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October 21, 1930 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-10-21

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TUESDA7 7, "1 "'30



f .. .Y A 1 < <./


Auguste Desdos to Open Series
With Address on Paintig
romorrow Afternoon.
Members Will Present Frenchl
Play on April 30 to End
Season's Activities.
First of the lecturers in the Cer
dce Francais series for the current
year is Auguste V. Desclos, of thE
national bureau of French schools
and universities, who will lectur
tomorrow afternoon, on the subject
"La peinture en France depuis
vingt-cincl ans."
M. Descios, who will speak in
French, is a connoisseur of French
art, and will be remembered for his
excellent lecture of three years ago
on the artist Monet.
Talamon Is Advisor
Arrangements have been made
by Prof. Rene Talamon, faculty ad-
visor of the Cercle Francais, for
eight lectures to be given thru the
school year. The program is as
Wednesday, Oct. 22-"La pein-
ture en France depuis vingt-cinq
ans," by Auguste V. Desclos, 4:15
o'clock at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Wednesday, Nov. 12-"Ceremon-
ies nuptiales dans les campagnes
francaises," to be delivered by
M hael S. Pargment.
Wednesday, Dec. 10-"La poesie
des troubadours," to be delivered by
Edward L. Adams.
Wednesday, Jan. 7-"Quelques
poetes canadiens francais," to be
delivered by Anthony J. Jobin.
Wednesday, Jan. 21-several one-
act plays will be presented on this
Wednesday, Feb. 18-"Orleans
and Joan of Arc," to be delivered
by Manson M. Brien.
Wednesday, March 11-"Beran-,
ger, chansonnier francais," to be
delivered by Jacques J. Engerrand.
Wednesday, April 1-"Un roman-
cier contemporain: Edouard Estau-
nie," to be delivered by Abraham
Thursday, A p r i 30-A full-
length play, presented annually by
the cercle.
Another lecture, to be included
in the series, is being arranged by
Prof. Hugo Thieme, head of the ro-
mance language department, with
Prof. I. Strowsky, exchange profes-
sor at Columbia. university from
the University of Paris.
Tickts Now On Sale
Tickets of associate membership,
entitling the holder to attend all
lectures, and with a slight addi-
tional charge, the annual play, may
be purchased at room 112, romance
language building, for fifty cents.
President Addresses
Utah Graduate Clubs
(Spreal to The Dily)
SALT LAKE CITY, Oct. 20.-Dr.
Alexander G. Ruthven, president of
the University of Michigan, spoke
here tonight on "The University"'
before members of the University of
Michigan club and alumni from
Provo and Ogden.
The growth of Michigan, its aims,
and its function were explained by
Dr. Ruthveh, who leaves in the
morning together with Mrs. Ruth-

ven to attend a meeting of edu-'
cators in Berkley, Calif.
Conference Debaters
Select Unemployment
Insurance as Subject
The subject of the conference de-
bates this semester will be, "Re-
solved: that tne several states
should enact legislation for com-
pulsory unemployment insurance."
The first debate will take place Dec.
11 with Indiana.
The squad will start intensive
preparation for the debate t h i s
week, and the team will be an-
nounced in about a month. The
speech department has increased
the program of the debating team
this year. Two sets of tryouts have
been held and the members of the
team will be selected from those

$nIPfHil eru5
nU n-LL1 1

" " I;

Ncd Authority on Mollusks to
D~ Work in Research of
Soa Seas Expedition.

A ~Ab, E Univccsi4.-,_ a c_ _c"4.
Will Discuss aioa

SCIHELULES C__ O4..B-'&-'- .:._. ..?Df
cnepaive sid 'L c the nuestion,
vLesolvecd: th:a { ai chan
grocery stores ciperati:- in ti
t state of ichigan are -et"imental
to t; e people of the state," in its;
debate with Iwell. Ann Arbor
Hig'h school is to take the affir-
mative stand on the same subject
against Birmingham.
The announcement wrs mtde
yesterday with the completion of
the schedule for the first deba'-,
of the preliminary series in the
Michigan high school debating' lea-
The affirmative team will be the
:host of all debates in order that the
home team will not have to attack
~ the home independent store, it was.
further announced. The schedule
A cociated Press Photo was constructed with the follow-
Lieut. Irving E. WOodring, flying across the cui1ioummbn wiui the ing factors being considered:
official copy of Japan's ratification of the London naval treaty, was The preference for sides was re-
forced down by snow and a blizzard at Laramie, Wyo. His colleague, garded when possible, but when
LieutU William Caldwell, crashed in an another plane and was killed. two schools requested the same
____ side the decision .was made by toss-
Schools were paired according to
OUT OF NINE STUDENTS, SA YS RlC- preference for opponents provided
that such schools appeared on both
prefernce lists and that geograph-
Ambitious and Lazy Upperclass so attended, ambitious students can ical reasos did not interfere.
Students Are Main Groups. derive much value from such work, The schedule was so arranged to
commented Prof. Paul A. Leidy, sec-permit each school to keep its al-
nine students in cretary of the Law school. side for the first two debates
One out of every Medicine, engineering and the and to provide a different oppon-
the College of Literature, Science, other professional divisions also ent for each school in the remain-
and the Arts of the University is have schedules which allow for little ing three debates.
ambitious enough to attempt more extra scholastid work. In cases in In some cases it was considered
work than allowed by schedule, ac- which it seems advisable, however, advisable to ask schools to travel
cording to an announcement made it is permitted on the basis of fac- for the debate where such travel
by Prof. D. L. Rich, Director of silty estimation of the candidates would be impossible later in the
Classification. More than 500 appli- ability. Prof. Orlan W. Boston, season.
cations were filed, the n'ajority of chairman of the committee on The latest figures of the league
which were granted. hours, revealed that extra hours in enrollment now include 272 high
Two types of students usually the College of Engineering and Ar- schools. This is the largest enroll-
seek permission to take extra work, ehitecture may be taken without i th
Professor Rich stated. They are permit by students having grades Tenr a 1the history of the league.
either the especially able and inter- of "B" or better. theefirstae tchosardebatingr.o
ested students who are capable of 1
carrying the work, or the lazy and UN fVERSITY ACTS
incompetent upperclassmen w h oI
find themselves short of credit TO CURB DISEASE University Radio Today
hours as their college careers draw Po.NdDabro h o-
nearer to a close, and attempt to May Announces Measures to be est-zoology department, will dis-
make up for lost time in their last T A cuss "Keeping Up the Fur Crop"
semesters. The latter type is seldom Taken Against BRgworm. on the Tuesday afternoon pro-
allowed to take extra subjects, since gram. Raymond Morin will be
permission is given only to these Ringworn has become so preva- the pianist on the program.
whose records are good. The major- ^ent that steps are being taken to
ity of the students gIven permission curb its spread, says Dr. George A.
to do added academic work make VMay, director of Waterman gymna-
good, failures to carry the extra s vum. rraer thagurs t in
load usually occurring only in cases Over alf of the students taking Meeting for Satrday
of ill health or outside work. the examinations this fall had ring-
Law school students are allowed worm in some form," said Dr. War- The Michigan Athletic Manager's
little variation in the maximum and ren E. Forsythe, director of the Uni- club will hold its annual luncheon
minimum hours needed for gradua- versity Health Service. . meeting at the Union Saturday.
tion, but often supplement their Wooden sandals and printed di- The club which is made up of
scheduled courses by "auditing," or rections are being given to all users former managers of University ath-
attending classes in which they are of the gymnasium. These sandals letic teams will hear a report on
interested, but in which they are are worn while taking showers, the loan fund it maintains under
not listed for credit. Although they Shower rooms, bathrooms, and the adimiinistration of the Univer-
are not held responsible for courses all other places where personsare sity. Officers will be elected for the
likely to walk barefooted are car- new year.
riers of the germ. Rooming houses
GagyeAppaac and fraternities are asked to clean
Gargoyle Aippeaance M NR E LU C
their tile floors with an antiseptic.
elayedAnothr Dad The early symptoms of the disease L N H Cre onroe aLd (c-lI~


-~ ~1 '.Henr A. i~sry, who has
en Jre tnan 40 years curator
us' in the Academy of Na-
edcinces at Philadelphia, will
U t ak 4:15 o'clock next Thurs-
a li u Science auditorium
on 'With the Clifiord Pinchot Ex-
pidition to the "aufh Seas."
Dr. Piltbry Is one of the two
1eadin authorities in the world on
Sfresh watr and lake shells. He has
traied widely and has studied
sheils from the standpoint of the
rfworld fauna. His published works
include several large volumes and
Associated Press Photo 1. udreds of smaller papers. Ie is
Farm iiusr1 near Lawrence, N. J., where Coy. uninrics ialt rh. his member of the important con-
wife and son will live until a new home is built on ne H1-acre tract chological societies of the world,
recenly purchased near there. and he publishes extensively in
- -- _ ---- -____--- - ---their journals.
"I T r r t, ( rA- sib A The Pinchot expedition of 1929
,0 which Dr. Pilsbry accompanied
OF 7"rA Y RARE BIRD TO MUEUY.S a. naturalist traveled about the
..____-_south seas in a private yacht and
Mosf Recent Gt Is Red-Throat g was able to gather a great deal of
usulgint south-valuabledata because it was not
Loon From Prof. Lowe. ern states and sometimes drifting limited to the regular parts of call
--___northward after their nesting sea- in its range of investigations.
Rare specimens of birds have son. The herons thus seen in the Dr. Pilsbry comes to the Univer-
been givei to the University mu- north in August are mainly of sity as guest of the museum of zo-
seums during the last month from three species, the American egret,
contributors all over the state. the snowy egret. and the white
The third specimen of red- plumaged yearlings of the little blue
throated loon ever received at the heron.
museum was recently sent in by I
Prof. John Low of Marquette, who CARLETON COLLEE - Three WA TLING
took it from fishermen's nets at hundred twenty-four towns and LERCHEN &
20 fathoms of Laughing Whitefish cities are renresented by students H YE
point, Alger county. here this semester.HAYES
With the beginning of the hunt--__
ing season, other birds have also - Membcrs
been brought into the museum.
Especially interesting is the double- New York Stock Exchange
breasted cormorant shot on Base Detroit Stock Exchange
lake north of Ann Arbor, and sent New York Curb (Associate)
in by conservation officer Otto
Rohn. This specimen, which con- 802 PARKARD STREET
stitutes the earliest autumn record Dealers
for the region, probably came from 'TODAY 5:30 to 7:00 P. M
the small Lake Superior colony BREADED VEAL CUTLETS Investment
discovered by a Museum expedi- BAKED VIRGINIA HAM II
tion in 1926. RAISIN SAUCE
The last summer has also seen ROAST BEEFA t
the greatest flight of "White Her- MAN SIE WEETTPO OES Afor A Caried
os" ever recorded in Michigan. ANDf
Tihe staff of the museum of zoology BUTTERED PEAS
recorded the unusual flight in some SAUSAGE AND EGGS MRSzAINL
detail, and collected specimens for WITH FIR NATIONAL
identification and study. The flight HOT CORN BREAD PhN:22132
has been recorded as unusual be- 35c Phones: 23221-23222
cause of the fact that the herons
rarely come as far north as Michi- o_ _________





W.--&--- W

Alon'ald Colwmn RA'VFLE%

Due to a delay in the printing,
the October issue of the Gargoyle.
the first of this year, will appear to-
morrow and not today as was pre-
viously announced, Bruce Palmer,
'31, business manager of the Gar-
goyle, stated yesterday.
Particular attention is paid to the
entering students in this issue of
the University's humor magazine
which contains some valuable hints
for freshmen on what to bring to
college and an a variety of other
The cover was done by Alan
Handley, '32, who is also the creator
of a number of the cartoons. In addi-
tion, the book contains a review of
the campus dramatics situation by
Charles Monroe, '31.
Duffcndack to Speak
on Molecular Energy'
Prof. O. S. Duff-enback of the
physics department, will speak on
"The Exchange of Energy Between
Molecules During Collision in Gases"
at the colloquium to be held at 4:15
o'clock this afternoon in room 1021,
East Physics building. Dr. Duffen-
dack recently returned from Europe
where he spent last year conduct-
ing research on this subject in the
physics laboratory - of the institute
of Professor J. Franck at the Uni-
versity of Goettingen.

are itching and cracking of the skin
between the toes. Students should
report these and other skin troubles
'to the Health Service.

%-rermoroe ani Vamana
Your Neighborhood Restaurant
Dinner 40c and 50c


The screen's greatest singing lov
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singing for the first time in hi
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Gigantic scenes in FULL COLOR,
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An efficient Electric Heater will add much to the



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