sutherland, '31, played a group of piano numbers. Officers who will direct the affairs of Sigma Alpha Iota for this year are Bernice Fallis, President; Catherine Evans, vice-pres.; Bertha Flo, secretary; and Frances Pec- kett, treasurer. 9 W. A. A. Board Elects Esther Larowe, '32, as Representative To Wear With Your Daytime Dresses The purpose of the readings is not only to give students opportuni- ties to attend informal gatherings, but to acquaint them with good lit- erature and interest them in this field. Books Are Being Catalogued. The library committee has under- t a k en another project recently which is a new activity. One branch of the group, composed of students in the library school, is cataloguing all the books in the League library and will check them over periodi- cally. They are also considering a system by which books may be checked out and returned through a desk in the library, as several val- uable books have disappeared. At present student librarians are in charge of the desk there throughout the day, but books do not go through their hands. Esther LaRowe, '32, has been elected to fill the office of repre- sentative to the Athletic Confer- ence of American College Women on the executive board of the Women's Athletic Association. I PEGASUS TO PLAN YEAR'S PROGRAM Pegasus riding club will hold its second meeting at 5 o'clock Monday afternoon in the cave on the fourth floor of the Leagu: building. Of- ficers will be elected and plans made for group rides. The officers to be elected arE president, treasurer, riding mana- ger, and secretary. Any woman student interested ir riding is elegible for membership in Pegasus, and is invited to at- tend this meeting. Dues are on( dollar a semester, beside the cost of the rides. Activities of the club in elude frequent rides, and an an- nual horse show which is given in the spring. The Bag Slim envelopes of suede or smooth, dull leather . . . large pouches .brightened with clasps of marcasite or simulated stones . dark colors. $2.95 to $7.50. The Necklace Turquoise to complement your black and brown costumes . . . crystal combined with gold to add glitter to dark colors . . . classic pearls . . . $1 to $2.95. Here's An Offer To T ell Ike World A bout 0 , . , 1 a PI T HEORIES must rest firmly on fact. The ability to discriminate between those which will work and those which will not comes best with long experience. We have been accumulating the facts of finance for sixty-one years. Ann Arbor Savi ns Bank i e.. 4j / N s 6 ! iC PAY FOR IT NEXT YEAR! t SATURDAY s BUY YOUR NEW WINTER COAT The Gloves 0 0 0 Excellent quality Broadcloth Coats, fitted, fashioned and luxuriously furred in the newest 1930 manner ~49.0 Slip-ons, of course, in black or brown to complement dark coats . . . beige for green and wine. Four, six and eight button lengths. $2.95 to $4.95. . j The Stockings Very sheer stockings in the ravish. ing dark shades that are so new for daytime wear. $1.35 to $1.95. Goodyears College - 'I Others priced from $29.50 to $125.00 In Black, Browns, Green, Winetone, and Blue Saturday, November 8th, is coat day at MACK'S! 180 superb new winter coats will be placed on sale at our regular new low prices . . . with this special offering . . . Any coat purchased on Saturday, to our regular charge customers, or others who may make similar arrangements, the coat charge will not appear on your credit statement until JANUARY 1st. Don't go with- out a warm coat these cold days! Take advantage of this unusual special offer! SECOND FLOOR-PHONE 4161 V II 111111 111hi