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November 07, 1930 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1930-11-07

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State Rejects Detroit
Contest; Governor
Hits Michigan.
Declines to Go Before
Board Again After
'Cold' Greeting.
(By Associard Press
EAST LANSING, Nov. 6.-Michi-
gan State college officials today
turned down the proposal of Gov.
Fred W. Green that their football
team joust for charity in its annual
battle with the University of De-
The dec2sion brought foth the
fact that the governor did not ap-
prove the action of the Board in
Control of Athletics of the Univer-
sity of Michigan in turning thumbs
down on the U. of D.-Michigan post-
season game while at the same time
offering to give its rezeipts from
the Chicago game, a "natural" of
long years standing, to the unem-
ployed. University of Chicago also
has offered to turn over part of its
receipts to the cause.
Informed of Action.
"At least I have been informed of
their action," the governor said of
State's decision. He said he never
had received any official notice from
University officials that they .had
turned diown a proposal for a post-
season game. The statement issued
to the press by the Michigan board
last week explained that the Uni,
versity could not sanction a post-
season game because it was a mem-
ber of the Western conference,+
which allows football games on only
eight days during the fall, and al-
lows none after the Saturday before
The Conference already had re-
fused Northwestern university's re-
quest that its game with Notre
Dame be transferred to Soldier's
Field in Chicago on the grounds,
that other requests to set aside
rules probably would follow such
favorable action.
Gets Cold Reception.
Digressing from the decision of
Michigan State authorities the gov-~
ernor said he would never agaifn go
before the Wolverine athletic board
in view of "my reception Saturday."
"When I walked into that meet-
ing it was so cold that flies would
have dropped off the wall and you
canl quote me as saying so," the
governor said.'
State College athletic council and
the faculty today decided that the
DetrolIt game be played as original-
ly scheduled on November 22.
Noted English Essayist to be
on Oratorical Program.


MImE BLAST TOLL Parties Deadlock
SET Sin House as TwE



A large crowd gathered at the shaft of the No. 6 mine of the Sunday Creek Coal company at Millfield,
Ohio, after a terrific explosion there Wednesday night, and pI cc regulation became necessary. The blast was
followed by a fire. Of the 79 men who were killed by the explosion, seven were officers of the company.

Seven on Death List of Sunday
Creek Shaft Explosion
Ate Officials.
Ohio, Federaz Mine Experts
View Ruins; Postpone Search-
ing of "West 8" Tunnel.
("'v AssocfWedr'ess)
MILL TIELD, O., Nov. 6.-The in-
'abitants of this little mining vil-
age, who were spared in the ex-
Alosion at the Sunday Creek Coal
cmpany's No. 6 mine, resumed
their normal ways tonight although
:till stupified by yesterday's disas-
ter. The explosion killed 79 per-
sons, including seven officials of
the Sunday Creek company, and
injured 20 others who are in hos-
pitals. Some of the injured are ex-
pected to die.
There was a possibility, officials
said, that other bodies were still in
the mine and might never be re-
covered. It was feared several,
others may have blown to pieces
by the explosion in the shaft or
buried by falling walls and ceilings.
To Investigate Tunnel.
State and federal investigations
were under way but actual search
of the ruined "West 8" tunnel for
the scene and cause of the explo-
sion will not be undertaken until
tomorrow. J. J. Forbes, director of
the United States Bureau of Mines
at Pittsburgh, will be in charge. He
will be assisted by W. E. Smith,
chief of the Ohio Bureau of Mines.
Rescue work continued through-
out last night and the last of the
79 bodies had been removed before
noon today.
The bodies of 70 dead miners lay
in the company's store here until

Expect More Than 300 Present
at National Michigan


Districts Are uut
Farmer-Labor Members of Both Houses May
Wield Balance of Power; Chairmen
Each Claim to Have Control
(B yAssocated Press)
Final returns for the Senate in Tuesday's elections gave the
Republicans a plurality of one and probable control of the organiza-
tio n.
Democrats and Republicans were deadlocked in the nip and tuck
battle for the House. With two districts still doubtful, each had 216
members with 218 necessary for a majority.
Representative Vestal, Indiana, Republican whip, was leading
by three votes in one of these doubtful districts and Representative
Yates, Republican member-at-large from Illinois, was just ahead of
a Democrat in the other.
Line-up Close.
It was still possible for an even division which would leave the
balance of power in the House with the lone Farmer-Labor member,
Kvale, of Minnesota.



More than 300 alumni of the
University from all parts of the;
country will meet at the Hotel
Sumnerset in Boston tonight to at-
tend the national Michigan alumni
dinner held in honor of the Var-
sity football team which will meet
Harvard Saturday, at Soldier's
field, Cambridge.
Following the dinner such cele- I
brities as Governor Allen of Massa-
chusetts, Justice Robert Thompson,
associate justice of the supremel
court of New York state, and Wil-
liam Curringham, former a11-
American football player at Dart-
mouth and now Boston's leading
sports writer, will speak to the
alumni, S. A. Estes. of the Univer-
sity of Michigan club of New Eng-
land, has announced.
President Alexander G. Ruthven
and Fielding H. Yost, director of
athletics, will represent the Univer-
Two special trains left yesterday
afternoon from the Michigan Cen-
tral stations here and at Detroit
carrying the varsity squad, alumni,
band, cheerleaders, and student
rooters to Boston to attend the
game and the alumni dinner.
The band and cheerleaders will
attend the banquet to assist in
furnishing music and noise during
the program following the dinner.
A special quartet of undergraduates

Congratulations are due the
near 4,000 students who assem-
bled yeserday afternoon to
send off the Michigan football
team as it left for Harvard. The
demonstration was the great-
est given a Wolverine squad in
at le3st 15 years, residents of
Ann Arbor stated after witness-
ing the outdoor pep-meeting
fand paradle.
The Maize and Biue grididrrs,,
as a consequence, will invade
Cambridge far more determined a
to win. As their coach said
while speaking before the crowd,
the demonstration will probab-
ly add another touchdown to
the Michigan score against the
The support given the Wol-
verines proved that the real,
fighting Michigan spirit is as
much alive today as at any time
in the history of the University.
No one can now say that the
students of the present genera-
tion can not keep afire the
Michigan traditions.
But, even with its loyalty so
strongly expressed the studeit
body should not let up in it
support. The boys who wear the
Maize and Blue, who battle for
the honor of these colors in
athletic contests should be sup-
ported to the full degree what-
ever the circumstances. Win or
lose, so long as they represent
Michigan they should have stu-
dent support.
When the Wolverines return
from Cambridge Sunday after-
noon an equaly spirited ovation
should be given them. Sacri-
fice a few minutes for the glory
of Michigan; the football men
have given hours of their time.
Meet the team when it comes
back from Harvard !'
The Daily.
Alexander Brailowsky, the dis-
tinguished Russian pianist who is
now on his sixth tour of the United
States, will present the third con-
cert- of the Choral Union series at
8:15 o'clock tneight in Hill audi-
Brailowsky's early musical train-
ing was received under the direc-
tion of his father, who ran a music
shop and also gave music lessons
in the town of Kiev, Russia.
Wealthy relativcs soon became in-
terested in the boy, and he was sent
to Vienna, where he took lessons
under Leschetizky.
During the World war Brailow-
sky and his family livcd in Switzer-
land where they resided until after
the armistice. They then moved to
Paris, where he made his first stage
appearance which was soon fol-

Ruthven, Kipke, Simrall Speak
at Pep Meeting; Band Leads
March to&-Station.-
Michigan's Harvard-bound grid-
ders received the most rousing send-
off in years when more than 4000
students gathered yesterday after-
noon in front of Angell hall. The
R.O.T.C. band lead the demonstra-

Graham McNamee, popular
radio annouincer, will broadcast
the Michigan-Harvard football
game, Saturday, over the Na-
tional Broadcasting Chain con-
sisting of Stations WJZ, WHAM,
KWK, and WRC.
An independent station, WEAN,
will also broadcast the game.
Roll's Wild Oat' to be Given
Thursday Night at Lydia
Mendelssohn Theater.

President Alexander G. Ruthven, prepared for burial and claimed
Iby their families. They were then
Coach Harry Kipke and J. Harrison turned over to relatives for private
"Ducky" Simrall, '31, captain of the I burial and these solemn, pathetic
team, delivered short speeches be- rituals will be recited many times
fore the crowd of students. The tomorrow.
players were then escorted to the Body Unidentified.
Michigan Central station by the Identification was complete this
afternoon except for one body, the
band and rooters. Red Cross announced.




In his speech, President Ruthven
stated that he was attending an
out-of-town game for the first time
since he stopped playing football
"While I hope that the best team
may win," he said, "I would prefer
to see Michigan win whether her
team is better or not."
Coach Kipke said that the team
was in prime condit on and would
fight to the last minute to bring
back an unblemished record. In ad-
dition lie stated that "the enthusi-
asm and the size of the send-off

Members of an inspection party
which was approaching a recently
constructed air shaft a mile and a
half from the main entrance were
killed instantly by the explosion.
They included W. E. Tytus, presi-
dent, and P. A. Coen, vice-presi-
dent of the company, both of
Columbus, and representatives of
other mining companies. Their
bodies were sent home for burial.
Hawks Makes. Record
1;n New York-Cuba HO ,

Play Production. of the depart-
ment of speech, will open its win-
ter season Thursday night, Nov. 13,
with the presentation of "Rollo's
Wild Oat" in the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn theatre. Performances will
be given on Friday and Saturday
"Rollo's Wild Oat," written by
Clare Kummer, is "an uproarious
farcical comedy," according to a
statement made by Valentine B.
Windt, director of Play Production,
who yesterday announced the first
attraction on the department's
schedule. The play is the story of
a young man, recently come into
money, who has theatrical ambi-
tions to present "Hamlet" in a new
way, but must combat the practi-
cal ideas of his wealthy grand-
father, Windt explained.
This comedy, with 12 persons in
the cast, was first presented at the
Punch and Judy theatre, New York
city, a few years ago and achieved
success. Roland Young appeared
in the original company as Rollo
Webster. He has also been starred
in "The Beggar on Horseback" and
the picture, "Madam Satan." Others
included in the original cast were
Lotus Robb, J. M. Kerrigan, and
Marjorie Kummer.
Clare Kummer, the author, is a
playwright of much note. She is
also the author of "Successful =Cal-

The line-up ibn the Senate also
was so close that it was entirely
possible that the lone Farmer-Labor
member, Shipstead, of Minnesota,
might hold the decisions on organ-
ization there.
Re-election of Senator Schall, Re-
publican, Minnesota, and the defeat
of Senator Robinson, Republican in
Kentucky by M. M. Logan, Demo-
erat, ended the Senate contest. The
make-up of the next Senate stands:
Republicans, 48; Democrats, 47;
Farmer-Labor, 1.
This is the same division of par-
ties as prevailed in 1926, and then
Senator Shipstead voted with the
Republicans who 'retained control.
Leaders Claim House.
Leaders of both parties continu-
ed to claim the House as final re-
turns constantly kept shifting the
standing. Democrats neared their
goal by recapturing the five dis-
tricts in Kentucky which they lost
in the Hoover landslide and pick-
ing up a new one, that represented
by Mrs. Langley, Republican. She
was the only one of the women
candidates to go to defeat.
Senator Watson, of Indiana, the
Republican leader, returned to the
capital Thursday night, but he a-
waited conferences and recount be-
fore claiming control of the next
Jouett Shouse, chairman of the
Democratic national executive com-
mittee, insisted the Democrats
would organize the next House but
Republican chieftans disputed the
contention while awaiting final re-
Marion Hardy's Alabamians Will
Furnish Music for Ball,
Approximately 250 couples will
dance to the music of Marion
Hardy and his Alabamians, Colum-
bia Recording orchestra, tonight
from 9 until 2 o'clock at the formal
ball sponsored by the Union.
Eleven colored musicians com-
prise the band. The program which
has been specially prepared will in-
clude a number of Negro spirituals
in addition to a variety of trio
Late permission, lasting until
2:30 o'clock, has been granted
women attending the affair by the
Senate Committee on Student
Affairs. The grand march, led by
George Nichols, '32, chairman of
the dance committee of the Union
and his escort Harriet Kyson, '34,
will begin at 11 o'clock.
Return of Injured
Aids Harvard Hopes
(By Associated Press)
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov. 6.-
Harvard's chances against Mich-
igan looked brighter today when
the report that four of the in-
jured Crimson players probably


crowd will add another touchdown ,
to Michigan's score against the (By Associaled Press)
Crimson." HAVANA, Nov. 6.-Nine hours
and two minutes after leaving the
FRENCH SCHOLAR suburbs of New York this morning,
Capt. Frank M. Hawkes tonight set
TO SPEAK TONIG T his mystery monoplane "13" down
--1in the semi-darkness of Curtis air-

will lead the old and new songs of!
G. K. Chesterton, brilliant English the University.
essayist, dramatist, and philosopher On the special trains were alum-
will appear on the Oratorical Asso- ni delegations from Chicago, In-
ciation's lecture seriesate8 o'clock dianapolis, Battle Creek, Grand
Saturday, Nov. 15, stated Henry dRaapis, BatCtylamazook,Gand
Moser, of the Rapids, Bay City, Kalamazoo, and
speech depart- Alumni rotcities.r t
ment, last night Alumni rooters at the game will
Arrangement for probably number more than 8,000,
R r. Chesterton's the largest number of graduates
ap earance w a to attend a Michigan game in the
made last night East, T. Hawley Tapping stated
with his manager yesterday morning.
who stated that ..Alumni headquarters will be lo-
the date set would cated at the Bellevue hotel in Bos-
be the only time ton during the week-end.
a n appearance E n
;ould be arranged. City Engineers Spend
In speaking ofOver $2,000 in Dctober
the date of Mr. Oc
Chesterton's a p-
earance M o s e r a K, cRaRTOR Net expenditures of the city en-
said, "We believe gineering department for October
that all of the patrons of the series was $2,172.92, it was reported by
will be able to attend, as the hour the department yesterday.
of the lecture will in no way inter- Of this amount, $1,192.66 was
fere with the celebrations of the spent for labor, the report shows.
-_ - - r a. n - n ni hne Although exnenditures totalled $2.-

Etienne Gilson, professor of med-
ieval philosophy at the University
of Paris, will lecture at 4:15 o'clock
this afternoon in Natural Science,
auditorium on "The Eighteenth
Century Oxford School."
Gilson visited the United States
in 1926 as one of the official French
delegates to the sixth international
congress of philosophy. Since then
he has come to this country three
months each year to conduct the
medieval philosophy studies at Har-
vard university.

port with a new record for an air-
plane flight from the American
metropolis to the Cuban capital.
Captain Hawkes left Curtis field,
at 8:50 o'clock this morning and'
landed here at 6:11 tonight. He
lost 43 minutes en route, stopping
23 minutes at Jacksonville and 20
at Miami this afternoon:


Results of Research Show That

In 1929 he accepted a position as Cold is Transmitted by
director of philosophical studies at j
St. Michael's college of the Univer- ny Vrus.
sity of Toronto. This position bringsss
(6v A socrated /ress)
him to America each fall. BALTIMORE, Nov. 6.-The com-
Gilson has made valuable contri- mon cold, research of more than
butions to knowledge of the influ- two years by a corps of specialists
ence of medieval thought on mod- at the Johns Hopkins medical school
rn science. H is the author of a I has established, is transmitted by a

Perrin H. Long, now of the Johns
Hopkins faculty.
The finding is the first definite
announcement to come out of the
research, supported by the $195,000
John J. Able fund established early
in 1928 by the Chemical Founda-
tion, Inc. It is made in the current
issue of the proceedings of the so-
ciety for experimental biology and


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