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October 26, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-10-26

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} -__. i

Published every mnorning except Monday
Puring the University year by the Board in-
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis-
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
in thie paper and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
waster General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May
Gard Street.
Phones:Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Chairman Editorial Board
City Editor
Frank E. Cooper
News Editor ...............Gurney Williams
Editorial Director..........Walter W. Wilds
Sports Editor.............. Joseph A. Russell
Women's Editor............ Mary L. Behymer
Music and Drama.........William J. Gormai
Assistant News Editor...Charles R. Sprowl
Telegraph Editor George A. Stauter
S. Beach Conger John D. Reindel
Carl S. Forsythe Richard L. Tobin
David M. Nichol Harold O. Warren
Sports Assistants
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George T. Callison C. Richard Racine
Thomas M. Cooley Jerry E. Rosenthai
George Fisk George Rubenstein
7,krnard W. F reund Charles A. Sanford
Morton Frank Karl Seiffert
Saul Friedberg Robert F. Shaw
Frank B.Gilbreth Edwin M. Smith
J~ack Goldsmith George A. Stauter
oland Goodman Alfred R. Tapert
William Hf. Barris Tolm S. Townsend
Smes H. InglisY !obert D. Townsend
enton C. Kunze Max H. Weinberg
Powers Moulton Joseph F. Zias

Lynne Adams
Betty Clark
Elsie Feldman
Elizabeth Gribble
Emily G. Grimes
Elsie M. Hoff meye
j ean Levy
oroth Magee
Mary McCall

Margaret O'Brien
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Jean Rosenthal
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er Anne Margaret Tobin
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Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager
Department Managers
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Advertising........... William W. Warboys
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Ann Verner
Porthea Waterman
Alice McCully
Dorothy Blooigarden
Dorothy Laylin
Sosephine Convisser
ernice Glaser
Hortense Gooding

Laura Codling
Ethel Constas
Anna Goldberg
Virginia McComb
Joan Wiese
Mary Watts
Marian Atran
Sylvia Miller

this condition are true, to a greater
or lesser extent. But we are irked re1"3 C t S
by the large currency of clinic al Screen Reflections
notes about our generation which
are being circulated about by edu-
cators, sociologists and the clergy. WOLVES AND WIDOWS
It is sufficient for our purposes Reviewed by Bert Askwith.
merely to know that a relatively
small number of students are form- -at the Wuerth.
ally interested in religious pursuits. Milton Sills, one-time instructor
We have no intention of belittl- in philosophy at the University of
ing either the nature or the worth Chicago, and second of the screen's
of student convocations. On the
contrary, we believe that they are great character actors to pass away
valuable and most necessary assets this summer, is seen in his last
to every college community pur- picture "The Sea Wolf" at the
porting to be cultured and intelli- Wuerth through Tuesday.
gent. For the most part, the speak- The film is a talking adaptation
ers engaged to address the meet- of Jack London's novel of the same
ings are highly endowed for their name concerning a half-crazed sea
task of addressing student convo- skipewhemakonavyg
cations; they afford a clearing skipper who embarks on a voyage
with a shanghaied down-and-outer
house of advanced . and incisive and an extremely attractive young
sreligious thinking. We have, on the
oth i g hav, mon- maiden. The sea locale is genuine-
other hand, practically no mission-lypentdadusalyefc
ary urge to drum up customers for ly presented and unusually effe-
the convocations; without wishing tive-with a number of dramatic
Sth e con otions; wktho ut wisiangtscenes leading up to a thrilling,
tbe smug, our lack of Messianic tog obvious, climax.
urge to create student response to though b Sill.mhxwa
the meetings is due first to an '
instinct for decent individual free- one of the most
dom and second to an aversion intelligent a n d
toward the dictum which enjoins zapable sarsther
that we "make bad Baptists out of screen
good Chinese." tnown, u s u all y
We would give our whole support vas cast in the
to an organization which would strong he-n a n
conduct convocations as attractive- ype of role. His
ly as possible for such as are inter- ast performance
ested. s characterized
__by the same man-
EDUCATIONAL BROADCASTING. ner of straight-forward and unas-
s u m e d performance-undeniably
Educational broadcasters in the sincere acting which rings true on
past few years have come to real-I the talking screen.
ize the handicaps against which Raymond Hackett a n d Jane
they are laboring; namely, meager Keith, the latter making her pic-
evidence of the effectiveness of ture debut, are satisfactory in the
their endeavors, an inadequate lit- chief supporting roles. And should
erature on radio education, and a it be of interest, the scenarist of
lack of unanimity as to their pur- "The Sea Wolf" was none other
poses. than Ralph Block, a Michigan
However, several state universi- graduate who made good in Holly-
ties, including Michigan, are mak- wood with "The Arizona Kid," and
ing a greater effort this year than has also been responsible for "Pow-
ever before to raise the standards er," "The Spieler," and "Knock-Out
of taste, increase the listener's Reilly." Note the cultural univer-
range of valuable information, and sity influence!
to stimulate him to undertake a-at the Majestic.
worthwhile activities. A rejuvenated Gloria Swanson,
Along this line those in charge of minus the affected and boring airs
the University radio programs are of silent days, romps, faints, and
sending out more than 600 letters titters through t h e all-talking
this week requesting elementary "What A Widow." And despite the
and secondary schools to use the low level of much of the comedy,
programs in their daily assemblies, often bordering on farce, the pic-
However, the University faces ture is probably the most perfect of
numerous difficulties in attaining its kind from a technical stand-
success in radio education in ele- point.
mentary schools. First the diffi- Sound and effects are excellent,
culty of fitting the radio lesson in- the actin'g and direction faultless,
to the daily school program. See- camera angles and photography
ond, the difficulty of assisting the original without being extremely
teacher in proper utilization of futuristic or boring. The entire pro-
broadcasts, and third the weakness duction has an air of finality which
of a teaching method that must de- lifts it above the average hurried
pend in large measure on a single cinema-while its entertainment
sense avenue. value may best be attested to by its
It will only be with the full co- ability to keep a fdotball audience
operation of high schools through- attentive last night.
out the state, faculty, and others The cast does nobly, probably
connected with the studio here providing more humor than the
that the University broadcasting story-the latter dealing with the
programs will meet with success. seaboard and Parisian adventures
This year increased interest has of a young divorcee with five mil-
been shown by both high schools lion dollars as a cash asset. Miss
and University faculty, and as a re- Swanson in the title role displays a
sult those in charge of the work new talent for comedy never even
have been able to offer a larger suspicioned by previous performan-
and more varied number of pro- ces. Lew Cody, while failing to ap-
grams. These programs, if carried proach the lubricated perfection of
out properly, will not only serve as Charles Ruggles, affords much a-
an advantage to high school stu- musement as the perennial drunk-
dents, but will also maintain the ard. Playing the male lead as the
standing of the University as a widow's lawyer-suitor is Owen
leader in educational endeavor. Moore, both competent and like-

_ W~ Spicy to a moderate degree and
COfarcial without being boisterous,
amp s pi o"What A Widow" is excellent fare
Contributors aie asked to be brief, for a comedy appetite.
confining *,themseles to less than Soo
words if possible. Anonymous comn.
munications will he disregarded. The ADDENDA
names of communicants will, however,
he regarded as conidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should not be "Top Speed" with Joe E. Brown
construed as expressing the editorial is curent at h Michian, d i
opinion of The Daily.i urn tteMCi;aadi
you missed "Rio Rita." the two
features can both be seen at the
Move Apart Harvardism. I )wl show tomor-
To the Editor: Not long since, an 'ow night.
editorial appeared in The Daily F i f i D'Orsay;
upon the subject of "The Harvard ;he Detroit pub-
of the Middle West," citing as our ic's petite paris-
claims to this title the freedom of an peril, is ap-
the Michigan student, the lack of pearing in person
the 'Pah Rah spirit,' and, in gener- zt the Fox there
al, our sophistication of attitude. for a second week.
I believe this to be a misrepresen- This French mus-
tation both of Harvard and of our- ical comedy star,
selves, w h o scored r .
In the first place, it is necessary W ill Rogers '
to agree to our lack of Rah Rah 'They Had to SE
spirit. We are most noticeably lack- Paris" is being ,6ifi1 ceORSA
ing in this respect on Saturday af- starred, her first
ternoons, particularly so when the shining effort to be released shortly,
team is, behind. This, however, On the Fox scren is Warner Baxter s
could hardly be counted a likeness "Renegades," concerning the ad-
to Harvard when we consider that ventures of four members of the
not long ago several Harvardites I French Foreign Legion-the other
were seen to abscond with the three being Noah Beery, Gregory
Cambridge Fire Company's hook Gaye, and George Cooper. Myrna
and ladder wagon and go joy-rid- Loy has the feminine lead.
ing through the streets in firemen's And then there is Amos 'n' Andy
hats. There is also the episode of of radio fame in their first much-


About Books
ATED: by Gorham Munson: pub-
lished by Coward-McCann, Inc:
Price $300' Review copy by cour-
tesy of Wahr's Book Store.
A Review.
"Humanism 'is not yet a body of Doctrine;
and if its champions present it as such, so
much the worse forit and them . . u an-
ism is, first of all, a resultant situation"-
R amon Fernandez in The Criterion.



For a long time we have felt that
Ann Arbor's religious activities
have been both loosely and over-
organized. But this feeling has be-
come a conviction as we survey the
plight of those interested in pre-
senting to the campus a series of
student Convocations. Every prin-
cipal denomination has a repre-
sentative parish, conducting three
or four services Sundays, and furn-
ishing opportunities for student
s o c i a 1 activities on sanctified
grounds throughout the w e e k.
Then there is the Student Christian
association which has devoted the
last few years of its existence to
fitting its ill-sorted heritage of
traditional enterprises to a campus
bearing slight semblance to those
which inspired and created these
It is little wonder, then, that
convocations of years past have re-
ceiyed scant student support. They
are one of many agencies bidding
simultaneously for such religious
interest as exists among the stud-
ents. Because they are conducted
sporadically and often with regard
to competing interests, they receive
only a part of the student attend-
ance that might be enjoined. In
the present series of convocations,
competition between religious meet-
ings is quite clearly indicated.
Despite the fact that the Univers-
ity convocations series has the sup-
port, among others, of the Ann Ar-
bor churches, the time for all of
the meetings will be seven o'clock
in the evening; at that time, these
same churches are conducting serv-
ices and meetings of a semi-reli-
gious nature. It is admitted that
morning convocations are more
attractive to students than those
in the evening; if the Student
Christian association wishes to
elicit student interest in its convo-
cations. let it first settle its differ-'
ences with the churches and hold
the meetings at eleven o'clock
Sunday mornings.3
With theseomnannratively simnp

Gorham Munson's new book is
just a long echo of the odd con-
troversy which filled newspapers
and journals for three months and
finally got into Carnegie Hall. One
can feel that the controversy was
all very jolly: that it really was a
healthy dissemination of ideas un-
usually beneficial to America.
A somewhat sounder view of the
recent Humanist controversy, I
think, would have it that it was an
extremely untactful' corruption of
valuable ideas by friends and ene-
mies of those ideas. The feverish-
ness of humanidm's becoming a
journalistic item obscured its issues
in the general focussing on person-
alities (Tate-Schaffer struggle), in
the vicious attacks on excerpts
(Edmund Wilson's fastidiousness
about translations from the Greek),
etc. More damaging was the undue
prominence given the more debat-
able and tentative tenets of Hu-
manism and the whole effort (son-
sored by Norman Foerster's antho-
logy) to codify into explicit dogma
what is still, as Fernandez saw fit
to remind us, only a resultant 'sit-
uation, a tentative, experimental
attitude, largely engaged in neces-
sary destructive criticism (criticism
of humanitarian excesses, of the
pretensions of science, of impres-
sionistic criticism, of a shallow
educational s y s t e m). All the
pamphleteering w a s bewildering
because premature and superficial.
Now Gorham Munson, an excel-
lent journalist because capable of
exposing himself to i.eas rather
than thinking about them, repeats
at length all the errors of the con-
troversy. Except for the amusing
attempt at thinking in the last
fifty pages, this book strikes me as
only a journalist's capitalizing on
an intellectual flurry.
All the short chapters begin with
quotations from the early books of
Babbit and More and attempt an
easy elucidation of the content of
those large books. The general air
of Munson is 'how simple this all
is; surely there is no reason why
one should quibble; on this point
iumanism simplysays this . . . and
certainly this is acceptable, is it
In other words, Humanism is all
bundled up. One should note the
frequent use of the phrase "in the
spring of 1930". Humanism is dated
now. It was typical of Munson to
do this. He can go on to another
sxposure now. There will be some
survival, of course; just as there
are still remains of his adventure
with the Oriental anti-intellectual-
.sm of A. E. Orage, English journal-
Meanwhile, I think it important
to suggest that those interested in
the humanist experiment to re-
issess the contemporary scene and
o reassemble its values avoid this
book which thinks of humanism as
a movement in the spring of 1930."
W. J.,G.
Irving Fineman: Longmans, Green
nd Co., 1930: Price $2.00.
This typical first novel won the
.ongmans, Green prize of $7,500. It
akes an artist - dreamer type
through collegeand the first few
fears of the world in some such
insignificant and incompetent way
as did "Rudderless." All the think-
ng about character is conventional.
The artist-dreamer is placed in
,ontrast with the successful in-
sensitive vulgarian. The two youths
'ome to know sex in a convention-
ally contrasted way. They like and

dislike their fraternity in the much
talked-about ways. They fit and
fail to fit into the business world.
Then one of them dies -and the
other builds a successful skyscraper
with the dead youth's plans. In
other words, familiar material is
reworked into a structure of auto-
biography probably.
The writing has no pretensions
to experimentalism like the similar
aovel "Obelisk" by William Rollins.
It is bad in the conventional ways:
continual overwriting and striking
confusions of imagery. "If he was
fortunate enough to get a dance
with her (the stenographer who
worked in the same office) the
rvthmic communion with hennv




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