P'ACE FOUR THE MCHTIAN DAILY Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Mlember of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis- patches credited to it or not otherwise credited inrthie paper and the local news published herein:: Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, ;Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 4 MANAGING EDITOR Chairman Editorial Board HENRY MERRY City Editor Frank E. Cooper News Editor ...............Gurney Williams Editorial Director ...........Walter W. Wilds Sports Editor-............... Joseph A.' Russell Women's Editor............Mary L. Behymer Telegraph Editor ..........Harold 0. Warren Music and Drama .......William J. Gorman Assistant News Editor......Charles R. Sprowl NIGHT EDITORS S. Beach Conger John D. Reindel Carl S. Forsythe Richard L. TPobin David M. Nichol Harold 0. Warren Sports Assistants Sheldon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy. Robert Townsend Reporters viewpoint, namely that education in a Democracy must adjust itself to the mean level of those seeking it. In other words, finding that in a large and beckoning university examples of misconduct or trans- gressions multiply t h e m s e 1 v e s somewhat rapidly, the authorities immediately become concerned lest the guilty ones go Scot-free of penalty or of academic responsibili- ties. They are more concerned with protecting the weaker members of the University community from themselves than with the stimula- tion and encouragement of the stronger and more intelligent ones, insisting that the latter suffer equally with the former. While the President's speech does much toward reconciling the stud- ent body to curtailment of private pursuits and affairs by stating in certain terms the University's atti- tude toward his presence on the campus, it avoids the tremendous possibilities of a judicious elevation of standards which would preclude the necessity of much academic legislation which is euphemistically called "paternalistic." 0 -0 I A~ED ROLL~ ONLY NINE MONTHS! 1I 1b \Vhat's Going On REAL SERVICE 11 i 1 Think! (provided you are still able after the melee at the classifi- cation spree),-again I say Think! Only a paltry few months, weeks and days intervene between you and another glorious vacation in which you will be able to do all the things you had planned for this last one. The prospect enthralls me so that I can scarcely sit here and write this for my impatience to buy my ticket and be off. In fact I can scarcely sit here and write this,-or, for all that, I can scarcely sit here. * * * Now that we are back in Ann Arbor for a short spell (say until about mid-semesters or a little after) something about the weather seems in order. I think myself that therechas been entirely too much criti- cism of our weather. After all it isn't often that you find such a dependable climate as ours. You can depend on lousy con- ditions from one end of the year to the other. Rider's Pen Shop Lynne Adams Ann Baldwin Eileen K. Blunt Betty Clark Elsie Feldman Margaret Ferrin Elizabeth Gribble Emily G. Grimes Elsie M. Hoff meyer cean 'Levy Dorothy Magee Mary McCall Audry Jean Mitchell Aargaret Mira Margaret O'Brien Eleanor Rairdon Jean Rosenthal Cecilia Shriver Frances Stewart Anne Margaret-'Tobiliv Margaret Thompson Claire Trussell Barbara Wright Orzo K. Baldwin Maxwell Bauer Walter S. Baer, Jr* Irving J. Blumberg Donald O. Boudeman George T. Callison George Fisk Bernard W. Freund Morton Frank Arthur M. Goldberg Karl E. Goellner Jack Goldsmith Frank B. Gilbreth William H. Harris James H. Inglis James Johnson Frederick M. Kidd Emil J. Konopinski Denton C. Kunze Pewers Moulton Rannie Neville Leo D. Ovson Robert L. Pierce SidneyEL. Rosenthal Jerry E. Rosenthal George Rubenstein David Sachs Ralph R. Sachs C. Hart Schaaf Allan F. Schmalzriedt Robert F. Shaw Edwin M. Smith Arthur M. Snydet Walter A. Starr Alfred R. Tapert John S. Townsend Robert D. Townsend Max H. Weinberg Joseph F. Zias BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER T. HOLLISTER MABLEY Assistant Manager i KASPER H. HALVERSON Department Managers Advertising .................Charles T. Kline Advertising................ Thomas M. Davis Advertising............William W. Warboys Service...........:........ Norris J. Johnson Prublication.:.... a.......Robert W. Williamson Circulation............ Marvin S. Kobacker Accounts............... ....Thomas S. Muir Business Secretary .... Mary J. Kenan Thomas E. Hast Harry R. Begle; William Brown Richard H. Hill Vernon Bishop William W. Da H. Fred Schaefe Joseph Gardner Ann Verner Dorthea Waterm Alice McCully Dorothy Bloomg Dorothy Laylini Josephine Convi ernice Glaser Hortense Goodi ings Byron V. Vedder !y Erie Kightlinger Richard Stratemeier er Abe Kirshen baum Noel D. Turner vis Aubrey L. Swinton er Wesley C. Geisler Alfred S. Remsen Laura Codling an Ethel Constas Anna Goldberg, arden Virginia McComb Toan Wiese sser Mary Watts Marian Atran ng Sylvia Miller TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1930 Night Editor-Harold O. Warren THE PATERNALIST VIEW. President Ruthven's speech of welcome to the freshmen last week contains much matter which should -contribute greatly toward clearing the air about the student's status with regard to the University. In reality, the President's talk seemed intended as an analysis and justifi- cation of that attitude of the Uni- versity which has become known as "paternalistic." Certain phrases stand out, however, as distinctly challenging to those students who in the past have found "paternal- ism" an unaccountable anathema. For example, Dr. Ruthven says "the amount of freedom which the undergraduate should have depends upon the seriousness with which he attempts ; , to justify his exist- ence on the campus." And again, "such liberty can be given them as may be measured by the respons- ibility which they will and can take." Aside from these more general assertions about the degree of student freedom allowable, which are perhaps necessitated by the responsibility of the University to the parents and taxpayers of Mich- igan, the President also stated that a specific justification exists for re- taining the students' independence in the fact that because of the limited amount of time in college the training must be concentrated. This intensive training means set- ting up standards of conformity, inimical to individuality, but not completely strapping students to a single mould. This speech is pernaps the most incisive and significant statement of an affirmative view toward pa- ternalism that has come to light in recent months. It lays the neces- sity and responsibility for delimit- ing student freedom in the conduct of what may be presumed to be their private lives partly at the feet Editorial Comment o College Rituals. (From the N. H. Journal-Courier) We have felt from time to time in the immediate past that the modern generation of c o l1 e g e youngsters were rather high-hat- ting the college traditions of earlier eras. Such things as class rushes, freshman caps, flag-pole fights and so on are in gradual process of disappearance from the American college scene, and we had concluded that the student, new-style, felt them just a little bit beneath his dignity. There is a possibility, however, that we are wrong. We are, some- times, in matters of this sort. For if certain old rites are being aban- doned there does seem a distinct tendency to invent new ones. The humor of paradox in the sentence we culled from a local report of the derby-burning ceremony at Sheff, for instance is rich; "This tradition was established four years ago by such-and-such a society." We don't know that there is a definite ripening time for a practice to become a tradition but we do feel that a tradition only four years old may fairly be described as of the hothouse variety. Likewise with this sudden emer- gence in the Yale-Harvard canon of rivalry, of the theft of relics. This has ben a fragrant custom of generations, we believe among cer- tain other inveterate rivals, but there seems to have been no long- standing tradition of playful lar- ceny, as between these staid New England institutions. And not yet has a single object become the center of the rite. But the rite itself does show signs of viability. Yale's alleged theft of the Harvard Lampoon's Ibis apparently in re- turn for the abstraction of the old Yale fence from Pach's studio must certainly provoke furays from the banks of the Charles. Well, we say, let us have them. We are all for inventing new tradi- tions as old ones die. Student antics have been a flamboyant thread in the warp and woof of the nations' gayety for too long to be easily dismissed. There is something a little painful about a young man of twenty who decides he has out- grown foolery. We always are inter- ested in what a laboratory test would show about the redness ofI such an affiant's blood. We think there would be a taint of pallo about it, at least a trace, if only that, of premature aenemia. We congratulate the young men of the Sheff society who invented the derby-pyre if they did only hit upon it four short years ago; and WE felicitate the vandals who are suspected of having kidnapped the Lampoon's sacred Ibis. We delight to see the Ibis the medium. by which the legend of another fable bird of antique Egypt is para- phrased-for it was the Phoenix that rose intact from its own ashes just as new college rituals sprou from the ruins of the old. A GOOD BEGINNING. (Ohio State Lantern) There's no time so precious in a college career as the beginning. Students who flounder about wasting time trying to decide their courses of study, or keep putting of starting earnest consideration o the work outlined for them, are going to be left behind, both in I'll just bet the natives when we move out and can come out for a while. GAME The Rolls Pherret has just come in all bursting with fine ideas after his prolonged rest (estimated at about ten years by those of aC skeptical turn of mind). He sug- gests a fine game for theatre-goers i who are bored by the restless hours I of waiting before the pictures begin. The principle is simple in the ex-v treme. The player has only to go and sit in a seat immediately be- hind a vacant row of seats which, are all tipped up. Then, as thet house is darkened, he must await1 the appearance of a late arrivalf and, as the aforementioned arrival is threading his way through the r row in front, kick one of the tilted c seats down before his groping shins. The scoring is easily mastered by even the most stupid. I mastered it myself in only a little while. It goes like this--' One cracked shin on part of playee, I point; one whispered naughty word, 2 points; one' E Naughty Word! * * * loud naughty word, 5 points; one broken nose on part of player, 0 points and develop technique before trying again. While we are on the, subject of games, I might mention that I have had several objections to the one I devised last year to play with milk-shakes on account of the in- volved expense especially to those not overly adept. One man in par- ticular expressed a dislike for this drink and begged for a game play- l able with Lime Cokes so that he could play too. In order to avoid any appearance of favoritism Favoritism. * * * towards the milk-shake drinking faction on campus, I am setting to work now to devise a more flexible sport which may be suitable for all. Ideas will be kindly received by the management. SUGGESTION Now that an improvement has been effected in the seat- ing arrangements for students at the football games, I feel it is time to air another greivanec that has rankled in the minds of several loyal supporters of "Old Michigan" for lo these many moons. It is that a Uni- versity so large and rich as ours should be cheap enough to de- mand the return of footballs are glad the sun TUESDAY MOVIES At the Michigan-"Grumpy" with he noted English actor, Cyril Vaude. At the Majestic-"Manslaughter" with Claudette Colbert.I At the Wuerth-Big double' bill "Redemption" starring John Gil- bert and "Fall Guy" with Jack Mul- hall. WEDNESDAY MOVIES At the Michigan-"Grumpy" with Cyril Maude. At the Majestic - "A Most Im- moral Lady" with Leatrice Joy. At the Wuerth - "Redemption" with Jdhn Gilbert and "Fall Guy" with Jack Mulhall. Student. Council-First meeting of the semester for the 15 students on the council. Meeting at 7:30 on the third floor of the Union for the election of council officers and ap- pointment of committeemen. THURSDAY MOVIES At the Michigan-"Sins of the Children" with Louis Mann. At the Majestic-"A Most Im- moral. Lady," with Leatrice Joy. At the Wuerth - "Redemption" with John Gilbert and "Fall Guy" with Jack Mulhall. Banquet-Annual Freshmen ban- quet at 6:15 in the Ballroom of the Union. Varsity captains, student leaders, prominent members of the faculty and other notables will address the Class of 1934. Tickets may be secured at the main desk of the Union. FRIDAY MOVIES At the Michigan - "Sins of the Childrei" starring Louis Mann. At the Majestic-" A Most Im- moral Lady," with Leatrice Joy. At the Wuerth-"Little Johnny Jones" with Edie Buzzell. Dancing At the Michigan Union - Don Loomis. and Band playing at the usual Friday night dance in the ! Ballroom. Dancing from 9 until 1. Ticketsat- Union desk. At the Women's League - Bob Carson arid his Orchestra enter- taining the crowd in the League Ballroom. Dancing from 9 until 1. Tickets at League desk. SATURDAY MOVIES At the Michigan - "Sins of the' Children" with Louis Mann. At the Majestic-"On Your Back" with Irene Rich. At the Wuerth - "Little Johnny Jones" with Eddie Buzzell. Stage Carola G o y a, internationally famous Spanish danseuse, will be featured at the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. Tickets for the perform- ance, which starts at 8:30, available at the League. Football Michigan versus Michigan State College at the Stadium in the sec- ond game of the season for the Wolverines. Game starts at 2:00 o'clock.- Dancing i At the Union-Don Loomis play- ing in the Ballroom. Dancing from 9 until 12. At the Women's League - Bob Carson and his music playing from 9 until 12. The following are also recom- mended for the after theatre crowd: The Ritz, Joe Parker's. '_ QUICK SERVICE F p WELCOME * BACK TO MICHIGAN \ I )t;fold Jr. rei $5 $10 -ilE- r ; - w)ill help you pass all your"S Easily-3,000,000 Parkers will go to school this fall G UA RA N TEE D F OR L IF E "I'm paid a bonus if my point gets 11 okays- I pay a forfeit if it fails to earn themi all!" The Parker PointSith 302 State Street' Manufacturers of The Rider aster pen The Student Favorite The logical place to buy Fountain Pens or have your Pens Rep-aired We also carry a complete line of Wahi Personal Point Pens ' -5r E _ . :1" ", t i 1 :.. ... !t In our new location w .Y ', ,, ". . L,' ' 'C.1. i 1' . }. r _ . .::ii'r t I ately, I plan to go sit in an end seat someday armed with a large knife and puncture all the ballsI that come my way, so you see, Mr. Yost, that the balls will be ruined anyway, -and there's no use your being a dog in the manger about it. This system might serve to re- concile freshmen to their seats too, the poor dears. a $5 buys fbispi 'ed IliBart marb/c Desk Jim --ta pered f Ier t cd includrd freec ' ' twr t your rocket. Dii I id to a Dek .Sa e,,P f e s i s s o n z ,1 io d J r.P(ni - (pcket car and cap imi-Iuded). 10 Mai tched Vesit-Par kcra Vest--',17 4ff fluttt --- m;,in id-riIr 'ar- Pencil together - zeigl'ing- hIs f/jtan 3, ov rr, E ach convert ihlejin. Desk Set use. ena/oi:v, 5; Pencil, $2.50. We pay a bonus for every Duofold point to. give you a Pent that writes with Pressureless Touch. To produce this, we had'to develop squads of post-graduate spoint-smiths. We allow them to make but a lim-itcd number per day. Thus they have time to make each point a masterpiece. It must pass 11 merciless tests. Then we pay, its maker an extra reward. If it fails any test, we reject it, and the point-smith pays a forfeit. Yet 7 out of 8 they make are Bonus Points. And these, aid these only, go into Duofold Pens. Like 2 Pens for the Price of One Try thiy famous Pen at any pen counter. See how it changes from a pt ckct Pen to a Pen for your study Desk Set by simply interchanging the pocket cap and the tapered tip. This saves the price of a second pen. Parker Duofold Pens are Guaranteed for Life. Their Permanite barrels are non-breakable, yet they have all the beauty of costly jewels. Duofold Pens hold 17.4% more ink than average, size for size. New streamlined balanced shapes now ready at all dealers. See them -and see the streamlined Pencils to match. Don't buy any pen without first trying the Parker Duofold Bonus Point. THE PARKER PEN CO., Janesville, Wisconsir "-* .- .. _ fII e b'S'T if^l.3Y ^ '.J I i