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November 06, 1930 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1930-11-06

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VOL. XLI. No. 34








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Harvard Game
Broadcast by

To Be


Ohio, Coal Company
Wrecked by Blasts;
Bodies Counted.


State Inspector
Chance Some
be Still



(By Associated Press)
MILLFIELD, O., Nov. 5-Between
150 and 160 persons were killed by
gas explosions and fire in the No.
6 mine of the Sunday Creek Coal
company here today, Andrew Gin-
nan, state mine inspector, told Pearl
Hi'll, bookkeeper for the company,
after traversing the entire mine to-
Gas Through Whole Mine.
Hill said' that Ginnan went en-f
tirely throughtthe main shaft of
the mine and that he reported see-
ing bodies everywhere, but not a
sign of life. Ginnan, according to
Hill, said that there was a remote
possibility some of the trapped men
may have taken refuge in tunnels
leading to the main shaft and es-
caped death, but he considered this
barely possible.
Seven Officials Are Killed.
At least seven of a party of of-
ficials of the mine and their guests,
in the mine at the time of the ex-
plosion, are known to be dead, of-
ficials said. The known dead are:
W. E. Tytus, Columbus, president
of the Sunday Creek Coal Co.
P A. Coen, Columbus, vice-presi-
den of the company.
H. H. Upson, assistant to Tytus.
H. E. Lancaster, Athens, chief en-
gineer of the mine.
Walter Hayden, Athens, mine su-
Joseph Bergen, Zanesville, super-
intendent of the Ohio Power Co. at
Philo, d..
Robert Parsons Zanesville. super-

Three radios will be installed
Saturday in the Union for the
use of students who wish to hear
the play-by-play account of the
Michigan-Harvard game as it is
broadcast from the stadium in
One of these radios will be
placed in the ballroom of the
Union which will be occupied by
the Catholic students' party. The
other two will be placed on the
third floor of the building, one
in the hall, and the other in one
of the large rooms.
Byrd Address Inaugurates Series
Sponsored by Oratorical
Rear-Admiral Richard E. Byrd,
polar explorer and aviator, will op-
en the Oratorical association lec-
ture series at 8:15 o'clock Monday
night in Hill auditorium. He will
speak on his trip to the South Pole.
Admiral Byrd will illustrate his
lecture with nine reels of films, all
of which, except that depicting the
flight to the Pole, have never been
shown before inn Michigan. He will
be accompanied by his pet fox-ter-
rier, "Igloo," who was with him. on
his trips to the North and South
Poles. Whie:,in .An.Arbor, yrd
will be the guest of Prof. William
H. Hobbs, of the geology depart-
ment, who aided in arranging the
Prof. Lawrence "Larry" Gould, of
the geology department, was sec-
ond-in-command of the expedition,
which Byrd led into the Antarctic
regions for an 18-months' stay. A
great deal of valuable meteorologi-
cal and geological data was obtain-
ed, and, with the aid of the air-
planes, a large portion of formerly
unexplored and undiscovered terri-

Local Balloting Unusually Large;
Twice Defeated Sewer
Bond Approved.
Reapportionment and Cigarette
Amendments Rejected, Other
Three Are Accepted.
One of the heaviest elections in
recent years Tuesday saw Republi-
can candidates sweep to victory,
putting into office every candidate
that had been nominated on coun-
ty, state, and congressional tickets.
More than 16,000 electors cast bal-I
lots in the 35 prec'ihcts of Wash-
tenaw county, it was said yesterday,
with the victorious candidates being
elected to office by large majorities
over their Democratic opponents.
Vote Big in Ann Arbor.
in Ann Arbor, the vote was un-
usually heavy, 6,259 casting votes.
The major issue, the proposed $350,-
000 sewer bond issue, defeated on
two previous occasions, was ap-
proved by almost a 70 per cent ma-
jority, 4,264 voting for the meas-
ure and 1,995 against.
Pluralities of more than 4,000
were given Albert J. Rapp, seek-
ing the prosecutor's office, and Jac-
ob B. Andres, candidate for sheriff.
Andres received 9,831 ballots as
against 5,746 for his Democratic op-
ponent; Daniel B. Sutton, while
Rapp, with 10,203 votes, overwhelm-
ed Robert H. Cavanaugh, who re-
ceived 5,441 votes.
Drain Race Is Close.
The closest race was for the of-
fice of drain commnissioner. Corne-
lius W. Tuomy, with 8,343 votes, had
a plurality of only 1,207 votes over
his Democratic adversary, Harrison
H. Caswell.
In the race for the office of coun-
ty clerk, Claramon L. Pray, Repub-
lican incumbent, defeated Leonard
C. Sauer, Democrat, by a vote of

(r Assodated Press)r
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov 5-A
muddy field added another in-
jured player to Harvard's long
ist today. George Talbot, varsity
guard, sl ppea while running
through a signal drill, injuring
his leg to the extent that he will
be unable to play against Michi-
gan Saturday. George Kuehn,
lineman, also was discovered to
have an injured back, which will
keep him out of play for the re-
manader of the season.
Victory is Unique When Other
Strongholds Fall to
(By Associated Press)
DETROIT, Nov. 5.-The Republi-
can party of Michigan had emerg-
ed today from its most severe test
in nearly 14 years, with a victory
remarkably decisive in view of a
nation-wide drift that toppled the
standard-bearers of their party in
other states.
Never since the day of Wood-
ridge N. Ferris has the head of the
Republican state ticket been sub-
jected to so severe an attack.
Wilber M. Bruckr, the Republi-
can governor-elect, was the target
for a mass assault which was aided
by national conditions. William A.
Comstock, his Democratic oppon-
ent, stood upon a platform of pro-
hibition reform, in a year when two
ultra-dry Michigan congressmen
were defeated by wets. Brucker
won the governorship by a major-
ity of slightly more than 100,000.
The last time so small a lead xaas
accorded a Republican gubernator-
ial candidate was in 1916, when
Former Governor Alber E. Sleeper

5,000 Undergraduates Will Gather at 4 o'clock
in Front of Angell Hall to Fete
Michigan Gridmen.
"On to Harvard and Victory" will be the war-cry of some
5,ooo Michigan students at 4 o'clock this afternoon when they
assemble in front of Angell hall to do honor to their unbeaten
football team as it leaves for the widely heralded invasion of
The determined Michigan spirit--that the Maize and Blue
must triumph over the Crimson-has been fast gamin weight
during the past week. Today it will be expressed through famous
Michigan songs and yells in a historic fashion. The fighting
Wolverines will be cheered on to victory at an outdoor pep-
meeting, a parade up State street, and a send-of- at the Michigan
Central depot--in all, a demonstration of support unprecedented
in several college generations.
Saturday, Michigan will be the standard bearers for the
West in an intersectional clash that will hold the sporting
limelight of the day. The Wolverine's opponents will be no
'"gentle sons of Harvard" but a gang of battling Irishmen. Mich-
igan will have to give its utmost to win. Today, the student
body can play their part in setting what the Grand Old Man of
footbali--"Hurry-Up" Yost-calls "the vast background to
victory" by endowing the Maize and Bke gridders with the
real Michigan spirit--that spirit that vins.
A record-breaking crowd indicated from the preparations
made for the dernonstration. It has been schedul d for a time
that will interfere with few classes and othcr activities. Rain,
shine, or snow, the send-off will be held. In case the weather is
too bad for the outdoor rally, Hill auditesium will be utilized.
The Varsity squad of 36 re: will as i - from their last
pre-Harvard practice in Ann Arbor at about 4:15 in two open
trucks which will be driven up and parked in front of Angell
hall so that the crowd may have an uninterrupted view of the
gridders. State street will be blocked off from Williams to
Jefferson streets and given over to the enthusiastic rooters,
Pathe and M., G. M. sound-news cameramen will record the
sight and sound of the revival of Michigan spirit.
Pres. Alexander G. Ruthven, Coach Harry Kipke and
Capt. "Ducky" Simrall will address the crowd from the large
stone blocks at each end of the Angell hall steps. Every effort
is being made to have loud speakers installed on campus so the
crowd may hear the speeches without difficulty.
Twenty minutes before train time the trucks bearing the
squad will move off toward the Michigan Central station, lead
by a police escort and the band, with the students forming a
parade in, the rear. At the depot cheerleaders will help the
rooters stage a final demonstration and the band will play one
last selection before following the gridders into the train.

intendent of the Columbia Cement tory was charted. 9,101 to 6,453. won with a margi
i 4
Co., division of the Pittsburgh Glass Frank H. Ticknor, incumbent, was Senator Jamest
Co. BsATES ftDPSCUSSEgSIs re-elected county treasurer over almost 400,000 vot
C_._B TE___CU SESMiss Sylvia Braun, Democrat, by 8,- can sweep, close
FEDERAL PRISONS 999 to 6,335. John S. Cummings, in- 'centages of the vc
4y1dcumbent, was returned to office as through the state
as Engineering Head Bureau Director Stresses Penal register of deeds, defeating John S. of the congressio:
_ I Wagner, Democrat, by a vote of 9,- even into the legi
Piling up 158 votes out of a to- Needs Before Conference. 402 to 5,844. With leads that
tal of 283, William Hanway defeat- out in front oft
ed Gil Dobson for the presidency of "There are three requisites neces- FISHER TO DISCUSS advesaries the R
the freshmen engineering class yes-I sary for the proper handling of fed- FAITH slate made up of
terday morning.. A larger vote than eral prisons, which the national geLaLEGIANS'Fgerald for secreta
anticipated was recorded at theI prison board is, today striving to l - ardLa wec
election. meet, namely proper buildings, well Ann Arbor Pastor Will Attempt er,d . B. Fuller f
Mason Barlow with 151 votes 'was trained personhiels, and opportuni- A c lnaet l alW oorhi
chosen vice-president over Virgil ty for the prisoners to work," Hon. to Approach Delineaments. eneral Paul W.nd VoorHi
Williams by a margin of 21 votes. Sanford Bates, director of the bur- Atieof the su
The secretaryship went to Fred Col- eau of federal prisons, told dele- An attempt to approach the de- justiceuofdtheam
lins, who defeated Edward Conger gates to the Michigan state con- lineaments of a religion suited to nmd
by a 148 to 131 count. Philip Dalsi- I ference of social work in an address the tastes of the college aged youth With Wayne cot
mer was returned the victor over last night before the opening gen- will be made by Dr. Frederick B. ful of industrial
William Hertzog for the office oferal meeting of that organization, Fisher, pastor of the Methodist- one side and theo
treasurer by exactly the same vote which is holding a three day ses- Episcopal church of Ann Arbor and on the other, the
as recorded in the secretarial race. sion here. former bishop of India, who will split on the propos
Two students were selected to the. The criminologist declared that address an All-Campus forum at portionment ame
Honor committee, one to serve for last year had seen important steps 4:15 o'clock today in room D Alum- see-sawing back,
one year, and the other, for two. taken in an effort to gain these ob- ni Memorial hall. the pressure ofI
Richard Wilcox was selected to the jectives, due to the passage of seven Dr. Fisher draws his convictions votes outside of D
later position as a result of his 159 bills dealing with prison relorm by on religion from a wide range of and overwhelming
to 116 victory over Grave. Four Congress. experience which qualifies him as proposal in the n
men ran forythe one year term of- a liberal thinker on theological the out-state prec
flee, which Robert Cass, with 122 matters. His long period of service ed control and se:
votes, won.ih The defeatedWcandi- Thessoeather among Orientals in India especial- feat. The state ci
dates with their respective vote fol- Partly cloudy and continued cold ly, and also in China and Japan ing for a levy of
low: 'Vandeburg, 63; Little, 61; and Thursday; Friday mostly fair, not have given him a great apprecia- cigarets, was in
Blackwell, 26. quite so cold. tion of the religions of these lands. tory everywhere.

in of 99e,003votes.
Couzens ovn by
tes. The Republi-
to normal per-
ote cast, extended
slate, into most
nal districts and
slative contest.
placed them far
their Democratic
Republican state
Frank D. Fitz-
ry of state, How-
for state treasur-
or auditor-gener-
ies for attorney-
ry M. Butzel for
preme court was
unty and a hand-
county allies on
out-state districts
ere was a sharp
sed legislative ap-
.ndment. A f t e r
and forth under
tremendous "No"
etroit and Wayne
g votes for the
metropolitan area
incts finally gain-
nt it down to de-
garet tax, provid-
one cent on ten
unfriandly terri-1

Forces opposed to the present
dry laws hailed the vote results, es-
pecially the weighty opposition to
prohibition registered in Illinois,
Rhode Island, and Massachusetts
referenda, after presaging repeal.
ging. repeal

Mathews, Emma Mann, Margaret'
. Allen Win Elections.
James Slocum was swept into
the presidency of the freshmen lit-t
erary class by a margin of 68 votes I
at the class elections yesterday af-
ternoon. Robert Leary, the de-
feated candidate, received 150 votes
as against the 218 polled by Slocum.
The margin of 'victory in the race
for the other three class offices,
varied from 71 to 66 votes.
Emma Mann was chosen over
Helen Herath for the vice-presi- i
lency of the class. The respective
vote was 219 to 148. Margaret Al-
ien will be the secretary for the
coming year as a result of her 217
to 151 victory over Mary White.
Russell Mathews piled up 217 votes
to win the treasurership . from
Kenneth Wood, who received 148.

Dr. Donald King, of the sur-
gEry department, a member of IUTCHINS SERVICE
,he staff of the University hos-
pital, will discuss "Broken Bones" A memorial meeting for the late
today during t h e University President Emeritus Harry eurns
radio hour. The Midnite Sons Hutchins will be held by the Uni-
quartet will furnish the musical versity at 3 o'clock, Friday after-
numbers. noon, Nov. 28, in the Lydia Mendel-
-ssohn theater.
t President Alexander Grant Ruth-
Three Reported Slain en will preside and the speakers on
in Rows at Elections the program will be President
___W aEmeritus William Oxley Thompson,
(13v Associated Press) of Ohio State university, Earl D.
LOUISVILLE, Ky., Nov. 5-Three Babst, Ph.B., '93, Hon. M. A., '11, re-
men were killed and another presenting the alumni of Michigan,
wounded in widely scattered elec- Shirley W. Smith, vice president
tion rows in Kentucky today as and secretary of the University, re-
ballots were cast for United States presenting President Hutchins' col-
senators and representatives. leagues in the administration, and
Two fatalities, those on Stinking Prof. Edwin C. Goddard, represent-
Creek in Knox county, were re- ing the faculties of the University.
ported to have been the direct The meeting is being arranged in
result of election fervor, a Demo- accordance with the established
cratic worker having reproached a custom of the University Senate in
farmer for voting the Republican I memorializing its deceased mem-
ticket. bers.

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