SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1930 THE S H RAM AVOLI AIDS IRISH TO WIN 4 AY CAINPLVEE\INDIANA ELEVEN, 27-0 Carideo, Tickror. ind Ls, ;,_AreI Slated Yo 601 -atacar n Aill-Ameic:n.{ OTHERS NOT ELIGIBLE tc The By 'Associaled Pros.;) oC The All-America scrable in foo ball covers so much terrtory and talent that it is rare for a perfor- mer to repeat nowadays, under 3?? the full glare of the spotlight. ° Only three of last year's all-star eleven have a chance to make the mythical grade again. The trig' concerned are Frank Carideo, No- r tre Dame's quarterback; Wesley Fesler, Ohio State's great end, and Ben Ticknor, Harvard's captain and roving center. As the directing field marshal of t z the fast-traveling Irish, Carideo isr in a great spot for anyone with ambitions to repeat an All-Ameri- ca performance.I The spotlight is on Notre Dame, - win, lose or draw, from now on, so Carideo can clinch his post of hon- or by the simple process of leading the Irish to a majority of victories over the route that takes in Indi-. t ana, Pennsylvania, Drake, North- western, Army and Southern Cal- 4 O= ifornia. Fesler and Ticknor haven't thea advantages that accrue from be- e- - -- Ing almost constantly in the lime- Wolverines T k D Noted Notre Dame backfield stars light. Of course, this constant sub- who is aiding his team in the racee jection to detailed attention may fter Scrimmage for another national title this yearI also have its disadvantages, htt An off-Saturday can more quick- (Continued from Page 6) has proved an all-important factor ly be forgotten if the story happens I field at the expense of the regulars. in the grid games of the Irish thus to have been of minor concern in In the practice A/ichigan con- far. Savoldi and ihe remainder of the metropolitan press. However, frIthe first string line-up were not both Ohio State and Harvard will t ued to show a poor defense o injected into the game yesterday be sufficiently in the picture from Harvard pass plays, but a week j against the Hoosiers by C o a c h now on to offer a thorough test of more work should iron out that Knute Rockne until the beginning the merits of Ticknor and Fesler, difficulty. The injured members of of the second quarter when the two brilliant linesmen, two durable the squad are rounding into shape score was still tied at 0-0. However, performers and two fine leaders. and it is likely that they all will the Rambling regulars found them- CHICAGO.-Th-be ready to work against the Crim- selves in the third period when CHICAGO.-The Chi eago Cubs will son next Saturday. Harvard will Savoldi rammed through the line start practice at Catalina island a undoubtedly put their strongest for four yards and then broke off week earlier next year, announces team on the field, with the excep- tackle for a 35-yard runsfor the ini- Manager Hornsby, and will play a tion of halfback Devens, who broke tial touchdown, the final score be- longer exhibition series before the his leg in the Dartmouth game. I ing 27-0. MTICH hICA N DlAI~LY PAGE E VEN u l Y i i \.r 1 1 1 V K'-1 I A L.+' 4 a. A a.d K Hi ti PLAV 4 1 ___._ WOLVERINES WIN N CROSS COUNTRYI Michigan State's Long Winning I I CD LASSIFIE T ADVERTISING __ _. cold running water in room. A30 Maynard. 551 NEW 6-room unfurnished apart- ment just outside of town. Sun parlor, enclosed sun porch, ga- rage, soft water, electrical refrig- eration, electric stove, laundry tubs. $50. Call 6509 during the day. 2X NOTiKE u a " S treakBroken. -- (Continued From Page 6) 1 Outstan cgx Payers for year in the Eastern Intercollegiate dng Paers r meet, made such a good showing, the Spartan defeat came as a re-4 flay in ticsoli-Ca;- tennis sult of failure to place another ournament which is being spon- man before the sixth position ored b athe tItramural a State's total mounted fast with the s en' is ratiwk ' ' a Ti s g don 'n; tc Spartan runners adding six, seven, he c ter- z his i the gre up nine, and ten points for their last ngs 'v ich were Orihnaly an- four scorers. need. Youn- has aiv-nced to Yesterday's run, although having e cuarter-finals and has esab- st _hed himself as on l of the leaders no cearing on the Conference title,1 . the tournament by beating Wi!- has given Coach Charles Hoyt an lams yesterday im a decisive excellent opportunity to witness hisy match, 6-2, 3-4. men in action and will choose the Williams will meet Land in the,. first match of this round. Land squad to accompany him to Ur- eached t1is frame by virtue of a bana this week-end for the triang- sin over Root in two sets, 3-2, 6-0. ular meet with Illinois and Ohio Another player who has been show-' State on the basis of individual ng some real form is W. Wilcox performance a g a i n s t Michigan who has reached the cuarter-final State. round in the first group with two Ten men are permitted to go to outstanding wins to his credit. the meet, but Coach Hoyt has not DrawIng a bye ir the first round, as yet decided whether or not he )e stepped out to take over Cum- will carry a full squad. However, in- mings in two sets, 6-1,'6-2, and fol- dications after yesterday's showing owed this with a win over Muzzey, point to the possibility that ten who is no mean player, in another men will make the trip. Conference two set match, 6-1, 6-1. Wilcox will title prospects loom high this year meet the winner of the Diugolen- and the triangular meet is expected ski-Phelps preliminary match. to give an insight into the relative In the lower frame MacMeal took ability and strength of the teams a difficult match from Selzer to participating. enter the quarter-finals. His set After the meet at Urbana, Mich- score was 6-3, 7--9, 16-8. Harte also igan will play host to Wisconsin enters this round with a win over the following Saturday. The only Hipsh 6-3, 6-1. Harte is paired with other meet will be the Western the winner of the Courtis-Appelt Conference title meet at Urbana match. on Nov. 22. Burr Patterson & Auld Co. 603 Church Street Carry ai ompkee Lne of all Fraternity and Sorority uA GES AND PINS ;I NICELY FURNISHED HOME-Rent free to man and wife or student and mother, who will keep house for owner. Phone 8661. LIBERAL Reward offered for re- turn of Camel hair overcoat con- taining valuable papers. No ques- tions asked. Call Daily office. 612 TYPEWRITERS SOLD, RENTED AND REPAIRED. SLATER'S INC. S. STATE ST. DIAL 3814 561234 (2) C ROAST DUCK-Roast Spring Chic- ken; complete dinner, 75c. Forest Inn. Forest, near S. U. GEOLOGY EXAM TUTORING Personally by Mr. Tommie Mack 310 So. State St. Phone 7927# 56123C1 WAI*VIED FOR SALE FOR SALE-Will sacrifice Marmon coupe; good condition; small mileage. Phone 21225. FOR SALE-A pair of eight-power, prism binoculars, of good quality. Call 7630 and ask for Mr. Sober. GRAPES-Grape juice, California grape juice and sweet cider. Call 9534. 6-12345 LOST LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN- Will persons who happen to see a brown Dobe'man Pincher Dog, corner him and call 6617. Valu- able as a gift. 56 LOST-Cloth covered loose-leaf notebook belonging to Roy G. Curtis. Return to English office or phone 3759. 561 LOST-Black and white Shaeffer pen, between Morrill's and Wesley hall. Call 632; reward. BY YOUNG WOMAN position as private secretary on campus. Ex- cellent preparation and refer- ences, thorough experience. Ad- dress box 142, Michigan Daily. 612 WANTED-Student laundry. Called for and delivered. We use only soft water. Dial 22960. WANTED-Students bundle wash- ing. All socks darned free. Will call for and deliver. Call 2-3365. 3456123 FOR RENT FOR RENT-Artistically furnished r o o m s, including apartment. South and east exposure; steam heat; shower; soft water; garage. Dial 8544. 422 E. Washington. 612 FOR RENT-Very desirable, large front suite; rent single or double. Dial 8194. ROOMS AND BOARD for men, either students or faculty. Prices ieasonable. 825 E. University. Phone 4973. SINGLE ROOM-Excellent loca- tion; block from campus; hot, Subscrib to th Dal0 '' '- -- "By their badges ye shall know thtm" I start of the regular season. tl __.__ _. __ IL 1117 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 a .. _ ._. t ___ _. _ ._ i_:. ..._ .__ _.. _ _. _ -. . iyers4w ot g 0 an Lecture Associati I I Opening Nu beram oV°=eAberLSo Hl'.1 Auditorium ALSO 0 I I GILBERT CHESTERTON WILLIAM HARD GRAND DUCHESS MARIE 11111 11111! I Aft Amadp do .m Ago& do