PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY4 SEPTEMPER "0, 1930 r .., .. urn Union to Enteri-alia2 500 Freshmen at SHOPWOODMINOR IRADIO UNIVERSITY, PARENTS' HOUR KNOPF TO BEGINi U TnnLiAWARDS PLANNED TO BE INSTITUTED IN BROADCASTS LECTURE SEASON Seventeen Prizes for Creative (Continued from Page 1.) opening week will contain talks Fourten Speakers Engaged for I head coach of the varsity football dealing with public health meas- Appearances During Year. CopostonuArage, and Prof. William H. Hobbs. ures, innoculation and Vaccina-! TP H ouexin ation o dVm ia- Eightminor awards to be given A large part of this program will tion, examination of milk a n d Continued from Page 1.) r in 1930 and 1931 as part of the be devoted to University marches water supply, public health nurs- Carnegie institute at Washington fAvery Hpwood and Jule Hopwood and songs presented by the band ing. and municipal sanitation. The and director of the expeditionand er for First Year Men to prizes were announced yesterday by under the direction of Nicholas resume of campus news wil con- explorations at Chihen-Itzaonu. Y be Hed at 6:15 O'clock the department of English. Falcone. Harry Kipke will have no tai a brief account of what is be- oatan and Cannon E. H. Fellowes Thursday Night. In : ddition to the five major set speech but will answer ques- ing done by various members of gish anistt en awards os$2,50 s ah wh duh wiltions concerning the squad and the the faculty in the field of research.rot havinbee SIMRALL TO GIVE TALK students for the best creative work 1930 prospects. Professor Hobbs ,_here twice before. Cannon Fel- in dramatic writing, fiction, poetry, will give a brief talk upon the Arc- B usinsgsAdministrafion lowes l be here on December 8. Merton J. Bell, Paul Showers and the essay, the following minor tic explorations and the coming The other dates, except in the case ' Add N Student prizes will be given: University expedition to Greenland. _Scol Plant Enlargred of Franz Knopf who will be here STwo awards of $250 each to the 1 nOtbiCl entytbe for Publications. two students who have written th e will also answer any questins All of Tappan Hall is now de-Gy two best pieces of fiction of the concerning current polar expedi- ted to the School of Businessannonce tins {tobsvoe toteSic he r Biemasf Teletrrsnthssrer With more than 400 tickets sold, year. tions. Administration since the removal of The lecturers m this series are the plans for the annual all-Fresh- Two awards of $250 each to the The University of the Air pro- the School of Education offices to chosen by the different depart- two students, enrolled in English Iigams wilnts ine thoelUni erscaty, theicUni- men banquet to be held at 6:15 Costi nt De prtment of y il rbegin at 2 o'clock on- the newly constructed elementary ments in the University, the Uni- Compsiton n te Dparmen ofday afternoon, October 6. These ith nelcosrtdeem tay e'cl ek Thursday in the ballroom of English, who have written the two programs will consist of one facul- division of University High school. versity merely arranging dates and te Union are rapidly nearing com- best plays of the year. et ty speaker, a very brief resume of, Cramped quarters, large classes, taking care of the other manager- pletion, according to Albert Dono- Two awards of $250 each to the the day's news upon the campus, and inadequate library space are ial problems. However out of a ptwo students, enrolled in English and ten minutes of musicTherspecial sund for the purpose the hue, '31, president of the Union. Composition in the Department of faculty talks upon these programs edied by this. The library was U rsity secures o n e or two prfiacipal on the program of this English, who have written the two will be of a type which will inter- especially benefitted. It had grown speaers a year for special occ'a- writenthetw wil b o a ypewhih illintr-from 500 volumes since its estab- sionas such as the Schoolmasters!r informal banquet, the first social best pieces of fiction of the year. est house-wives and mothers and Ilishment November, 1925, to a cal- siseeting and the meeting of the function of the class of 1934, will Two awards of $250 each to the also the various high school stu- ection of 6,000 volumes, yet had &hivhiga n Academy of Science. be a short talk by Prof. William D. two students who have written the dents who will listen in upon these co n g owth in hao Thse Apake y o y ben best esajo hnyaapormsTepormso h corresponding growth in Haar Thiese speakers have niot yet been I etessays of the year. prog rams The porm of the Henderson, director of the Exten- -ormspace. announced. siun division. 'Prof. Waldo Abbott, head of the Freshman English de-i partment will be the toastmaster. Prof. Fielding H. Yost, director of LAST TIMES TODAY athetkcs, will give a brief address. Donoie to Give Welcome Among the other speakers will be1 *eCLAUDETTE COLBERT Jumes 0. H. (Ducky) Simrall, '31, lea captain of $he football team, who i o ri w1 speak for the four major s[ rts, Merton J. Bell, '31, president of the Student council, and Paul C. showers, '31, editor of the Mich- With FREDRIC MARCH gn Gargoyle, who will represent r 'OS 'uh E I-1uv the publications of the University. Donohue will give a short history{1 of the organization of the Union AND WEDNESDAY and will welcome the first-year men while Alfred J. Palmer, '32, chair- ii of!theu Aaidercas omemiee oDULEATRIE JOY tfle Union will explain the organ- SODA FOUNTAIN IE Mzation of the Union freshman ( An groups. Group Singing Planned. AT THE 'n addition there will be groupA singing and cheers led by the vars- IUL ity cheerleaders. Smokes will be supplied by the Union. Tickets are on sale for $1 at the eagu e tnion and may be obtained at the time of registration in the Union; or at the desk in the main lobby. ARE STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA- also arrangements have been made for Open for Service ,the use of 40 radio amplifiers in COMEDIES AND NOVELTIES the stadium this fall. ______ _____ _____ _ ___ _____ _____ ____- Banqet, Union Will Continue Registration During Remainder of Week! Registration at the Union will be continued during the next week from 2 to 5 o'clock in the after- noons and from 7 to 9 o'clockI Wednesday night in the student! offices on the first floor of the Un- ion, according to Harold O. War- ren, '31, recording-secretary of the; Union. As yet, only 2500 students have l registered at the Union. This reg- istration entitles the student to' the use of all the facilitiesof the building. Students m u s t present their treasurers receipt to register. SPARE -TIME FWORK tite t c n. ".I .-. Bg arn- }.. n'r agci c v xt,,' I t e n vey i- n B3RADFORD &CC . 802 PACKARD ST. LUNCHEON SPECIAL DAILY II TO 1 P. M. 25c TODAY'S DINNER SPECIAL 5:30 TO 7:00 SWISS STEAK BAKED VIRGINIA HAM BREADED VEAL CHOPS MASHED. POTATOES HEAD LETTUCE SALAD 35Sc . . . .... Dancing uring All Meals It's Smart To Be Seen HERE! GENERAL POLICY Daily except Sunday 50c LUNCHEON 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. 75c DINNER 5 P. M. to 8 P. M. SPECIAL DINNER, $1.00 SERVING 11 A. M. to 8 P. M. EVERY EVENING A-La Carte and Fountain Service 8 P. M. to Closing CONTINUOUS DANCING STARTING WEDNESDAY MATINEE TEA DANCE 3 to 5:00 P. M. Try Our Specialities Toasted Sweet Rolls Cresents and Pecans Fountain Service Always MUSIC BY THE RITZ ORCHESTRA ,1#1#N 11#1116!#tlil#1#iglt#1# .1# 11 PERSONNEL 11III IIIIIIIIIIIIIII[III IIIIIIIIIIII. Cuisine by The Ritz "Heinz" Nicholas Incomparable is the Head Collins Orchestra Waiter Formerly The Chubb House, 209 South State CLEANERS AND DYERS The Most Modern Plant in Ann Arbor 4 CASH AND CARRY STORES TO SERVE YOU r i (1 I I ' I { d 1 I. a Ann Street Drug Greystone Drug Monroe Lunch Main Office . . . . 1117 East Ann . . . . 1217 Prospect . . . . 722 Monroe . . . 516 East Liberty kSUITS OR, O'COATS CASH AND CARRY CASH CARDS $6 for $5