SUNDAY, OCTOBER, 19, 1930 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PIN , SEVEN SUNDA, OT~liR 19,1930.,VE DOIAILS OHIO, 13-0 Jack Wheeler Proves to be Best Ground Gainer for Michigan With Newman Second. HINCHMAN HEADS OHIO (Continued from Page 1) Hinchman broke through te Michigan defense for 70 yards while Carroll was close behind with 67. Horn also played well gaining 39 yards during the afternoon. Fesler showed himself to be a punter of ability by averaging 46 yards per boot, while Simrall who did Michigan's kicking averaged 451/2 yards. Pass Defense is Effective. During the first part of the game Michigan played carefully and waited for the breaks which never came, but finally decided to take matters into its own hands, first with the long pass to Simrall, and finally with the drive toward the goal in the second half, which also ended with the ball behind their opponents' goal line. These were the only times Michigan had a chance to count, and it is a tribute to their ability that they took ad- vantage of them. The drills which Coach Kipke sent his men through last week in pass defense bore fruit today when the Bucks were able to complete but four out of 24 tries, three of these being in the last period when nearly every Crimson play was a pass. With Ohio State and Purdue out of the way, Michigan has hurdled two of the outstanding title con- tenders in the Big Ten and has established itself as one of the most logical aspirants for the crown now held by the Boilermakers. Auer, Daniels Out. Michigan's victory came without the services of two of the regular linemen, Auer and Daniels being kept from the game because of injuries. However, the Wolverine substitutes filled their places well ,and did not prove to weaken the unity of the team. While the un- balanced line offensive which Coach Willaman uses this year appeared to baffle the Wolverines somewhat during the game, the line held in the pinches with Cornwell and Purdum standing out in this de- partment of the game. VARSITY FENCING All men interested in trying out for the varsity fencing squad are requested to report at the Intramural S p o r t s building, Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Coach Johnston. CHICAGO - Donnie MacFayden, center, and Clarence MacKenzie, wingman, former Marquette Uni- versity hockey stars, have been signed by the Chicago Shamrocks of the American Hockey League. They are expected to bolster up the Windy City team this season. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS-The university has entered into a pact with Kansas State Agricultural college, under which the students of each school will refrain from painting up the buildings and sta- tues on the campus of the other during the coming year.I MS.C. N td Colgate AYH' TEAM LINE-UP IGleia C tdtt Toves Duae Upsts Middies in MajorDope Upset TIE SCOREI I ToTouarnanent rinals 8-0 s ineen Star Michigan State's gridiron warriors ._Bichigan LE. .Ohio Staer iBy ssocidie rt) Bovard .. .....LE.. ,..... Cramer (By Assocatd Press) A NPLS c.l Apwr today sprang one of the major up- Ohio B Squad Plays WoLverines Jordan.LT.Nichlaus ANNAPQLIS, Oct. 13.-A power- sets of the 1930 season by admini - 6-6 DeadlOCk. Parker.LG........Kellar LOS ANGELES, Oct. 17.-Peerless fut set of Duke University back stering a 14 to 7 trimming to Col- Winston.......C........ Cochran match play and coolest of them all field accs smashed the Navy 18 to gate's great team. The result was (Continued From Page 6) Gnger.......R.......Wrtll when under fire, Glenna Collett, 0 on Farragut Field today while a entirely unexpected, for the eastern turning the ball to its own 30-yard Justice.......RE..... Salvetarra New York City, moved one step scrappy line halted every thrust team had been leading its section line. The Bees held them there Kutsche .......Q ..........Fivaz nearer her objective, a fifth wom- and the North Carolinians scored of the country in scoring with 178 ansocdte opn.Iush Coombe.... ...... Marshall ensntoa ofcposi, their first victory in the four game oits intr gams. h and forced them to punt. Kutsche ...... ..... a ens national golf championship, to- seies pontsinthreegames-BremenBrow returned the ball 10 yars to the Berkowitz ..... F........Pracher day with a smashing 5 and 3 victory Smashing wide holes, the Duke Monnett was the outstanding 20-yard stripe where he fumbled Touchdowns - Michigan, Berko- over Helen Hicks, 19-year-old In- forward wall halted every Navy at- man on the field. Playing at half but recovered the ball himself. witz; Ohio State, Scherer. wood, N. Y. star, in the semi-finals tack except in the final period, and for State, he ran 63 yards in the An end run coupled with a five- Substitutions-Michigan, Lindsey of the national classic. even then Ingram's backfield star, closing minutes of the game for the y a r d penalty gave Michigan its for Kutsche, Markley for Bremen, Lou Kern, injected despite an in- ing ufirst down. n the next play Ber- Frisk for Horwitz, Benz for Unger, in jury in a desperate attempt to winning touchdown, and place- kowitz reeled off eight yards thru Bennett for Frisk; Ohio State, Miss Virginia Van Wie, Chicago, in turn the tide could not get away kicked both of his team's extra the center of the Buckeye line, Scherer for Pracher, Rentschler for the 36-hole final. after reaching the scoring zone. points. He passed and line-plunged but his team was forced to kick as Worstell, Williams for' Marshall, a_ for gain after gain, and was the the visitors held. The rest of the Dick for Allen, Kazmerchekf for i(611FItfl6iIifliiEtitllrt imi@!bsa li111iIItimmI mainspring of the Spartan attack quarter resolved itself into kicking DeMalker, Marshall for Williams. mnSaaffair with State having an advant- Officials - Referee, Ingersoll, "Every Student needs one The first half saw no scoring, but age in distance because of the wind. Dartmouth; Umpire, McCullough, State gave a hint of what was to f The quarter ended with the ball on ( Springfield; Field Judge, Thomp- come, for it was constantly threat- Michigan's 23-yard line. Score: son, Lavrence; Head Linesman,_ ening, only missing a touchdown by Michigan 0, Ohio State 0. Ileugel, Chicago. e . Michigan opened up a bit in the Score by quarters: nches early in the second quartersecond quarter after receiving the Michigan .:....0 6 0 0-6 Fiber and Canvas Colgate was almost never on the Buckeye kick in midfield. Bremen Ohio State .....0 0 0 6-6 favorable side of the 50-yard line. took the ball and started away in In the third period each team the wrong direction for 10 yards running attack, however, and only before he was tackled. Berkowitz scored once. Grove put the Spar- immediately made it up however one good gain was made around the tn in th ads a tchn with two 'successive cross bucks ends. The third quarter ended with a ya fumble before it touched the which netted a first down. the ball still in Ohio territory in . ":-..9 t - _ ground. This touchdown was the Two unsuccessful plays and then the Wolves' possession on the 33- 1U grod This t hos se Berky again reeled off a first down 1111 SOUTH UNIVERSITY first scored against Colgate this sea- thPBcONEyr lne coe7tll64o0,Mih son. On a steady advance the east- to place the oval'on the Buckeye yard line. Score still 6 to 0, Mich- HALF BLOCK EAST OF CAMPUS ern team then carried the ball from 32-yard stripe. On the next play igan. its 27-yard line across the goal line he took the ball through a wide ga Kicking Duel Ensues. - by a steady series of line plunges, at center and then eluding the State The final quarter was as much' aided by a pass and a five-yard secondary, he managed to cross the Ohio's as the previous one wa penalty. goal line before being tackled. Michigan's. With the advantage of FOR A GOOD LOOK The game was played in flurries Bremen missed the try for point the wind, they engaged in a kicking of game a ld in aluis when his place kick went wide of duel which soon left them in mid SMALL, smart sport glass that can be used struck the capitol city. The was the uprights. The half ended with field. It was here that Williams, stnuy thsae capiold ctyher was the ball on the B-uckeye 33-yard line Fivaz, and Pracher started their L.continuously without the slightest eye strain. weather undoubtedly being t heas Michigan still'maintained an of- line drives. The 15-yard penalty Gives the widest field ever attained: 320 yards at cause. fensive drive gave them a chance and taking yards Justice Receives. the ball from the 39-yard stripe, i;OOO distance. The third quarter was all Michi- Williams ripped off a wide end run badger Harriers Beat gan's. Justice received the Ohio to the left which netted a first Takes in the "whole show" at Penn Champion Team kick on his twenty-yard stripe and down. Fivaz and Pracher then man- managed to reach the Wolverine aged to rip through the line to Racing Talkies Theatre (By Associated Press) 44-yard line before being downed. place the ball in scoring distance Racing Football Talkies Theatre MADISON, Wis.-The University Failing to make yardage, they from which Scherer took it over. Opera Bird Study Touring of Wisconsin cross-country team kicked to the Ohio 15-yard line. The With the score tied, Ohio tried des- defeated the University of Penn- visitors immediately returned the perately to score again, but the gun sylvania harriers, last year's east- kick to the 39-yard line. Here the ended the game just as State re- ern inter-collegiate champions, 24 Wolves tried some of the passes covered Lindsey's fumble on his own $1250 to 34, today. Coan, Pennsylvania which they have been practicing for 30-yard line. placed first in the four-mile race the past week and Kutsche got off Although Michigan's offense was in 21 minutes 59 seconds. George a 20-yard heave to Justice who was weak, its defensive play cannot be Wright, Wisconsin, was second. The stopped on the 23-yard line. criticized. Berkowitz was by far the next eight places went to Wiscon- There the Michigan backs were best man on offense as well as de- sin. held for downs and the ball chang- fense. Winston played a fine game ed hands. What little offensive at center and was responsible for strength the Jayvees had seemed to most of the gains through the cen- disappear at this time. Despite the ter of the line with the holes he - Net Meet From Austin fact that they held the ball well opened up. Justice played a good within the Buckeye territory all defensive game as did Kutsche in (By Associated Press) during this quarter, they failed to the backfield., LONDON.-Jean Borota, French take advantage of their position. Captain Fivaz did most of the Davis Cup player, won the English Neither team could use an aerial ground gaining for Ohio State, but DRUG COMPANY covered courts tennis champion- attack to any advantage because of Williams, who subbed for Marshall 324 South State State and Packard ship today, defeating H. W. Austin, the bitter cold and the wind, thus, at the left half post, pulled off good South and East University of Great Britain, in a five-set Coach Courtright's best offensive gains and tackles while he was in match at the Queen's Club. The weapon was practically useless. The the game. Worstell and Salveterra score: 6-1, 0-6, 2-6, 6-2, 6-2. The Michigan ends and backs managed played well on the right side of the women's singles title went to Miss to smeer the highly touted grey Buckeye line. Joan Ridley, who defeated Miss I Joan Fry 6-2, 6-2.- 'NEW YORK-Benny Friedman's SUDDEN New York Giants have been clean- StERVICEi ing up their opponents in profes- sional football lately. They defeated Ernie Never's Chicago Cardinals atb the Polo Grounds Thuiraday night, 25 to 12. JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY -More than half of the freshmana i class has elected R. O. T. C. work. rT~NLavow SA V E F is,,E CADRIDi EXTRA SERVICE We wash, darn, sew, call for and deliver. Call MOE LAUNDRY 204 N. Main 'hone 3916 C CHICKEN DINNER EVEAY SUNDAY, 75c FOREST INN Forest Avenue near S. University C GRAPE JUICE-Made of sweet Concord grapes. Phone 6826. MR. INSTRUCTOR-Here's a pro- fitable investment if your rent is $35.00 or more per month. Well built seven-room house, sleep- ing porch, best plumbing, eco- nomical heating, south-east sec- tion, fine neighborhood, near schools, large lot, garden space, fruit trees, garage, cistern. Title free and clear. Price $5,500. Owner's phone 6700. 456 WAID'E COOK-Woman; etperienced; all round and pastry, wants place in frat, or other public place. Phone 9792. 612 WANTED-Position by experienced cook in fraternlty homes. Ref- erences on request. Call 23836. 561 WANTED-Students bundle wash- ing. All socks darned free. Will call for and deliver. Call 2-3365. 3456123 WANTED-Colored porter for fra- ternity house. Call 8260 after 5:00. OR RENfT FOR RENT - 3-rOom apartment, with bath and refrigerator. 530 S. Division. Phone 21033. 612 FOR RENT-Beautifully furnished sunny rooms, including apt. Cross ventilation, steam heat, shower, garage. Convenient to campus or downtown. Dial 8544 or 9714. 612 NEW 6-room unfurnished apart- ment just outside of town. Sun parlor, enclosed sun porch, ga- rage, soft watet, electrical refrig- eration, electric stove, laundry tubs. $50. Call 6509 during the day. 2X THREE ROOM, first floor apart- ment. Bath and electric refrig- eration. Phone 21033. FOR RENT - Desirable room in private family; no ther roomer. 715 E. Kingsley St. Phore 21607. TWO and three room apaftments- Private bath, Murphy_ bed, frigid- aire, hot water. Reasonable. 405 E. Jefferson. 123456 FOR SALE GRAPES-Grape juice, California grape juice and sweet cider. Call 9534. 6-12345 FOR SALE-Typewriter, portable Varityper, mathematical stand- ard, and petite type, excellent condition. $40.00. Write for de- tails. R. H. Swart, Kelvinator Corp., Research Dept., Detroit, Mich. 612 1% ill LOST DONE BY EXPERTS No job too small, none too large and the price is always right. Elsifor Cartage Co. Dial 4297 II |r 11 A Carel A COMPLETE LINE Personal Christmas Cards OF DISTINCTION ORDER NOW! Fr ancisco&B vtI 11 11 READ THESE for Centuries the Hark of the Gentleman Fabrics from the famous looms of both Europe and America. Made for you and you only - starmirg, in price at Thirty-five Dollars CLASSIFIEDS EACH DAY THEY WILL PAY YOU LOST-Saturday; Dexter Rd.; bun- dle blankets, clothing and slicker. Reward. 912 Monroe: Phone 8741, McGillierd. 6 LOST-Brown coin purse. Five dol- lars reward. Call 4918, Doris Weiss 56 Riding Boots - Breeches WELL! Coats 11 Subscribe II 41 1 'f I ill Ell i