ESTABLISHED 1890 ' ; 9 i MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN VOL. XLI. No. 28 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1930 PRICE FIVE CENTS SEVERE MEASURES PROMISED ENEIES oF BAZL BLS New Government to Establish Constitutional Rule After Election. WILL OUST OLD OFFICERS Insurgent General. Guarantees Payment of All Old 1 Foreign Debts. Copyright, 1930, by the Associated Press c SANTA ANA DO LIVRAMENTO, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, Oct. 29.- General Francisco Flores da Cunha,1 of the insurgents, general staff,1 made clear today that the new Bra-1 zilian government will take severe; measures to punish those guilty ofi wrongful acts under the deposed Washington Luis regime. In a statement issued at his head- quarters here, the leader of some of the first revolting troops in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, out- lined the hopes of the victorious in- surgents and said the new govern- ment would oust all the old author- ities and hold new elections to re- establish constitutional government. Guarantees Debt Payments. He also said the new regime un- der Getulio Vargas, would guaran- tee payment of all agreements made with foreign houses upuntil Oct. 3,f the day the revolt began. "It is my privilege to let the world know through the Associated Press that the revolution headed by Dr. Getulio Vargas and directed against the government of Wash- ington Luis Pereitra de Souza, for- mer president of Brazil, has been victorious throughout our country and that the 24th of October of 1930 will be one of our glorious mem- ories," his statement said. "The army and the navy cast i their lot with the people of Brazil in a supreme effort to attain a1 suddenand peaceful end to the slaughter. And those forces sta- tioned at the capital embraced our c a u s e and deposed Washington Luis, thus ending the civil war that for nearly a month threatened the, fate of the , largest republic in South America." Names Objective of War. "The objective of the revolution was to bring about the resignation of Washington Luis, to establish administrative morality, and to fulfill the constitutional principles of independence of the legislative and judicial powers from -the fed- eral executive," he said. 'Under Washington Luis' regime there was no other power in the nation but his. The people in Brazil have been for many years anxious to see a return to constitu- tional government, and under the new government measures will be -taken to severely punish those re- sponsible for the violation of our inalienable constitutional rights." "Those people will be called to account. And we hold that those members of the legislative body that passively submitted to the will of one man, are equally respon- sible with him for this travesty of justice and this violation of their constitutional oath." LAST RITES HELD FOR SPORTSMAN D A R Clashes With President Frank On Student Boisheviki R- Associated Press) FOND DU LAC, Wis., Oct. 29.- The Wisconsin D. A. R. was told at its convention today that President Glenn Frank of the University ofj Wisccnsin is indifferent to the pres- ence of communism at the univer- sity. Before the session was over, Pres- ident Frank replied, in a formalj statement, expressing himself as still unconcerned. Mrs. James F. Trottman, Milwau- kee, state regent, attacked the uni- versity as a place where "un-Amer- ican ideas were fostered." She called "enlightening" a quo- tation attributed to Frank w h e n asked whether there were commun- ists at the University. "Well, what of it? We are rapt to I have both communists and Presby- terilans here. I have said, and still say, a student has as much right to be a communist as he has to be a Presbyterian or a Baptist. It is not the business of the university to dictate the political and religious beiefs of its students." HIT BY AUTO, DI Michael J. Fritz, 77, Financier, Killed by Motorist; Was Trust Chairman.* DRIVER HELD BY POLICE i t COM,! STOGKURE OLD AGEPESO AT PARTY RALLY Democratic Nominee Denounces Republican Ineaficiency and Extravagance. GoVERNORAGI MICHIGAN BRATTLE Green Scores Conference Heads' Stand Against Proposed Charity Contest. FRENSDORF ALSO TALKS TICKETS TO SELL AT 5 Candidate for Governor Would Lift Tax Burden From Farmers. Characterizes Big Ten Committee as "Narrowminded" in its Decision. FOR U.OF .D. GAME f 'STM PPEAERS Architect Stresses Importance of Public Speaking. Before a meeting of the Stump Speakers society, local chapter of Sigma Rho Tau, Alex Wynn Trout, prominent Detroit architect and de- 1 signer of Mosher-Jordan hall, spoke last night at the Union on "Public Relations of Architects land En- .... gineers." Trout stressed the importance of maintai'ning relationship between > '- :'-w' the general public and men of sci- ence. "The greatest need of the ar- chitect. and engineer today," he stated, "does not lie in the lack of technical knowledge nor in the lack of means to execute his designs, but in the ability to make the public understand the appropriateness of his project." 11e further said than the use of independent salesmanship today is necessary for the professional man i the fields of applied science, and that only by maintaining close re- 4Gsocated Press Photo lations between the scientist and Gov. Fred W. Green, the general public could the larger Chief executive of Michigan, who (, aims of the profession be realized. yesterday repeated his request for "The true professional man," Mr. a charity game between Michigan Tru ocue,"siterested in and the University of Detroit. Trout concluded, is mtrend n advancing our stage of civilization. The scientist of today is enjoying the sport gained for him by the POLLOC TO Fefforts of a former generation of en who lectured on popular scien- tific subjects." The meeting was attended by 150 m -eluding members and ryouts of DEAN[ WILISSUE IDENTITY C 90ADS A9T OFFICE TODAY Distribution to Continue Until Monday Afternoon. USE IS OPTIONAL Cards Include Picture and Address of Student. Flaying the inefficiency and ex- ( Associated Press) LANSING, Oct. 29. - Governor travagance of the present regime Gr today renewed his request at Lansing and pledging himself to Green a constructive program of social for a University of Michigan-Uni- legislation for the allevilation of the versity of Detroit football game in present economic crisis, William A. the Michigan stadium for charity Comstock, democratic nominee for in a formal statement deriding the governor, addressed a democratic decision of the Western Conference party rally last night at the Whit- faculty committee this week whichf ney theater, adversely affected the proposed Comstock, a graduate of the Uni- benefit battle. versity and a former regent of the The governor said that if rules school, advocated the immediate were permitted to stand in the way adoption of an unemployment in- of the proposed game, it would be surance bill, a bill providing for a unfortunate for unemployed, the state old age pension system, and a sport, and the two institutions. He readjustment and lessening of the stated that Michigan's reputation state tax burden. throughout the state would suffer. Criticizes Administration. Explaining the latter statement, In attacking the party in power, the governor said he did not mean the speaker said that he did not to infer that Michigan authorities wish to make political capital out of had exerted pressure to bring about the occurrence of the business de- the ruling of the Big Ten faculty pression, but he did criticise the Re- committee. "But if this ruling is publican administr-ation severely permitted to stand, Michigan as a for not meeting the situation in a member of the Western Conference' more vigorous and efficient way. will suffer. People will point to our Will Talk on Politics in Reich atj 'All-Campus Forum This Afternoon. HAS STUDIED ELECTIONS Politics in Germany today stand the societ gressing r ing inter number o cates a sea the lastc D. Bracke English cd Michael J. Fritz, chairman of the He praised the efforts of Mayor state institution as one belonging board of directors of the Ann Arbor Frank Murphy in Detroit in regis- j to a conference which was too Savings and Trust company, and tering all the unemployed of the narrow to open up its heart to un-G p r o mi n e n t Washtenaw county city, and said that the same pro- employed sufferers of the state,"' banker, died at 6:30 o'clock last cedure should have been urged by the governor said. night in St. Joseph's Mercy hospital the state government upon all the The possibility of future demand of injuries received when struck by other large municipalities of Michi- on the committee for abrogation of an automobile on West Washington gan. its rules for various reasons is not and First streets. Fritz, who was Comstock's chief weapon of at- regarded by the governor of suffi-t unmarried, was 77 years old. tack was the charge of extrava- cient justification for its present It is believed Fritz was'on his way garice. The state expenditures dur- decision. to the bank when, on crossing ing the last term of Groesbeck, he "With a capacity of 80,000 people Washington street, he stepped into said, amounted to 95 million dollars. and a price of $5 per ticket there the path of a machine driven by Although this sum was considered would be an immense sum of Marion Bond, of 248 Crest avenue. unusually large at the time, in this money available for those in dire Bond rushed the injured man to last term of Governor Green, the 1need. The price would enable a the hospital, where he died a few expenditures rose to 120 million. A vast amount of people to expressI minutes later. Bond then surren- deficit of 10 million left by the Re- their sympathy for those who have dered to police officials. publican regime must be added to been caught in this unprecedented At the hospital, it was found this figure, he stated. ( business depression," stated Gover- that Fritz had died of a fractured Appeals to Farm Element. nor Green. skull, compound fracture of the The speaker made a strong ap- arm, internal injuries and body peal to the farm element by stat- REM VEB D bruises. ing himself to be unreservedly in 13 BOD I Fritz was connected with the favor of abolishing the state real IN MINE DISAST ER' Savings and Trust company for estate tax, which he charged was __ more than 50 years. Born in Scio not only unfair to the farmer, but township in 1853, he graduated was also choking off one-third of' Rescue Workers Reay to Finish from the Ann Arbor High school the buying power of the state. The Recovery of Victims. in 1874. He then entered the bank revenue from this tax, he continued,- as a messenger upon completion of was increased from 17 million to 291I (By Associated Press) his course, was made cashier in million in the past four years. If McALESTER, Okla., Oct. 29. - 1901, and president in 1917. When the rate that farm land is being Black depths of the Wheatly coal asked to be relieved of the presi- returned to the state because of mine, tomb of 29 victims of a vio- dency last January, he was made deficient taxes continues, within lent explosion Monday night, which chairman of the board of directors. forty-one years, the speaker said, killed another worker on the sur- He was also one of the organizers the government will own the entire face, had yielded 13 bodies tonight. of the Hoover Steel and Ball com- property of the state. Rescue workers planned to complete pany, and at the time of his death Other speakers on the program the sombre task of removal before was treasurer and a member of the included Edward Frensdorf, of daybreak. board of directors. He was also a Hudson, who is running on the Eight bodies were brought to the member of the city board of park Democratic ticket for congression- surface thi~s morning from the 18th commissioners, having served in al representative from this district, east entry, the farthest reach of the that capacity for the past 17 years. and James Schermerhorn of De- slope mine on the state peniten- He is survived by one brother, triot. tiary farm a short distance north- Christian Fritz, of 715 Lawrence west of the city. Five more were street, and one sister, Miss Mary Editor Sets Deadline removed this afternoon from the Fritz, 313 West Liberty street, with .Iy17th east entry and the workers whom he -made his home. for 'Ensian Pictures I passed on to other levels where -----___mine records indicated the other Harvard Tickets, Still Although there has been much hapless workmen were on duty laxity with regard to the taking of when the blast came. on Sale, Move Rapidly the senior photographs for the Funerals were held today for sev- Michiganensian in previous years, eral of the victims, and it was Orders are still being taken at the absolute deadline for these pic- planned to bury others tomorrow. the Administration building for tures this year has been set at Dec. Families of the unfortunate were tickets for the Harvard game at 115, Frederic F. Brace, '32, senitor edi- spared the expense of interment, Cambridge a week from Saturday, tor of the Michiganensian, stated the Red Cross providing a maxi- it was announced yesterday, but yesterday. mum of $80 for each funeral. students desiring them are advised Any photographs that are not tak- Conditions of bodies recovered to send in their applications imme- en before this date will be excluded i in d i c a t e d almost instantan- diately, as indications point to a from the book, Brace said. A large eous death. Seared by the blast sell-out. number of seniors have already and mutilated by falling de- Anticipating a 1 a r g e exodus made appointments with the pho- bris, the bodies were virtually un- among the student body, plans were tographers and if the remaining ap- recognizable, and identification in reported yesterday by the travel pointments are not made soon, the most cases was made by numbered bureau at the Union to send a students will be unable to have their metal discs worn for that purpose. number ' of special parlor coaches sitting before the deadline, he stat- to the game via the Canadian- ed.. Hillel Players Will Ambassador Bridge route. In addi-C s /rFis Pas tion to several groups chartering iI eW?1 o Open Tgget Cast for First Plays these coaches, a number of stud- ents are also planning to fly to the Sale for O'Neill Play Casting for the first production game. of the second experimental theatre game.___Ticket sale for the first Mimes season of the Hillel Players will productions, "Emperor Jones," by ( take place tonight at 7:00 in the Campus Leaders ed O'Neill, and "An Episode," by Alpha Nu room in Angell hall, Ar- by Alumni of Detroit Schnitzler, will open at the Lydia thur Bernstein, '31, student presi- Mendelssohn box office Friday dent stated yesterday. Eleven undergraduate leaders on afternoon. The plays will be pre- A group of four unusual plays, at an important crisis in the opin- ion of Prof. James K. Pollock who will talk at 4:15 o'clock this after-; noon in room D Alumni Memorial hall at an all-campus forum upon the subject, "German Politics in Transition." Dr. Pollock has long been a close student of German politics. He has travelled extensively in Germany, and was present at the last two national elections tnat were held there. According to the announce- ment of Jule Ayers '33, of the Opent forum committee of the Studentc Christian association, German poli-c tics was chosen for a forum becauseX of the recent elections in Germanys and also the coming elections iin this county. Dr. Pollock in discuss-1 ing the German situation will make frequent reference to our system in the United States by way of com-U parison. The "Young Germany Movement"t led by the well known statesman, Hitler, will probably be discussed by Dr. Pollock, for this movement, onet of the chief tenants of which is r the repudiation of the war debts,f should have world wide results. t EIGHT LOSE LIVES WHEN BOAT SINKS Yacht Goes Down off Delaware Capes; Six Survive. (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, Oct. 29.-Eight per-E sons were lost, including the ownerl and his wife, when the steam yacht Barbadoes foundered off the Del- aware Capes Saturday. The steam- er Henry Mallory arrived in Port= today with six survivors picked up from a lifeboat Tuesday. E. G. Valverde, the owner, his Architect toE WHITE Adoptio tributionv of the sal of the Mi p u blic c school, L. aging edit last night Student scriptionE and may presenting the tables gineering The iss ture and neering.7 from a nu tects in; written by "The G by Rando A.I.A., on in the ma and dev skyscrape y. Organization is pro- rapidly and the increas- est shown by the large f tryouts this year indi- ason more successful than one according to Robert ett of the engineering epartment. PPEARTODA9Y 're and its Relation Engineering to be Featured. Identification cards which have been prepared for students in all colleges and schools of the Univer- sity by members of the office staff of the dean of students will be is- sued beginning this morning, Dean Joseph A. Bursley stated yesterday afternoon. In order to avoid con- gestion, a series of specified times has been arranged during which students may call for their cards in the registrar's office, Room 4, Uni- versity hall. Students whose last names begin with letters A-E inclusivebare asked to apply today. Those between F and K inclusive will be able to get their cards Friday, and L-R in- clusive on Saturday. Final distri- bution will take place Monday when students between S-Z inclu- sive may apply for the cards; Stu- dents are urged to enter the west door of. Room 4 when coming for their cards. Use of Cards is Optional. Use of the cards, as explained by Dean Bursley, is optional with stu- dents at the University and the identifications are merely for the convenience of the individual in such cases when identification is needed. Aid in cashing checks at foreign stores, security of with- drawing library books, and identi- ty in case of necessity are the ma- jor uses for which the cards have been assembled. No card will be issued to other than the person for which it has been made out. Includes Picture. The identifications include a picture of the student along with his name, address 'phone number, and the signature of Dean Bursley. Each card bears the color of the college or school in which the stu- dent has enrolled, the colors fol- lowing as closely as possible those worn at graduation. The home city and state of residence of each student is also written on the card. Whenever a student withdraws from the University and desires to obtain a refund of tuition, the identification card must be pre- sented at the office of the secre- tary of the University before re- fund can be obtained. Carrying the card is optional with the stu- dent himself. UNION WILL OFFER PARTY TOMORROW DESIGNS COVER n of a new system of dis- will be one of the features e today of the first issue ichigan Technic, student a t i o n of the engilneering Verne Ansel, '31E, man- tor of the magazine, said t. s have purchased sub- coupons, Ansel explained, obtain the magazine by g these receipts at any of s in the halls of the en- buildings. ue will feature architec- its relationship to engi- It contains contributions umber of prominent archi- addition to the articles y the students. enesis of the Skyscraper," lph-Sexton, member of the ne of the, foremost articles gazine, explains the origin elopment of the modern r in the social and eco- Over 1,000 Attend Funeral Harry Payne Whitney. of R5v As socated Press) NEW YORK, Oct. 29. - Harry Payne Whitney, sportsman, phlan- thropist, and one of the nation's most wealthy men, was buried today from St. Bartholomew's Protestant Episcopal church. More than 1,000 of his friends attended the serv- ices. Dr. Endicott Peabody, headmaster of Groton school, conducted the simple ritual, assisted by the Rev. Robert Norwood, rector of the church. Mr. Whitney, whose fortune has been estimated at more than a hun- dred mlllion dollars, died of pneu- monia last Sundlay night in his 58th year. Members of the Whitney and Vanderbilt families attended t h e wife, and three members of the crew went down with the ship. Three more members of the crew died in the life boat and were buried at sea. Capt. W. L. Hough, among the six rescued, said the ship ran into a terrific storm Saturday. Ile at- tempted to run her inshore to seek the lee of some islands. With the shore still many miles away, Capt. ,Hough said he found himself standing in water to his knees and he ordered the ship abandoned. An effort already had been made to lower a life boat, when suddenly the ship plunged to starboard and sank. Pharmacy Students Will Ballot Today Three classes in the Pharmacy school will elect officers at 5 o'clock this afternoon in room 303 of the i nomic condiltions of the large city o omswl rvd ui Articles on "Architectural Mod- els," by James R. Bailey, '32A; for Hallowe'en Dance. "Stone Through the Ages," by F. David Herget; and "Chromatic Ar- Under the direction of the dance chitecture," by Walter J. Gores, in- committee of the Union, a Hol structor in the architectural school, lowe'en dance, the first of its kind with a number of short features, in three years, will be held tomor- complete the book. row night in the ballroom of the The cover is by John J. White, Union. '32A, and is a drawing of the newly The hall will be decorated with erected Chicago Board of Trade corn stalks and pumpkins in the building while the frontespiece is style of autumn, Albert F. Donohue, by Wayne Meade, '31A, who made '31, president of the Union, stated the etchings used in the 1929-30 yesterday. Favors including stream- Michiganensian. ers, horns, confetti, and hats will be provided for the persons attend- Chicago Plans to Bury ing the dance. Novelty numbers and special fea- Presidents on Campus ture music has been planned for the occasion by Don Loomis and (By Associated Press) his orchestra. The orchestra has CHICAGO, Oct. 29.-The trustees been playing regularly in the Union of the University of Chicago, an- and last week at the dance, more nounced today they plan to place than 200 cards were distributed to the ashes of late William Rainey find out how the music was being Harper and the two men who suc received. More than four-fifths of ceeded him as president of the in- the number of cards came back stitution, in the University chapel. with answers commending the per- The plan depends upon permis- formance of the orchestra. sion of the first president's heirs. Only a limited number of tickets The second and third president of will be for sale, Donohue said. These the university, respectively, were may be purchased at the main desk Henry Pratt Judson and Earnest in the lobby of the Union. There Dewitt Burton. ]will be no advance in prices. A letter left by Mr. Harper ex- pressed the desire that his re- Junior Law Students mains rest upon university ground.