ESTABLISHED 1 890 I Adowwwwo-a -4s quINOUL 1w EDITED AND PUBLISHED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XLI. No. 16 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1930 PRICE FIVE CENTS , AUTO RESTRICTION WILL BAR DRIVING TO GAME AT OHIO0 Permission to Drive Granted Parent or Older Relative Accompanies Student. if REA ANNOUNCES RULING Students With Permits Will Not Carry Student Passengers in Their Cars. Students are definitely forbidden the use of automobiles for the pur- pose of attending the Ohio State- Michigan football game at Colum- bus this week-end unless they are accompanied by a parent or an old- er relative who will assume parental' responsibility, according to a state- ment issued today from the office of Walter B. Rea, assistant to the dean of students. Similar exceptions to the ruling will be made if a recognized mem- ber of the University faculty is in the car, Rea stated, and upon re- ceipt of a written statement from the parents verifying the circum- stances permits will be issued. Must Show Tags. The letters requesting permits should include make, type, and li- cense number of the car which will be driven by the student and should be presented at the office of the dean of students where a proper permit will be issued before any driving is done. A further statement in regard to other phases of the auto regulation was also issued by Rea, including the fact that any act of driving be- fore a permit is obtained and tags attached to the car will constitute a violation of the ruling. Permit tags must be placed in proper fa- shion either to license plates or to bumpers of cars so that they are plainly visible- -The carrying of li- cense plates in windshield and rear windows will at no time be con- strued as a proper observance of this request. Is Not "Commuting." Except under special arrange- ments which merit the approval of the dean's office, students having permits are not to carry student passengers in their cars. Those driv- ing are expected to do so in accord- ance with the purposes covered by their permits and not for the ac- commodation or convenience of friends and acquaintances. Students who use cars for com- muting purposes must consider them as a substitute for bus service between their homes and definitely allotted locations near the campus, Rea stated in speaking of normal auto regulation. The cars must be parked each day in these designated locations which do not, include State street, N. University, and E. University avenues. Any departure from these arrangements or failure to observe the Ohio State ruling will result in drastic action by the University committee, and, in cases of students with permits, in the withdrawal of driving privileges. FRESHMEN ATTEND ENGINEERS' PARTY Sigma Rho Tau Acts as Host At Reception in Union. Under the auspices of the Stump Speakers societythelocal chapter of Sigma Rho Tau, national engin- eering debating organization, a re- cepton primarily for freshmen of the Colleges of Engineering and Architecture was held last night in the Union. The meeting was addressed by Louis Ayres, consulting engineer of Detroit; Prof. Arthur D. Moore of the electrical engineering depart- ment; Lynn Fry, architect of Ann Arbor; Prof. Roger L. lorrison of the highway engineering depart- ment; and Frederick Ernet '31A, president of Sigma Rho Tau. There were other short addresses given by members of the society. The next meeting is scheduled for Oct. 22 when the organization will begin active training, accord- ing to a statement made yesterday by Prof.' Robert D. Brackett of the English department of the engin- eering college, who has charge of the chapter's activities. PURDUE WRITER HOLDS MICHIGAN EMULATES NICETIES OF HARVARD By After Noon ed that Harvard is, after all, the NDER the headline "FINDS Michigan of the East. WOLVERINES MIX SOPHISTI- He continues with his definition: CATION WITH FOOTBALL, TEA," "Campus - One quarter of a mile a special article on this glorious in- square. No natural beauty, but ar- stiution of learning, written by one chitectural artistry. The Lawyers' M. C. Schwartz, appears in a recent club is one of the very attractive issue of the Purdue Exponent. buildings of the locality. The cam- In his opening paragraph, Mr. pus is not laid out according to any Schwartz describes us as follows: definite plan; the buildings are "Wolverines-A peppy, semi-sophis- grouped in a rather haphazard ticated body of students, professing manner." to be attending the Harvard of the The truth of the last statement Middle-West. Dressed about as any is so evident as to need no com- college students are dressed, they ment. But one wonders about that assume a calm indifference which "architectural artistry." It might they believe to be in keeping with better be said that we have variety. the Harvard idea." The Regents-bless them-or who- It is unpleasant to disagree with ever decide these things have never so fair a critic as Mr. Schwartz, but made up their minds as to whether it is necessary. He must be remind- we are Gothic, classic, Romanesque, - - __ -or factoryesque. "Stadium-Seats eighty thousand; built in the shape of a bowl," Mr. [I T I/KE[ AD00SSclwartz continues. "It is surround- ed with the peaked roofs and ca- stellated turrets of the university Tv I[B N Ibuildings and with massed foliage dyed with autumn tinges. The crowd is peppy and applauds enhusiasi ReihstgDiet Hold Stormy cally at anybody's play." Reichstag, iIt is unfortunate to shatter these Sessions as 126,000 Workers complimentary ideals. But the fact Walk Out. is that many of the Michigan root- ers are unable to discern which side PAUL LOEBE RE-ELECTED makes a play. And it isn't just be- cause we drink tea, either. (BY Associated Press) BERLIN, Oct. 15.-Confusion was added to an already muddled poli- tical situation today when the Ger- H man Reichstag and the Prussian AuI0fl called 126,000 workers from their jobs. Paul Loebe was re-elected presi- ro Discuss Modern Exploration dent of the Reichstag, but verbal At First Meeting of Series clashes on the floor preceded and in Alumni Hall Today. followed the balloting. Hardly had he resumed his chair when the Fas- cists began obstructive t a c t i c s which, if continued in the weeks to come, will make parliamentary pro- "The Value of Present Day Ex- cedure impossible. President Loebe, ploration to Civilization" will be who has served nine years in that the subject of the first All-Campus office, polled a. fnal. vote of 229 against 209 for Dr. Ernst Scholz, forumPof the year, which will be German Peoples party candidate. addressed by Prof. Willa.m H Other candidates were eliminated Hobbs, head of the Geology de- under the constitution from receiv- partment, at 4:15 o'clock this af- ing ballots in the second vote taken, ternoon in room D, Alumni Mem- once the original poll had failed toorahall show a majority for any candidate. Election of Franz Stoehr, national This forum is the first of a ser- Socialist, as first vice-president, was ies that is sponsored by the Stu- the single feature of the Reichstag dent Christian association, which election which the Fascists would attempts each year to bring into claim as a gain for their party. the open various controversial sub- The Diet session was tumultuous. jects by presenting a well qualified The Fascists and Communists en- authority on the subject who can gaged in sharp altercations and clear up any uncertain points. The blocked any real work. forum consists of a short address kd r rbykthe particular authority follow- Uses of Television ed by questions from the audience L ion what the speaker has said or To be Inestiated any other questions that seem to v g e relevant. by Columbla System Men who have already been se- lected to speak include President Alexander G. Ruthven who will (By Associated Press) probably discuss future plans of the NEW YORK, Oct. 15. - Complete University. Dr. Ruthven will talk investigation of the broadcast pos- on November 13. sibilities of television is planned On October 30, Prof. J. B. Pol- thi witerbytheColmba Boad !lock of the Political Science de- this winter by the Columbia Broad- partment will give a talk on the casting system. political situation in Germany. It was learned today that the re- cent application by the chain to HOOVER CONFERS the federal 'radio commission for a short wave experimental license to WITH MART HEADS operate a television transmitter had back of it a determination to ascer- President Consults Leaders of tam from a practical standpoint just how soon the art of radio sight Exchange on Slump. might be incorporated with sound broadcasting on a possible network ( y Associated Press) basis. WASHINGTON, Oct. 15.-The re- While no CBS official would com- cent chills and fevers of the stock ment, it is understood the plans' market have been the subject of for television work probably will in- consultation at the White HouseI clude the installation of the short between Hoover and officers of the wave transmitter in the building New York stock exchange. where the chain's sound studio are The conference took place last, located, with the antenna atop the Sunday night. It was held, White 22-story building. House attaches said, at the request The plans also are said to em- of the exchange officials themselves. brace the setting up of the latest The exact nature of the conversa- type apparatus, with leading tele- tion remained undisclosed but it vision engineers co-operating. A was made known that it bore on special staff of CBS technical men business conditions with particularl is to be recruited for the work, reference to the stock market situ- which also is to involve reception ation. tests in all parts of the metropoli- Richard Whitney, president and tan area. Allen Lindley, vice president of the In addition to the technical end, exchange, were those who talked the studio part of sight broadcast- with Mr. Hoover, after being his ing can go before the television guests at dinner following the chief camera and learn the technique to executive's return from a trip to his be used in television acting and Rapidan camp. In New York Tues- make-up. day night, Lindley said the visitj was a personal one. He pointed outI Call -for Technicians Whitney was an old friend of the Ic n dv Clu president. As to what was discussed, HRY RJOY DClES REPUflLICAN STANO' Says Michigan Republicans Are Under the Control of the Anti-Saloon League. HEADS ANTI-DRY WORK , ; I States Dry League Endorsepent Is Hindrance to Politicians. (By Associated Press)I DETROIT, Oct. 15.-Henry B. Joy, who described himself as a "dyed- in-the-wool Republican," declared in an address tonigh that the Re- publican party in Michigan, by its action in not making prohibiton an issue, "simply has remained seized and manacled by the Anti-Saloon league." Mr. Joy, one of the speakers at a dinner meeting of the local chapter of the Crusaders, a national organ- WARRANT ISSUED FOR BISHOP'S SON Richard M Canno'k Son of Bishop James Cannon, Jr., for whom a warrant has been issued in Los Angeles, charging the distribution of worthless checks. BA FOGSHODLA ization favoring repeal of the eigh- I teenth amendment, severely ar- Late News Dispatches Indicate PALMER ELECTED SENIORl CLASS PRESIDENT IN LITERARY COLLEGE BY6 MARGIN OF ONLY FIVE VOTES raigned the Anti-Saloon league and the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in Amerca for their activities on behalf of the amendment and the legislation to enforce it. Flays Democrats Also. "Neither does the Democratic party in Michigan take a stand for or against prohibition," Mr. Joy said. "It has merely stated that it recommended a nation-wide refer- endum on repeal of the eighteenth amendment, which is neither here nor there. The Democratic candi- date for governor, however, has said that he personally favors re- peal of this monstrosity, the eigh- teenth amendment. He said that control of the alcoholic beverage traffic should be returned to the states. I am a dyed-in-the-wool Re- publican, but I must frankly say that we must of necessity preach the soundness of such a right doc- trine, even if the Republican ma- jority shrinks to zero." Favors Repeal.I The speaker took an optimistic view of the situation from the standpoint of those who favor re-' peal of the amendment and re- turned to state control, two actions advocated by the Crusaders. He declared that the "happy days of the pussyfooters and straddlers as to prohibition are numbered and they can no longer ride into office u n d e r the banner of the Anti- Saloon league to serve it and notl the people. Its endorsement of a candidate is now a burden and no longer a benefit towards election." The success of wet advocates in New York, where both major par- ties have anti-prohibition planks this year, was seen as an encour- agement for those of similar views in Michigan. Repeal Opposition Casts About Seeking Staunch Dry Leaders (By Associated Press) ( WASHINGTON, Oct. 15. - There are signs of increasing activity in the dry ranks and of casting about by the prohibition advocates for leaders. Such prohibition champions as, Senator Fess of Ohio, the chairman of the Republican national comn- Imittee, and Sheppard of Texas, a Democrat, admit no .alarm over the persistence of the wet and dry is-! sue in this year's campaign but they are frankly preparing to accept the 'battle if the election shows any marked inroads in their constitu- tional fortress. coining Defeat of Insurgents Under Getulio Vargas. REBELS CLAIM SUCCESS (B Associated Press) After 11 days of struggle the Bra-I zilian federal government appears from the late dispatches to have begun to get the upper hand in its military campaign against the in- surgent movement of Getulio Var- gas, liberal leader. Counter-claims of victory have been issued by both sides but the early federal announcements of success in the rebel state of Minas Geraes seem to be substantiated by subsequent reports, and on the Sao Paulo-Parana front the rebel at- tack has yet to produce a decisive encounter. The federal government assertsI that rebels are being driven back north of Rio de Janeiro and in the states of Minas Geraes, and to the west and south of Sao Paulo. Hav- ing mobilized its soldiers, it is oc- cupied now in mobilizing its fi-. nances. The rebels, whose troops had a' long journey from their southern stronghold to the Sao Paulo front, make the blanket, assertion that they have been victorious in every encounter with the federals thus' far. One of their latest claims is the capture of Itateruna, 400 miles north of Rio de Janeiro, from which they hope to make a drive upon the capital. I Bill Roper Deplores Condition of Football ( RYAssociWCed Press) Princeton, N. J., Oct. 15.-In the opinion of Bill Roper, Prince- ton's football coach, intercolleg- iate football should return to the status of a "boy's game played by boys in a boy's way." "Over-emphasis will kill the game in a few years," Roper said today in an address to sports writers of New York and Philadelphia. Three ways in which the Tiger mentor believes football is being over-empha- siztd are spring practices,mnight games and publicity for individ- ual stars, he went on to explain. Roper pointed out that the decline in the interest in college baseball in recent years may be traced to spring football prac- tice. "Football should be a virile game played in the fall and not an all-year-round business," he said. The Princeton coach critized the amount of publicity which was given individual stars, say- ing it was greater than that ac- corded to Mussolini or to United States Senators. HOUSEIS WILL SEEK Student Council to Award Two. Cups Donated by Local Merchants. Cups will be given to the two best decorated fraternity houses for Homecoming, set for the day of the Illinois football game, Oct. 25, it was announced by Jerrold W. Cur- ry '31, councilman in charge of the event, at the meeting of the Stu- dent council last night. Although in the past, only one trophy has been awarded, two prominent Ann Arbor merchants have agreed to donate cups for this year. Judging will be made immediately before game time by a committee consisting of council- 243 BALLOTS Harriet Kreye Named Secretary; Louis Hurwitz Elected Treasurer. Polling a majority of five votes over the other two candidates in the field, Bruce Palmer was elected president of the senior literary class in a bitterly contested race yesterday afternoon. r Palmer, who polled 124 votes out of a total of 243 cast, won over Jack Rose, with 95, while George Ryerson, the third candidate in the race, received 24 votes. In the election for the three re- maining- class offices, the margin of victory in each was eleven votes. Lucille Straus with 125 votes de- feated Jessie Winchell, for the pos- ition of vice-presidency. Hurwitz Polls 109 Harriet Kreye was elected to the secretaryship with 122 votes over Helen Wilson, who numbered 111 The office of treasurer, the only position for which the winner did not have a majority, went to Louis Hurwitz with 109 votes. Cliff Mur- ray was second with 98 and Har- old Warren third with 36. The Student council, which su- pervised the elections and counted Election Dates Named Dates for election of class of- ficers of the engineering college and the architectural and phar- macy schools, were announced by the Student. .council. last - night. Engineering seniors will bal- lot for their officers at 1 o'clock tomorrow morning while senior architects will vote at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Graduating students in the pharmacy school will have their election at 5 o'clock, M o n d a ydafternoon. Members of the Student council will supervise all elections, the ballots, certifled the count and declared the results of the elec- tion officials at their meeting last night. Announcement of the committees will be made within a few days, Palmer stated following his vic- tory. In addition to holding the presidency of the senior class, Palmer is the business manager of the Gargoyle as well as a senior member of the council. Alters Nominating Committee Other council business transact- ed included the passing of an a- mendment to the constitution pro- viding for the addition of the treasurer to the nominating com- mittee. Under the old by-law, the president, vice-president, secre- tary and the three ex-officio from The Daily, the Athletic association and the Union, members made up the committee. Since deadlocks were frequent in the past because of the even number, it was decided to include the treasurer on the committee. Northwestern to Play Grid Game for Charity (By Associated Press) CHICAGO, Oct. 15.-The Notre Dame-Northwestern football game of Nov. 22 may be transferred from Dyche stadium in Evanston to Soldiers' field and the bulk of pro- ceeds turned over to Chicago char- ity. Officials in charge of Soldiers' field, the largest football stadium in the world, today said they would give free rent for the game while President Walter Dill Scott, of Northwestern, said he approved the transfer. Notre Dame officials are expect- ed to approve the transfer. New Astronomy Head Assumes Duties Here Herber D. Curtis, former director of the Allechenv observatory of the Lucille Strauss W i n s Vice-Presidency By 11 Votes. CAST men and faculty members. NAVAL HEAD DIES A pep meeting, at which J. Fred ON GOLF COURSE Lawton, '11, composer of "Varsity," iiwill speak, has been scheduled for (I ?J ,Assocatcd e 'Pres, BREMERTON, Wash., Oct. 15.- Rear Admiral Henry J. Ziegemeir, 61, commandant of the thirteenth naval district' here the last two years, died today after a paralytic stroke suffered while participating in a golf tournament. He succumbed in the arms of Mayor C. E. B. Oldham, of Bremer- ton. The two, playing for the Bre- merton Kiwanis club, had reached the fifth hole of the second round of a match against two officers of the U. S. S. New Mexico. Before the match started the admiral told the mayor hewas not feeling well and "would not have come out if it wasn't for the tournament." Guard Officer Routs Politician's Abductors Friday night preceding the Illinois game. STATE WILL USE FESLER SATURDAY (B 'Associated Press) COLUMBUS, Oct. 15.-Wesley Fesler, Ohio State handy-man, pas scared the Buckeye camp by turn- ing up with a bad wrist. He work- ed out for a brief period in today's workout and then retired. He is expected to play against Michigan Saturday, however. The Buckeyes drove long and hard against Mich- igan formations today, stressing a. defense against the Wolverine aer- ial attack. SOLDIERS PREVENT TIJRE'A TENAEr D RI~ r x l . Aroused by the appeals of such leaders as Dwight W. Morrow, New Jersey Republican nominee, and Gov. Roosevelt of New York, poten- tial Democratic presidential candi- date, for repeal of the eighteenth amendment, the drys concede pri- vately it is time to look for leader- ship, at least. Doctor Wills His BodyI to Fellow Scientists' LOS ANGELES, Oct. 15.-The last act of Dr. Lloyd Emerson Mat- ter, Pasadena physician, who died (B Associated Press) OT L .t 1I LzIYLUIJI"I HELSINGFORS, Findland, Oct. 15.-Dr. Kaarlo Juho Stahlberg, S.(v Associated Press former Finn president, and his' STE. GENEVIEVE, Mo., Oct. 15.- wife were savedtoday fromforced Ste. Genevieve was under military the Russian control today for the second time transportation acrosstheRsan this week after troops had been re- frontier by an officer of the na- called when new threats of mob The defense corps officer forced violence became evident, resulting the derensic rsconvyinrgfthed from the failure of a Negro mail the car which was con1veying the Icarrier and his two brothers to heed two tohalat es 1d ki~- a warning to leave town. ter roms eon tePractically all other Negroes left to inspection. here after the slaying early Sunday of one white man and the fatal Spartan Barbers Sell woundingof another by three Ne- Hair-Cuts for Wheat ' r wo men and a woman, in a s Troops were rushed here from