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October 17, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-10-17

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Published every morning except Monday
wuring thed niversity year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis-
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
in thie paper and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
Oflices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May.
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4425; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
1 Chairman Editorial Board
City Editor
Frank E. Cooper
News Editor................Gurney Williams
Editorial Director ...........Walter W. Wilds
Sports Editor ...............Joseph A. Russell
Women's Editor.............Mary L. Behymer
Music and Drama .........William f. Gorman
Assistant News Editor.....Charles R. Sprowl
Telegraph Editor ..........George A. Stauter
S. Beach Conger John D). Reindel
Carl S.Forsythe Richard L. Tobin
David M. Nichol Harold O. Warren
Sports Assistants
Sheldon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy.
Robert Townsend
Walter S. Baer, Jr. Wilbur J. Myers
Irving J. Blumberg Robert L. Pierce
Donald 0. Boudeman Sler M. Quraishi
George T. Callison C. Richard Racine
Thomas M. Cooley Jerry E. Rosenthai
George Fisk George Rubenstein
Yernard W. Freund Charles A. Sanford
Morton Frank Karl Seiffert
Saul Friedberg Robert F. Shaw
Frank B. Gilbreth Edwin M. Smith
Jack Goldsmith George A. Stauter
Roland Goodman Alfred R. Tapert
William H. Harris Tohn S.'Townsend
James H. Inglis )obert D. 'rownsend
Denton C. Kunze Max IT. Weinberg
Powers Moulton Joseph F. Zias
Lynne Adams Margaret O'Brien
Betty Clark Eleanor Rairdon
Elsie Feldman Jean Rosenthal
Elizabeth Gribble Cecilia Shriver
Emily G. Grimes Frances Stewart
Elsie M. Hoffmeyer Anne Margaret Tobin
Lean Levy Margaret Thompson
Dorothy Magee Claire Trussell
Mary McCall Barbara Wright
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising.Ch.ar...harles T. Kline
Advertising ...............Thomas M. Davis
Advertising ............William.W. Warboys
Service...................Norris J. Johnson
Publication ............Robert W. Williamson
Circulation..............Marvin S. Kobacker
Accounts...................Thomas S. Muir
Business Secretary ..Mary J. Kenan
Thomas E. Hastings Byron V. Vedder
Harry R. Begley Erle Kightlinger
William Brown Richard Stratemeier
Richard H. Hiller Abe Kirshenbaum
Vernon Bishop Noel D. Turner
William W. Davis Aubrey L. Swinton
R. Fred Schaefer Wesley C. Geisler
Joseph Gardner Alfred S. Remsen
Ann Verner Laura Codling
Dortbiea Waterman Ethel Con stas
Alice McCully Anna Goldberg
Dorothy Bloomgarden Virginia McComb
Dorothy Laylin Joan Wiese
Josephine Convisser Mary Watts
ernice Glaser Marian Atran
Hortense Gooding Sylvia Miller
Night Editor-JOHN D. REINDEL

referendum on the prohibition
question. The Anti-Saloon League
promptly put another candidate
into the field whom undoubtedly all
the rabid drys will support.
And so, we conclude, Michigan
is not "seized and manacled by the
League" as Mr. Joy would have us
believe. Unless the Democrats sur-
prise the state by winning several
posts, we have the prospect of see-
ing two Michigan representatives
supporting the wet interests at
Washington. Staunch Republicans
may rest assured that political fire-
works and publicity do not always
bear as much truth as they do an
element of hope or despair.
That football has ceased to be a
boys' game and is now a profes-
sionalized enterprise was the opin-
ion expressed by Bill Roper, Prince-
ton gridiron coach before the
Sports Writers' association of New
York and Philadelphia the day
before yesterday, in a speech which
came as somewhat of a shock to
those whose profession has been
made annually more prominent by
the increasing importance of foot-
ball news coverage.
"Football," said Princeton's fam-
ous coach, "has declined from a
boys' game with boys' spirit to a
professional carer with night con-
tests, spring practice, and unheard
of personal publicity. Whatever we
can do to push it back into the
amateur stage will be of great serv-
ice to American sport.
Bill Roper has been coaching
Princeton football teams most of
his life. He has turned out some of
the fiercest machines in the history
of the gridiron. He has used every
means of strategy known to the
game - psychology especially. Be-
fore the Yale or Harvard contests
in the old days he was known to
have signs painted and placed
around the campus for a week in
advance saying "PRINCEON CAN'T
LOSE!" And now, Bill Roper, one
of the oldest men in the business,
deplores the fact that football is
no longer played for the fun of it
but for the publicity, the glory,
even the money involved!
Among the evils o our profes-
sionalized football scheme, says the
eastern coach, an outstanding fault
is in spring practice which, through
greater publicity, has distracted
from baseball, one of the greatest
sports and now almost non-exist-
ent in high schools and smaller
colleges throughout the country.
Roper tells us to "let football re-
main a virile fall game and not
over-emphasize it by making it an
all-year sport." He adds that even-
tually we will become tired of this
annual round of practice and play,
and football will soon lose its bril-
liance in our sporting limelight.
Football-the sport of sports-'
has become too sophisticated, too
professional. We think too much
about the great stadia and the
powerful teams which have prac-
ticed for nine months out of the
year in order to become satisfac-
tory to alumni and undergraduate
bodies. We don't play football for
fun anymore. We play for the
power and the glory that goes with



Dan Baxter, the naughty rogue,
saw the map of the road to Colum-
bus but didn't see Ray Rea's state-
ment on the front page yesterday,
and so has left the rolls column to
poor little me. I just hope Andy
gets him.
* * *
He is going down, Dan I
mean, on a motorcycle, clad in
a red sweater (I mean Dan
again) green knickers, blue tie,
white shoes, touched off with a
pair of overalls, disguised as a
B & G boy. (No, not the motor-
And, boys and girls, if you see
several seniors drooping around the
campus with broken arms, it's only
the election boys, who gave out so
many cards Wednesday. The chief
of the police department has writ-
ten to New York to find out what
they did after Lindbergh's arrival
in an effort to clean up the streets
of Ann Arbor. By the time the
junior elections have been held,
statisticians claim, students won't
be able to get to classes.
* * *
At last - a delicate, diverting
method for getting to classes in
Angell hall has been invented by
the Rolls Vigilance Committee. You
know how the co-eds clutter up
the entrance between classes? It
worked once, and if you don't
happen to meet the same ones we
did, it will work again. Method of
attack is as follows.
Select the place you want to
go to. The bulletin boards aren't
so handy because the columns
are in the way, but it makes
play more exciting. Start out
by asking the first group
whether or not they found a
notebook with the numerals
1934 on it. If they appear peev-
ed, you get 5 points. If they
have the notebook, you lose the
game. Push right on through
and ask the next group. By the
time you have asked 75 persons,
the news will have spread
around, and all will be down
on the floor, looking for the
notebook. Start running. If you
get to the stairs before anyone
notices, an extra bonus of 25
points is added.
The loyal Purdue fans are now
alibiing themselves into a victory
by claiming that we are trying to
emulate Harvard. (Try that on
your thesis, Oscar.) Oh yes, and
drink tea.
They have probably never
been to or played with Harvard.
Neither have they ever been tol
Ecorse, Windsor or Wyandotte.!
* * *
And a highty-tighty idea, says
Little John. Just imagine trying to
answer a television telephone while
in the bath tub. Tsk, tsk. And while
we are at it, we nominate Senator
Gerald (Snoopy) Nye to do the
investigating. If he can get the
investigators investigating assist-
ant investigators who are investi-
gating the televisionisters-well it's
things like that that fill our
* * *
This came by special delivery
after Dan had left. We are rather
glad, though, after the dirty cracks
he made. (We DO NOT smirk.)

Dear Dan:
I think you should warn every-
one that the Star of the Andes
will be down at Columbus this
week-end, and tell them to think
up some new monikers (pronounc-
ed Monikers.)
To anyone who has brains enough
not to figure out that one, a cop-
perplated medallion with a portrait
of Dan Baxter will be given away.
Shame, on you, Wooly, shame, and
* * *
MICHIGAN DAILY, October 16.-
The extra-special Rolls Campaign
to keep the Library Seal from being
worn out by the tripping and trep-
ping of co-eds will start today, ac-
cording to an announcement made
by Dan Baxter and Elmer (Gan-
try), editors of that bulletin. Much
local interest has been aroused as
to the methods which they will
pursue. It will be remembered that
l~ aVt vpn1~r1their ct Qrtar. liV,i ,h1tiV.-

CESAR FRANCK: Psyche No. 41
from "Psyche and Eros": played
by Desire Defauw and Orchestra of
the Brussels Royal Conservatory;
Columbia No. 67813.
The whole conception of Cesar
Franck as a profound if not fecund
spirit, a man of hypersensitive un-
worldly feelings and cloistral moods,
is based in France largely on the
work called "Pysche and Eros," lit-
tle known or played in America.
Cesar Franck took the antique
myth and paraphrased it musical-
ly with a curious structure. The
score is divided into choral sections
in which the voice play the part of
classic narrator, relating and comi-
menting on the fable (in some such
manner as the Narrator in Honeg-
ger's King David); and into orches-
tral sections, or short symphonic
poems, meant to depict the actual
drama. The principal orchestra
number is No. 4, the duet which ex-
presses Psyche's regrets to Eros at
having yielded to her indiscreet
taste for knowledge. Vincent D'-
Indy's remarks is typical: "It would
be difficult to regard this poem as
otherwise than an ethereal dial-
goue between the soul and a seraph
sent from heaven to instruct it in
eternal verities."
The admirable Brussels orches-
tra, under Desire Defauw, which
has recorded the Bach D Minor
Suite splendidly, plays this poem
well, with ardor and with respect
for Franck's "spirituality." There
are many interesting resemblances
in the score to the style of the
GLAZOUNOV: Interludium in
Modo Antico; and Profkofieff's
March from the Love of Three Or-
anges: played by Desire Defauw
and theOrchestra of the Brussels
Royal Conservatory Orchestra; Co-
lumbia Record No. 67812.
The "Interludium in Modo An-
tico" is one of Glazounov's most
interesting pieces of writing. It ap-
peared strangely enough in a ser-
ies of pieces for String Quartet
called Cinq Novelettes. Glazounov
himself did the present orchestra-
tion. It is really a very effective
formal study in slowly moving pro-
gressions of sonorities. The Brussels
Orchestra with a very rich string
section, plays it very austerely.
The first half of the first side
contains a novel interpretation of
Profkofieff's well known March. De-
sire Defauw plays it less grotesque-
Iy than does Mr. Koussevitsky for
Victor. He plays it more slowly and
the piece proves less an attractive
bon mot and more a clever, aggres-
sive March.
MOZART: Quartet in G Major
(K 387): played by the tener String
Quartet: Columbia Masterworks Set
No. 144.
This quartet and the B Flat
(Hunting) quartet, which the Len-
ers also record, are two of the six
Haydn quartets composed by Moz-
art during the years 1782-1786. The
Haydn quartets, Mozart tells us
himself, were "the fruit of long
and careful study." As a matter of
fact, they are generally thought of
as representing a fundamental
change in Mozart's writing; a
change resulting from his appro-
priation of recent Haydn innova-
1781 was the year of Haydn's
Russian quartets. He described

them himself as "written in a new
and special manner." It was Haydn
indeed who created the pure class-
ical style: inventing in these quar-
tets the combined melodic and free
contrapuntal development of cer-
tain fundamental motifs.
Mozart's Haydn quartets mirror
the importance of that change.
With the year 1782, Mozart aban-
doned the task of doing commis-
sioned work. He avoided ,indulging
his virtuosity and took the prob-
lem of composition seriously. No
longer was his art merely a sociable
one, bright, serene and equable,
and mildly stimulating. The cava-
lier's easy elegance is abandoned
for the intense seriousness of the
creative task.
The G Major Quartet is an in-
teresting example of that change.
Technically, Mozart's structure is
more tight. Experientially, the work
is more inclusive than anything
earlier. Queer notes are creeping
into Mozart's cheerful strength:
bizarre notes, elegiac notes. These
changes are particularly vivid in
the finale which, in its sonata
structure and fugal development,
strongly suggests the finale of the
Jupiter Symphony.
The suitability of the Lener style
to Mozart is still a disputable mat-
ter. Their interpretations tend to,


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Scientist and



Like every other modern industry, the Bell
System requires the combined effort of scien-
tist and salesman. The commercial man has
again and again shown the public how to use
new products of the telephone laboratory,
and how to make new uses of existing
I ransinitthng pictures and typewritten mes-

sages over telephone wires are services right
now being actively promoted. Scientific selling
by long distance is among many ideas origi-
nated to increase the telephoie"r' usefulleis,.
In short telephony is a 1rusmii, w th prob-
lems that stimulate commercially min ed men
and a breadth of opportunity in step w ith the
fast moving worl of Idustry today.


I Ut


Henry B. Joy, self-styled died-
in-the-wool Republican crusader,
vehemently denounced the Anti-
Saloon League several nights ago
for having in its clutches the Re-
publicans of the state of Michigan.
Perhaps the fact that he was
addressing the Crusaders, an or-
ganization favoring the repeal of
the Eighteenth Amendment, caused
the blast of oratory to be more
violent than it should have been,
causing it to be featured on the
front page of many a newspaper.
But after an analysis of his state-
ment, and existing conditions, not
much truth is left in his charges.
Michigan has always been known
as a politically dry state. Until this
year, no anti-prohibition candidate
has stood a ghost's chance of being
elected to any state or national
office. In this fall's primary, how-
ever, two members of the House
of Representatives were defeated,
by close margins, for re-election by
wet candidates. Two out of thir-
teen would not seem to indicate
on the surface an extremely wet
sentiment throughout the state.
But the fact that one district
should choose to defeat a man who
had been in Congress for 18 years,
consequently gaining a good deal of
influence in Washington circles,
and replace him by a more or less
unknown figure, merely because he
is wet, does not augur well for the
Anti-Saloon League.
Another Congressman, G r a n t
Hudson, was also defeated for re-
election by an outstanding wet,
former senator in the state con-
gress. Although denying that he
was backed by the Anti-Saloon
League, Mr. Hudson is about as dry
as the Sahara desert, and the or-
ganization would certainly not
have let a chance go by to do their
best to secure his re-election.
Mr. Joy, however, made one very
truthful statement when he pro-
claimed that "the happy days of
pussyfooters and straddlers as to


Campus Opinion
Contriutors a asked to be brief,
conFiningz themse es to less than Soo
w ords .if psil. Anonmous corn-
m"unication i ll e d i "d Te
ames of c mun swill, ho ever
he rgarde d as confidenial, upon re-
cuest. Letters published should not be
const ruedas expressing the editorial
opiniioi of T1he Daily.
To the Editor:
It is plain disrespect when 45,000
people cannot hesitate for five min-
utes before a football game to raise
the American flag with the cere-
mony that it deserves. Saturday,
before the Purdue game, the flag
was raised amid the shouts of the
crowd, the calling of signals, and
general confusion. This, however,
was not the fault of the spectators
but that of the referee who evi-
dently considered it more important
to start the game on the minute
than to give a little time for "col-
ors." We seldom have an opportu-
nity to pay our 'respect to our flag
so it seems entirely fitting that we
take as much time as is necessary
to raise it before the games. In the
services the men stand at attention
twice daily for "colors." Surely we
should not hesitate to do the same
whenever the occasion demands.
The thousands of people standing
uncovered and silent in our stadium
while the flag rises to its place is
truly a beautiful and stirring sight
and one that should be kept a sac-
red tradition of the University.

Gas heat solves both the problem of the sales

manager, who must meet the public taste with delectable hickory-smoked
meats, and of the engineer, who must contrive to handle the production eco-
nomically. The use of gas heat eliminates the fuel problem, and insures

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