PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUE6DAY, OGIOBLE, 211, l):')Q PAGE 1OUR TESDAY....O . .2,.1.. Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis- patches credited to it or not otherwise credited in thie paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones:Editorial, 4925; Business, 212x4. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 f i MANAGING EDITOR F Chairman Editorial Board HENRY MERRY City Editor Frank E. Cooper, News Editor...............Gurney Williams Editorial Director ...........Walter W. Wilds Sports Editor ...............Joseph A. Russell Women's Editor........... Mary L. Behymer Music and Drama .........William J. Gorman Assistant News Editor......Charles R. Sprowl Telegraph Editor.........George A. Stauter NIGHT EDITORS S. Beach Conger John D. Reindel Carl S. Forsythe Richard L. Tobin David M. Nichol Harold O. Warren Sports Assistants Sheldon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy. Robert Townsend Reporters Walter S. Baer, Jr. Wilbur J. Myers Irving J. Blumberg Robert L. Pierce Donald O. Boudeman Sler M. rQuraishi George T. Callison C. Richard Racine w homas M. Cooley Jerry E. Rosenthal George Fisk George Rubenstein 74ernard W. Freund Charles A. Sanford Morton Frank Karl Seiffert Saul Friedberg Robert F. Shaw Frank B. Gibreth Edwin M. Smith Jack Goldsmith George A. Stauter Roland Goodman Alfred R. Tapert William H. Harris Toln S. Townsend James H. Inglis obert D. Townsend Denton C. Kunze Max H. Weinberg Powers Moulton Joseph F. Zias been taken over by a small direct- orate, headed by President von Hindenburg and backed by the Reichswehr. Most important, then, was the fact thatmregardless of the vote's outcome, a virtual though not an actual dictatorship was intended. The favorable result, however, will go far toward answering the ques- tion regarding the sufficiency of parliamentary institutions for the needs of an economic and political emergency. The persistency with which that question has been rais- ed in Europe, by dictatorships in Italy, Spain, Jugoslavia and Poland, is no mere theoretical agitation; it questions the entire principle of self-government and democratic institutions. Hence the refusal of the Reichstag to allow an actual dictatorship to be set up averts for the present a repudiation of Ger- many's democratic constitution. I Lynne Adams Betty Clark Elsie Feldman Elizabeth Gribble Emily G. Grimes Elsie M. Hoffmey jean Levy Dorothy Magee Mary McCall Margaret O'Brien Eleanor Rairdon Jean Rosenthal Cecilia Shriver Frances Stewart er Anne Margaret Tobin Margaret Thompson Claire Trussell Barbara Wright BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER T. HOLLISTER MABLEY Assistant Manager KASPER H. HALVERSON Department Managers Advertising .................Charles T. Kline Advertisi............... Thomas M. Davis Advertising ............ William W. Warboys Service.................Norris J. Johnson Publication ............Robert W. Williamson Circulation............Marvin S. Kobacker Accounts...............Thomas S. Muir Business Secretary ........ Mary J. Kenan Assistants Thomas E. Hastings Byron V. Vedder Harry R. Begley Erle Kightlinger William Brown Richard Stratemeier Richard H. Hiller Abe Kirshenbaum Vernon Bishop Noel D. Turner William W. Davis Aubrey L. Swinton J. Fred Schaefer Wesley C. Geisler Joseph Gardner Alfred S. Remsen Ann Verner northea Waterman Alice McCully Dorothy Bloomgarden Dorothy Laylin J3osephine Convisser ernice Glaser Hortense Gooding Laura Codling Ethel Constas Anna Goldberg Virginia McComb Joan Wiese Mary' Watts Marian Atran- Sylvia Miller TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1930 Night Editor-BEACH CONGER, Jr. Chancellor Bruening's victory in the Reichstag was more than a partisan advantage; it insured the continuance of parliamentary in- stitutions in Germany and defi- nitely nicked the chances for an actual dictatorship. But aside from the political issue,iit marks the failure of the fascist and Com- munist bloc to seize control of the political machinery, thus averting an eventual scrapping of the pres- ent constitutional system. This danger was doubtless never imin- ent, since Adolf Hitler and his fol- lowers would hardly have seized the government, got rid of the political opposition and repudiated the treaties of peace because junk- ing the Young Plan, one of the im- portant items in the Hitler pro- gram, would automatically revive the punitive provisions of the Ver- sailles treaty, with a renewed mili- tary occupation of the Rhineland as one of the probabilities. Never- theless, considerable post-War pro- gress in international affairs would have been lost through a fascist and Communist victory. The quarrel and discord preced- ing last Saturday's vote involved principles affecting to a consider- able degree the future of self- government. Previous to the vote of confidence, the Bruening Gov- ernment had drawn up a program for meeting the country's unem- ployment and financial situation generally. In place of the dole, Germany is to try conscription of labor. The budget is to be balanced by severe reduction of expenditures, and rigorous cuts in salaries and personnel of the civil service. Ob- viously, from the viewpoint of the government, the vote of confidence in these measures was hardly more than a matter of form. Regardless of the quarrels of parties and their demands for representation in a new ministry, the government laid its plan for rehabilitation of state Campus Opinion Contributors ae asked to be brief, confining themsehes to less than 30 words if possible. Anonymous com- munications will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as onidentia, upon re- quest. Letters pub ished sold not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. To the Editor: The editorial of the 18th last on 1 Michigan's "fighting Band" plead- ing for a more spontaneous and less perfect outfit reflects a point of view that seems to me to be a bit "editorialish," as though the writer had found himself under the immediate necessity of "pounding off" a half column before the sheet went to press, and consequently turned in a critical comment that is slightly far-fetched. Let me show evidence of haste in its construction. First, "those scrupulously p r e s s e d uniforms" could disturb the writer but once or twice at the beginning of the season (and during the least im- portant games) the old uniforms were famously "out of Press' after the first two weeks of school, and I have my own ideas about the possibility of the new ones doing any better, since the cloth appears to be of the same texture. Secondly, what are "those white starched shoulder straps" that the writer thought to be so terrible? I confess such a decoration would be un- aesthetic, but thank Heaven there are no white starched shoulder straps, although I imagine a few doses of "Johnny Walker" would cause the yellow Sam Brown belts to alter their appearance to an unsteady observer in the stadium. Thirdly, our ranks are not "pre- cisely drawn," nor are the drills ever executed to perfection-every bandsman knows that, and I thought the spectators did too. Nobody need see dress parade at the U. S. Military academy, as a stand- ard of perfection, to know that our lines often get pretty bad. Five hours drill a week cannot produce perfection; the Lieutenant knows it; "Uncle Bob" (Robert A. Camp- bell, treasurer, ed.) knows it; we all know it. . If the writer thinks the heralds suggest the spirit of a comic opera, etc., that's his own affair. He could at least laugh about it instead of attempting to be real vitriolic. And I can't find evidence that we em- ploy "theatrical props" excessively. Ohio State's band with its white spats, the size of the Illinois band, and Purdue's outfit with its mega- phones, etc., seem to be leaning far more in the direction of the thea- trical than Michigan. (All college bands seem to be showing off when compared with the Service bands. Take the West Point band for instance; they never spell words, and the drum major was severely reprimanded after one game by the commandant for putting on a strut! At Army games the corps stages a review, but the writer woudn't even like that very well since he is so against militarism.) The praise given the Harvard band may be justified, after a fashion, but that university is famed for finer things than her band-which is a good thing for Harvard. While being in action with the Michigan band I have realized the presence of what is usually called "esprit de corps; and viewing the outfit from the stands I feel that it is flexible, cultivated, but not too professional and perfect. I feel that we can easily pride our- selves on the quality of the Michi- gan outfit, and that editorial writ- ers should know what they are talking about. W. R. M., '32. HOME AGAIN I suppose you are all overjoyed to see me back aren't you gents? What! You hesitate? Well, I won't press you on that one, but I do insist that the original methods for getting to games be sent in soon. I've got to get to the Harvard massacre some way, and I'm afraid that my method of last game won't work again. This business of dis- guising ones' self as a case of scotch and crawling into a deserted truck to be picked up by passers by only works when you can be sure of finding a deserted truck, and in these days of hard times people aren't leaving trucks deserted in the ditch half as often as one might suppose. In fact, Indon't re- member ever having seen such a dirth of deserted trucks. It's a dirthy Irish trick. * x Dear Dan: Well, here we are, 'way up on top of the beautiful new Notre Dame . . . No, No. Ohio College stadia-(By popular request we are leaving out the rest of the pre- amble which gives us practically nothing to fill the column with unless we can fill it with pride at being a public benefactor)...... I have discovered a peculiarity of the O. S. U. undergraduates that I think worth noting. They get awfully peeved when you refer to the referree (ha?) as a big sissy. As you probably know, I am sitting in the enemy section for the pur- pose of gathering local choler, and I just want you to make a memo to the effect that I am succeeding in a fashion that will probably necessitate two weeks' vacation with pay. Sorra me loife, but I can't hardly even talk due to my ill-advised visit to Joe's Hot Dog Shoppe here in Columbus or where- ever I am supposed to be. Anyway these boys down here are very touchy about their school honor, and object strongly to being told that their voices haven't changed yet, making them a bunch of boys in High cheers (Highchairs... get that? heheheh!) Well, Here I am signing off again in a swirl of red hats and beer-bottles, I hope you enjoyed the game as much as I did. If you want to know who won read a paper (adv.) So long Everybody .. . Joe Whoosh. Thanks Joe, that one is good for four inches of type or I'm a cockeyed liar (Elmer! I am not cockeyed!).. We are all cer- tainly much obliged old man, at least I am, and we hope to hear more of the games through you in the future-and a lot less of your lousy fast ones you wet smack. m , Y Dear Daniel: Sunday, when your watchful eye was lulled to inaction by the foot- ball atmosphere (Boy, the football atmosphere they sell in Columbus would have put anyone else's eye clear out of business ... D. B.), the Ritz took advantage and posted a sign - "One Dollar Dinners Now $1.25." They thought they could get away with it, but we saw them (I'll bet you peeked . . . D. B.). What will you do about it now? With Love Napoleon The Little. * * * Dear Nap: I can't go around prosecuting people on mere hearsay. Wait 'till I see it, and there'll be trouble. I'll warrant you that all right all right. DAN. Dopey Dun: - Sorry, but your plan of being a gunman like the guy that accompanies the band and scares them into funny forma- tions isn't worth the proverbiall whoop. I haven't got a gun. If I did have a gun, my soft heart Iwould prevent my making such a use of it. I think that is one of the brutalizing factors of football. Why can't they train their band byy kindness and love rather than frightening the poor things into abject obedience by means of fire- arms, the big bullies? Why, I had a little dog not long since that I trained so well by kindness that he never even winced at a shot or a naughty word. That's how he happened to get shot. Maybe we could fix the band that way, if guys like you would shut up. About Books, PRIMITIVE MYTHOLOGY ORPHEUS, Myths of the World: By Padraic Colum. With Twenty En- gravings by Boris Artzybashef. The MacMillan Co. $5.00. A Review The distinguishing characteristic of all mythology is its irrefutable logic. It is as sensible as relativity. as coldly scientific as a chemical equation. All three required the utmost imagination to work out. Mythology starts with a major premise which is usually chaos and which cannot be disputed, and works up through a series of minor premises, to a conclusion, which is the state of man and his purpose, manner of formation, and reason of being. If approached in faith, it offers an ordered universe which brooks no doubt. If approached any other way, it offers fascinating reading and invaluable insight into the primitive mind. Padraic Colum approaches myth- ology with sympathy and knowl- edge. He has been called the out- standing artist of the Irish renais- sance. He possesses that mixture of light and shadow, that subtle twist of the English tongue, which is the i heritage of the Irish, to its fullest extent. And to further fit him for the task of writing "Orpheus, Myths of the World," if further requisites are necessary, he subscribes to Bronislaw Malinowski's doctrine that "these myths live not by idle interest, not as fictitious or even true narrative, but are to the natives a statement of a primeval, greater and more relevant reality, by which the present life, fates, and activities of man are deter- mind." He gives us the Egyptian, Baby- lonian, Persian, Greek, Latin, Cel- tic, Scandinavian, East Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Polynesian, Per- uvian, Central American and Mex- ican, and Zuni stories, and we un- derstand each of them better when we see it related to a similar story in another mythology. The story of creation for instance appears fairly consistently in all the divisions, under the general-title, "In the Be- ginning." They show the utmost originality. The Greeks started the world in this way, "In the begin- ning Nyx, who is night, hovered in the darkness. An egg was laid by Nyx, the black-winged bird. From the upper shell of that egg was formed Ouranos, who is Heaven, and from the lower shell, Gaia, who is earth. And Eros, who is love, flew forth from the egg." This is how it started, and if not for Nyx, the Black-Winged bird, there would have been no Sophocles, no Plato, no Aristophanes. It was all very plain. Many of the myths go on further than just the bare beginning. In some, Gods engage in dreadful struggles; in some, aeons passed in indecision before the birth of man; in some, there are tales of the eternal relationships between man and God; in some, man desires to become immortal and travels from heaven to hell in untiring search to satisfy this desire. But in all, logic is foremost. There is no indefinite rambling from here to there. Every God, every man, every demi-god has his character, and his life fol- lows his character with admirable consistency. Perhaps the most im- aginative people of all were the Icelandic race. Their myths of Thor and Odin and the idyllic Asgarth, which was "the name of the world they made for themselves," are full of emotion. These Gods differ from the Christian Powers in being able to do wrong as we judge it. "Then was heard the galloping of the horses of the riders of Muspellsheim; then was heard the laughter of Loki; then was heard the blowing' of Heim- dall's horn-fate was heard in the note of the Gjallarthorn that Heimdall blew before the abodes of -the Gods; then was heard the openings of Valhall's five hundred and forty doors, as eight hundred heroes made ready to pass through each door." There is the start of the war which was to tell the fate of moulz This white dot identifies Shea fer's,zhe ONLY Aenuine Lif etime Sde Why do Most Students buy She affer-"s?* ..-- . '0-. No. H74TC, Marine Green,- $3.50 It is a fact proven by sales figures that among America's hundred leading col- leges, each with 1700 or more students registered, Sheaffer's outsell all others. Is such leadership ever an accident? BAI You know the answer. 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