PAGt FOUR 'I 'HE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER. 21, t930 PACE FOtrTI THE MICHiGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, OCTOI3Efl 2~, 1930 Published every morning except Monday luring the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis patches credited to it or not otherwise credited in thie paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, assecond class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May hard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 2r214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR Chairman Editorial Board HENRY MERRY City Editor Frank E. Cooper News Editor................Gurney Williams Editorial Director ............Walter W. Wilds Sports Editor ...............Joseph A. Russell Women's Editor ............Mary L. Behymer Music and Drama .......William J. Gorman Assistant News Editor......Charles R. Sprowl Telegraph EditorG..........George A. Stauter NIGHT EDITORS S. Beach Conger John D. Reindel Carl S. Forsythe Richard L. Tobin David M. Nichol Harold O. Warren Sports Assistants Sheldon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy. Robert Townsend Reporters Walter S. 13aer, Jr. Parker Terryherry Erving J. Blumberg Robert L. Pierce Donald O. Boudeman Win. F. Pyper George T Callison Sher M. Quraishi Thomas M. Cooley Jerry E. Rosenthai George Fisk George Rubenstein Morton Frank Charles A. Sanford Saul Friedberg Karl Seiffert Frank B. Gilbreth Robert F. Shaw Jack Goldsmith Edwin M. Smith j Roland Goodman George A. Stauter lames H. Inglis Alfred R. Tapert Denton C. Kunze Tohn S. Townsend Powers Moulton Robert D. Townsend Wilbur J. Myers Lynne Adams Margaret O'Brien Betty Clark Eleanor Rairdon Elsie Feldman Jean Rosenthal Elizabeth Gribtle Cecilia Shriver Tnmily G. Grimes Frances Stewart Elsie M. Hoffmeyer Anne Margaret Tobin jean Levy Margaret Thompson orotby Magee Claire Trussell Mary McCall Barbara Wright BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS 'MANAGER T. HOLLISTER MABLEY Assistant Manager KASPER H. HALVERSON Department Managers Advertising.................Charles T. Kline -Advertisi,..............homnas M. Davis Advertising............William W. Warboys Service ................. . Norris J. Johnson Publication ............Robert W. Williamson Circulation..............Marvin S. Kobacker Accounts.................Thomas S. 'Muir Business Secretary ............ Mary J. >;enan Harry R. Begley Vernon Bishop William lrown Robert Callahan William XW. )av; Richard H. Hillc Erle Kightlinger Assistants y Donald w. Lyons William Morgan I E Fred Sch aefer Richard Stratemeier ,is Noel 1D. Turner cr Byron C. 'reddler Mildred Postal Marjorie Rough sser AnnW. Verner MaryE. . atts J ohanna Wiese Marian Atran Helen Bailey J osephine Convib Dorothy Laylin Sylvia Miller Helen Olsen lican, the term Hemphill's sup- porters are assuming. President Hoover has supposedly asked for a complete Republican victory in Pennsylvania. Bolters have interpreted this statement to. apply only to Davis. Davis, how- ever, himself has started to stump the state, accompanied by Pinchot The election of these men wil give Pennsylvania two distinguished, as well as capable, representatives, whose influence in national as well as state political circles is a great advantage. But thundering oratory will not defeat them, and if the Vare interests defeat one or both of them, they will have to fight to do so. Campus Opinion Contributors a° asked to be brief, confining thiemsehes to less than Soo words if possible. Anonymous com- munications will be dhsregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential, upon re- quest. Letters published should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. CONVOCATIONS ONCE MORE. To the Editor: May I make a few con- cluding remarks about the contro- versy I seem to have aroused, with an incidental analysis of the two opinions my article of last Friday evoked? I, too, pay reverent tribute to your tolerance in allowing this man GAD to prattle about a sub- ject which lies totally beyond the compass of his mind, but which might come within the scope of the childish emotionalism with which he is possessed. I doubt if he him- self is proud of his embryonic opin- ion, or why should he write incog- nito? I hold that the opinion of a person who is ashamed to associ- ate himself with that opinion is not worth printing. After a single perusal of "Cam- pus and Creed," I am convinced that the force of Mr. GAD'S intel- lect was spent with the penning of his title! The article must inevi- tably be characterized by its un- fathomable shallowness. Like one of those old-fashioned hoop-skirts, GAD circled everything but touch- ed nothing. He struck blindly without knowing what he was striking at, and succeeded admir- aby in making a fool of himself. Having nothing to offer on the subject in'question, the author, like an offended schoolboy, launched a sarcastic, vindicative assault on the personality of the writer of an opinion he didn't like. Sarcasm is the last resort of no argument at all, and epithets flow when reason is dammed. As an opinionist, GAD would make an excellent writer for the Reader's Digest. Arid thus we may say, the wrath of GAD has been puffed into the controversial winds-and still we are as far re- moved from the real issues as be- fore. On the other hand, I wish to thank the writer of last Sunday's editorial under the heading "A Note on Convocations." It was rather a neat presentation of the whole situation. In the matter of a few details, though, I wish to correct him. The hour for Sunday evening convocations has been set by the Ann Arbor churches, and not by the Student Christian asso- c i a t i o n, for seven-thirty. The churches jointly agreed to termin- ate whatever services they might be holding by that time. Hence, that is not a mechanical flaw. Moreover, the convocations spon- sored last year at eleven o'clock Sunday mornings by the Student Christian association, were met with the opposition of most of the churches of Ann Arbor and of the University administration, on the theory that it deprived the students of their own, regular church serv- ices. The churches do not pretend to encourage or support Sunday morning convocations; and yet they are heartily in favor of hav- ing them in the evening once a month. For the reason, the effort has been made to coordinate the various religious and student insti- tutions on this campus, and to hold a co-operative University eve- ning service the fourth Sunday of each month. The step is both practical and ideal: it distributes the burden of sponsoring these services, and yet it is progress to- vard centralizing the "loosely con- nected religious agencies of Ann Arbor." So much ior the mechan- ics of convocations. The convocation of last Sunday evening yielded an attendance of about seven hundred. At the most, there were one hundred students there. I question the value of hold- ing such gatherings. I believe the citizens of Ann Arbor can be serv- ed just as satisfactorily in their separate churches. Should we con- tinue with convocations just for the /5,1 w CONTRIBUTE TO ROLLS FUND! As a subsidiary to the Rolls Asso- ciation for Civic Betterment, which is, in turn, the sponsor of the Kick- ing The Coeds Off Campus move- ment and other similar enterprises for the public weal, a new organ- ization is well under way. This is the Benevolent Society For The Betterment of The Inexcusable Appearance of the Newberry Audi- torium. * * * Just to prove to the B & G Boys that this column is not run entirely on the lines of de- structive criticism, the society has decided to solicit funds for the purpose mentioned above because it seems that the cur- rent depression in the business world has so impoverished this noble institution that it can't buy paint for the major eyesore of the century. * * * - GIVE GIVE GIVE!!!!-! As an aid to this cause, the Rolls Staff asks you to contribute to the fund,-yes and you and you and you too. Send in anything that may be of use in either preparing the thing for the painting (i.e., dyna- mite) or in the actual painting itself (i.e., doormats, Flit Sprays. etc.) Rolls will publish a list of contributors every day, along with one of their gifts. And' say, fellows, if one of you could find a pair of old pants to send in for the Pherret he would appreciate it highly. He went and sat down in one of the rear seats of the place in questionaandeis, consequently in a somewhat em- barrassing condition. By the way, the contributors to date are as follows: Art Hurst 3 qts. Varn. Remover. F. H. Yost ...........1 gal. oil. Anon......1 Old Toothbrush. (Thanks Anon, mine was pretty well shot.) Just a word about Mr. Tillot- son's vindication yesterday ... I don't know, maybe I'd better not use that word after all. * * * Another evidence of the patern- alistic policy of the University these late years is the fact that there has been stationed a lovely man at the new Law Club to warn people not to walk through lest they step on a nail. Why I remember when I en- tered the old place back in '08, they used to encourage us to step on nails to show our viril- ity, and I can't think of a single instance where the nail didn't come out second best either. It all just goes to show how timely and important the Michigan For Men club really is. Besides that, the Law Club inter- feres seriously with those who live on the South side of the Campus when they are in a hurry to get to class, which only proves the old addage that "Too many Cooks spoil the sloth." I understand that there is a new kind of thievery abroad on the campus which consists in going around the night after the Home- coming game and stealing decora- tions from the houses. I can't recall ever having heard of anything more revolting and puerile- t that? . . . puerile . . . and here I am wasting my time on a thing like Rolls Anyway I think it's a very nasty thing to do, and if you don't think it's a lousy job shinning up posts on the fronts of Fraternity Houses in the dark, you're squirrely, -that's all, just plain squirrely. * * * PERVERBS OF 1930. "You can't put a camel through a stitch in time." * * * Dear Nephew: I enjoyed my visit yesterday im- mensely and am glad you are getting along so well. I wish you would send me that bolt you are receiving from your instructor on Friday. I've lost the key to my door and it's very annoying. One thing I observed Monday night impressed me very much. The University may ban autos, close the Arboretum, make the girls get in at 10:30 and discourage late dances but they can never subdue old Mother Nature. Monday night I observed a couple necking in a car while parked IN THE UNIVERSITY PARKING GROUND BACK OF ciety series tonight at Mendelssohln Theatre. The Gordon Quartet comes hereI from New York and Washington, where it was the principal ensemble in the Chamber Festival held at the Library of Congress. The pro- gram tonight will include the Brahms Quartet in A Minor, the Beethoven in B fiat major, Opus 13, no. G, and a final group of pieces by Haydn, Borodin, and Turina." The special admission price for students is fifty cents. VICTOR OPERA LA TOSCA: by Puccini: opera in hree acts: performed by artists, chorus and orchestra of La Scala, under the- direction of Carlo Sa- bajno: Victor Musical Masterpice Series. No. P4. The phonograph is rigid on opera, particularly on bad opera. By tak- ing it gout of the theatre into the intimacy of the study it puts it to a difficult test. If the musical writ- ing is vivid and inclusive enough to l i N f I l i 1 t A pipeful of good tobacco is the real smoke. ODAY, tomorrow, all the rest of your life, you can en- joy and keep on enjoying good tobacco in a good pipe. "How can I pick a good pipe, and how can I tell good tobacco? " you may ask. Who but you could answer? You'll know your own good pipe when you bite down on it. Edgeworth maybe the tobacco you're looking for. It has the dis- tinctive flavor that men like, the slow-burning coolness; and it is rich with the aroma of fine old burley blended just right. A pipe- ful of Edgeworth is the real smoke. Why not try Edgeworth? You can buy it anywhere in the 15¢ tin-or, if you wish, write for a generous sample packet - free. Address: Larus & Bro. Co., 105 S. 22d St., Richmond, Va. H SMOKING TOBACCO Edgeworth is a combina. tion of good tobaccos-. blndeted carefully and pi ended especially for pipesrckintg. us quality and flavor never chanp. EXTRA Buy Edgeworth any. 1IGkIGRAyf- there in two . I "Ready- Rubbed" and 1250 pocket package to _w pound humidor tin.- - t Lrerus & iiro. Co., RMch. LL1cf RO£ miond, Va. lC to the Daidy SIC AND DRA A TONIGHT The Gordon Strinf; Quartet, re- cently oroanAz ensemble Undo- the direction of Jacques Gordon, will open the Chamber Music So- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1930 Night Editor--DAVID M. NICHOL ELECTIONEERING IN PENNSYLVANIA. Many charges have been brought1 up against former Governor Gif- ford Pinchot, Republican nominee for governorship in that stronghold of Republicanism, Pennsylvania, in an attempt to lure more G. O. P. supporters into the camp of the Democratic nominee, John Hemp- hill, but most of them seem to be unfounded, and merely camouflage to protect the bossdom which cer- tain interests are trying to create in the state. Ever since the time of Boise Pen- rose, the Vare brothers of Phila- delphia have tried to gain control of the state government through the governorship, and have consist- ently failed. Last spring they put two candidates in the field, one for governor and the other for senator. The former, politically unknown, was defeated, and the latter, James Davis, present Secretary of Labor, won, as he undoubtedly would have done without the Vare support. Pinchot stumped the state from one end to the other, and without any such organizations as the Mel- lon, Grundy or Vare interests be- hind him, won the nomination. The Vare interests were again left with empty hands. A short time ago, Republicans found out that Philadelphia ward leaders had quietly gone over to the Hemphill organization, because "neither candidate was a Repub- lican, and Hamphill was the better man of the two." Pinchot promptly filed suit to prevent those ward leaders from receiving or disburs- ing Democratic campaign funds, and the furore increased. General W. W. Atterbury, president of the Pennsylvania Railroad, resigned as national committeeman of the Re- publican party in order to fight against Pinchot, and the contest became still more bitter. The Republican bolters call them- selves the 'Liberals.' Pinchot is certainly more liberal, if not slightly radical, than any of the staunch henchmen of the Vare in- 8:15 in the FRATERNITY JEWELRY PARTY FAVORS ARCADE JEWELRY SHOP CARL F. BAY JEWELER AND OPTOMETRIST Nickels Arcade - Evening Dresses for Halowe en Parties And all the other excitin~g occasions of a gay winter! -/1- - / Enchanting frocks that feature sophisticated versions of old-time fashions. They have a way of making one look tall and willowy and oh so slim of waist. Alluring frocks that come in white, black, red, tiirquoise, rpink. GOODYEAR'S COL LEG E SH OP North University Avenue Telephone 4E71 contain or suggest all the nuances of the drama without the added comment which stage production can give, then it survives the test. Otherwise the phonograph quite ruthlessly exposes the poverty of musical inspiration and the reliance on another art. Puccini's La To'rca, recently re-- leased by Victor, with Carmen Mvelis, Piero Pauli, Apollo Granforte in the leading roles, holds up very well. It is well suited for grammo- phone because Victorien Sardou's libretto is a swift-moving macabre melodrama. There are only three principal characters and the action between the great lyric moments is rapid and inteligible. some of the scenes are at a dis- advantage, particularly those in which Tosca indulges her tempera- ment with appalling flexibility of mood. One needs to see ier in these moments. And then, too, the scene with Tosca and the Chorus singing off stage while Scarpia and Cava- radossi are in dialogue on stage was an almost imposible detail to re- cord. Otherwise, Puccini's first great score proves very adequate and ex- citing. The phonograph becomes actually an idealization of some parts of the opera. As an example, freed of the necessity of watching Tosca's physical torture in Act. II, one realizes, as never before, how splendidly Puccini's music conveys emotional torture. Then, of course, one is very grateful for getting the two well-known arias (Toscas "Vissi d'arte, vissi damore and Cavaradossi's 'VE Lucevan Le Stelle") in their dramatic context. The greatest interest of the al- bum, however, is its authenticity., .Italian opera is a hard-won musical product. Two centuries of experi- ence and effort went into its for- mation. It consisted largely of a simplification of musical thought into melody: the reduction of the musical problem to what could be "uttered" naturally by people in a misce-en-scene. The large repertoire of products which this effort has produced has always been a neces- sary ievl in one's musical educa- tion. One or the earlier levels. The Victor Company happily avoids the mistake Columbia nde in having the British National Opera Company do their Italian Opera. Victor offers an authentic Italian performance. This is an im- portant point of appeal. One has time to know this music and these voices, to learn their precise qual- ity, to catch their tricks of expres- sion: the sum o it all being a more authentic insight into the operatic art than one can get from a social evening in the Opera House. One finds the singing anything but immediately sympathetic. There is an annoying hardness in the tone-quality-such as one gets in I Rates Back Home By Telephone ' t 5 i 1 J*~ Ar 4 You can't go home in person each time you would like to visit Mother and Dad. But you can visit the folks frequently by Long Distance telephone, at surprisingly low cost. Many students make it a point to telephone home once a week at a certain time, when the folks will be expecting the call. Let them know your telephone number so they can reach you quickly and easily. Remember that you can charge the call to your home telephone. I You can call the following points from Ann Arbor and talk for three minutes for the rates shown. Day Station-to.Station Rate Toledo, Ohio Evanston, Il. Baltimore, Md. Pittsburgh, Pa. Milwaukee, Wis. Indianapolis, Id. Louisvine, Ky. Ithaca, N. Y. - $ .40 * 1.05 . 1.75 - 1.10 * 1.10 1.05 1.40 1.65 I I I]