ESTABLISHED 1890 ti '4 Y Y ,5 -ZIP lr a s e (won MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVE RSITY OF MICHIGAN NNOWAUX"" VOL. XLI. No. 29 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTO1E i, 1930 PRICE FIVE CENTS BRUCKER DECRIES DEMOCRATIC STAND ON PROPERTY TAX Attorney General Gives Address Before Republican Rally at Whitney Theatre. TALKS ON TAX QUESTION Answers Charges of Democrats on Administration Expenses. Wilber M. Brucker, L. L. D. '16, Republican candidate for governor in the Tuesday election, hammered away at the Democratic stand on abolishing the state property tax last night before a crowd of more than 1,000 persons who packed the Whitney theater., Attorney-General Brucker an- swered Democrat charges that the Republican administration has er- red in every branch of the state government by announcing a plat- form of construction and aid to the present depressiontand the problems of unemployment. Cites Depression. "We are in a very depressing period," Brucker told his audience, "and we must not only provide for our immediate unemployed but we must think to the future-we must take stock in ourselves and look a- head as a weather bureau for the storms and-rain just over the hor- izon." Attorney-Gener4 Brucker based his speech on the attitude which the Democratic party has taken in the present election regarding cri- Wilber M. Brucker, L.L.B., '16, and Republican candidate for governor, told The Daily in a special interview last night that he had "never attended a com- mencement at the University, but perhaps he could make the one this year." n asked- why -he hadn't sexn raduation at Michigan, Mr. Brucker stated that when he was to receive his diploma he was called to the Mexican war three weeks before commencement and got his "sheepskin by mail." "I should remember Ann Ar- bor," he concluded. "I spent the happiest years of my life here." ticism of the present administra- tion. He told the assembled Re- publicans that "there is no use cut- ting' down the trunk of the tree be- cause some of its branches are weak."' He suggested a method of "pruning" which would keep the basic principles of "good-govern- ment," which his party advocates in its election campaign, and yet make provision for the changes of the age. Opposes Comstock. In regard to the state property tax, Brucker vehemently opposed W. A. Comstock, the Democratic candidate for governor, whose con- tentions throughout the campaign have been to supplant this method of taxation with a better scheme for producing revenue. Brucker stated that the better roads cam- paign which has netted the state more hard surface highways in the past five years than in the previous fifteen could not have been carried out without a sound financial scheme at Lansing. He also told of the necessity of keeping alive the growing interest in Michigan's in- stitutons for the criminal, the in- san, and the poor which has been manifest in recent building ap- propriations made possible by the state property assessment. Advocating an augmented work- ingmen's compensation law to take (,are of the aged in Michigan, 13ucker closed his remarks by heartily endorsing the present ad- ministration for its efforts in this 1ied. Conservatism in the state house at Lansing was, however, the keynote of the Ann Arbor address which came after a day's tour of W ashtenaw county and outlying territory. Green Enlists Support of Other State Chiefs (By Assocatcd Press) LANSING, Oct. 30 - Governor Fred V. Green tonight 'sent tele- grams to governors of all states in which nrmber schools of the Wes- tern Conference are located, invit- ing their aid in an endeavor to BRUCKER PRESEN T PLES IT AL IAN VI RHAVAGED BY 25 REPORTE Earthquake Does Seve to Towns on Ad Coast. HUNDREDS ARE I Military Authorities to Towns in Str Area. (By Assoia rd Prr, ANCONA, Italy, Oct. earthquake today bro and destruction to scor on central Italy's Adr unofficial esti'mates ton the number of dead at jured at many hundreds erty damage was heavy An increase in thed feared, since many of are in a serious conditi dreds of mountain villa DR. LANDS TEINER LLAESWINS NOBLE PRIZE QUAKE; Noted Pathologist Is Honored E~ STOCKHOLM, Oct. 30.-Dr. Karl (B AE' l'd '; - F CD wSE_ VATIVES I Landsteiner, eminent bacteriologist !'C N E T S and pathologist, who since 1922 has --- ere Damage3 been a memberf otheRRockefeller Fort er British Premier Receives' Iriatic I Institute for Medical Research inr Overwhelming Majority in riaticNew York, today was awarded the vwhmigMjryin Noble prize for medicine. Party Vote. It was the first of this year's -- INJURED awards to be announced, and was CHEERED IN COMMONSI made by the Stockholm faculty of- medicine. The money grant amounts Send Aid to about $48,000. Proposed Conservative Policy icken. Dr. Landsteiner, born in Vienna Outlined by Political ih 1868, is the author of numerous S papers on medical subjects connect- Speech. ed with bacteriology and pathology. (By - <' ocatcth-rss)-- 30. A The prize was granted to him spe- LONDON, Oct. 30.-Stanley Bald- "3.- n cificaily for h'is discoveries in class- ught death ifying definite types of human win went before a full Conservative es of towns blood. party meeting today for judgment1 iatic coast, The prizes for chemistry, physics, on his ie-dership and was accord- ight placing and literature will be announced ed it confidence by a vote of 4621 25 and in- n m tto 116. s. The prop- r 'The former premier who has . IL~never made any secret of his pre- death list is ference for pigs to politics, was the injured net in the hall when the actual on and hun- voting took place. ges are still : *_ Outlines Policy. , ' I 1 ) f x t I I i i i i FRIENDS MOURN HICKEY'S DEATH Regret at the death of Dr. Preston M. Hik-,key was expressed last night, as follows, by promi- nent faculty members: Aldred S. Vfarthin, professor of pathology and director of the pathological laboratories: "Icon- sider his loss very great. It will be very difficult indeed to replace him." Frank E. Robbins, assistant to the Preside At: "Dr. Hickey had a country-wade reputation as a roentgenologist, We have lost a very distiguished member of the faculty." C. S. Yoakum, vice president of the Univer ity: "My acquaintance with Dr. Hickey has extended over a number of years. I have always fonnuid him deeply inter- ested in s udents. It is difficult to appraise the many values he represented to the University." Wilber M. Brucker. Republican candidate for Gover- nor, who last night told an Ann Arbor audience that he intends to ffi I, ,i create little change in the govein- ment at Lansing if elected to that office on Tuesday, Nov. 4. nnai n nn irn F- - I f1e.11 111_ 11 ° 81! l11 * Ifr ;r arr frrSm Figures Contradicted. Official and unofflical estimates Prof. Pollock Discusses Rise of agreed in stating that three were National Socialist Party W II 'Uh Idead here and at least 50 mnjured. d i At Seni Gallia, however, the official ender Hitler. figures of 10 dead were contradict- Southern Rebel Troops Arrive u ed by reli'able unofficial estimates LAUDS BRUEN ING'S WORK Rio de Janeiro Amidst that there were 20. _ Rousing Cheers. Two more deaths have been re- 'turbulent ported from outlying districts, mak- . l pol itical conditions in inp an official total of 15 and an Germany caused by the economic VARGAS EXPECTED SOON unofficial total of 25. depression, dissatiisfaction with the More than a score of those in- reparations plan, and the meteoric (By Associated Press) jured at Seni Gallia were gravely ftn ; .- - _ ---- ---- _- --3i.--3 ,rise of the National Socialist party He stopped into the private ses- Distributing of 'Passports' in lion at Caxton Hail, where soma Alph~abetical Order Is 600 Conservative peers, members of Commons a n d candidates, had Discontinued. gathered to sit in judgment on his 1 --s direction, and in a vigorous speech Between 1,500 and 2,0' student I outlined his proposed policy for the identification cards were issued Conservative party. yesterday at the ofMI e of J. A. ConsrtiveBarty.ndefedBursley, dean of students. Con- This Mr. Baldwin defined as the tinuation of distribution through- policy of a "free hand" on fiscal out the remainder of the week and matters, referring to such problems durnthefinrstt e eo nx a tariff, and asked for a show of duaing eoxi ate copleti aS ~~~~~~week will apoiaecmltc hands for a decision. of the card issue. "I always bow to the will of my The plan to have students call RIO DE JANEIRO, Oct. 30.-The hurt and some are expectecdtodie..---------party," he said, "and if, after dis- for their cards in series of alpha- first contingent of Gaucho troops Not a wall in the city of Ancona, leader, Adolph Hitler, were discussed cussion, you tink it fit to tell me betical groups has been abandoned the cowboy soldiers from the Pam- iportant seaport and shipbuilditng by Prof. James K. Pollock, of the that you desire another leader, I by thoseo in carge of the distribu- pas o Rorde sulowho Par- Icenter with a population well above political science department, at an will walk out with no malice in tion, Any student, regardless of last pas of Rio Granefde Sul whowar- 50,000, was without a crack tonight, all-campus forum held yesterday my heart; I will retire from poli- initial, may get his or her hard at red against the federals for three and many homes and other build- r.tics." any time this week or early next weeks, arrived in the federal capi- ings were in ruins.ailI Given Ovation, week, tal tonight for a rousing welcome. 10,000 Homeless. Dr. Pollock stressed the rise of the Then he left, to learn later that Use of the cards is optional with Bronzed and sturdy, the south- About 10,000 persons were home- Hitlerite party, sometimes called the meeting had voted confidence University students, Dean Bursley ern cavalry pushed through cheer- less, and went to bed under army the fascsts party, and said that its in their leader and his party by 4 has stated, for the identiYcations ng crowds along three. ined. ave- tn ts hastiy assemb ledby ilitary recent success may be merely froth, He was cheered as he left, and are-merely for onve ie in cash- nues, preceded by husky infant v A't ho'it' s. Whole families, num- and that the -,ovement mtay-' as he entered the House of Corn- ing checks, procuring library books men from the same section. bering from four to seven persons, down. Adolph Hitler was described mons later in the day his followers or uses where affiliation with the It was this type of soldier which were in many cases crowded under by the speaker as being an impres- gave another tremendous cheer. University m u s t necessarily be opposed the federals in the Sao a "pup" tent intended for two sol- ! sive appearing leader, able to sway - There was one leading figure who shown. Students are urged to enter Paulo-Parana sector after the rev- diers. Most of them dragged out an audience during a speech, butjs olution began Oct. 3 until it ended their mattresses and blankets from nevertheless something of a dema- refused to join the show of hands the west door of the office of the with the ousting of the Washing- the ruins of their homes. ogue and possibly a fool. D. Pol- for Baldwin. He was Lord Beaver- registrar, room 4, University hall, ton Luis administration a week a- The first shock came shortly after lock described the campaign as one brock, proprietor of the Daily Ex- When calling for their cards. No go. 8 o'clock this morning and lasted of intense rivalry and confusion, press, who for months has waked card will be given to anyone but Getulio Vargas, the rebel gener- 20 minutes. At Seni Gallia there was with the Hitlerites advertising thei'r _anst Baldwin the student for which it has been alissimo who has been designated a tremendous booming from the cause by means of mass meetings issued. the provisional president of Brazil sea and chimney tops rattled uinto and acts of violence. Thu lnnce tyoikepn te was still in Sao Paulo tonight, but the street. The speaker praised the work ofI identification cards, which have it was understood he planned to Chancellor Bruening who recently been created rimaril w a cour- leave later and arrive here ear ut though his plan for reorganiz- H IM esy to the student body, lies in ng the ances of the govern t. the fact that if withdrawal from VaTheeLe Sproviding for this was a te est de Vargas reached Sao Paulo fro temporary relief measure only, but must be presented along with the the south in a special train last put through against great treasurer's receipt to obtain refund sayghe. didsntcsom nothet capty I Failurse reultofthi, eeaeti night. Dispatches from that city opposition. As a result of this, con- r Failure of D g to Ratify on tuition. Cards do not have to be a hedteny cae mhe desiritions in Germany are greatly Protocol May Lead carried on the student's person, to await the assembling of sufrici- C oc eased at the present, and German to Conflict. however, except s desired: ent railway rolling stock to move Funeral for bonds are risig i value i the more of his troops up at the same J. Fritz to be Held, various markets of the world., (B",Assrted Press) I!TUNNEY IS FACED i.Frtz oorr o. Continuing on the subject of BYt50e00 UI time. Tmrw-N ntugiasth beerPPossibility of renewal of armed BY $0, 0 U T Thirty thousand southern sold-I . National Socialist party, Dr. jumped controversy with Russia over con- ~~~~~~ iers wil be scattered thoghu lock said that the Hitlerites jumpe trol of the Chinese eastern rai~iway(,socae Pes throughout Funeral services for Michael J. from 12 seats to 117 in the election Y,(By Assoiaed Press) S a o Paulo state, revolutionary Fritz chairman of the board of di- a month ago. He stated that Hitler has added to the unrest among NEW YORK, Oct. 30-Back into leaders say, while 60,000 others will r hgadmnuago. esatex t er Chinas huge population of more the fawning gaze of the crowds, come into the federal distC. c and Trust company, who died of wing partisan and also some ideas than 400,000,000 just emerging from the public attention he abhors. an rust rcompnd w hodyi of wn par adalso sor ie civil war and struggling with ban- I came Gene Tunney today to lift injuries received Wednesday night of an ultra- radical. In short he i n omns ris i fssi ea ees gi i University Foresters when he was struck by an automo- was something of a mystical ideal- dit and communist armies. his fists in legal defense again Tim s and that whenever Russian and Chinese soldi'ers Mara's suit for $500,000 for alleged Awat Peace i Braz bile on Washington street, will be r- of his wild political speeches, it was have been reported aligning against breach of contract back in the ----- noon at his late residence, 313 W. a sure indbeation that the German each other along the borders of Si- budding heydey of the retired hea- I DnWne dPhlp .Wh-ibrysrt.sokmkewudtkeadci. beria and Manchuria owing to the vyweight champion's fistic career. Donineoad PhlpnI W e -aie t hs t e rdnet.31stocka ar kedtz woul takte aGerlin e cthrae de a tion h atrd r Moscowd ng h yd y oft e ofrd he - The in e a d Phlp .suitLbet sret revolved w ud a e d cin . h eaboutd an h ri wi gtthe y e con-o ' fsic c re r ler, both 1930 graduates of the for- Marion G. Bond, 248 Crest ave- Dr. Pollock concluded by saying that:threatened cessation at Moscow o The suit revolved about the con- estry school who for the lastyear nue, driver of the car which struck he felt the Germans were too stable negotiations for settlement of the tention of Mara, prominent noliti- raiway question. cian and sportsman, that Tunney have been doing forestry work for ! the banker, was arraigned yester- a people to listen to Hitler very long. Chiwn e s . g , e a d toism10 per ceny the Brazilian government, are now day before Justice Bert E. Fry on - ----- China's e to the Khabarovak hs purse and 25 per cent of his in Rio de Janiero waiting for the a charge of negligent homicide. He CLARE CLAIRBERT conference in December had ex- ring earnings during the remainder revolution to end, it was stated was later released on $5,000 bond, ceeded his authority iin granting re- of his career in return for Mara's yesterday at the School of Forestry and a hearing set for Thursday. TO SING TONIGHT ceddhsatoiyi rnig n-o i aeri eunfrM ' y yinstatement of Russian managers aid in gaining him a title match and Conservation. Nov. 13. and employees of the railway, were with Jack Dempsey in 1926. Soprano to Give Second Concert said to be preparing to leave the The one mild sensation of the BORED COLLEGIANS MAY REENACT of Choral Series. Moscow meeting called for the rati- presentation was the admission of: BRUT C LEPANS 'ONEALWEEN YO T__URA KS N___ Ofication of the Khabarovsk proto- Tunney's counsel that Gene of- Y U F P A K O- Col.fid aaS nfth iian DR. HICKEY, DEN OF RADIOLOGISTS DIES ATHOSPITAL Funeral Services Will be Held Sunday Afternoon. BORN IN YPSILANTI Roentgenology H e a d Faculty Member Since 1922. Dr. Preston M. Hickey, 65, head of the department of roentgenology of the University and dean of Ameri- can radiologists, died at noon yes- terday in University hospital. Although no definite funeral ar- rangements have been made, it I understood that services will be held Sunday afternoon. uDeath came as a result of an. illness which began in December of last year. Confined to the hospital for six weeks, he ralliled, and, under advice of physicians, went south to recuperate, returning here in March to resume his duties as department head. It was not until last Saturday that his condition became serious. Dr. Hickey was born in Ypsilanti Dec. 3, 1865. Upon completion of his preparatory education, he en- tered the University, where he was granted a bachelor of arts degree in 1888. He received his medfcal de- gree in 1892 from Detroit College of Medicine. The degree of Doctor of Science was conferred on him last June by the City College of Detroit. Served During War. Dr. Hickey was married in 1897 to Miss Grace Maley of DetMg from then until 1922 spent most F s time practicing In that city In 1909, he was made professr . roentgenology at the Detroit ol- lege of Medicine. He served as roentgenologst at Receiving, Children's ,and Harper's hospital. During the World War, Dr. Hickey was a lieutenant-c0ol nel in the medical corps, and from Au- gust, 1917, to January, 19'x, acted as consultant in roentge for the American Expeditiona Qer. Following his return from France he continued practice in Detroit un- til 1922, coming here in that year as head of the department of roent- genology. His department, first lo- cated in the basement of the con- valescent hospital, was expanded upon opening of the new University hospital, and complete facilities for treatment by X-rays, camera, and multiple fleuroscope machines made available. Dr. Hickey's wide experience in the field of X-Tay therapy and di- agnosis, and in the interpretatio of fleuroscope fields and X-ra plates, gaiined him world-wide rec ognition. Former Editor. He was a member of the Ameri- can Roentgen-Ray society, serving as president of that organization in 1907 and 1908. He was also a former editor of the journal of the society. Dr. Hickey was a Fellow of th American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science; Fellow o; the American College of Surgeons; Fellow of the American College of Physicians, and Fellobw of the Aner- ican College of Radiology. As a member of the latter organization he was acknowledged in 1928 as dean of American radiologists,.lHe was a member of the medical divi- sion of the National Research coun- cil, the American Medical associa- tion, the Michigan State and Wash- tenaw County Medical societies, and the Detroit Academy of Medicine. Dr. Hickey was chosen as the American representative to the In- ternational Congress of Radiology held in 1925 at London, and in 1928 at Stockholm, and was to have been the delegate to the congress next summer in Paris. Brown Dean Succumbs to Brain Infamm (ByAssociated Press) PROVIDENCE, R. I., Oct. 30. - Kenneth Oliver Mason, dean of .a v o~ w s s e wv +rr a w ...a aa.. . .. +w w *.r .. - " I Goblins and Ghosts Will Stalk Vicinity of Ann Arbor Tonight. S pooks and witches will prowl to-M night. Ghosts will shriek through' the wind. It is Hallowe'en. Since the days of medieval Eng- land, October 31 has been known as the vigil of Hallowe'en, or AllI Saints' day. Only on the hallow eve can freshmen steal milk bottles from the dean's porch without fear of the Paddle; only tonight can the senior date the sophomore's girl and not be mortified. Any human act is forgiven; for it is approved by the saints. I'PramnniP . rnarte~dr n t h i s nually featured the . lighting of fires as a token of Thanksgiving for the bountiful harvest and a prayer for the harvest to come, de- veloped the belief that on the eve of this festival the lord of death called together the wicked souls that had been condemned to live in the bodies of animals during the I past 12 months. The lighted masks go back again to pre-Christian times when gro- tesque carved figures and fired torches were used to frighten away the evil spirits. Predominance of jack-o-lanterns, pumpkins, nuts and apples signified bountiful har- vest in the English festival, al- thnoah the annarance* of annles Clare Clhrbert, Belgian colora- tura soprano, will appear on the' second of the Choral Union series concerts at 8:15 o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium. Madame Clairbert made h e r American debut with the San Francisco Opera company I a s t month in "La Traviata." Her first professional appearance was at the Theatre de Monnaie at Brussels. Prior to that, she sang during thc war for wounded soldiers. The program she will present has been announced as follows: L'Enlevement au Serail, by Mozart; Serenade by Brumagne; Chanson Triste, by Dupare; Mandoline, by -de Bourguignon; Caro Mio ben, by Giordonni:-ussian Nightingnae nr- With Soviet and Manchuri'an s troops making hostile demonstra- tions, the situation was similar to1 that which resulted last year in Soviet armed invasion and occupa- tion of several Manchurian border ; towns precedent to China's forced signing of the protocol. ALUMNI ASK BODY I TO APPROVE GAMEI Twelve prominent Detroit alumni of the University yesterday ad- dressed a letter to Prof. Ralph W.j Aigler, chairman of the board in : control of athletics, asking that theI board, at its meeting Saturday,. vote favorably for a charity foot- !pil anie with the TTniversityx nfI would influence the New York State Athletic commission to lift the ban' that had been put on the bout here. The commission then recognized Harry Wills, the "Black Menace," as the outstanding contender. Sophomore Engineers Will Elect Officers' Sophomores of the School of En- gineering will meet at 10 o'clock this morning in room 348, West Engi- neering building to elect class of- ficers for the year. President, vice president, secre- 'taTy, treasurer, a representative to the engineering council, and two