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October 24, 1930 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1930-10-24

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_____________________________________ A-ALL... Vi1.1 itt . IN t" HAZL4 Z-T.r'N vF'4Y A fl TI

ff, OCTOBER 241 1930 }.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of -


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L Reflections [ CO TY OFF ICIALS

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the universiy. uopy receivea at tne omce o fthe Assistant to the
President until 3:30, excepting Sundays. 11:30 a. mn. Saturday. Iced Hot. and eye-ful.
"Song of the Flame," in its last However, if you like your screen
VOL. XLL FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1930 NO. 23 day at the Majestic, is about as fare without benefit of warble.
tuneful a screen operetta yet ac- "Song of the Flame" may be bor-
NOTICES credited to talking pictures. ing. Otherwise, better catch it to-
The Thomas Spencer Jerome Lectures: Professor John G. Winter Bernice Claire as the inspired day.
will deliver the first series of Thomas Spencer Jerome Lectures, which heroine is more attractive than Private.
are on the general subject of "Life and Letters in the Papyri," on Tues- e v e r, Alexander The Michigan offers no end of
day afternoon al 4:15 in Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall, as follows: Gray less drab. diversification in its current pro-
Nay roon at 41i Room D, TunMi Hl ah fol and Noah Beery ::-.. gram, merely consisting of every-
Nov. 4, Rome and the Romans in Egypt; Nov. 11, The Life of the People as the Red leader thing from a Krazy Kat Komic to
in Town and Country, Part One; Nov. 18, The Life of the People in Town a revelation, dis- two short Vitaphone skits to a
and Country, Part Two; Nov. 25, Evidences of Christianity in the Private playing a sonor- talking newsreel to a Pathe 1audio
Letters; Dec. 2, Recent Additions to Greek Poetry; Dec. 9, Recent Addi- ous bass voice review to a feature.
tions to Greek Prose. The public is cordially invited. that affords con- . And surprisingly enough, the
siderable amuse- feature, titled "The Office Wife,"
Students of College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Literary ment. proves fairly good entertainment.
students wishing to become candidates for a Universit , Scholarship (val- Music by George Lewis Stone and Dorothy Mackaill
ne $200 to $100) may obtain blank application form at the office of Gershwin and Os- are co-starred in this story of a
car Hammerstein ..3 business chief and his secretary
Dean Effinger. These blanks must. be filled out and returned not later ca Hmmrsen usneschefan issereay.
than tomorrow, Oct. 25. This is the last notice and no applications will 2nd is the out- And then there's the wife-who in
standing feature ,.this case, however, possesses a
receive consideration after tomorrow and awards will be made by Nov. 15. ta rear thesaely po seimbs
H. P. Thieme, Chairman Scholarship Committee. thnior n set
technicolor .set- BERNICE CLAIRE own right.
ting throughout,I Character portrayal is excellent,
Pre-Medical Students. Students who intend to enter the Medical such numbers as while Lloyd Bacon's direction could
School are informed that, beginning with 1931, the minimum require- "Song of the Flame" sung by hun- be improved.
ments for entrance to the Medical School have been increased from 70 dreds of voices provide both an ear be improved upon. Bert.
hours and one and a third points to 90 hours and one and a half points ---
per hour. Grades below C in the specified subjects will not be accepted. E'" = aw eections in room C of the Law building on Tuesday,
Students desiring further information may'arrange for a consulta- Oct. 28 at 4:15. Eligibility slips must be presented.


...._..,.N..... b---- -i1-------.J 4L"1 11 %Vi0l G
tion with the Chairman, on any afternoon, by applying at the Secretary's
Office, Medical School. The Executive Committee.
To Department Heads and Others concerned: The work involved in
the preparation of payrolls requires that hourly time statements be
received in the Business Office no later than noon of October 24 if they
are to be included in the October 31 payroll. The co-operation of all
concerned will be appreciated. Edna M. Geiger, Payroll Clerk.

Visitors' Night, Angell Hall Laboratory: The public is invited to visit
the Astronomical Laboratory on the flfth floor of Angell Hall to observe
the moon from 7 to 10 p.m., Friday and Saturday, October 24 and 25.
Reservations must be made by calling the Observatory office, Univ. 657,
between 9 a.m. and 12 noon on Friday, and Saturday.
Flute Class Monday and Friday at 2:00 will hereafter meet in room
219 at the School of Music. W. A. Bellamy, Jr.
Sophomore Architectural Students: The election of class officers
will be held at 4 p.m. today in the auditorium of the Architectural bldg.
Junior Engineering Class Elections will be held today at 10:00 a.m.
in Room 348, West Engineering Building.
Presbyterians, Graduate Students and Professional People are cor-
dially invited to a party at the Church House, 1432 Washtenaw Ave.
this evening at 8 o'clock.
Rho Chi Society: Important business meeting, Friday, Oct. 24, 5
o'clock, room 303 Chemistry building.
Hillel Foundation. Tryouts for the debate team will meet at 4 o'clock
this afternoon at the Foundation. Each tryout' will give a five minute,
speech on any subject.
Zoology 32 (Heredity): Those absent from the final examination last;
June will meet.in Room 2103, N. S. Building, Saturday, Oct. 25, at 9 a.m.,
to take a supplementary examination. A. Franklin Shull.
Automotive Engineering Courses: The semi-annual trip to the Gen-
eral Motors Pro'ing Ground will occur on Monday, Oct. 29. We will leave
the Auto Laboratory at 1:00 p.m. Trip includes moving pictures of
activities, trip over the ground and through instrument rooms and gar-
ages. Will be back by 6:30 p.m. Leave your name with W. E. Lay, Room
101 Annex or, Arthur Fries, Room 209 Annex.

Sophomore Literary elections Tuesday, Oct. 28 in Natural Science
Aud. 4:15 - 5:15. Eligibility slips must be presented.
Freshman Medical Elections Tuesday, October 28th at 4:30 in room
1528 of the Medical Building. Candidates be sure to obtain eligibility
The Monday Evening Dramatic Section of the Faculty Women's Club
will meet on Monday, October 27, at 7:45 at the Michigan League Bldg.
Pan Hellenic Banquet postponed from Monday, Oct. 27 to Monday,
November 3.
Sorority Presidents. Have representatives call at the candy booth
on Tuesday, Oct. 30 from 11:00 - 12:00 or 1:00 - 2:00 for your sorority's
Pan-Hellenic Banquet tickets.
Congregational Student Fellowship will meet Sunday at 5:30 p.m.
Social period and luncheon will be held as usual but du; to meeting at
Hill Auditorium there will be no formal program.
A further study of the Jerusalem International Missionary Confer-
encte will be continued at the Student Volunteer meeting in the fire-place
room of Harris Hall (Huron & State) at 8:30 a.m. this Sunday morning.
Those interested are cordially invited.
Dr. Louis C. Wright will address students Sunday evening in Hill
auditorium at 7:30. His topic will be "Consecrated Strength."
Craftsmen: There will be a meeting of the Craftsmen Club at Ma-
sonic Temple Saturday evening, Oct. 25, 7:30 p.m. All student masons
are invited to take part in this work.

Board Supervisors of Washtenaw
County Predict General
Tax at $267,352.20.
General tax for Washtenaw coun-
ty during the year 1930-31 has
been set at $267,352.20 by the coun-
ty board of supervisors.
This amount, the fifth and final
item to be submitted to the super-
visors by the finance committee,
brings the amount of county taxes
to $960,380.67. a decrease of $45,-
793 from last year's total.
The five tax items are: state tax,
$497,128.87; county road tax, $159,-1
800; state covert road tax, $11,399.-
54; county covert road tax, $24,-
699.06, and the general county tax,
fixed by the finance committee,
Ann Arbor-s share of the taxes
will be as follows: state, $235,280.88;
county road, $75,636.58; state cov-
ert, $5,395.93; county covert, $11,-
690.61, and county tax, $126,531.56.
Appropriations approved by the
finance committee total $317,352.20,
an increase of $17,000 over'those of
last' year. The committee, how-
ever, estimated the county income
for the coming year at $50,000.
Edith Owen Chooses
Campaign Officials
Dr. Harley A. Haines, director of
the University hospital, was named
president of the Community fund
campaign' yesterday by Edith Owen,
executive secretary. The campaign
will open at 6:15 o'clock tonight
in the Masonic temple with a din-
ner for officials, team leaders, and
James Inglis was named general
chairman for another year, and
Prof. Russell A. Dodge, of the en-
gineering department, will act as
chairman under Inglis. The office
of solicitation will be in charge of
J. Karl Malcolm.
A budget of $62,000 has been a-
dopted by the fund for the coming
year, an amount less than last
year's figure.
Varsity baseball team that has been
in the Orient on a playing tour
will return home this week after
winning seven and losing seven
games on their trip.

Forsythe Reveals EESrI~D~I
Danger in WearingULUV I1, NS
NewlyDyed Shoes _
Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, director
of the University Health Service, State Editors and Publishers
yesterday added this warning to
that of Dr. John A. Wessinger, city to Convene Here
health officer, in regard to poison- Nov. 14.
ing caused by the wearing of new-
ly dyed shoes. (Continued from Page 1)
"I should like to warn all students rospect and Anticipation." The
against wearing freshly dyed shoes United Press will be represented in
until they have dried at least two an address by Karl A. Bickel, presi-
days," said Dr. Forsythe. dent of the association. The next
"The poisoning takes place in the speaker, a former newspaper man
blood and may become very serious of the state, Senator Arthur H.
if not treated immediately," he con- Vandenberg, will address the group
tinued. "All dyes used in this proc- as fellow journalists.
ess are poisonous, but there is little Saturday, the last day of the con-
harm if the shoes are allowed to dry vention, will be opened by a dis-
sufficiently." cussion by Judge Arthur Lacy of
Dr. Wessinger has visited all shoe Detroit. Following this talk a dis-
repair shops to prohibit them from cussion will be lead by Wilbur M.
releasing shoes dyed in this manner Brucker, Republican nominee for
until they have dried two days. governor of Michigan. Election of
Dr. Forsythe explained the nature officers, reports of committees and
Sfte poisoning: general business will complete this
"If the dye is not thoroughly dry, meeting.
it will enter the blood as the feetI---
perspire, The poison in the dye af- = 121il'illtf!to##!##t# #li ftf11
fects the oxygen-carrying capacity w
of the blood, and the person's skin =ESEY'
becomes blue. An itching and red-
ness may also take place where the RIDING, BEARDING AND
shoes contact the skin. Blood trans- =A LEE
fusions have been necessary in
some cases.
"If the shoes are dried until all Out South State St., one mile
odor of the chemical used has dis- M-from end of pavement. Good
appeared, there is not much danger country roads, miles of bridle
in wearing them. A few years ago ~ paths.
four students were seriously poi-
soned. This is the first case re-
ported since that time." Will call for and return
MONROE LUNCH I=Riding Parties.
Corner Monroe and Oakland
Your Neighborhood Restaurant
Phone 733-F21 Ann Arbor
Dinner 40c and 50c
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for the Game
When a dandy Overcoat is noticed at the
game Saturday you may be sure that it came
from Del Prete's. Styles for the student,
business man and professional man. Fabrics
of good wool in wanted colors.
Others'$35 to $50

The third Open Forum will be
held Monday in room D, Alumni
Hall at 4:15 p.m. Mr. Abraham Ep-
stein will spear on "Private Insur-
ance vs. Social Insurance."
Gargoyle Cartoonists and all oth-
ers interested: A meeting Saturday,
October 25, at 10:30 a.m. to confer
with the engraving company's rep-
resentative about methods of exe-
cuting covers for subsequent issues
of the magazine.


Some Guests Are Disappointed
If You Can Offer Nothing
But Water

for the Game

Unless, with wise foresight, you have on hand a supply of ANBOR
SPRINGS WATER . . . the drink that pleasantly ouenches any Thirst.
Order a supply today. Get full particulars on our "20th Century





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There will be many days too warm for an overcoat
yet so you had beter acquire one of our fine Topcoats.
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Sociological Theory
and Social Research
Being Selected Papers of
Vate Professor .f Sociology in the University of Michigan with an introduction
and note by Prof. Robt. Cooley Angell

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Gordon slicker lined corduroy
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Gordon blue wcol ). jackets $7.50

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