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November 05, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-11-05

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Present Governor Re-elected by
S Half Million Plurality.
(RBv Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Nov. 4.-The largest
popular vote ever given to a candi-
date for office in New York returned
Franklin D.
Roosevelt, Demo-
crat, to the gov-
ernorship today
t by a plurality of
more than half a
<'1 million votes.

Out Door Pep M
Scheduled F


Band To Entrain With
Team on Special

Loyal Michigan students wil
break away from the routine o
their college duties for a few min
utes at 4 o'clock tomorrow after
noon. With everything else for-
gotten, they will join ranks in
front of Angell hall to cheer th
Michigan football team on to vic
tory over Harvard as the fighting
Wolverines embark for the inter.
sectional battle.
To Parade to Depot.
The famousl Michigan songs-
"'Varsity" and "The Victors" play-
ed by the Maize and Blue band will
call the students to this outdoor
pep-meeting. The Wolverine grid-
ders, arriving from their last pre-
Harvard practice in Ann Arbor,
will be praised in cheers. Then,
with the team and the band taking
the lead, the students will parade
up State street to the Michigan
Central depot.
More cheers and songs for Mich-
igan and its gridiron eleven will
fill the air, here, as the Maize and
Blue entrains for Cambridge. The
'Varsity cheerleaders will be on
top of the depot and railroad cars
to lead the crowd in yells.
Plans to make this send-off the
greatest in Michigan's history are
under way. A platform will be
erected in front of Angell hall so
that the grid team will be in full
view of all. Police protection will
be given the student parade as it
proceeds up State street.
Si rall to Speak.
Ca p t. "Ducky" Simrall, the
Wolverines' hard-hitting halfback,
and Head Coach Harry Kipke, a
former captain and All-American,
will speak for the grid team. All
members of the squad will make
individual appearances and will
receive special yells.
Classes in the University will be
dismissed at 4 o'clock so that all
students may attend. The team will
arrive from its last practice here,
shortly after 4 o'clock and will go
to the station in open trucks. It
will leave Ann Arbor at 5 o'clock.


Wi1t h f iv e-
1 sixths of the re-
turns counted,
RE:a o o s e v e1t led
Charles H. Tuttle,
his Republican.
opponent by al-
in_____ o s t 700,000
jFRARKUN ROSEvI.Lr votes, and was
assured of a mar-
gin of victory far surpassing the
most smashing success of his close
friend and predecessor, Alfred E.
Smith was elected governor in
1922 over Nathan Miller, Republican
incumbent, by a plurality of 385,-
000 votes and some of the most
sanguine Democrats predicted today
that Roosevelt might match that
victory. But not even the most
hopeful Democrat foresaw for Roos-
evelt the smashing success, upstate
and down,, which was his as the
votes were counted tonight.
First Issue of Year Will Have
Articles by Leading





State Meeting of 400 Delegates
To Convene Today.
More than 400 social workers and.
sociologists representing all parts
of the state will meet in Ann Arbor1
today, when the Michigan state
conference of social work holds the
first day's sessions of its eighteenth
annual three-day convention in
the League building.
A preliminary meting of the exe-
cutive committee of the. conference
will be held at 3:30 o'clock this af-
ternoon. This committee, which is
composed of 26 members, includes
one representative of the Univer-
sity sociology department faculty,
Prof. A. E. Wood.
Members of the Detroit chapter
of the American Association of So-
cial Workers will gather at a din-
pier meeting which will be presided
over by Professor Wood this eve-
ning at 6 o'clock-
The opening general session of
the conference will be held in the
League ballroom at 8 o'clock to-
night. Dr. Robert H. Haskell, pres-
ident of the conference will pre-
side. Following an address of wel-
come to be given to the delegates
by President Alexander G. Ruthven,
Hon. Sanford Bates. director of the
L.,,vo , f nkgrc -lnri n e urn.h_

The Michigan Law Revi'aw, enter-
ing its twenty-ninth year as a pub-
lication of the Law school, will ap-
pear today in the first issue of the
current year, featuring articles by
a law professor and practicing at-
Prof. Edward S. Corwin, professor
of jurisprudence at Princeton uni-
versity has written an article, "The
Supreme Court's Construction of
the Self-Incrimination Clause." It
deals with the interpretation of the
fourth and fifth amendments to the
Another article, this by Elvin R.
Latty, New York attorney, is en-
titled "International Standing In
Court of Foreign Corporations." Mr.
Latty discusses the question of the
right of a corporation in a country
in which it is not duly registered.
S. Ashley Guthrie and H e n r y
Tenney, Chicago lawyers, have con-
tributed an article entitled "Some
Legal Problems Connected with
Stock Market Transactions."
Student members of the editorial
board have prepared comments on
cases of current interest, as well as
discussions of some recent impor-
tant decisions.
A book review section and a list
of books received completes the No-
vember issue of the Review.
Early Returns Indicate Proposal
Carried in All Wards.
Ann Arbor's $350,000 bond pro-
posal, which has been defeated by
city voters in three previous elec-
tions, passed the required 60 per
cent of the total vote in Tuesday's
elections when approximately 4,-
000 voters gave written assent to
the plan for the new sewer system.
Returns early in the evening indi-
cated that the bond had been pass-
ed when every ward carried a ma-
jority of "yes" votes over "no" bal-
The bonding proposal received a
majority even in the stormy Third,
ward, where it was beaten at the
last election, held in April. The
First ward gave the bond the great-
est percentage of majority when
413 out of 559 voters marked an X
i a wn -n. rm nor"v .

IN 6. 0. P. STATES
Republican Majority in Senate
and House Approaches the
Vanishing Point.
Gain of 39 Seats in House and
10 in Senate Granted
Democratic Party.
(By Associated Press)
Knifing deep into Republican
strength indeast, west and. south,
the Democratic party recorded yes-
terday a notable string of state
victories and threatened seriously
to capture Congress.
The count of the ballots early
today, still far from complete,
showed enough Democrats either
elected or leading for Senate and
House to shave the Republican
margin almost to the vanishing
Needing a net gain of 10 seats
in the Senate and 53 in the House,
the Democrats at 1 a. m: (eastern
time) were leading in enough to
indicate for them a gain of seven
senators and 39 representatives. In
addition, the vote in 16 House dis-
tricts continued so close that they
might swing either way.
Kentucky not Considered.
These computations took no ac-
count of Kentucky where the
Democrats have hope to pick u
a senatorship and several seats in
the House. Kentucky returns will
not be counted until today.
The congressional turn toward
possible Democratic victory became
apparent late in the evening,
mostly on returns from western
and middle-western states, after
New York had turned in a record-
shattering Democratic state major-
ity, and the Connecticut and Ohio
governorship had shown signs also
of passing from the Republican to
the Democratic column.
T h e Empire State governor,
Franklin D. Roosevelt, groomed by
is followers for the presidency,!
riunphed for re-election by a
1 u r a lii t y approaching 700,000,
vhich almost doubled the previous
ecord, given Alfred E. Smith for
overnor in 1922.
Pinchot Maintains Lead.
Gifford Pinchot, meantime, con-
istently was holding a lead for
overnor of Pennsylvania, despite
lissension which greatly cut theI
ormal Republican vote. A. good
)ortion of the state was yet to be
weard from.
In Illinois, J. Hamilton Lewis was
lected senator over Ruth Hanna
MIcCormick by a landslide in city
ind county.
Dwight W. Morrow held an in-
:reasing lead for the Senate from
Vew Jersey. In Alabama. Senator
[eflin was running far behind the
emocratic nominee, J o h n H
3ankhead. Massachusetts w a s
urning in majorities for Demo-
rats for the Senate and governor.
Those favoring repeal of the
)rohibition amendment were far
utnumbering its supporters in the
eferenda in Illinois and Rhode
sland, while Massachusetts record-
d a growing majority for repeal
>f the state enforcement act.
"Plainly a raw, a wet and char-
icteristically Democratic day," said
3nator George H. Moses, one of the
Republican electioneers-in-chief.
ywelve Men Initiated
by Honorary Society,

Twelve men were taken into Tri-
angles, honorary junior engineering
ociety ,at the regular fall initiation
if the society yesterday ,afternoon.
A banquet was given the new ini-
iates at the Union following thej
Those received into membership
were Jack Beechler, Frederick Bu-
chan, Stanley Chase, Rollin Clark,
Hugh Conklin, Robert Davis, Alli-
son Evans, Robert Garrison, David
Hannah, Sibley Sedgewick, Charles
Wise, and William Worboys.
James N Candler acted as toast-

Washtenaw County Gives Strong
Republican Support in
Heavy Balloting.
City of Ann Arbor Polls Heavy
Democratic Vote in
Close Contest.
Republican candidates in Wash-
tenaw county received sufficiently1
large majorities to off-set a huge
Demorcratic vote in the city of Ann
Arbor to insure unanimous success
in yesterday's elections. With 27
out of 35 precints. tabulated early
this morning, majorities ranging
from 900 to more than 2,000 were
Voting in the city was, however,
much closer than in the county at
large where Republican majorities
were found in nearly every pre-

Wilbur M. Brucker,
Republican governor-elect, who
was conceded victory by the defeat-
ed candidate, William A. Comstock,
following state returns.
Brucker's majority is expected to
exceed 100,000.
Tn R Kn uuIri iimnnm r

by Big Majority;
Co uzens Electe

The vote for Governor in Wash- 1UI HULL
L tenaw county with. eight out of
the 35 precincts still missing stood onald P
at approximately 5,400 for Brucker MacDonal arty Keeps Power
and 4,600 for Comstock early this by Small Majority of
morning. In the city, with the 6th 31 Votes.
and 7th wards incomplete, Brucker1
had but 1,402 votes to Comstock's (By Associated Press)
1,538 and every indication that the LONDON, Nov. 4--A majority of
Democratic candidate would carry
the city put added emphasis on only 31 votes carried the Ramsay
the county vote at large. Repub- MacDonald government s a f e 1 y
lican majorities of less than 100 through the first important division
were tabulated in the city for of the current parliamentary ses-
Lieutenant - governor Dickinson sion late tonight.
over Sawyer, Democratic candidate,
while Fitzgerald held a majority of This was regarded as a crucial
56 votes out of 2,600 tabulated over test, for the balloting was on a mo-
Abbot, Democratic candidate for tion by the Conservative party to
secretary of state. amend the speech in reply to the
Vo ,Reublia had 1d418 address from the throne. The
votes to Kirkby's 1,235 on incom- amendment was defeated by 281 to
plet. returns in the city early to- 250.
day, while Fullerand Lawrence The speech from the throne, de-
were given slightly larg r major- livered by King George at the open-
ities of 284 and 270 respectively ing of Parliament but voicing the
over their Democratic opponents. aims of the Labor party, have been
Other state officers given local under bitter attack for two days,
majorities were all Republican. the Conservatives regretting the
Couzens Far in Lead. failure of the Laborites to propose
In the district, Michener had any adequate measures to deal with
In692 th rensdrfIc,202chnr Adnthe crises in the industrial, agricul-
1,692 to Frensdorf's 1.202 on Ann tural and commercial fields or to
Arbor rcturns for the office of con- check the growth of unemployment.
gressman,. Couzens was giving
Weadock a bad beating for United Supporters of the administration
States senatorship, getting 2,109 feared earlier in the week that the
out of 2,353 tabulated in the city. Liberal party, which holds the bal-
In the first ward, Newkirk beat' ance of power, and disgruntled left
Gates for alderm '. in a 323-230 wing Laborites might combine with
vote. In the fifth ward, Winner the Conservatives to bring about a
over hleich f thalder- government defeat, but this danger
won Sc159-92ee or e was practically removed when the
man's post, .5992 Liberals decided yesterday to ab-
Incompletetreports on the ad- stain from voting on the amend-
mendments to the state constitu- ment.
tion gave the following figures:
the township amendment: 1116 As a matter of fact five Liberals,
yes; 564 no; the homestead ad- i'ncluding Sir John Simon, voted
mendment 1234 yes, 614 no. Voters against the government tonight but
apparently rejected the cigarette they were almost counterbalanced
tax, 1192 to 664; the rivers im- by four members of the same party
provement amendment received who stood by the administration.
1188 yes,.658 no; while the reap-
portionment act was apparently DR Y CAUSE TAKES
defeated with 1192 no and 662 yes AS STATE REFE
at the latest reports.


(By Associated Press)
DETROIT, Nov. 4.--Bya majority that may reach more than
Ioo,ooo Wilbur M. Brucker, Republican candidate, was elected in
Tuesday's state-wide election. He defeated William A. Comstock,
Brucker took the lead when the first out-state precincts re j
ported, and tenaciously built it up at a steady ratio of about three
votes for every one cast for Comstock. The latter conceded defeat
when Brucker's out-state lead had grown to more than 6o,ooo and
first reports from Wayne county showed the Republican aspirants
running ahead.
The fight was close in sevq'ral counties, including Saginaw,
Brucker's home. Although defeated, Comstock ran far ahead of
the Democratic ticket and gained the satisfaction of securing much
more than the support normally acorded his party's candidate.
Comstock, evidently little per-
NEW FACULTY MEMBERS turbed over his defeat, issued the
HONORD ATRECETION following statement: "My heart-
HONORED AT RECEPTION felt thanks go to my loyal support-
ers in this campaign and to all
The first, faculty reception, those who supported me in former
since the discontinuation of the tampawgns.pportdeifrmer
Senate receptions several years campaigns. Their belief in me is
ago,. was held, last night in the any everlasting inspiration.
ballroom of the Union.h The at- "I have had a long pull in Mich-
fair was given in honor of the igan public life. I have served my
new mms iofn nthenoraculth party, my state, and my friends to
new members of the faculty. . the best of my ability. This cam-
paign is my last. I retire from
politics. I cherish no enmity be-
cause of politics."
Offers Congratulations,
In a telegrat his opponent,
Comstock offered congratulations.
"Hearty congratulations on your
eeton.I especially appreciate
your clean campaign. Tear loose
Lewis Conceded Senatorship by and be your own man. Give us a
people's administration and make
McCormick Owned yourself famous."
Paper. Governor Fred W. Green, Howard
C. Lawrence, chairman of the Re-
CHICAGO LOSSES GREAT publican state central committee,
a n d other Republican leaders,
(By Associated Press) hailed the party victory with ac-
ROCKFORD, Ill., Nov. 4. - T h e claim.
Rockford Morning Star, controlled With Brucker the entire slate o
by Mrs. Ruth Hanna McCormick, on Republican candidates was swept
the basis of returns available at into office. Those elected were
9:10 p.m. conceded the election of Senator James Couzens, who piled
J. Hamilton Lewis, her Democratic up a great lead over Thomas A. E.
opponent for senator, in Illinoils. Weadock,and Luren D. Dickinson.
(By Associated Press) Indications were that the Repub-
CHICAGO, Nov. 4-Riding a swell- lican sweep extended into all con-
ing tide of votes in the wet metro- gressional districts and that Dem-
politan area and maintaining a nar- ocratic upsets in legislative dis-
rower margin down-state, Senator tricts and local contests were only
James Hamilton, Lewis had built up about as numerous as usual.
a plurality of 70,000 votes over Ruth Announces IRetirement.
Hanna McCormick tonight with Comstock's announced retire-
about one-eleventh of the Illinois ment from politics was perhaps a
ballots for the United States sena- more crushing blow to the Demo-
torship counted. crats than his defeat. For many
In Chicago alone, the former years he has been a financial pillar
Democrat senator, "whip" of the for the party. He has been candi-
Senate during the Wilson adminis- date for governor three times, each
tration, had gathered to himself a time carrying much of the burdarn
lead of 66,000 votes and in the 171 ror the remainder of the slate
down-state precincts tallied at that Two proposals that appeared on
time he was 4,000 votes ahead. I the state ballots went down to





Robert Bulkley, Ohio Wet, Leads
McCulloch in Senate

Literary, Engineering Freshmen
(By Associated Press)
to Select Officers. Early returns in the fifth na-
tional election since prohibition
Class officers will be selected by disclosed majorities for the well
the freshmen class of both the lit- cause in the Illinois, Massachusetts
erary and the engineering colleges and Rhode Island referenda and
today. The literary election will both wet and drys leading in the
be held at 4:15 in Natural Science Senatorial contests where prohibi-
auditorium while that of the engin- tion was an issue.
eers will be at 10 o'clock in room An early vote for repeal of the
348, West Engineering building. Eighteenth Amendment in Rhode
Eligibility slips for all candidates Island was over two to one. In
running for class office, must be Illinois it was 5,480 for 3,585 a-
presented to members of the Stu- gainst. For repeal in the state en-
dent council, who will supervise forcement act in Massachusetts the
both elections, before balloting be- vote was 19,762 for and 18,756 a-
gins. Students will be checked off gainst. In all three states, however,
a list of names as they apply for a the count was far from complete.
ballot. None but those listed will Illinois voters also rolled up ma-
be allowed to vote. Nominations, in jorities in the early returns of 4,-
hnth cases, will be made from the 528 to 3.179 for modification of the


senatorial nominee in Ohio, who
favors repeal of the Eighteenth
Amendment, had a slim lead over
his Republican opponent, Senator
McCulloch, who said in his cam-
paign: "I am for prohibition."
William M. Butler, Republican
senatorial nominee in Massachu-
setts, was running ahead of Mar-
cus A. Coolidge, Democratic. Butler
is a prohibitionist, while Coolidge
has declared for higher alcoholic
content beverages and sale of liq-
uor by a government commission.
James Hamilton Lewis, Demo-
crat, who wants the Amendment
repealed, had a big margin over
his Republican opponent, Ruth
Hanna McCormick who had an-
nounced she was perconally dry but
would abide by the result of the
state referenda.
Secretary Davis was elected to
the Senate from Pennsylvania over
S e d g e w i c k Kistler, Democrat.


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