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November 05, 1930 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-11-05

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ant German Flying Boat to Submit 'VRS1 FLIERS
Customs Examination at New YorkE RE P
Five Students of Aeronautical
I r' gClub Caver 330 Miles
by Balloon

Etienne Gilson to

Discuss Late

Eighteenth Century
Has Studied work of Descartes
and Other Philosophers,
Etienne Gilson, professor of med-
ieval philosophy at the University
of Paris, will deliver a lecture on
the University series at :15 o'clock
Friday, Nov. 7, at the Lydia Men-
delssohn theatre on the subject
"The Eighteenth Century Oxford
Gilson, who holds the rirncipal
chair in philosophy in the univer-
sity which played the largest role
in the development and propaga-
tion of Scholasticism, has organized
ffschool of younger scholars for
the study, criticism and interpre-
tation of medieval thought.
Has Studied Science.
He has also made valuable con-
tributions to the problem of the
influence of medieval thought on
early modern science, especially onI
the science and philosophy of Des-
Gilson is the author of a number
of studios in medieval and early
modern philosophy, among them
"The PhilosolPhy of St. Thomas
Aquinas," "Introductionca 'Etude
de St. Augustins" and "La Libert
Chez Descartes."
He has spent a considerable a-
mount of his time inEnglish speak-
ing countries, and speaks English
as his native tongue. The lecture
will be delivered in Engish. l
Has. Visitedi Country.
In 1926 Gilson visited the United
States as one of the official Franch
delegates to the sixth international
congress of philosophy, held at
Harvard university t h a t y e a r.i
Shortly afrwards he accepted the
offer of Harvard to take charge of
the direction of medieval philoso-
phical studies at that institution
for three months each syear.
He continued in this part-time
position at Harvard until 1929 when
he accepted permanently a similar
position as director of philosophy
at the Institute of Medieval studies
at St. Michael's college of the Uni-
versity of Toronto, the task which
brings him to this continent in the
autumn of each year.
Brailowsky Will Present Thrd
Choral Union Concert.
Alexander railowsky, Russian
pianist, will present the thud con-
cert of the Choral Union series at
8:15 o'clocik Friday night in Hill
Brailowsky is now on his sixth'
concert tour of the United States.
Born in Kiev, Russia, his first
teacher was his father, whno ran a
music shop and also gave music
lessons. Wealthy relatives becamej
interested in the boy and sent him
to Vienna, where he studied under
Leschetizky. When the World war'
broke out, he and his faily moved
to Switzerland, where they remain-
ed until the armistice:~ After peace
was declared, Brailowsky mved to
Paris, where he made his first pub-
lic appearance. Since then, he has
given recitals in the United States,
Australia, New Zealand and Euro-
pean countries.
He was soloist six times last sea-
son with the New York Philhar-
monic Symphony orchestra. He also
appeared in Philadelphia, Wash-
ington, and Baltimore under Will-
em Mengelberg and Bernardino,

___________________________________Five students in the University,
___ ________________=___________ _ - _-)embers of the Aeronauti'%cal socie-
Lk .Cdty, returned to Ann Arbor Monday
night after completing an especially
4 ,:~: ~ successful balloon voyage from Wy-
andotte, Mich., to a point n e a r
g f7 . . North. Bay, Ontario, a distance of
.~ .~hop which has been made by a
balloon club this year.
SThe flight was made under the
(auspices of the balloon. section of
the Aeronautical society. The mem-
wlbens who made the trip are David
Potter, '31E, who assisted the navi-
c n , l } ' s: gaor;Richman Bullock, '31E; E. 0.
i v Marshall. '32E; Thurston Gordon,
'32E; and Dan Palmer,}'31E.
the expert navigating skill of the
,.. '*f ".'-pilot, George Hineman, combined to
make the adventure a distinct suc-
. cess. Hinman who has had pilot-
ing experience in several national
. ;balloon races, placed in the Gordon
The h balloon was intlated early
Sunday morning at W yandotte, and
w left from there at 5 :10 o'clock. Car-
Nx v~ied by 2, 0-i le v. nd, it travelled
/ northeast over Detroit, Windsor,
x> k Lake St. C irand re-entered Can-
u4 . . " x j ada at Per Huro2. After passing
Y over Sarnia, Ont., the bI~alloon head-'
________________________________ ed out over Lake Huron and sailed
r : .. - 1., :e c ~~nca cs r.osfa e 4v~i 4an ao se$ c. sttu'c. / , sas= xa' 16Eover the lake fo U .Thtwo and

Bandts'Desciptons terment will be made in Forest Hill
Ci rculated by Police Bigalke, who conducted a grocery
store on Washing ton street, sold
Descriptions of the two bandits, the business in 1920 and became
who forced their wa.y into the connected with the Staebler Oil Co.
Leimblie grocery store at 530 Forest He was a member of the Golden
- ave:nue, at the point of drawn re- Rule, Lodge, No. 159, F. & A. M.;
volvers Monday night shooting Washtenaw chapter No. 6, R. A. M.,
Alphonse Lemble, proprietor, and and Ann Arbor commandery, No.
escaping with a sum of money later 13, Knights Templar.
e stimated at between $40 and $50, He is survived by his widow,
kvgre reported by police yesterday. Fredericka Dold Bigalke; a daugh-
One man, who is said to be about ter, Mrs. Irene Johnson of Ann
25 years old, is five feet, ten inches Arbor, and two grandchildren,
tall, and wears a light hat. The Mary and Betty Johnson, also of
other, about 23 or 24 years of age, this city.
five 'feet, six inches tal, also wore
as light hat. Both are described as
laving light complexions. Police wiy ffcalBulleti
were unable to discover whether 11~~~~~LD iei
or not the men escaped in a car.
_______ (Continued from Page 8)
1 the various student branches should
Retired Local Grocer be present.
Passs Aw y atHome University Club : First Club Night
Funralserice 'fr 'Fre W.Friday evening, Nov. 7. Dr. Warren
Funalke s evie red W K. Lombard will speak on "Etch-
didery etra mrocringha ings." A number of etchings will
diedearl yeterdy mrnin atbe shown.
his home, 715 Haven ave"iue, will___
be held at 2 o'clock Thursday after- Phsim wll odareur
noon. The services will be in charge Phi SigmrsaywilNold 6at regular
of r. redric B.Fiser nd n-room 1139 Natural Science Build-
ing. Dr. Paul B. Sears of the Botany
WINTER TALKS ON ;Dept. of the University of Okla-
EGYPTIAN PAPYRI homa, who is Chancellor of Phi Sig-
_____ma, will give the address.
Phi Epsilon Kappa: Important
Speaks at First Thomas Spencer I meeting of all active m e mn b e r s
Jerome Lecture. Thursday night, 7:00 o'clock, room

Tae Do-, the world's Largest heavior-Mhan-air nyg mniach ne, urza
port of entry, if it Eucceeds in its proposed trans-Atlantic flight, the hi
will be the starting point for the ship's voyage to America.
By OSCAR LEIDING plane arrives," said Frank Dow, as-
(Associated Press Aviation Editor) sistant commissioner of customs,
WASHINGTON-Germany's giant "the cost of entrance will depend
flying ship Do-X may be forced to
pay its first official call on New York upon their declared intention on
customs officers if it succeeds in its arrival of what they expect to do in
proposed trans-Atlantic flight. America.
New York has been named port "The ship, if it is to engage in
of entry by the bureau of customs, commercial work or have admission
but the question remains whether charged to see it, will be an import-
the seaplane will enter the country ed article subject to 30 per cent.
on a commercial basis at the cost duty. If it -is entered on a touring
of 30 per cent ad valorem duty or permit or for free exhibition, a six-
under bond on a six-month touring month bond will be required with a
or exhibition permit. heavy premium."
All attempts to get permission to The design of the, Do-X, world's
enter the ship duty free have failed. largest heavier-than-air ship, was
A joint resolution before the house greatly influenced by commercial
of representatives providing free possibili'ties, with its development
entry died in committee when con- from the first project drawing in
gross recessed. 1924 to its completion in 1929 made
"If nothing further is done by in terms of practical air transport.
backers of the fli'ght before the Its proposed flight, probably with

Believes Future Sciences Will
be Studied From Light
of Sociology.

Efforts to Get "Drag', by Giving I
Teacher Apples, Will be
Frowned Upon.
No more may school children
bring their teachers apples.
Gone are the days when the!

So ne-half hours, t an altitude o' "The one purpose of Roman ad-
ureau of cstomis has ruled. Lisbon about 3000 feet. Godrich, Ont., was ministration in Egypt was to secure
the first city passed over after the I the utmost returns in taxes and
a crew of 12, in addition to 50 p lake was crossed. d om here, t grain out of thetcountry. Because
an altitude of abont 4500 feet, the the Romans, after their conquest
!sngers, and freight, will be the first course was directed over Georgian of Egypt held only the higher
trans-Atlantic trial of a heavier- bay and Parry Sound. North of offices, while the offices closer to
than-air ship comparable to the Parry Sound, the craft was navigat- the average Egyptian in the small
tests of the dirigible Graf, Zeppelin ed by time reckoning, since the vi'si- villages, where most of the papyri
for setting up regular commerci'al bility was reduced by clouds and have been found, were usually filled
service. snow. After voyaging almost to the by Greeks, there is little trace of
The Do-X is noted for its flight in outposts of civilization, and travers- Roman national characteristics to
carrying 169 persons over Lake Con- ing a distance much greater than be found in the Egyptian papyri,"
stance, but the designer. Dr. Cin lide the crew had hoped to cover, the declared Prof. John G. Winter of
Dornier, believes that 100 passen- balloon was brought to earth at the Latin department in the first
gers is the maximum number t 3:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon near of the Thomas Spencer Jerome
can be comfortably accommodated. North Bay. lectures yesterday afternoon.
The central hull of the boat, di- Professor Winter proceeded to
vided into three decks devoted to FOREIGN STUDENT trace the various references to
control work, passengers, and pro- Rome in the Egyptian papyri from
visions and freight, is 131.4 feet BANQUET PLANNED the Ptolmaic period, when there
long. It has nine water-tight com- were hardly any allusions to the
partments, and was designed to Preparations for Annual Dinner Italian city, through the Roman
support the ship safely in rough Are Announced.empire period, until 641, when the
seas. Arabian conquest swept away Ro-
Twelve motors drive the girant. man government from Egypt.
Twe__mtrsd _i_______n_ Plans for the eighth annual in- He mentioned that there were
ternational banquet for foreign stu- numerous accounts of visits made
~NETHICAL FOR dents on Nov. 25, sponsored by the to Egypt by Roman emperors, in-
N CYWomen's League and the Student eluding Germanicus, Claudius, Nero,
TO CURR Y FAVOR Christian association are nearingTrahDoiinSptus e-
Trajah, Domitian, Septimus Sev-
completion, the co-chairmen an- erus, Caracalla, and others, who
only six per cent voted that it was nounced yesterday. usually made heavy requisitions on
ethical to accept pupils expelled Janet Michael, '31, is representing Egypt during their trips, largely
from other schools until the expell- the League as' chairman of the for means of transportation.
world fellowship committee, and H-cpointed out that some of the
ing authority has been notified. Morton Frank, '33, is representing papyr alt with Roman business
On the other hand, teachers, be- the S. C. A. as chairman of the in- and with the fiscus or treasury,
sides losing their apple-a-day, are ternational committee. . suci as one letter authorizing only
going to live fairiy uninter.esting Mrs. Lucia Ames Mead, vice presi- Romans to buy unused graves,
lives because the executive voted dent of the national council for the inasmuch as nothing was unused to
that they should not write general prevention of war, will be one of Rome. Professor Winter also men-
testimonials for salesmen, they the speakers. Dr. W. C. Rufus, pro- tioned that there were some papyri
should not engage in any practice fessor of astronomy and secretary pertaining to legal and military
of recreation or dress upon which of the Barbour fellowship commit- affairs, although there were only
the community disapproves, they tee, will tell of the "Barbour Schol- a few literary papyri. "There is
should not critize the profession, arships." Music and other enter- elittle trace of Roman religion in
they should not enter into a com- tainment by foreign students will the letters, only the name of Ju-
bination to force increase in sal. complete the program. piter Capitolinus being mentioned,"
aries, and they should not seek an All of the 345 foreign students of pe ato
offer elsewhere that paid them the University will be guests of the he stated.
more. faculty, who will act as patrons at'
the banquet, and fraternities and
Taylor Will Lecture sororities.
T:ables seating a host and hostess
at Botanical Seminar with their several student guests
will follow the custom begun several
Dr. W. R. Taylor, of the botany years ago of joining American and
department, will talk on "Chromo- foreign banqueters in a spirit of W i t rr
some Structure in Gasteria" before friendliness. Tickets for the banquet
the Botanical seminar which will be will be placed on sale next week.
held at 4:30 o'clock today in room
1139, Natural Science building. This COLORADO UNIVERSITY -The
will be a report on s me research university had the largest enroll-
work that he did while he was at ment in history tisrall, when
the University of Pennsylvania. 3,155 students registered.

OUTLINES DEVELOPMENT teacher's pet could get promoted
because he dazzled his proctor with
"In the early nineteenth century, gifts of flowers. The report of the
committee on ethics of th pro e.-
began to cause a reaction sion of the National Education as-
on the part of the other sciences; sociation, which was roleased Men-
it is my belief that the schemes of day night by Dean James B. Ed-
the future will be studied in, the monson, of the education school,
light ci t.ir sociological aspects," hows that only 25 per cent of the
g516 school executives who were in-
sed Lucien Levi-Bruhl, professor of tpntvrw, _ omPA +ht+;epntinv


history and philosophy at the Uni-
versity of Paris, in a lecture Mon-
day afternoon.
As an example of the effect of
socxo;;t.y on the other sciences,
Profesor TLevi-Bruhl pointed out
that history, once taught and stud-
ied as a series of events, is now
,considered as a social chain of
cause and effect.
Professor Levi-Bruhl went on to
trace the history of the develop-
ment of the science from Montes-
quieu through the Encyclopedists
land the Contra-Revolutionists to

;h va wcc. , u a:aaavcu taaa:t , fi.tt'"c ztat


gifts from pupils was ethical.
The school children seem to bel
in for ahard year because only
2.5 per cent of the executives voted
that it was ethical for school offi-
cials to take the side of a pupil a-
gainst a teacher, only 3.3 per cent
voted that it was ethical for the of-
ficial to raise a pupil's marks, and
Billiard Players Must
S Com pete o Cn Schedle

pug Supplies


Sharman Will Address
First Session of Club
Organization and the election of
officers will be the purpose of the
Physical Education club's meeting
tomorrow night.
All physical. education students
are invited to attend this first
meeting of the year which will be
held at 7:30 o'clock in room 20,
Waterman gymnasium. Prof. Jack-
son R. Sharman, of the physicalI
education department will speak;
group games and refreshments are
also planned.j

its modern leaders. He outlined the
work Hof Auguste Comte, Emile
Durkheim, Voltaire, Diderot, and
Flaubert in eighteenth century
France, and the more modern de-
"Those working in sciences in
the early nineteenth century were
no longer working on a metaphy-
sical or theological basis, but on the
basis of facts. The sciences were
becoming positive. But since socio-
logy has a more personal imnport
than the purely mechanical stud-
ies, it was the last to be considered
objectively," Professor Levi-Bruhl

Participants in the annual all-
campus p~ol and billiard tourna-
ments, under the direction of the
house committee of the Union,
must play their matches promptly
when scheduled or they will auto-
matically be forfeited, Albert F.
Donohue, '31, president of the
Union, stated yesterday.
Pairings for these contests have
been posted in the billiard room of
the Union. There will be tourna-
ments in straight-rail and three-
rail billiards and pool. As in pre-
vious years, the winner of each
tournament will receive a silver
loving-cup while the runners-up
will be given $5 in trade in the
billiard room of the Union.
Best and at
le Prices

vs. -
and Return
Special Train Leaves Ann Arbor
5:00 p. m. (E.T.) November 6th
Returning leaves Boston 11:55 p. m.,
November 8th
and Return
Special Train Leaves Ann Arbor
2:30 p. m. (E.T.) November 7th
Returning leaves Boston 11:55 p. m.,
November 8th
For further information and rerervations, call



$1.50 Pertussin .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...98c
$1.00 Rem................. . . . . 79c
25c Listerine Tooth Paste............17c
$1.25 Konjola ....... .............79c
Penslar Honey and Horehound...... 75c


Technical GER
Technical Illustrations
k.0 rnfa 9 . 11' .


Among the.



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