THURSDAY. NOVEMBER S. 1930 lrT4F- MIC-141CAN DAILY .- xA NV1Tiff1 1A 1 r-L 1 TC. t1 \3t11 nATT.[ . L ARKET {ECLIES AS U CERTAINTIES NEW YORK JOBLESS DEMONSTRATE; OFFER TO WORK FOR $1 PER WEEK IEADS COMMITTEE E x L Ak 2, 1 MARANGING DANCE OF NORTH AMERICA ( 1 Election Results Considered Contributary Factor in Stock Slump. as EASTMAN KODAK DROPS Sevcral Leading Shares Show Losses of $1 to $5 in Tradings. (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, Nov. 5.- The stock market turned emphatically down- ward by the end of the first half hour of trading after showing an uncertain tone, in the initial trans- actlons yesterday afternoon. A drop of $10 in Eastman Kodak was an unsettling development and n. long list of leading shares de- clined $1 to $3. The importance of the election results as a market fac- tor were difficult to determine, ow- ing to the unsettled market condi- tions for some time prevPously. Weakness in Eastman had been a notable development last week. Reflects Lack of Support. The heaviness of the market re- flected lack' of support rather than large scale liquidation. Trading was in light volume, the first half hour sales aggregating o n 1 y 2 6 0, 1 0 0 shares. The victory of candidates favor- ing more stringent control of pub- lic utilities in the New York and Pennsylvania gubernatorial elec- tions may have been a factor in the heaviness of utility shares, which grew more pronounced as trading progressed.. High Priced Issues Break. The heaviness of high priced is- sues such as Eastman encouraged the belief in some brokerage quar- ters that bears had resumed activ- ity, taking advantage of the un- certainty injected by the apparent even balance of power in the next congress. Coca Cola and Allied Chemical both bear targets of late, were de- pressed about $3 and $4 a share. .Du Pont was sent down $3 to a new low. Shares losing $1 to $2 included U. S. Steel, American Telephone, American Can, General Electric, Bethlehem Steel and Standard of N. J. Comment on Library Secrets of Prehistoric Tribes Locked in Unexplored Caves of Arizona. TRIBE OF BASKETMAKERSI (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, Nov. 5.-There still are regions of the North American continent virtually unknown to white men. In them are locked the secrets of their prehistoric exist- ence. One of the most wildly pic- turesque of these regions lies in Northeastern Arizona, and there; 3,000 years and more ago, dwelt the basketmakers, a primitive peo- ple antedating the cliff-dwellers, says the New York Times. It was with the object of learn- ing what he could about the cul- ture of these earliest abor igines, whose unusual artistry gave them their name, that Charles L. Bren- heimer led his eighth expedition, under the auspices of the Ameri- can Museum of Natural History, toI that part of Arizona lying between= Mt. Carrizo and the LukaichukaiI Range. The caves are shallow and long, their seered and lined walls stretch- ing 200 to 800 feet from end to end. The shelves, over which their vaul- ted domes hang like protruding brows, rarely extend more than 60 nr 7n HIf it + i A iiiU i irln. Italian Club Elects Officers for Coming Year;]Plans Socials Officers of Circulo Italiano for the 'oming year were elected at the' first meeting of the club held at 1:15 yesterday afternoon in the women's league. Edward C. Ciocca, 32, was chosen president, Marie Beyne, '32, secretary, and Teresa tomani, '33, treasurer. Dr. C. P. Merlino, faculty advisor of the or- ganization, presided at the meeting. It was decided to hold meetings nmce monthly at the women's eague. Dr. Merlino stated that the lub would include in its program for the year Italhan "sings," infor- .nal teas for the purpose of develop- ing ease in speaking Italian and ectures by the faculty of the Italian -partmr~ent and men in other fields .nterested and informed on Italian 'ustom, art, literature, and music. Police School Planned I by London Authorities (Fly Associated Press) LONDON, Nov. 5.-Working along lines developed at some American universities offering c o u r s e s in crime detection, authorities here are considering plans for a police school. The movement, pioneered by Au- gust Vollmer, former chief of police at Berkeley, Calif., is bearing fruit ijn efforts to induce the highest type of men to take up British po- lice duties. Ideas originally advanced by Bert Massee, who served as the foreman of the coroner's jury which investi- gated the St. Valentine's Day mas- sacre of seven gangsters in Chicago last year, are to be developed here. Man Hit; Drivers Stage 'GsonAponepct HAS Dr. Vrgas Sees End of Party When Work Proposed is Accomplished. George F. Nichols, '32, Chsirman of the dance committee of the Union, who will lead the grand march Friday night at the Union formal in the ballroom of the building. This is the first dance of this type to be sponsored by the organization. Germanic Language and Culture Club Has First Meeting Associated Press Photoj Bearing signs announcing their occupations and that they were willing to work for a dollar a week and food and lodging, these unem- ployed New Yorkers, headed by Mr. Zero, a social worker, paraded through the Broadway sectilon in search of jobs. ANN ARBOR NBWS-BRIEFS II - r or u eet into thne mountain side. - Mummies, skeletons, tools and implements used in the primitive A new club, oganized for the industries of the aborigines were purpose of fostering general use of uncovered by the twentieth cen- the German language and a great- tury diggers. The skeletal remains ter interest in German culture, met indicate that these hunter-no- for the first time Tuesday night in mads were a large and virle peo- ple. One of the finest mummy spe- the League buildmg. cimens found was that of a woman More than 40 advanced German nearly six feet tall. Her legs were students were present at the initial drawn close to her body, a custom meeting of the club which will be peculiar to this people to econo- known as the Deutscher Verein. mize in space and labor when bury- Business was transacted informally. ing the dead. Near her lay the A similar organization was in exist- skin of a mountain sheep, used to ence before the World war but it protect her against earth and ele- was discontinued at that time and ments. Around her neck was an since then there has been no at- impressive chain of 30 olivella tc;.nft to re-establmsh one. shells indicating that she must IPlans for uthenext meeting of the have been a chieftain's wife. club were outlined. A member of While.the mummy of the woman the German faculty is to speak and has come across the continent to a German "sing" is to be conducted. take up its abode in the Museum Meetngs will betheld onevery other of Natural History, another one re- Tuesday night.epatrice Levine, 31, mains in its age-old resting lace. was chosen temporary chairman of Drive Will Last Until Full Amount Is Raised Dr. Harley A. Haynes, director of the University Hospital, and in charge of the Community Fund drive, said yesterday the drive would continue indefinitely until the entire amount of $62,000 has been raised. At the third progress luncheon held yesterday noon in the Cham- ber of Commerce building, Dr. Haynes said that without the amount the Fund would not be able to continue its full amount of work. ooks ringsForth For this reason, he added, the driveI .ringswould continue until the full budget a Flow of Statistics has been pledged. %4 AL AL%,f V T '%. A6 b.0 W W- Following yesterday's feature\ story, in the Daily concerning thel unusual number of library books at the University, Dr. Frank E. Rob- bins, assistant to the President,. started figuring things out with his pencil and paper and came to a most peculiar conclusion. "If you knew all the languages these books are written in, and could manage one a day-which would be difficult when you got to the Encyclopedia Britannica, or to Migne's Patrologia Graeca," said Dr. Robbins, "it would take you about 2125 years to read them all." Then, not content with such a mathematical prediction, Dr. Rob- bins went on. "And furthermore," he s a i d, "Marcus Porcius Cato, who was something of a student, would just about be finishing the job if he had started in the year of his con- sulship, 195 B. C., and kept at it, with the good old "Delenda est Oarthago" s p i r i t. Methuselah couldn't have done quite half of it in his 969 years." If these books were all uniform size, comparable to a nice, comfor- table average- novel-which they aren't at all-they would make a pile one hundred feet high on a fourteen and a half foot square, base. i An active clean-up campaign has been mapped out by campaign officials, and workers will set out on revised schedules today. Another progress luncheon will be held next Tuesday, campaign officials announced. Bach School Children to Present Exhibition A showing of more than 150 re- productions of works of master artists will be on display at the Bach school tonight and tomorrow night. The exhibit will open at 7:30 o'clock. Bach school children have also prepared a number of living picture' settings which will be presented during the evening. The display will be open to the public from 8:30 o'clock in the morning until 4 o'clock for the benefit of the public. Grocer, Bandit Victim, 'Resting Comfortably' Alphonse Lemble, 47, who was shot Monday night by bandits in his grocery store at 530 Forest avenue, was said by physicians yesterday at St. Joseph's hospital to be "resting comfortably." He is still weak from loss of blood: X-ray examinations have failed to discloseany tracesofbullets lodged in his arm and chest where the shots penetrated his body. No clues as to the identity of the bandits, who, after robbing Lemble of $50, fired three shots at the grocer in making their escape, have. been uncovered by police. A Negro employee of a fraternity house near where the store is locat- ed, and who was in the grocery at the time of the hold-up, could not furnish any clues or assist the offi- cers in the investigation. Aecomplishment Seen in Bond Issue Victory' Passage of the proposed $350,000 bond issue for construction of four' miles of sanitary sewer was seen yesterday by city officials as the first step toward eliminating the dis- posal of sewage into the Huron riv- er. The outlet for waste, however, I will for the present be the Huron river, but city engineers are plan- ning to connect the sewer with a disposal plant as soon as construc- tion has been started. Complete election returns show that all seven wards in the city favored the bond issue, with the heaviest count being tallied in the second precinct of the second ward. A total of 4,264 voted for the issue and 1,995 against the measure. At a special election held in Septem- ber, in which the issue was defeat- ed, the vote was 2,527 for and 2,042, b t i J It is that of an infant. the club. "The baby that lived thousands' of years ago, produced the senti- Dr. Eckener to C; ange mental high spot of our expedi- Plans ecause of R-101 tion," said Mr. Bernheimer. "We CI ______ lifted itdfrom beneath its soft(° Ia (ov Asscri d Preffss)' blanket of dust long, enough to BERLIN, Nov. 5.-Dr. Hugo Eck-1 photograph it, then laid it back in ener surprised the annual dinner its earthen cradle. It was in ex- of the Aerican Chamber of Com- cellent condition-its beautifully me ercan Chat of Coin- shaped rsof the recent disaster to the and full, hands unharmed by time Britishl dirigible R-101 he had -it looked like a doll of brown clanged the plans for Zeppelins leather." now under construction so as to The basketmaker, like the Nava- provide for helium gas and crude- jo, was an artist. He tried to ex- oil motors. press with his hands what he Amid thunderous applause, he thought, felt and saw. In the ex- said he had received word from amples of his work there is an ele- America that helium gas, which is ment of beauty in design and color. non-inflammable and non-explo- All the weaving is in balanced pat- sive, would be available to inflate terns. his airships. Dr. Eckener, world famous as Forsythe Urges Chech commander of the Graf 'Zeppelin, d said that had it not been for an ex- OnfPhysical Condition plosion the crash of the R-101 in France several weeks ago would "Serious illness may result if stu- have resulted in minimum dam- dents fail to come to the Health ages. As it was the great airship Service for a check on their phy- burned and 48 lives were lost. sical condition," Dr. Warren E. For- o4.Y :. .E.vv sythe, director of the University I (By Associated Press) SEATTLE, Nov. 5.-Traffic offi- cers found Robert Tunnard, stage driver, and Mrs. Lester Kleinberg, arguing over the prostrate body of George Poly, of Carnation. "I heard somebody say that I knocked a man down, so I stopped my stage and came back," Tunnard said. "I guess I must lave hit him." Said Mrs. Kleinberg: "I was going in the opposite direction. It must have been my car. I'll take the blame." "I guess both of them hit me, said Polly, who received only minor injuries. "It felt like it." WE RENT WE SERVICE WE SELL CROSLEY A Tel. 2-2812 615 E. William (2 THE MATCHLESS BALDWIN LINE Of PIANOS i I against, lacking the per cent majority to posal. Thy vote by wards necessary 60 pass the pro- follows: Yes First Ward ............ Second Ward .......... Third Ward ........... Fourth Ward .......... 414 730 542 398 Fifth Ward ............ .156 Sixth Ward .............559 Seventh Ward (1st. prec.) 424 Seventh " (2nd prec.) 1,041 Total ................ 4,264 No 158 505 348 252 88 146 184 314 1,995 Health Service, said yesterday. "A recent case illustrates this," Dr. Forsythe continued. "A boy came to us for what he thought was a trivial matter. Upon close examination it was found he had been for some time ill with a very serious case of cancer. "Too many students have the opinion that they can come to the Health Service only when they are sick. We are always glad to make a check on the general health and they should feel it their duty to consult us. kATI CS 0 1 THAT'S what your taste will shout when you try a bowl of crisp, Kellogg's Corn Flakes served with cool cream and perhaps a bit of fruit. It's great for breakfast, delicious for lunch and ideal for a late bed- time snack ! :.illll 1lltllllllittlllllllll lllllliltflfillllllfiiflll1111111 lIIlil Q1t1111118 11 11B1 l t tll Worthy of Your Confidence Through dealings with the public since the time of its establishment in 1882 this bank has proved itself worthy of the public's confidence. You, too, will find us worthy of your trust, and ready to serve you to the best of our ability. With this assurance, you are invited to bring your banking business here. WHERE EXACT THINKING Logic... accuracy... power of analy- sis .. . sense of proportion-arc facul- tics largely developed through the study of mathematics. They will serve a man who later in life may be called upon to build a bridge.. erect a building... design a motor ... measure the stars. They will also prove invaluable to the man who may be required to solve problems in finance and investment. It frequently happens, therefore, that a man who finds mathematics easy and interesting, or who is enrolled in a scientific or engineering course, The most popular cere- als served in the dining- rooms of American col- leges, eating clubs and fraternities are made lbgeu# INCORP'ORATED