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November 08, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-11-08

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Hooverl EagerWolverines

President Urges "Concentration'
on Measures for Solution
of Economic Problems.
Seven Democrat Heads Declare
Determination to
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 7.-Leaders
of the Republican and Democratic
parties pledged themselves to co-
operation in the nation's interest
yesterday as Tuesday's biennial
Congressional, election ended in a
virtual deadlock that threatened
legislative chaos.
Stillaconfident and fighting to
overtake an apparent majority of
one for the Republicans in the
House, seven national Democratic
leaders tonight issued a joint state-
ment declaring, in part:
Democrats Firm.
"The Democratic party faces its
duty with a firm determination to
permit no thought of political ad-
vantage to swerve it from the
course that is best for the country.
It has neither the time or the de-
sire to punish anybody or to exalt
""To the extent of its ability it
will steer the legislation of the na-
tion in a straight line toward the
goal of prosperity and will not per-
mit itself to be diverted either by
political expediency or a desire to
show that it now dominates the en-
acting branch of the government."
Hoover Defines Task.
At the same time, President Hoo-
ver, in his first conference with
newspapermen since the election.
which carried the Democrats to the
threshold of power in Congress,
said simply the task ahead of the
nation now is to "concentrate on
measures of co-operation for econ-
omic recovery."
Final b u t unofficial returns
from Tuesday's election tonight
showed the following results:
House: Republicans, 218; Demo-
crats, 216; Farmer-Labor 1.
Senate: Republicans, 48; Demo-
crats, 47; Farmer-Labor, 1.
Success Will Make Ball Annual
Function, Donohue Says.
The first formal ball ever spon-
sored by the Michigan Union was
attended by more than 250 couples
last night in the ballroom of the
Union building.
Breakfast was served for the
dancers after 12:15 o'clock in the
taproom of the Union and the Pen-
dleton library on the second floor
was open for lounging purposes.
The grand march, begun at 11
o'clock, was lead by George Nichols,
'32, chairman of the dance commit-
tee of the Union under whose direc-
tion the plans for the ball were
carried out, and Miss Harriet Kyson,
'34, of Maplewood, N. J.
This dance was another feature
in the greatest social year of the
Union, it was stated by Albert F.
Donohue, '31, president o the Un-
ion. Attendance records for last
year and for 1928, the banner year
of the Union dances, have been re-
peate1ly broken this year, he said.
"The success of the Union form-

al," Donohue stated last night, "will
insure its continuance as an annual
all-campus function."
Marion Hardy and his Alabami-
ans, Columbia recording orchestra,
furnished the rhythm for the danc-
ers at the ball last night.
AlumniM Hold Banquet
to Honor Wolverines

Ruthven Addresses
Alumni at Banquet

Alexander G. Ruthven,
President of the University, who
spoke last night at the national
Michigan alumni dinner in Boston.
More than 300 alumni from all
parts of the country attended the

Commission Members to Prepare
Statements on Remedies
for Dry Laws.
Prohibition Director Summoned
to Washington From
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 7.-Presi-
dent Hoover's law enforcement
commission had arrived today At a
definite formula for writing its
prohibition report, and with nearly
a dozen definite recommendations
before it found the end of its task
at least in sight.
Virtually every member of the
commission has prepared in writ-,
ten form just what he, or she,
thinks should be done about the
dry law. With these views before
the group, and with an immense
volume of impartial prohibition
material available as background,
the members are now joining the
parts into a definite whole.
Report Not Written.
The actual writing of the final
formal report to President Hoover
and to Congress was described at
commission headquarters today as
not yet begun. It was assured,
however, that progress has been
made in bringing the 11 minds into
at least partial unanimity on some
points, but with a final showdown
in the offing.
Chairman Wickersham said, just
before leaving for Wilmington,
Del., late this afternoon, he could
not forecast the date When the re-
port can be laid upon President'
Hoover's desk. At the beginning of
the commission's dry law delibera-
tion weeks ago he said he hoped
for a report to Congress "early in
September." The ri e x t session
opens only three weeks hence.
Will Decide Platform.
One commission member has said,
half jocularly, that the report may
consist of 11 different reports, but
from other sources has come the
statement that the entire group
may agree upon one platform and
not even a majority and minority
report be made necessary.
Japanese Songs, Legends, Play
Will be Presented.
Mr. and Mrs. Michtaro Ongawa
will appear at 8:30 o'clock tonight
in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre
in a program consisting of Japanese
songs and legends, and one com-
plete Japanese play in English.
The Ongawa players have appear-
ed in many of the prominent thea-
tres throughout the country and at
several of the leading colleges and
universitiles. They are probably the
only company in the world giving
Japanese plays in English.


Discovers Evidence of
Disregard of Elect
Laws' in Memphis.



Admirers of Governor
Hold Celebration
Next Week.;

k SNNU SEES , ep r d to' Stop
1 NEED FOR BETTER ____revenge
AViS ON ELECTI1N Kipke Now Able to Present Strongest Line-up;

(By Associated Press)
GREENVILLE, Ga., Nov. 7.-Gov.
Franklin D. Roosevelt has some-
thing more than cheers and hand-
clasps in store for him on his forth-
coming visit to the country in
which he waged the major portion
of his successful fight to regainj
health. The added tribute will be'
a Roosevelt-for-President club.
W. E. Irwin, state legislator-elect,
said today that Roosevelt admirers
expect to include every voter in
Meriwether county in the formalj
organization of a Roosevelt-for-
President club at the court house
here within a week or so.
Irwin said one membership list
distributed for the club already
contained 500 names and that an-
other list at the office of the coun-
ty ordinary had been signed by vir-
tually every voter in Greenville.
The entire county has followed
with keen interest the impressive
Roosevelt triumph in his campaign
for re-election. Wednesday at Warm
Springs a joyous crowd of patients,
many of whom have umproved so
much that they, like Mr. Roosevelt,
can drive their own cars, held an
automobile parade. Sleeping re-
strictions prevented a celebration
Tuesday night, but swimming in the
warm waters of the community's
pools, an important part of the
treatment, was cut short the fol-
lowi'ng day for a demonstration.

Dr. Getuaiit Vargas,I
Brazilian rebel leader, who has
been selected to head the newly es-
tablished provisional government.
TRAIN; GET $GO;ilflfl
Armed, Masked Men Seize Pay..
roll Consignment, Escape
in Automobile..
(By Associated Press)
OAKLAND, Calif., Nov. 7.-With
the dispatch of modern racketeer-
ing and some of the flare of the
old west, a band of outlaws held up
a Southern Pacific passenger train
near Noble today and escaped with
a loot estimated at $60,000 or more.
Passengers were not molested'
but werethrown into a panic when
a transformer on an adjoining
electric line blew out. Eye witness-
es agreed but one shot was fired by
the six or seven armed and masked
men. The escape was made in a
stolen motor car.
Authorities believed two men
boarded the train at Berkley as
Near Noble, seven miles from
here, an armed, masked man, who
had climed across coaches and ten-
der, jumped into the locomotive
cab, and in a thin, high calm voice
commanded the engineer and fire-
man to stop the engine.
Methodically the robbers entered
the baggage car, held up John Mc-
Clintock, baggageman, and took an
undetermined number of bags of
mail, including approximately $y5,-
000 consigned by the federal re-
serve bank in San Francisco to the
American Trust company bank at
Pittsburgh to be used in cashing
payroll checks for the Columbia
Steel Works Co.

Committee to Hear More Cases;
Heflin to Seek Probe j
in Alabama.-
(BY Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 7.-Tuesday's,
elections solved some of the prob-
lems of the Senate campaign funds
investigating committee, among
them Ruth Hanna McCormick, but
its chairman, Senator Nye said to-
day he had seen enough to con-
vince him that more stringent law;.
governing voting were needed.
In this connection he mentioned
Memphis, Tenn., as the "Philadel-
phia of the south." He said the
Democrats had a machine, perfect
in its mechanism, and that the Re-
publicans apparently existed large-
ly as a patronage organization.
Nye added voting in Memphis was
apparently "by custom" and that
evidence was found in many in-
stances of an utter disregard of,
election laws.
Might Change Laws.
He said he might propose legis-
lation at the next session to check
expenditure and eliminate corrup-
tion and added that a constitu-
tional amendment for this pur-
pose might be necessary.
The committee still has a num-
ber of odds and ends to be cleaned
up and several hearings are sched-
uled. Senator Heflin. of Alabama,I
has an engagement with Nye to-
morrow to reiterate his request for
an investigation into the Alabama
election. He ran as an independent
Democrat and was beaten by John
H. Bankhead, Democrat. Heflin
immediately charged "fraud and
Will Not Oppose Davis.
Nye said from present indications,
there would be no serious attempt
to bar any senator-elect because of
election expenditures or irregular-
ities. He said he personally felt
there was no reason to oppose the
seating of James J. Davis, senator-
elect from Pennsylvania. He added
that the committee would consider
the Pennsylvania contest and the
New Jersey election, where Dwight
W. Morrow won, some time after
Nov. 20.
Prior to that time the committee
will go into Illinois, Colorado and
Nebraska. Mrs. Ruth Hanna Mc-
Cormick, who told the committee!
that she spent more than a quarter
of a million dollars in the Illinois
primary, and afterwards attackec
committee methods w a s badly
beaten by James Hamilton Lewis,
Democrat. Nye refused to comment
on the Illinois result.

Injuries Worry Eastern
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov. 7-With the slogan "Beat Harvard"
on their lips, a large and determined band of Michigan rooters will
swoop down on the Crimson stadium this afternoon to see their
undefeated gridiron machine uphold the traditions of the West
against the old guard of football as personified by the Harvard eleven.
In the five games which the Wolverines and the Crimson have
played, the Cambridge squad has trotted off the field with the laurels
four times, but indications are that Michigan will make it four out
of six after today. After a disheartening 7-2 beating at the hands
of Dartmouth two weeks ago, and an even more discouraging 13-13
tie against William and Mary last week, morale on the Crimson
campus is at a decidedly low ebb, and predictions are few that the
home team will be able to hold the invaders to even a tie game.
On the other hand, Michigan is entering the game with a string
of unbroken wins over Purdue, Ohio State, and Illinois, a record
which stamps the Kipkemen as one of the strongest aggregations
------.___--------- __________ in the Mid-west. True, that the
AWolves have not piled up impres-
PitOA arvLINE-UPS sive scores against any of these
Michgan Larardig teams, but it is not Michigan's
H 'erL arding
Auer or style of football to count as many
Samuels LT Traford times as possible, but rather to
Cornwell LG Myerson get a safe lead, and then sit back
Morrson C Ticknor and protect it.
LaJuenesse RG Trainor Aided by Rest.
Draveling Rr Kales After a two-weeks' rest between
Williamson RS Ogden
Newman Q Huguley games, Coach Kipke will be able to
simraln L Crickard present his strongest line-up this
Wheeler RI Scherechewski afternoon. All of the mnen who
Hudson F3 Record were on the hospital list during the
_ __-Illinois game are in condition to
erners, and should give Michigan
show their wares' before tne east-
Tte strongest combination which it
has been able to put on the field all
season. Auer, Daniels, Cox, and
Simrall will all be able to get into
the game at any time today, and
while all of these men may not
President's Office Sends Out start, it is certain that they wiil
see action.
Invitations to Attend One Harvard man, George Talbot,
Minnesota Tilt. star guard, will not be in condition
to play as he suffered an injured
leg in practice Wednesday, while
MANY REPLIES RECEIVED reports have it that Barry Wood
.5 . sand Mays, both dangerous backs
More than 50 invitations to at- wvhn they are going are not at all
tcnd the Michigan-Minnesota foot- I sure of their places on the team.
ball game on Nov. 22, were sent WxJh Wood out of the game, the
yesterday from the office of the prospects of a passing dual between
e ohe and Newman are spoiled.
President of the University to the Rely on Passes.
state officers-elect, who were elect- With Wood in the game, the air
ed in the general election on Tues- would probably have been black
day. with passes, both teams relying on
their overhead attack to get the
moThistn2b is in ball into scoring territory, but with
than 2 invitations which the Crimson star relegated to the
were sent out to the officers of the bench Newman will have the upper
These were sent out two weeks ago. regions pretty much to himself. This
Replies have been received from should give Michigan a marked ad-
more than 150 of the invitations vantage, since it has been passes
that were sent out before the ele- which have been accountable for all
tion and it is expected that, when of our Conference victories so far
all the letters have been heard this year. Mays was a brilliant run-
from, 200 of the state officers will ner last season, but this year he has
attend the game. shown signs of slipping, and Coach
Horween has indicated that he will

Three Radios at Union
Will Receive Game
Three radios will be installed in


Crimson, After Winning, 3 to 0,
on Preceding Day, Fails
to Play Return Game.
Alumni' of the '80's today may re-
member Michigan's first clash with
the Crimson eleven in 1881 but it
is more likely that they will dig up
their stories about the great dis-
appointment of 1883.
On the day before the encounter
they met Yale, and because of a
newly-coined set of rules went down
to a bewildered defeat, letting the
now very old Eli pile up 46 points.
Meeting Harvard on the follow-
1i'nA r fully ,acc~1 utomer to the


the ball on her 25-yard line. Pretty-
man, the manager and quarterback in
called for the one trick play theni
extant, and started around end in
with Killilea, who composed his in-' th
terference, behind him as the rules e
then demanded. Harvard's safetyL
man was ready to tackle him, but
just as he dived, Prettyman tossed I
the ball jauntily to Killilea who
galloped merrily on for a touch-
down. Prettyman tangled with the c
opposing fullback, falling "down" d
in accordance with the plan. L
But the umpire insisted that the ni
ball was down where Prettyman fell 0

he Union today for the reception
f the play-by-play account of the
ichigan-Harvard game as it is

Will Give $500 for FinancingI


roadcast from the stadium in University Team's Trips. I Gov. Frecd W. Green expressed the
ambridge. wish to be present although he will
One of these sets will be placed University participation in inter- not be able to attend.
a the ballroom which will be occu- collegiate debating competition was - -
ied by the Catholic students' party. stimulated yesterday by the an- Su
he other two radios will be placed nouncement of the Oratorical asso- Pittsburgh Student
2 the halls on the third fioor oF, ciation to give definite financial A
he building. Chairs will be provid- support to the forensic activity here. Paraders Arrested
d. An amount of $500, with the possi-.
bility of additional sums will be giv- in Riot With Police
.awyers' Club Holds ' en by the association to send the'
University teams on trips to other (B, Associated Pres:)
Informal Fall Dance schools, and to bring leading uni- Ii
versity trios here, Lawrence Hart- PITTSUPGH, Nov. 7. - Thirty-
Under direction of the d a n c e wig, '31, president, stated. seven students of the University of
onmmittee, the annual informal fall The financial support to be given Pittsburgh were arrested today as
ance was held last night at the debating is part of a plan, evolved a result of clashes with police dur-
awyers' club. The music was fur- by the association board and the ing a demonstration incident to the
ished ,by Governor Welch and his department of speech to permit a Pitt-Carnegie Tech football game
rchestra from Jackson. larger number of debates between tomorrow.

Wilbur M. Brucker, governor-I
elect, is expected to be in Ann Ar--
bor for the game and acceptances
have been received from Frank E.
McKay, state treasurer; Grover C.
Dilman, state highway commis-
sioner; Chief Justice North, of the
state supreme court; and a large
number of the state representatives,
and senators.


not start him in the all-important
intersectional battle.
With the eyes of the nation upon
this game, Michigan will reverse
the predictions of last year by going
into the fray favored. A year ago
Harvard invaded the West with a
strong team, while Michigan was
considered weak, but then the
Wolves turned the tables and sent
the Crimson home wigh a rankling
14-12 defeat. This year Michigan is
the favorite but Harvard is intent
on vindicating itself for a poor sea-
son and also for the loss which they
suffered last year. This is a bad
combination, and should have the
home team in a fighting mood pre-
pared to do its best.
Bridge Player Draws
Hand of 13 Diamonds
Thirteen cards of one suit, the
dream of every bridge addict, were
drawn last night in a bridge game
by Walter S. Bell, '33Ed, playing at
his fraternity house. Bell in defi-


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