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September 23, 1930 - Image 14

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-09-23

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rT7VQn A V" qr. PTV..'MRr.P- 23. 1930


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SUnitersity Enertains CELLER FAVORS
J Noted Foreign Jurists
More than 200 prominent Euro- (By Associated Press)
pean lawyers, members of the (yAsoztdPes
Scotch, British, Irish and French WASHINGTON, Sept. 21.-The
bar associations, were guests of the i sale of space on postage stamps to
EUniversity and City on August 20|private interests for advertising
while en route to Chicago to attend purposes was suggested today by
the national convention of the Representative Cellar, Democrat,
Addition of Three Rooms, Two American Bar association which p
0 TIDoctors Causes Raise was held in that city August 21 New York, as a possible means of
and 22. eliminating t h e postage deficit
in Tution.Wh rwith-out raising the postage rates
jn Tution.While here, the group was ad-! on first-class mail. Expressing op-
dressed by President Alexander nfr-la ml.Epssgop
WILL MAKE ROOM CALLS Grant Ruthven, Clifton G. Dyer, position to Postmaster-G e n e r a 1
Irnt Ruthe Citon . Ba rss Brown's proposal for a rate increase
i president of the Detroit Bar asso-3 of a half-cent an ounce on sealed
New facilities, including the ad- ciation, and James Duffy of Bay le h-e N Yorne in alee
dition of three rooms; providing for City. letters, the New Yorker, in a letter
three more persons on the staff, The visiting lawyers, arriving in increase "will not meet with any
and the fact that the Health Ser- the afternoon, made a tour of the! hearty response in congress."
vice budget has Deen insufficient the University. They then inspect-
ed the Lawyers' club, later being
to meet the constantly ,increasingentertained at dinner in the refec- Publications Tryouts
remand for the past few years are tory during which the above to Report Next Week
the cause for the five dollar in- speakers talked.
Waren E. Fuition,hdiccrector ofDthee Previousatotheir arrival here, Second semester freshmen and
althen.Service.they were guests of the Detroit sophomores interested in work in
The Health Service, located on Bar association. While in Detroit, connection with any of the various
they visited the Ford industries at University publications shold re-
North University east of th'e gym-jeriypbcaonshtdr-
nasium, provides a well-established River Rouge and Dearborn. port at the offices in the Press
department for the care of illness This party was the second large building on Maynard street during
.nd the supply of any medical ad- group of distinguished European the next week.
vice or service that is needed. professional men to be the guests There are opportunities for edi-
Room calls will be made if ne- of the University during the past torial and business work on the
essary andi if bed care is needed, summer. More than 25 prominent Michigan Daily, the Michiganen-
there are adequate facilities. This journalists, editors and publishers sian, yearbook of the University,
iervice, j4th the exceptiqn of the made an inspection of the campus and the Gargoyle, campus humor
room calls, is provided without ex- during July. publication.
tra charge. The oc#ies are open 1jlitlli6fllll111111iii~lllFtFFltll~~tI~li I fI~mlIli
during the regplar eass hours.p1
The perkonl of the Health Ser- i
vice has pn increased this year 1 LIIG H T L UN CH E
by the a4 ition' of two new doc- -w
t#rs; Dr. th Schultz, formerly
of the Unversity of California,be and CANDIES
will be distant physician for
women and Pr. M. R. McGarvey Where Service and Quality Reigns
will be medical advisor for fresh- W a
men men.114LAk
During the past year there were I sw EE T LAN
01,000 dispensary calls, an increase
of more than 4000 over the pre- 212 SOUTH MAIN STREET
yious year. Ninety-five percent of w i 1If 1111111 I II ll 1111111111111illIllillFifill [illillIIIIl1t
the students in the University re- ---
ceived, in some way or other, at-
tantion from the Health Service.
alore than 1100 students were in FRESHMEN
ie infirmary last year at an av-FH
erage of five days each. "This when you left home, it was
year," Dr. Forsythe stated, "we arey m
even prepared to treat homesick- great. But your min, wan-
141ss'." .r bc.A e icue it
"I have yet to see," he continued, ders back. A new picture
"any group on a non-charity bas-. should be sent to them--It
is where the medical attention re- the most thoughtful thing you
ceived is equal to that received by
the students." could do fo the folks.
Particular stress, this year, is
being laid on thorough medical ex- Our new studio just com-
rninations for all students. In ad-reted. was built to keep pace
dilion, Dr. Forsythe advised thatsk
stiudents desiring health cards for! with our work-So that we
1articipation in intramural sportsur
s ould obtain them at the Health could make finer pictures for
Servcie due to the inadequate fa- yo-.
ciitiesfoar examination at thel
Feld House.
'MESSINA, ITALY-A mechanical
lion 12 feet high, which will be
atop a clock on the tower of the
Messina cathedral, will lift up its
ilad at noon and roar. An eight-'
foot cock will crow at sunriseand Studio: 332 South State Street Phone 5031
More than 200 subects, through
correspondence, are subject o ve
cogrespondence, are -offered by 150
. S. colleges and universities to



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=-Thae rountalan pen
wi- SE VEN degrees
Doctor of letters, perhaps-but the degrees we mean are
the seven different degrees of pen points through which
Waterman's will exactly fit your handwriting needs.
Try all seven yourself-pick your point. Examine the
patentedwspoon-feed that brings the ink evenly to the
paper without skimpinig or blotting. Note Waterman's
size-for-size. greater ink capacity-won't run dry in the
middle of a lecture or exam.
Therc's a Waterman's for every taste and every purse.
Newest are the Patrician and the Lady Patricia-the very
last word in colorful beauty, as well as writing efficiency.
The Patrician's five jewel colors, its great ink capacity, its
extra large gold pen point and its aristocratic lines, make
it the natural choice for the man who wants the best. Ten
dollars. A pencil to match, five dollars.
The Lady Patricia is the pen women have wanted for
years. A smart feminine clasp locates it securely in belt,
pocket or handbag. Choice of three smart colors. Slen-
der and graceful, yet it holds plenty of ink. Five dollars
--and three for the matching pencil.


Gold nan Bros., Ann Arbor's leading,
Emaploying over seventy full tinme
Seven dlvr rcs
Exclusive users of the combine MIR
Pressing Service and it coshsyon no
more thannrdrye
Fou CoveienlyLocated Service




_ _ ....t . - o - -. ;J t' A 'm y"
x ,!

5, When you select your Waterman's, have it filled
with Waterman's ink -that's the ne plus ultra
.'+.C -I-:.:-,.1.:« YoPn ~vRmP nk a






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