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October 19, 1930 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1930-10-19

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'Pf jects, on Exhibit in College
6f Architecture, Lauded
'y Prof. Bennett.
Miuch Space Occupied by Works
of Pupils of European
Modern Leader.
Architectural projects, including
photographs, pians and drawings
of Peter Behrens, distinguished
German architect of Vienna, are
on display in the exhibition room
and corridors of the College of Ar-
chitecture. The exhibit will re-
ihain until the close of the month.
The works of Behrens, and also
of his pupils, were brought here
from Vienna through the Brook-
lyn Museum of Arts.
Is Epoch Making Work
The exhibition, Prof. Wells Ben-
nett said, is "an impressive review
of the epoch-making work of one
man. The most characteristic and
finest of these works are the fac-
tories and business structures o
the A. E. G.--Germany's General
Electric company."
The exhibit includes models and
pictures of manufacturing plants,
homes, steamships, lighthouses, ho-.
tels, double-decked traffic streets.,
and many other projects.
Professor Bennett, in speaking of
the famous German architect's
vworks, characterized Behrens as "a
pioneer in making these distinctly
modern forms of building both
more serviceable and more beauti-
ful by appropriate architectural
treatment. Both the drawings an
models show live appreciation of
the third dimension, of an archi-
tecture that is not a 'paper' style
but a virile wrestling with modern
construction and design. That
Behrens was a painter before he
was an architect may explain the
many imaginative offerings and
their striking presentation."
Students' Work Shown
Most of the space in the exhibit
is taken by models and drawings
done by Behren's students. The
schemes cover a wide range o
problems, from ralroad to film
"They impress one as bold but
reasoned solutions in modern ar-
chitectural language," Professor
Bennett continued, adding that the
exhibition is a chance to see thel
berman modernist at work, unre-
strained by the structural and ar-
tistic inhibitions that bother Amer-
icans, and hampered only by the
limits of free imagination."
lb Ose May Iestigdte
Red Activity in Mexico
(By Associcad Press)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 18. - The
possibility that a group of the
H o u s e communist investigating
committee may visit Mexico to in-
quire into alleged soviet propa-
ganda directed at the United
States by agents of that country
was discussed yesterday by Repre-
sentative Hamilton Fish, of New
York, the committee chairman. Fish
said he had been assured by Am-
bassador Tellez of Mexico of th
close co-operation of the Mexican

Paper Accuses Kaiser
of Assisting Fascists
(By A ssoa cd Press)
BERLIN, Oct. 18.-Considerable
interest was aroused here today a
story carried in the Achtuhr A-
bendblatt alleging that the form.-
er kaiser was giving financial sup-
port to the Fascist party, which
recently increased its representa-
tion in the reichstag from 12 to
The paper, which gave no au-
thority for its story, said the
money had never been sent di-
rectly to the party but had gone
through the medium of various
monarchistic organizations which
developed unusual activity prior to
the elections and through Prince
August Wilhelm, chief politician of
the younger Hohenzollerns. The
Jewish Telegraph agency also said
the former kaiser was the financial
angel of the Fascists.
611 E. University
Try our hot Corned Beef,
RaiA n R -r T , A

POLICE, FIRE AUTHORITIES CC NSIDER Nebraska Episcopal T D School Heads To Visit
..' t Wesley Guild h ; rH./ Dchl pric'alu from all
at ;r L kvr Vn 7anhave 'b cn invited
by Riia1- Ira M. Sm.hh to come
Bishop Ernest V. Shayler, Episco- to the Uniersity during the first
pal bishop of Nebraska, will speak Nocfe Ar C J Give Firstw we'ek of December to meet
at 7:30 o'clock Sunday night at the v a Ser es Ranned their pupils who entered this fall
Methodist-Wesleyan guild. This is as frehmcn.
the first of a winter lecture course y Frnos- ID OW y, nlv principals of
in which nine lecturers will appear.
Bishop Shayler originally came VISITED CAMPUS IN 1927
from Kenyon, Ohio, where he held IA___
a rectorship for three years. He Monsieur Auguste V. DesClo will
also held a rectorship in Chicago deliver the first of ti oCercle Fran-
4 for 9- years and one in Seattle for cais seiies of ietu es next Wedne -
a similar period. He has traveled day at the Lydia Mendelssonn I CSo
considerably through most of Egy theatre. I subjt will be "LasScr er s Sons
pt, the Holy Land, and the Near Peinture en Fa' ce depuis vingt-
East. inq ans." The lecture will be ac- Pr
{j.. !companied by slidEs.
DO-X WILL STAR T M. Desclos will be remem berdbiC P A D
HOPIN NOVEMBER many on the c"'is .M h'r- ;
{ b~tmarkable lc tare on the Fr ench.' rg
painter Mone delivered here threen-
Giant'Dornier Plane Will Carry ears ago. uch favorable cor- A
Mail Across Atlantic. ment was received at the time, and A Panorama of Eli
a return engagement was urged. and
(By Assoc ited Press) Until this year, however, M. Des-
FRIEDRICHSHAFEN, Germany, clod duties as a detor in the na- Selected
Oct. 18. - The giant Dornierplane,ionab o French schools ana
'DO-X, will begin its flight across univers s ave s ocupid him Prof. Caes Townse
the Atlantic to ]Kew York early in as to forbid his~ return to the Uni- gne one
November, the Dornier works an- ted States.
Snounced oa.s From "die Bible Co ,-Mr. Ring
The exact time has not been set A connoisseur of French Art, and Mr. Hey
Associated Press Photo T an able and delighfl lecturer up-
Ruins of the Garment Capital building, Los Angeics, where 43 per- as yet and is dependent uponanbladceihfleturup
onwerinured in Gamn expsionare shodn Ls g ,here rsts- weather conditions, but Nov. 3 has on art subjects, M. Desclos' lecture Equal to a College
sons were injured 'in an explosion, are shown here., Police at firstsus-been fixed by the German postal will be welcome by all those on the
pected sabotage, but investigations indicate that the blast was caused authorities as the last day for mail- campus interested in France and LIMITED D
by accidental ignition of escaping illuminating gas. The damage is esti- ing post-cards and letters to Amer- the French.
mated at $1,500,000. ica for transportation aboard the Tickets for all the lectures of the I This remarkable and invaluable w
plane. Cerele Francais during the current of Popular and Famous
It was planned to carry out one season may be purchased for fifty
HOSPITAL EV CTS Literary Treasury or two trial flights over Lake Con- cents in room 112 of the romance Your are cordially invi
'LEGS' DIAMOND W btd stance and then fly directly to Am- languages building.
_ i X te sterdam, thence to Lisbon, Portu- ROOM 1209,
T gal, from where the westward flight Tra s-Oceanic Fliers
Threats of Gangster s Enemies . . y Scribner 's Sons of the Atlantic will start. From Lis-
Disturb Other Patients. bon the plane will go to the Azores Start Homeward Trip Afternoons: bond
What is described as "a panora- and Bermuda, hopping from there B;: /ssoCiaed Press) A. A. HEBERT,
(B Assoated Press) ma of English and American prose NEW YORK, Oct. 18,-Dieudonne
NEW YORK, Oct. 18.-On request mic There will be no passengers aside Coste and Maurice Be lonte and
of the Polyclinic Hospital, which no ( and poetry, running from the Bible f r o m newspaper representatives, their plane, Question Mark, in which iCTION - ORA
longer wishes to care for Jack I to Ring Lardner and from Homer Maurice Dornier, director of the they flew from Paris to New Yor,
("Legs") Diamond, wounded gang- to Heywood Broun" will be submit- opa l be aord, b sailed for home yesterday on the PUBLIC
ster, police arranged today to trans- ted to the inspection of Michigan brother, Claudius Dornier, the in- liner France.
fer him to the City Hospital, onstudents tomorrow and Tuesday tStanding near a huge illuminated
ar Island, in the Ea River. when an exhibition sponsored by Guestion mars which gittered ot is diicult to i
Wefr sadi h t ie._YGrid Coach Sees Thief the deck of the liner, the Frenc 'I s ifiuttoii'
Officials of Polyclinic had com- the Charles Scribner's Sons of New Writh Ca- Takl Himen said farewell to the country panorama of E
plained that other patients had Yiktobehea i rom129,An which they traversed from end to
een dirbed y he thre tat York, to be hel in room 120, An-
Ctt th d' end on a oodtwiil tour.

the lar'ger schools in the state were
invited by the University, but this
year letters have been sent to all
high school principals.
Conference will be held betweien
students and principals, who in
turn have been asked to inform
Dean of Students, Joseph A. Burs-
ley of any difficulty which stud-
ents may find in becoming settled
in the routine of colle.e work.


New York




sh and American Poctry

'd edited by

nd Copeland of Jiarvard
W. Lardner--From Homer to
wood Broun
Course in Literature


'ork, together with other new editions
Authors await your inspection
ted to visit our display in
day and Tuesday, 3-5
General Field Manager

aagine a more complete
English Literature"


the gangster was in the building,
which was carefully guarded by
uniformed police and detectives to
prevent any possible attempt on
the part of the gangster's enemies
to attack him a second time.
Police at first sought permission
to remove Diamond from Polyclinic
to Bellevue Hospital, which is on
Manhattan, but it was later decid-
ed that it would be better to place
him on the secluded island.
Since Diamond was taken to
Polyclinic police and hospital offi-
cials have received several anony-
mous threats that the gangster
would not be permitted by his
enemies to leave 'the hospital alive.
Propeller Thives e t
Train at 'v5i-Mile Rate
(By Assoeiated Press)
BERLIN, Oct. 18-A railway coach
shaped like a Zeppelin, with a 500-
horsepower airplane motor a n d
driven by a propeller, was tested
out today on a five-mile stretch of
rails near Hanover. Carrying 251
passengers it attained a speed of
95 miles an hour within a couple
of minutes after starting.

gels iaii, wi l present ' ope an 0s
Treasury," a recent anthology edi-
ted by Prof. Charles Townsend
Copeland of Harvard university.
Included with the anthology,
many other new editions of popu-
lar authors will be on display, in
the exhibition which is under the
supervision of .A. A. Herbcrt, gener-
al field manager of the Scribner
company. The exhibit will be open
from 3 to 5 o'clock both afternoons.
A. W. Woodcock Calls
Dry Forcc Inadequate
(131 AssocuatcIPress)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 18-Amos W.
Woodcock, director of prohibition,
said today upon his return from a
visit to Chicago and near-by points
that he had found the prohibition
forces pitifully inadequate to cope
with conditions.
Contrary to previous announce-
ment at the justice department,
Prohibition Director Woodcock said
today that the results of the poll
being taken among 3,000 newspa-
pers on their attitude toward the
dry laws never would be made pub-

(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, Oct. 18.-The auto-
mobile of John K. Anderson, assis-
tant football coach at University
of Chicago, was stolen Friday,
which fact, police said, was not
nearly so important as what fol-
Anderson was riding on a street
car a few hours afterward when
he saw an automobile, which he
said was his, going along the
street. He jumped from the street
car, requisitioned a cab, overtook
the driver of the car and then'
brought him down with a hard
tackle when he took to his heels.

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T 'a e D T rils and Splendor- -Infectuous
Comedy and Dazzling Scenery!


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She Could Not Love
But to Make a Choice
Meant Destruction for All

SYou Know
How 'Tis!"

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An underworld gal-
lant high-hats his
way to romance and


0 ,
k L.+

N ATURE herself in .her most tempes-
tuous mcods was no wilder than the
passions that toyed with tio strong men
and a beautiful girl snow-ound in te wilds
of the North .- . What a STORM
of unleashed emotions . . . What a
STORM of killing snow . . . What a
STORM of thrills staged in the great out-

Kz f
Ot piCTruE 'r*'
Andy Clyde in
"Grandma's Girl"




im 'A"'-'& art mM I


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