"' I I I' M I C I- I I G', A N :13f. ., TULO-DAY, ;SETTIETMUER 30, lUAl- .T.. .M. .I.A. D A.L.' ACTIVITIES START IN ALL DEPARTMENTS OF WOMEN'S LEAGUE; DIRECTORS PLAN MEETING TO CONCLUDE WORK OF WEEK House Organization Will Begi n This Week With Albertina Maslen at Head. CANDY BOOTH IS OPEN Board of Directors of Women's = League Will HoldFirst Meeting Saturday. Each of the several departments. of the Women's League organiza- tion have either begun to function or are scheduled to do so early this week.I The house organizations commit- tee under the chairmanship of Al- bertina Maslen, '31, will begin the work on league house organization this week. Officers will be elected for each house and reports will be miade as to the conditions of the I' respective houses. Of the 70 league houses in existence last year, only . about 35- are now listed, owing to Eleanor Cooke, '31. the great number of women the president of the Women's League,I Mosher-Jordan Halls can accom- who is starting the year's activitiesi modate. of that organization with the fall The world fellowship committee, semester. of which Janet Michel, '31,-is-chair-' man has already sponsored several S informal gatherings of foreign held Saturday night under the students to aid them in making direction of the house committee. acquaintances on the campus. . Music was furnished to more than The candy booth -n University 150 couples by Bob Carson and his hall was opened yesterday. However orchestra. there has been an urgent request'.. sent out by Erdine Griffith, '33, for ,.Announcement of a threefold more women to sell at the booth. program in parental education to Any women who would like to help be conducted by the University Ex- with this work, for whigh campus tension bureau was made today by points are given, is asked to com- Dr. C. A. Fisher of the Extension municate with Miss Griffith, tele- division. This program is to bel phone 22591. carried on by means. of local lee- A fashion show to be given early tures, radio programs; and a Par- this fall is planned by the under- ental Education institute. graduate campaign committee, but no definite arrangements have as - .yet been made. COLLEGEE The first meeting of the board of C L directors of the Women's League We. will be held Saturday morning. SHAMPOO AND FINGER WAVE The opening league dance was SHAMPOO AND MARCEL...... BUTLER UNIVERSITY - Under MANICURES.................. a new ruling, dancing for univer- FACIALS................. sity women will be permitted from By Exper ten until one o'clock on the eve- Open all Evenings nings after night athletic events. BAND RECEIVES' NEW UNIFORMS New uniforms, modern in every detail, have already arrived for! IMichigan's, revamped Varsity band, it was announced by Robert A. Campbell, treasurer of the Univers- ity and sponsor of the band. Enough uniforms were ordered last June-to equip 100 players, he stated. The new outfits are of the same shade of blue as the present uni- forms but are of a more radical design. The trousers will be essen- tially the same, but the coats will be totally' different. Instead of the choke collar which has been in vogue ever ,since the band's incep- t ion, 'the .modern ,cut-away collarI will be used. Four patch pockets are also a feature,: while a yellow Sam frown belt further sets o ff the navy blue..- On each shoulder ' are blue epaulets trimmed in yellow1 and on the right sleeve, yellow "M's" are located near the shoulder.' The officers caps now in use will] be the same while capes will be] worn only in cold weather.. The -band already has begun drill practice under the tutelage of1 Lieut. R. R. Coursey, taking Capt, H. B. Turner's place who directed the drill last year. New formations i and -original features are some of the inovations planned for the foot- ball season. Jack Riley will lead the band -on the field in- the capacity of drum major, having been selected after the tryouts last week. Nicholas Fal- cone is director, Two trips, one to Cambridge for the Harvard game and one to Columbus for the Ohio State. ga-me are planned and it is expected that the full 90 or 100 men will go. HARVARD UNIVERSITY-Albert 0. Seeler, of Derry, N. H., who is only fourteen, entered the univer- sity this fall. He plays a trumpet, and says that his principal worryl is whether he will win a place in the university band. kLUTY Si4PPE OfferI ............ ................l1.00 ................... $.. . .$1.00 3R 50 .$ ......... - - - .1.00 t Operators Phone 22813 [ T WOMEN INVITED TO DO COSTUMING I aMimestheatre,haslarnlIt s A n opening has been made for women l Exhibition Is Located in Alumni in tne x-of O the newer organ- ex mora Hal Durin ai. The theatre has a large OXFORD easonJ ,costume room, well equipped with hs eek.closeting space which is at the pres- An exhibit of thirty-three exam- eot time bulging with clothes, ac - __ cording to Valentine B. Windt, head ples of modern French painting is of the department. being shown in the West gallery of -I am particularly anxious," said Alumni Memorial Hall this week, Mr. Windt, "that costuming be an under the auspices of Louis Haute- important factor in our work this Peacock Oxford cour, director of the Luxemburg year. There will be openings for s competent wardrobe, mistresses. ji Museum; Francois Monod, director seastreses, designers, and r-ie of national museums. and. Louis ticularly for women capable of re- Reau, president of the' Society of fitting and remodeling the present the History of French Art. costumes." This exhibition includes works of Aside from the costumes takent' such men as Gerard Cochet who over by Play Production as a part - has exhibited paintings at thie Salon of the theatre equipment, there are z des Tuileries, and Independent ,all the costumes which Play Pro- Salons; Giorgio de Chi-ico, who is i duction has made and used before. a leader of the new Surrealists: The materials are innumerable. Pierre Vaillant; Picart Le Doux and, stated Mr. Windt, "and I hope to Black Suede Black Kid Paul Charlemagne all of whom find a great deal of interest shown 1lde K have works on exhibit at the great' by the women in their design and European and American m useums. make-up." RepthTrimmed Kid --- --- --- - - - - -- - - - - -- ---- --~ VM sit T his S mart hop e Thr a.. rih oxfrdfor every daylight occasion thzis ,a <7n -, So ;Ct; well to learn about. oxfords" F ind t e oA our-Nuedsus . ' yee te wholeoxfordwardrobe . - the smnart ones, that fit to perfection . . . that look as fine as they really are . . . that slenderize and GLOX/E RAGSlatter any foot. GLOVES B AG HOSE JEWELRY UNDER WEA R FROCKS MEZZANINE SHOE SHOP HOE odye ars $1.35 $165 $195 124 SOITH MAIN STREET TELEPHONE 4171 NTcels Arcade SUBSCRIBE TO THE MICHIGAN DAILY A E O t pi' _. .,- ,. __ WEST'WAY SADDLE STABLES Fair Grounds (Out Jackson Ave.) We are featuring this fall our West-Way Saddle Stables. You will find here a fine place to ride-either on the grounds away from all traffic-or in our large in-door ring- or you -may take a beautl'ul country road down to the river and Barton Hills.. (No Pavement). Take the Washtenaw Ave. or N. University Bus going down town-directly to the grounds. Our Ann St. Stables are open as usual. At both places you will find the finest horses and equipment of any stables in the country. Classes =and Private Instruction. We teach only the approved Show-Ring and Park Riding Method. MULLISON SADDLE STABLES Fair Grounds and East Ann Street Phone 7418 EVEN PR'ES ORS ARE HUMAN Here's how you score when you use a Waterman's fountain pen. You write better. Professor reads easier. You get a better mark. Professor gets an extra set oftennis. Everybody happy. You write better because Waterman's pen points are smoother, more flexible, longer lasting. A wide selection lets you get just the point that fits your hand. The patented spoon-feed delivers the ink at exactly the proper rate-no skimping or blotting. Size for size, Waterman's hold more ink-won't run dry in a lecture or exam. There's a Waterman's for every taste and every purse. For - the last word in colorful beauty, as well as writing efficiency, ask to see Waterman's Patrician, or Lady Patricia. The Patri- cian's fiv~e jewel colors, its great ink capacity, its extra large gold pen point, and its aristocratic lines, make it the natural choice for the man who wants the best. Ten dollars. A pencil to match, five dollars. The Lady Patricia is the pen women have wanted for years. A smart feminine clasp locates it securely in belt, pocket or handbag. Choice of three smart colors. Slender and graceful, yet it holds plenty of ink. Five dollars-and three for the matching pencil. Every Waterman's is guaranteed forever against defects. 3 v -I-r -,~i' - -i i , i I 'I II , I n-lV oat We ,oat GREETINGS: We take pleasure in welcoming you back to the Uni- beptona versity of Michigan. We appreciate the business you breae botto - .f.breasted ical and have given us in former years and hope we can be In assort rts. Navy of service to you again. Sizes 36 46. Mackinaw C $4.95 All wool material of ex quality. All wool knit Good looking and pract just the garment for spor blue color. Sizes' 36 to )ver Coats $19.75 or belted backs,-Double- model. Patch pockets. tment of latest patterns. to 44. Portable UN DE RWOOD Ou * 4-Row Key oard Conpact, Light to Carry This compact machine weighs only 12, lb-'. complete, yet it does tip cs m encicnt work as a full- i z 'ylrewriter. Take, ,a- '- hnr nvzlopeS and 9, -ich )p:er; speedy and accorate mn every way. TERMS: $7.50 down and only $6.50 in monthly payments. Exceptional Savings Fine Quality $1.33 With Battery FLASHLIGHT - a handy accessory for the motorist and the camper.. Throws a wide long beam of light. Real value! .Wright and Ditson - Tennis Balls " ra3 for $1.10 They have enough snap and pep for a d o z e n balls. Low priced for Days. Buy - Friday and Saturday for Summer tennis! O ficial Golf Balls 3 for frt r rr$1.10 Guaranteed a g a i n s t