__ _ _ _ _ _T1-F' MICIGAN DMZ * .. U, f i f SUMMARIES OF OPENING GAMES 1 -- 711 FIR'ST GAME SECOND GAME WANTED SALESME-Part time work. Big pay. Greene Cleaners. ' l1 ATTER . " 4 M. " i-mss L..A.. * h 1 J ...4..,. ,. __ _ ..1 tel. .a.. .i , I . i 1 LOST-Tau Delta. Ipin. On or near pleas~e call 5964. I iiued from Page 9) tangle in their annual he showing which the is made against Ypsilanti k was distinctly disap- it must be remembered! Normnal school boasted a' ch will be as strong as ny o n e against which Michigan Denison I Michigan Mui. Normal Sikkenga ....L.E......, upe Hwt....LE.....Wo Gitman ......L.T........ Ludwig Sae ls..... . L.T,.......Buckood! Douglas ....L.G,.....Shepard ;aul .... uk l Soelberg .C......Thompson La Jeunesse ...IL.G. .Bernhagen Avery......G......... Poole Morrison ..... C.......... Stoner Castle......R.T.....Ppy Cornwell......RAG........ Vanyo Williamson . ..R.E..... McConnellI Purdurn...... R.T. ... Shoemaker Wheeler......Q.B.......... Geil #R.Emr ...... ..Muenldch Wills..... .... L.H........ Gable ,TIessme.....Q........anol Stoll .........R.H. ......Walker .etn...H.....Hw Goldsmith ... F.B......... Rimes Simrall......R:H. ....... Tuttle Hudson...... F.B.....Simmons Score by quarters: S core by quarters: See our Wahl Personalized Pens before you buy. Latest styles, best merchandise obtainable. Rider Pen Shop r NOTICE:-MAOE LAUNDRY SERV- ICE FOR ASSURED SATISFAC- TION. SOCKS MENDED AND I SHIRTS COLLARS TURNED. WAN jCEI WANTED-Students bundle wash- ing. All socks darned free. Will call for and deliver. Call 2-3365. 123456 (2) WANTED-Tenor in Presbyterian quartet choir. Consult Miss Nora Hunt, University School of WANTED-Tutors in every sub- jcespecially Chem., Econ., Engin., Languages, Phio., Psych., Sociol., Zool. Apply atj onice MACK TUTORING; AGENCY, 310 S. State, over Col- lege Inn. Phone 7927. 1C FOR RENT ROOM FOR 2 OR 3 BOYS-Dormi- (tory, privileges. Overstuffed fur- niture. 721 Cathrine St. 11 AL Music. Studio 216. 1231 k ~ TYPEWRITERS Every one prefer's a Royal Pi Typewriter. - Call ,at Ride Shop and see why. 302 South Sat RE-OPENING OF PIANO Ij ORGAN STUDIOS_ Mrs. Emm ischer Coss jsumed. her piano -.an Yo 4 Michigan....0 re jDenison ........0} 13 0 13, 0 man~y Touchdowns-Goldsmith, Wheel- erK2 Wills, O'Neil. Goals from tou:chdowns - Goldsmith, Mtoll 2, Referee-=Bechtel Wittenberg. Um- pire-Lambert, Ohio State. Field jiid1,ae-Thomxpson, Lawrence.' Head linesmani-Maxwell, Ohio State. Off i~ials- Bechtel, Wittenberg, referee; Dr. Lambert, Ohio State, umrpire; Thomnpson, Lawrence, field judge; Dr. MaxWell,_ Ohio State,, head linesman. WHAT'S YOUR IDEA OF A FRESHMAN?- t Michigan....0 0 7 0- 7 Mich. Normal .. 0 . 0 0- 0 Touchdown-DeBaker. L(Offiials-Referee-R. W. Bechtel, Wittenber, Umpire--Dr. F. A. Lam-' 'bert, Ohio State. Field judge-A. W. l;Thompson, Lawrence. Head lines- man-Dr. E. P. Maxwell, Ohio State. BUTLER UNIVERSITY-Three or 'four oft the university's football t#games will be played at night this ,,year. Thirty arc lights have been e mployed, to make the Butler bowl one of the best lighted stadiums in the Midwest. WANTED-Position on Campus as private, secretary by young wo-f man, University graduate, excel- lent references, thorough experi- ence. Address box 140 Michigan_ Daily. 123 PEN REPAIRING We employ skilled Penmakers to do your pen repairing. Rider Pen Shop 302 South State y 4 pope A oX ozoiaI .A AND TWO large attractive front rooms ' with private bath in residence !I section; two blocks from campus. Large enough for. three. Also Available for one or two persons. large front room. TelephoneI 6118 or call at 508 Monroe. 1 2 VERY attractive rooms for men. Newly decorated; new beds; veryf reasonable rent, Phone 7019. 923 Greenwood. 1x; FOR: RENT--Boys! Why not be] near Ferry, Field? Room, single; or double. 702 Arch St. 12 FOR RENT-Suite of rooms, one or two girls. Rent reasonable. 427 Hamilton Place. Dial 5942. 123 FOR RENT-TWo large suites, Ifront, $9 and $8, or single. Steam. 311 Thompson. 2 blocks from campus. . 1&2 FOR RENT-Large suite suitable for two or three boys. One vacan". cy in front room. Rent rea- sonable. Dial 22352. 425 S. Division. 123~ TWO room furnished apartment: Screen in porch, hot softwater and hot water heat. 315 Packard:, Dial 22464. 1 FOR RENT -Four-room unfur- nished apartment, one and a, half blocks from campus. Oil. heat, frigidaire, soft water fur- nished. Call 6937 or 5091. 123456 Early f at A der. Abi~ ploma,. of M1usi graduate Vienna H~ead of tor in sityc Concei .I1 C G/1411r, u~ia !" . -... X.1, Cll edIge of six to five in this feat- pre of the game. Denison University did not prove obethe same opposition that Yp- ianti was able to give, but gave Edchigan a chance to 'display an ffensive, which while is was kept rider cover at all times, showed gns of a brilliance which may ~eleop into Qa. real th~reat in th 'onference. Michigani gainedl223 4rds by ruishing 'during this gamne gainst the ?80ifar their opponents. i VTeeler, playing at quarterback or the Wolves acounted. for 105. f. hese yards .wile his closest ri- aWills at half clicked off 37 hrough the Denison. line. In the Ypsi~lntigame Sol Hudson 'was' th~e big -round- gainer forM ihian wih a to- tal of ,1 yar 's to 4is credit. J~e13akert a&highy-oued niew,- comm~er to--te, Mize andjBlue rnslivedup to his repufa~- yards wie asi~n the game. Coming fomthellhometo9wn of Benny Oseba, Msen terangy'so i4 xmgre,4uti ed himel bysntchnga 111 pass f fro n esser topu4t th ball in scoring position and then carrying it across on a lateral pass play. In the matter of punting Michi- art outkicked Denison. by thirteen aids in the first game when thej evaders averaged 29 yards per k and the Wolves 49. In the °Otnd game ,Cach.KipelWaso hat n adva W wen.hi putesA vereaged 4' ardiin hs puther3Q r the Ypsi kickers. Arbor, elpgim Sate compaist for Choral Union a artists in the West. A 4 o .. r'i 1 Radio Returns \ea NO1- A at k.ax °.- F reshmen can be classified tinder two dis- tinct groups-unguided and misguided. Thome in the first .group never heard of collar-control. TPhey unblushingly face the worl~d with. collar-tips untrammelled -waving with the winds--free as farncy's' flight (or how~ever the poet puts it). The misguided group mnakes an attempt to he rcaptains of their collars. But they think a collar m~ust be pinned ... they think that the tortu~re of stabbed throats and thumbs " a ;penance one pays to fashion. They neer heard of Swaink. It looks like a pin,, but4isn't. Just slip Swank on andi slip it off. Collars never wrinkle. They keep per- fectly in place. And Swank has no points -you don't fill your, collars with holes. Jewelers' or men's shops. Plain, fancy and sport designs in various lengths. Gold- filled or solid gold. 50 cents to $10. SWAN K% LOOKS LIKE A PIN--BUT ISN'T Made by the Baer & Wilde Co., Makers of Kun-a-part Cuff Buttons and Carlton Auto- 'matic Lighters ,. . Attleboro~ Mass. ' MILLER'SBARBER SHOW 1114 South University Ave.r Courtesy and Service FOOTBALL SCHEDULE Oct. 4-Michigan State ; l Oct. 11--Purdue, Oct. 18--Ohio State * Oct. 25 *IIlinois, Nov. 8-Harvard Nov. 15-',"Minnesota Nov. 22---:Chicago' 'Horne Games' "Get That Hair Cut" and listen to the World Series and Football Games. n,: i; . r ' , , ,:k g~e. .xQ1 /o l o eO i$ ." k .s r e 3 MY 'a C1 ix t+O 4i c9 b. . g FOR RENT-Cottage at 1019 Hill. Furnished,* 3 rooms and bath. 123 ONE SUITE and five double rooms. furnished and large. Close to campus. 1106 Oakland. 123 FOR SALE-Grape; juice and sweet cider. Call R. E. Wagner.. Phone 9534 or 2-2413. 123456 APARTMENT of two bedrooms, bath room, livings room for grad- uate students. Private entrance. 539 S. Fifth Ave. 1 ROOMS FOR, RENT-One large double front room, $2.50 each. Single rooms, $3.00. 433 Hamilton 'Place. 12 F 0 R R E N T-Single furnished Iroom. 610 E. Liberty. No other r~oomers. Phone 3566. 1 COMPLETELY furnished apart- ment. Also, double room. Steam heat, shower. Dial 8544 or 8714. 422 E. Washington. 123 A JIU~tW in the c concert inh vQ with City: Percy York Jean Frenrl runderi Oscar 8aengr, INew' Class work for teac. Rector Stephens, City. Concert and oi de Re ske, Paris, Fr< Italin rp§toire, Si Mln, Ialy. Concert C' int sport state at e ai , ,r n11 iI i. II e e* a n t M any are buyii them here, t cause they fit a outlast, A~ m o r e expensi cloth~es. ,Yet,. they ~a rr sonably pr i ce les 1 ng ncl yve ea- osI 11 t: eesiIf you want your clothes laundered in an expert man- ner by all means send it to I 11 11 "ONCE,. .r A You, Who A L.W A .YS"; Neivcom ers Are the TROJAN. Years of experience have netted us a reputation for. guaranteed quality, service, and satisf action Just dial 9495 'and ask our mian to stop; or you can save +--ire wondering where the best dressed men that you see buy their clothes and it is a sure bet that a lot 'of those good looking suits and topcoats came from Del. Prete's. We have twenty-three years experi- e~nce as tailors specializing in correct clothes for the college man. Here's a_ tip-pay this store a visit when you're looking for clothes and you'll have to look no farther. f. $$0,$Two Pants I Those. Rough, S hypv GoodJ Loing Topcoats There has beenv a most encouraging response to our presentation .of, Tope coats made of Harris type fabrics. These cloths have the roushghfnds anl the lofty texture that have made Hdrrises po pulfar. Braebu.rn takes these If a6ri cs _t~o new- heights in: the smartly styled coats they have fashioned for us. money by using 1 nd Carry .SUITS' TOPCOATS This snappy two button sure to be a big favorite model' is this Fall. System. -in beautiful browns, grays and tans-new polo models with luxurious silk linings. Long coats continue in favor. i at Come in-see this suit in a fabric you'll like and a fit you 'll find; hard to beat. ,~ Here's something proud of. 6e 1[_, ,,- Others 25 and $30 _1 IL II 11 1- Ill