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November 06, 1930 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-11-06

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
WVAI&T'", ==A
Im, --- P= Now

IN -IBST [LIC ION Formal ,afternoo
a special place in
They are the typ
Jordan Names Anne Davenport commonly adverti
day Night Dress"
President; Mosher Chooses larly well adapted
Mar bret Mix. ternity parties an

Hapgood, '31.

Yuletide Festivities
Planned at Meeting
of Girls' Glee Club
About 45 women have been added

Students Specialize in Courses
Relating to Life Work.

on clothes receive to the membership role of the Uni-1
this year's mode. ( versity Girls' Glee club. The first
e of frock that i's business meeting of the club was
ised as the "*Sun- held last night in the League build-
and are particu- ing, the tea which was given last
for informal fra- week for new members having

d dancing at the'


Six Vice-Presidents
Classes; Corridor


Assist Committee.
Residents of Mosher-Jordan hallI
yesterday elected the first group of
officers to represent their organiza-
tion. Anne Davenport, '31, was elect-
ed president of Mosher hall, and
Margaret Mix, '31, will hold that
office in Jordan hall.+
Other officers elected for Jordan
hall are Esther Emery, '32, first vice
president; Polly Walker, '33, second
vice-president; and Olive Dawes,
'34, third vice-president.I
Anna Lyle Spain, '32, was elected
vice-president in Mosher hall. The
sophomore class president has not
yet been elected. Nolda McCamley,
'34, is the third vice-president of
Mosher hall.
Each hall has its own separate
governing body and class officers.
The presi'dent of the senior class in
each hall becomes the president of
that group. The Junior class presi-
dent becomes the first vice-presi-
dent of her hall, the sophomore
class president the second vice-
president, and the freshman class
president the third vice-president.
Name Corridor Representatives.
The House Committee is made up
of representatives from each corri-
dor and the four- class presidents
from each hall. There are 11 corri-
cor representatives from Jordan
hall and 10 from Mosher hall. They
are Agnes Wilson, Mildred Postal,
Frieda Boersig, Nolda McCamly, Jo-K
sephine Talbot, Florence Tower,
Stephanie Kroff, Helen Bailey; Haz-
el Dickenson, and Lois Benson from'
Mosher hall.
Those from Jordan hall are Mal-
wina Lemmle, Mary White, Marion
Cudworth, Elsa Lange, Betty Os-
good, Amy Bruggeman; Eunice Kra-
mer, Margaret Kendrick, M a r y#
Louise Mandrea, Marion Taylor, and
Laura Bertram.
The'advisory committee is made
up of the six directors and the
four class presidents from each hall.
The delegates to the League board
of representatives are the four class
presidents and a representative
from the graduate section. House
meetings are held once a month,
and council meetings once a week.
Have Six Standing Committees.
Six standing committees are ap-
pointed by the house committee.
The chairmen of these committees
in Mosher hall are Margaret Fead,
Grad., chairman of the scholarship
committee; Dorothy Teft, '32, social
committee; Ruth Barnard, '33,,
health committee; Pearl Lockhart,
'31, library committee, Edna Houck,
'33, music committee; and Rose-
lynne Caley, '32, athletic committee.
The Jordan hall committees are
headed by Evelyn Lehman, '33,
chailrman of the social committee;
Mary LaBour, '32, chairman of the
music committee, and Glendora
Gosling, '34, who is in charge of the
athletic committee.

League or Union. Decidedly they
are not to be worn in the daytime
except for very formal teas or re-
These dresses are as a rule long,
varying from eight inches from the
floor to ankle length. Although un-
even hemlines are again being
sponsored by several reputable Paris
houses, very few really smart wom-
en are accepting them. Materials
are varied; velvet being perhaps the
most popular. Transparent velvet
is so lovely that in spite of its per-
ishibility it retains popularity. Tne
heavier pile velvet is newer and
especially well adapted to period in-
spired dresses, and is in keeping
with their feeling of dignity.
L a m e and metal brocades are
suitable, particularly for t u n i c s.
These are often in much lighter
colors than have been worn previ-
ous seasons. Satin has staged a
come-back despite the fact that this
was predicted to be a sombre year
of dull fabrics and dark c o 10 r s.
Crepes of all kinds, (triple georgette
is new) and laces have kept their
popularity. Lingerie touches, lace
and fur are the usual trimming.
The dress illustrated, designed by
Patou, is of black chiffon velvet
with sh';red puff sleeves and tight
cuffs. Cream colored chiffon, lace
encrusted, softens the neck line. An-
other novel frock of black canton
crepe, strongly reflects the Eliza-
bethari influence in its pleated col-
lar which stands up at the back of
the neck in a characteristic ruff,
and in the puffed and slashed over
university opened this year with an
enrollment of 24 students.

been purely social. s
Plans are already under way for
the Christmas program which will
be in the form of a service; it is
hoped that the service will replace
the concert that is usually given
and will become traditional. It will
probably take place the last Wed-
nesday before Christmas vacation
and will be in conjunction with the
Men's Glee club of the University
and the band.
The Freshman Girls' Glee club is
to be directed by Helen Gould and
will probably meet for the first
time next week. Tryouts were held
yesterday at the School of Music.
Women Urged to Offer
Original Contributions
for Mimes Production
Material for the all-campus re-
vue to be presented by Mimes the
week of December 7, must be
handed in at the Union desk not
later than Saturday afternoon, ac-
cording to an announcement made
by James Yant, '31M, president of
the organization.
"Music and lyrics, skits and dia-
logues, costume and scenery de-
signing are all needed," stated Mr.
Yant. "In urging women to submit
contributions we want to stress the
fact that the production is to be
strictly an all-student affair, and
that the co-operation of everyone
is needed."

More Uniform Penalty System
for Lateness Presented
to House Presidents.
House organizations committee of
the League have submitted a set of
tentative penalties for lateness to
all house presidents. Though the
board of representatives is merely a
legislative body, it was felt, a more
uni'form system of penalties should
be at least suggested, though they1
need not be adopted, Albertina Mas-
len, '31, chairman of house organ-
izations said.
If any house has no regular rules
regarding latenesses, or wishes to
change to a uniform system, theys
may employ this plan. The follow-
ing system was suggested at the last
board of representatives meeting,
and house presidents were asked to
decide whether to use this system
or their old one.
After three latenesses not exceed-
ing five minutes each, one night
must be given up the following
week-end. The same night next
week will be forfeited for any late-
ness over five and not exceeding
fifteen minutes. Anyone who is over
fifteen minutes late mustgive up
the following Friday or Saturday
night. After three occurrences of
penalties suffered by any one wom-
an, she will be dealt with by a
committee in her house. If penal-
ties occur four times the case will
be referred to the judiciary council
of the League.
Houses that do not adopt this
sytem musU submit a written report
of the system they do follow to the

"Women naturally are most pro-
ficient in the subjects they are most
interested," said Dr. F. G. Novy,,
director of the hygienic laboratory
of the Medical school. "Generally,
women specialize in obsetrics, child
diseases, women's diseases, and sim-
ilar work pertaining to women and
children," he continued.
"Laboratory work also finds a
place in women's studies. They usu-
ally follow in school the sort of
work they intend to do when they
have~ graduated. This consists of
pos.oins in health departments of
schools and colleges, laboratory and
clinical work, and as health ad-
visors. Some women follow general
practice work. A small number
specialize in surgery, but due to
the great amount of preparation
this number is greatly limited."
Dances at League Will
Feature Tap-Dancer,
Quartet This Week-end
Specialty numbers, including a
tap dancer and the "Midnight
Suns" quartet, well known radio
artists, will be feateured at the
League dances Friday and Satur-
day night of this week. Tom Rob-
erts, of Chicago, will tap dance in
accompaniment to the orchestra
during the dancing.
judiciary council, who will keep it
on file. When latesnesses occur they
will know what action is being tak-
The house organizations commit-
tee is working directly with all
houses on campus and will consider
any suggestions made and answer
questions houses have to put con-
cerning house rules.

Jordan Defeats Gamma Phi Beta
by Open Field Playing;
Kappa Delta Wins.
Jordan Hall and Chi Omega were
the victors in the first set of hockey
games played yesterday afternoon.
Gamma Phi Beta lost to Jordan 5 to
0 in a slow game. Jordan, however,
displayed some good open field
Chi Omega beat Mosher Hall 2 to
1 in an evenly contested game. Good
pasing was shown by Chi Omega,
and her rally at the end of the
second half accounted for her vic-
In the second set of hockey games
played, Kappa Delta conquered Pi
Beta Phi' 1-0. The two teams were
evenly matched, and Kappa Delta
did not score her goal until almost
the last minute of play.
Alpha Xi Delta lost to Kappa
Kappa Gamma in a game that was
marked by Kappa's good teamwork
and excellent passing. The final
score was 7-2.
Alpha Phi won its game from Al-
pha Omicron Pi by the score of 1-0.
This game was close, and was a
hard fought battle to the end.
The junior are to play the sopho-
mores, and the freshman majors
are to play the freshman academics
in the inter-class hockey games
scheduled for tomorrow.

Women Attend Dancing Classes
at Barbour Gymnasium.
More than 40 junior women came
out for the first practice class in
dancing for the Junior Girls' Play
which was held Tuesday afternoon
in Barbour gymnasium. Today
classes will meet for the second
time, and all women who expect to
join should report.
The first class meets from 3:30
'to 4:30 o'clock, and. the second
from 4:30 to 5:30 o'clock. This is
for the convenience of women who
have late classes. Women are re-
quested to wear bathing suits, or
gym clothes, and flat heeled shoes.

are now being sold

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Phone 2-1212


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Jacobson s
Special planning, successful in result, bring smart coats at special
low prices.
Every mode, is individualized, by a certain dash and originalit}
of design. This event coming as it does at the thres-
hold of a long, cold winter, is certain of a spon-
taneous response.
If you have a coat buying to do, it will be
to your advantage to purchase here




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Made on the Head at $5.00


Sunday Night,
Need not be expensive if
you select it at the
College Shop
Smart girls are enthusiastic about a new
chapter in fashion history ... the Sun-
day Night Dress. Romantic swirling skirts
. . rich flattering fabrics . . . subtle
touches of trimming . .. one doesn't won-
der at the vogue! This night fashion need

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State Street




A special offering of fine felts that
formerly sold as high as six fifty. The
best colors of the Fall season in both
small and large head sizes.


not be expensive,
the College Shop.

either, if you select at

Extra Special
Sport and Utility Coats

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Il I Collese Shot

Fur Coats
$ C'



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