PAGE TOUR THF. M C ICIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1930 owmwmmo Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Memiber of Western Conference EditorialC Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitledX to the use for republication of all news dis patches credited to it or not otherwise credired inrthie paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,j Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier. $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building. May nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925;_Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGINGeEDITOR Chairman Editorial Board HENRY MERRY City Editor Frank E. Cooper News Editor. ... ...Gurney Williams Editorial Director ...........Walter W. Wilds Sports Editor ...............Joseph A. Russell Women's Editor ............ Mary L. Behymer Music and Drama ......... William J. Gorman Assistant City Editor......Harold O. Warren Assistant News Editor.C... harles R Sprowl Telegraph Editor ........George A. Stauter NGTEDITORS S. Beach Conger John D. Reindel Carl S. Forsythe Richard L. Tobin David M. Nichol Harold O. Warren Sports Assistants Sheldon C Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy. Robert Townsend Reporters Walter S. Baer, Jr. Parker Terryberry Irving J. Blumberg Robert L. Pierce Donald O. Boudeman Wi. F. Pyper Thomas Al. Cooley Sher M. Quraishi George Fisk Jerry E. Rosenthai Morton Frank George Rubenstein Saul Friedberg Charlcs A. Sanford Frank B. Gilbreth Karl Seiffert Jack Goldsmith Robert F. Shaw Roland Goodman Edwin M. Smith James H. Inglis George A. Stauter Denton C. Kunze Alfred R. Tapert Powers Moulton Tohn S. Townsend Wilbur J. Myers Robert D. Townsend Lynne Adams Margaret O'Brien Betty Clark Eleanor Rairdon Elsie Feldman Jean Rosenthal* Elizabeth Gribble Cecilia Shriver Emily G. Grimes Frances Stewart Elsie M. Hoffmeyer Anne Margaret Tobin jean Levy Margaret Thompson Dorothy Magee Claire Trussell Mary McCall Barbara Wright This venture is obviously praise- worthy, and when put into practice should go far toward clearing the way for further improvements of professors' salaries. Since 191' the University has made a similar Screen Reflections MONTE C.RLO AND POINTS /WEST. rrrrrrrrCrrfl AND I\41JS~c DRANiA~i I ~ MIMES OPhN~NG TOMOIU~GW N~C~ liT i agreement with all incoming pro- ; I' wcd by Rd:aoitc se fessors-at their option, of course. son tomorrow night in the Men- Hence the present plan has the Jeanete's Bi dois. delssohn Theatre with an attrac- further merit to recommend itself Conclusive proof that the plot's tive program that contains Eugene of aiming to care for the older not necessarily the thing is of-Iei O'Neil's s t i k I n g expressionistic professors who had been solely de- in Ernst Lubitsch's sparkling pro- play "The Emperor Jones" and one pendent upon the Carnegie funds. cionoof the more popular one-act plays dn pn Crductionof"Monte Carlo" at thei by Schnitzler, "Episode." Michigan. Here the director has This program represents t h e {taken a fair story and by dint of most ambitious students produe- Campus Opinion sheer originality and clever treat- tion to date this year. Ail the Contributors n asked to lbe brief, ment turned out as witty and en- problems of staging "Emperor confining themsel\ es to less than 300 tertaining a musical comedy--with Jones" have been left to members words if possib~le. Anonynmous c< he not too much music---as can beI munications will he dsiaed. "m-The of Mimes. The cast for this play 4 names of communicants will, however, hoped to appear this season, includes William Hatheock and Fe- be regarded as confidential, upon re- quest. Letters published should not be Jack Buchanan - who probably lix Layton in the main roles. The ons i a e.s the editorial wears full dress clothes better than cast for Schnitzler's play includes ____ any actor on either stage or screen Margaret Copeland, David Hemp- -is co-starred with Jsanette Mac- stead, and R. Duane Wells, who is To the Editor: Donald. Some similarity may be to play the role of Anatol. In regards to an article appear- discovered between "Monte Carlo" play ing in the Detroit Free Press, Octo~ and "The Love Parade," in which ALUMNI MEMORAL HAIL; The ber 29th, entitled "Secret .Police at the same actress appeared with seventh annual exhibition of the U. of M." This article is so worded Maurice Chevalier, but there is little Ann Arbor Art Association, includ- that the reader would gather that question in our mind as to the su- ing sculpture, water-colors, oils, the "numerous necking and drik- periority of the former. etchings, a n d miniatures, open ing parties" have made it necessary But on with the daily to the public until November to install a Card Identification Sys- a:_story -- which r w- 21. tem, whereby every student is com- pelled to carry a card on his perso' volves around theGT T to verify hils identity on demand beautiful princessGBILOWITSCH TO s h. aand the efforts of GIVE FINE SYMPHONIC PRO- should he be found in bad cornm-h ra bgmnGAJ the great big man GRAM. pany r t , of a handsome The fourth pair of subscription I resent the implications in thxe :towoa..c:cet, pritce to woo and concerts being given by the De- several column inches of this news -in the damsci. troit Symphony Orchestra in Or- paper article. We students ofs this Unlike the fairy chestr, Hall Thursday night and fame and honor which has wa s book-he actualy Friday afternoon is one of the most existed upon our campus. Do lnot V enters the inner interesting this year. The first be frivolous. Rather be serious and boudoir on his half will contain the Handel Con- spread the true spirit of all the l[ANL s M 1 t dL first visit. But .certo Gross i n D Minor for string teachings of our University. only as a hairdresser, only as a Orchestra and the Brahms Third 'h 5r racc rf csmnl~ nrr il ; ' ni'li -* ' l-,p l I BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER T. HOLLISTER MABLEY Assistant Manager KASPER H. HALVERSON Department Managers Advertisg ................Charles T. Kline Advertisimc................Thomas M. Davis Advertising ............ William W. Warboys Service........... ...Norrisw J.Johnson Publication......... ;... kobert W'. Williamson Ciculation..:::.....Marvin S. Kobacker Accounts...................Thomas S. Muir Business Secretary............ Mary J. enan Assistants Harry R. B~egley Donald WV. Lyons Vernon Bishop Wiliam Morgan William Brown 11. Fred Schaefer Robert Callahan Richard Stratemeier Wlliam n g. Davis Noel D. Turner Richard H. Hiller Byron C. Vedder Erle Kightlinger Marian Atran Ilelen Bailey Josephine Convisser 'Dorothy Laylin Sylvia Miller Helen Olsen Mildred Postal M\1arjorie Rough Ann W. Verner Mary E. Watts J ohanna Wiese SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1930 Night Editor-RICHARD L. TOBIN Upon examination of the pur- poses of the Identification Card asI set forth in The Daily, I do not find any basis for any of the statements in the Detroit Free Press article., For The Daily states that: "Use of1 the cards, as explained by Dean Bursley, is optional with students at the University and the identifi- cations are merely for the conven- ience of the individual in such cases when identification is need- ed." The Daily goes on: "Aid in cashing checks at foreign stores, security of withdrawitng library books, and identification in case ofj necessity are the major uses for which the cards have been assem- bled." Now where in these state- ments do you find any mention of "necking and drinking partes?" Where do you find any statement that carrying of the cards is corn.- pulsory? We students must;squelch any such far fetched ideas as con- tained in the article! They are evidently the result of a fertile imagination working upon hearsay as a, basis. We can prevent the fur- ther spread of such false notions of college life by quietly rebuking any, untrue statements which seek to cast discredit upon the student body as a whole. May every student be a fighter for the fame and glory of Michigan. and by his actions personify the high ideals here instilled in us. Let not anyone dare to say or write any idle word of discredit upon ourseiv es or the University. I sincerely want every student to be an Ambassador for the University of Michigan! K. E. S., '32E. continuity unobtrusively witho ' t the sudden bursting-into-song cf- din. AT i PEDAGOGICAL SALARIES. It is a matter of common knowl- edge that no class of professional men, with the possible exception of the clergy, are so poorly paid for their contributions to society as professors. While sundry efforts have lately been made to improve their salaries, such as the endow- ment campaigns of Eastern ,col- leges or the use of funds from be- quests to raise faculty pay, the scale of professorial salaries is yet so low that it is small wonder that a grevious pedagogical problem is created by the efforts of faculty to enlarge their incomes by extra- mural enterprises. If the demand for exclusive and inspired teaching services is sincerely and emphatic- ally to be sought, the premium for such should be increased. By way of relieving this situation indirectly, and fortifying somewhat the faculty in later life, the Carne- gie Foundation for the Advance- ment of Teaching and the Carnegie corporation' contracted with the University in 1915 to supply, funds for pensioning professors. From time to time since that date, how- ever, because of the fluctuating assets of those bodies, they have been compelled to' dower the stip- ends which each full professor was to have received under the original agreement, to such an extent that in 1929 the amount had been re- duced to roughly $1,500 per year. Recognizing that this small pension would neither care for normal wants nor gratify the expectations of the faculty who had planned on the 'larger figure as first agreed upon, the Regents empowered a committee to devise means wherebyj the Universicy could co-operate with the faculty in raising the amount of the pensions to a figureI more nearly confirming to these demands and expectations. A short time ago, this committee' submitted for the approval of the professors concerned a plan of buying co-operative annuity insur- ance, the payments for which would be equally divided between the hairdressyr symphony in F major. ihe iast Lubitsch's directorial skill is ob- half of the program will see the served in numerous spicy situatis first performance in America of marked by a sophisticated mastery Graener's "Comedietta" followed by fof dialogue refreshing to the ci[ne- the Vaughan-Williams "Norfolk maiddict. Even the occasional musi- Rhapsody" a n d the Polovstian cal numbers are blended into the Dances from Prince Igor by Boro- i r feet common in screen operettas. The acting is above repr:ac;.;. "1STRI'!'IY DISHGNOP.ABLE" Miss MacDonald fits or is m'd" ,o A E ' WILSON FORV ONE WEEK. fit her role by the director J1 Br k Pemberton's production of fectly, while her voice is heard to Proston Sturgis' play "Strictly Dis- a advantage in both the hit numb1e°z honorable" which comes to the "Beyond the Blue Horizon" anI Wilson this week was one of the "Always, I'm Always." Puchunn:v, curious sensations of New York while possibly not radiating Chev- last season. Its delicate, sophisti- alier's magnetic personality:, o- cated floating around all possible tributes much of tho droll i theme co.. nected with sex, and its which made him popular in thie one scene that was anything but legitimate musical comedy ie'.d. innuendo, made this comedy the Claude Allister and Zasu iu ie topic for conversation and conse- stand out in. the supporting cast, quently the comedy one went to. the former as the 'bawly count, I It is now in its second year in-New say, and the latter in another p, r- York, having created many for- feet maid-in-waiting charaocteric - tunes for many people. tion. The cast which is coming to De- Unusually pleasant company m;-yi troit is the cast destined to take have unduly prejudiced us in fIavor this American product to London of "Monte Carlo" but here's an A in the spring. The production ex- for it, regardless. pects and will spend the winter in The Owl show feature tomorrow Detroit and Chicago. Flobelle Fair- night is Norma Shearer's "The banks, as the miss from Mississip-1 Divorcee," to be shown follovlz erv pi, Lino Manzoni, Lee Baker, and the regular second performance. George Meeker are outstanding in Entertaining---Wright or Wr the cast. Out West where men are men "HELLO PARIS" and women hold the shotguns WITh CHIC SALES. seems to be the locale of Harold The Messrs. Shubert's newest Bell Wright's latest best-seiling musical comedy hit, which opened epic to r4ach the talking screen. in Chicago last winter, underwent Not having been one oft the me drastic revisions, and landed in than five or six million readers who New York, something of a substan- devoured the more than one mil- tial hit, opens at the Cass theatre f eorle"inDetroit Monday night. our entrance to the M aj estic yep; nDtot-odyngt terday was one of skeptical disdain "Hello Paris" contains the not for this demigodial author of the unknown "Chic" Sales as the cen- hoi poiloi. tral figure. Sales had given an a- bundance of wholesome humour to And while not having been ex- the musical comedy stage before actly vernied, vidied, and vincied, h uia oeysaebfr we're foredt dit, tat ves, his shady literary career. He is of the World' 'has considera ble seen in this show in one of his cinem ne rit' 'his consliraoledjustly famous "old man" roles-as inema mierit. Thscom nperC wa ' ad .- "a, Pike etersClearwater's ledn o ieSold at AU C TIONT~w Im BID Red Arro OnV Who Will become The Proud Olvner ofthe baby? The baby is not an orphan and we have full permis- sion to dispose of it, providing it goes to some good family of the city or community. No adoption papers will be necessary as we have arranged to give legal title to the baby. If you know of some reputable family in need of a nice healthy baby, tell them about this Big Red Arrow feature, or buy the baby and present it to them. The baby, with a nurse in charge, will appear at thie next "aed Arrow Auction on The baby will be sold in open bidding at the close of the regular Red Arrow Auction. The sale of the baby is not contrary to the United States constitution, nor in opposition to the high prin- ciples of your Humane Society. What is the joke? THERE WILL BE FUN AT TIS AUCTION. BE THERE! Announcement will be made next weekp of an inter- esting contest in connection with the live baby auction. Watch for it! The merchandise to be sold at the next auction is now on display at the Red Arrow Places. See this mer- chandise, then place your bid. You may raise the bid at a later date, if you care to do so. BABY WITHI Editorial Comment ) VIRTUE, VIRTUE. -0 (The Daily Princetonian). In behalf of the public weal, we olead for a broader definition of political virtue. In Illinois, Dsmo- crats are yelling that what voters 'should require in a candidate is apparent dissociation fromdgang'- dom and frora ig Bill TH-OM1P- SON. In New York, Republicans are screaming from all headlines that the supreme and all-saving virtue is a mortal fear and hate of our scrawny and evilly named ugly brother, the Tammany Tiger. There are three evident objections to this sharp narrowing of public hysteria. In the first place, it is question- able whether or not this last min- ute ballyhoo method is a sound one for abolishing corruption. Cynical Democrats will not ba confident that under the existing system a Republican force in the offices of New York will stay perceptibly purer than a Democratic. The same is true in reverse form in Illinois. Taxi drivers in New York who like Messrs. WALKER and ROOSEVELT better than their opponents in spite of brands of shame say laughingly that they "are voting -for Tammany and corruption." This does not show their real feel- ings, but it shows an unhealthy at- titude toward political morals far in the road of development. citizen, who is prevailed upon by young daughter--shenev:r enit to his grandchildren to visit Paris colcge-who brushes -p st oit n --77-, when oil on his property enriches young artist him beyond his fondest dreams. It yhncist andris is in gay Paree that all the hilar- ity takes place. The usual Shuber- m ea nwhile in-- 4 l ed i anld- itian lavishness of production is t ivdin an ol said to be present in settings and t i m e scandal quantity of people in the cast. about which herf. father isc u r- rently writing, is hat's well supplied with thrilling situa- Lions a nd ch- oing maxes, and yet I on manages to be uNa'i , r L convincingly entertaing. Una Merkel carries the daugih terI role extremely well, her naive I SUNDAY charm proving pleasantly adapted Theatres. to the part. John Holland is see Majestic-"Eyes of the World" by as the young artist, and while no; harold Bell Wright. called on to exercise much histron- Michigan - "Monte Carlo" with ic ability, handlss the character Joernnette MacDonald. ably. Ie was last cast opposite Lupe West" with An i Harding. Velcz in "Hell Harbor." and eWi n a n both pictures and a pleasing screen Organizations. personality to his credit, sEcims Vulcans-Meeting at 5:30 o'clock destined to bigger and better roles, tonight in the Union. rTh p ,- P -1 c'1s{ c,,nrlr ,e - ir y'- .1,r TfccP-- n t LLO TRAIE MARK When you Spend a Dollar here- you get a R ED AR R OWdollar back" The Schultz Grocery Ernst Bros. Electric Shop J. B. Eibler, Jeweler Hutzel & Co., Plumbing and Heating Crippen Drug Stores, Inc. The Michigamme Oil Co. Kyer Laundry Co. Frank W. Wilkinson, Leather Goods McLean & Neelands, Groceries and Meats George J. Moe Sport Shops Ann Arbor Implement Co. Dietzel's Shoe Store Schlenker Hardware Co. Swiss Garment Cleaning Co. I