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October 19, 1930 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1930-10-19

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LANG- SUN S' IW IGnWo P~flhv.P&.9


Stoll kicks off for Michigan to Jeunesse reilace io er. Ohio punts
Horn, who ran to 30-yard line,,
Wheeler replaces Stoll. Carroll out of bounds on nine-yard line.
makes four yards off tackle. Michi- Michigan punts to 50-yard line.
gan holds three downs, and Horn Hinchman runs ball back to 42-
gets off a bad punt to Michigan's yard line. Michigan is penalized 5
37-yard line. yards f r off side. Ohio takes time
Newman makes five on unbal- out. Fe ler punts overthe Michigan
anced line play. Newman breaks goal line. 1i ohigan's ball on 20-
off unbalanced line play for eight yard Lin. simrall punts t Hinch-
yards and first down on Ohio's man on his own 23-yard line.
45-yard line. Wheeler gains six Hunchman fumbles but recovers the
yards thru center. Newman fum- ball. Simrail throws Carroll. Hinch-
bles but recovers. Simrall punts man gains 5 yards. Hinchman
out of bounds on Ohio's 17-yard makes first down on Ohio's 41-yard
line. Hinchman makes six yards off line. Pass fails. Fesler punts to
tackle. Michigan holds and Horn New man on the 20-yard tine who
punts to Newman on Michigan's runs bail back to the 30-yard line.
35-yard line, and he advances the Holceneb for Carroll of Ohio.
ball to Ohio's 45-yard line. Wheeler Wheeler makes 11 yards for. a first
breaks away for 18 yards to Ohio's down. Newman gains 8 yards.
27-yard line. Horn makes the tac- Dravoing for Samuels at tackle.
kle. Ohio takes time out. Simrall Crifiilh for Bell for Ohio. Newman
loses five yards on a pass behind fails to gain. Simrall punts over
the line of scrimmage. Newman goal line. Ohio's ball on the 20-
takes the ball for 11 yards. yard line. Hinclman gains 7 yra}rds
Fried of Ohio replaced Haubrich. around right end. Holcomb makes
Hudson's attempt to drop kick first down. Holcomb is tackled by
fails. Carroll breaks away for 28 Siinrall for a ten-yard loss. Fesler
yards to Ohio's 48-yard line. Hinch- punts to Newman who takes the
man makes five around left end. ball on the 20-yard line and runs
Williamson throws Carroll for a 5- it back to midfield.
yard loss. Horn kicks out of bounds Newman passes '5 yards to Sim-
on Michigan's 8-yard line. Wheeler rail, who takes the ball 18 yards to
gains three yards. Hudson loses 2 the 1-yard line for a 53-yard gain.
yards. Simrall punts to Michigan's 'Simrall made a beautiful iun. New-
26-yard line. Michigan takes time man bucks the line on a quarter-
out. hack seak and carries the ball


Michigan kicks to Varner who Michigan's ball on the 48-yard line.
runs the bal to the 40-yard line. Ohio holds and Simrall punts to
Carroll is stopped. A pass, Horn to Chizek on Ohio's 30-yard line.
Hiacheanis mo npite. esle ass , Chizek to Grady, is held for
Hinchman, is incomplete. Fesler Pano gain. Long pass, Chizek to Fes-
kicks to Michigan's 10-yard line. ler, makes 25 yards, putting ball on
Newman drives through the line j Michigan's 42-yard line. Chizek's
for six yards. Simerall punts to pass to Weaver makes 15 more.
Michigan's 48-yard line. Hinchman Michigan takes time out. Ball on
makes nine yerds through the line. Michigan's 26-yard line. Pass in-
Horn makes it fi,rst down on the complete. Newman intercepts Chi-
Michigan 37-yard line. Hinchman zek's pass on Michigan's 15-yard
makes another first down, gaining line. Wheeler makes four yards.
12 yards. A lateral pass, Hinchman Newman is held for no gain. Sim-
to Carroll, nets seven yards. Car- rall punts to Chizek on Michigan's
roll fails to gain, and is thrown for 40-yard line. Pass, Chizek to!'Fesler,
a four-yard loss on the next play. incomplete. Chizek's pass to Weaver
The ball goes over to Michigan on complete for 35 yards, bringing bal~l
its 23-yard line. Wheeler gains to Michigan's 13-yard line. Chizek's
three yards. Michigan takes time pass was knocked down by Hudson.
out. Simrall's kick is nearly blocked, Pass over the goal line incomplete,
but he gets it away to Ohio's 29-- and ball goes to Michigan on 20-
yard line. Hinchman makes three yard line. Michigan fails to gain as
yards, then two. Hinchman fumbles the game ends.
on his own 37-yard line and Morri- Final Score: Michigan 13, OIio *
son recovers. Wheeler makes three F
yards. Simrall tries to punt out of
bounds, but the ball rolls over the Government to dmit
goal line. Grady breaks through the
line for a first down as the quarter Stranded Puck Stars
SCORE: Michigan 13, Ohio 0 -( Associted Pres)
DETRQIT, Oct. 18.-Decision of
FOURTH QUARTER r rv of Labor Davis to admit


Horn breaks away for 13 yards. over for a touchdown. Newman
Hinchman held for no gain. Horn then makes the kick for the extra
gains 3 yards. Hinchman is thrown paint.
out of bounds after losing 10 yards., _--
Hinchman fails in attempted place f SCORE: Michigan 7, Ohio 0
kick. Michigan's ball on their own .
20-yard line. Michigan penalized 5 Michigan kicks off over the goal
yardsfor off side. Newman gains 8 line. Michigan is penalized five
yards. Simrall punts to mid-field. yards for offside on the first play.
Hinchman gains 3 yards. Carroll Holcomb is thrown by Williamson
makes 20 yards around Michigan's for a five-yard loss. The half ends
right end. Pass incomplete. Michi_ with Ohio holding the ball on its
gan holds for down and holds the own 28-yard line.
ball on their own 30-yard line. SCORE: :ichigan 7, Ohio 0 y
Hudson fails to gain as quarter --
ends. I rEr FT

SCORE: Michigan 0, Ohio 0
Simrall punts to Hinchman on
Ohio's 30-yard line and ball is run
back to 40-yar~ lline. Hinchman
makes five yards. Fesler's punt goes
out of bounds on the 50-yard line.
Very poor punt. Newman's pass in-
complete. Newman to Wheeler pass
incomplete. Michigan is penalized 5
yards. Bad pass from center causes
Simrall to run back and to be
tackled on Michigan's 47-yard line.
Carroll gains 3 yards. Hinchman
makes three through center. La-

Michigar kiks to Horn who ras
the ball back to the 26-yard Une.
Mihigan Lolds, and Fesler punts
to Simrall who takes the ball on his
own 40-yard line and returns it to
Ohio's 44-yarad line. Newman gains
five yards. Newman passes to
Wheeler for a 19-yard gain to
Ohio's 20-yard line. Hudson and
Newman add. yards.
Hudson crashes the center of the
line for 15 yards and a touchdown.
Newman's kick for a goal is par-
tially blocked and fails.
SUWRE: Michigan 13, Ohio 0-

A ader hec
he Plans hop
North Univer-.t




For these coot
windy days
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