PACE FOTTI THE MICHIGAN DAILY 4 TUESDAY, OC 7 OBE12 14, 19 ,00 PAGE FOUlTUESDAY, OCTOflEl~ 14, 1930' Publtshed every morning except Monday 'during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association.. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis- patches credited to it or not otherwise credited in thie paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $4.oo; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 ,i MANAGING EDITOR Chairman Editorial Board e HENRY MERRY City Editor Frank E. Cooper News Editor..............Gurney Williams Editorial Director ...........Walter W. Wilds Sports- Editor............... Joseph A. Russell Women's Editor........... Mary L. Behymer Music and Drama.......William J. Gorman Assistant News Editor.....Charles R. Sprowl Telegraph Editor ..........George A. Stauter NIGHT EDITORS S. Beach Conger John D. Reindel Carl S. Forsythe Richard L. Tobin David M. Nichol Harold O. Warren Sports Assistants. Sheldon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy. Robert Townsend Reporters Walter S. Baer, Jr. Wilbur J. Myers Irving J. Blumberg Robert L. Pierce Donald O. Boudeman Sher M. Quraishi George. T. ;Callison C. Richard Racine Thomas M. Cooley Jerry E. Rosenthai George Fisk George Rube nstein $ernard W. Freund Charles A. Sanford Morton Frank Karl Seiffert Saul Friedberg Robert F. Shaw FrankFB. Gilbreth Edwin M. Smith Jack Goldsmith George A. Stauter Oland' Goodman Alfred R. Tapert f William H. Harris Tohn S. Townsend James H. Inglis )Robert D. Townsend Denton C. Kunze Max H. Weinberg Powers Moulton Joseph F. Zias previously, the present great con- cerns are rather inclined to be of numbers, games, buildings, endow- ments and tangible evidences of educational progress. The social and country club qualities of uni- versity life bring thousands of per- sons to college portals who have slight interest in or intention of following intellectual pursuits. But a greater offense is committed when educators seek to eliminate institu- tions and practices that are dis- tracting to academic accomplish- ments, instead of spending their time making the acquisition of knowledge more attractive than other diversions by aggressive and personal means. The mania for preventive administration often subverts progressive achievement. i i 0 _n Lynne Adams Betty Clark Elsie Feldman Eliza eth Gribble mily G. Grimes Elsie M. Hoffmeye Jean Levy Doroth Magee Mary cCall Margaret O'Brien Eleanor Rairdon Jean Rosenthal Cecilia Shriver Frances Stewart er Anne Margaret Tobin Margaret Thompson Claire Trussell Barbara Wright BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER T. HOLLISTER MABLEY Assistant Manager f KASPER H. HALVERSON Department Managers AdvertisingC................harles T. Kline Advertising............. .Thomas M. Davis Advertising............William W. Warboys Service................ .Norris J. Johnson Publication............Robert W. Williamson Circulation ..............Marvin S. Kobacker Accounts...................Thomas S. Muir Business Secretary ...... .Mary J. IHenan Thomas E. Hastings Byron V. Vedder Harry R. Begley Erle I ightlinger William Brown Richard Stratemeier Richard H. Hiller Abe Kirshenbaum Vernon Bishop Noel D. Turner William W.Davis Aubrey L. Swinton H. Fred Schaefer Wesley C. Geisler Joseph Gardner Alfred S. Remsen Ann Verner 'Dorthea Waterman Alice McCully Dorothy Bloomgarden Dorothy Laylin ' osephine Convisser ernice Glaser Hlortense Gooding Laura Codling Ethel Constas Anna Goldberg Virginia McComb Joan Wiese Mary Watts Marian Atran Sylvia Miller TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1930 Night Editor: CARL S. FORSYTHE SCHOLARSHIP BY ELIMINATION From time immemorial, teachers have been trying to make educa- tion more interesting. Recognizing' that youngsters and adolescents as a rule are either virulent noncon- formists who rebel at being schooled by rote or misdirected drones who lack sufficient energy to change their inertia. For both of these sorts, the pedlagogues have set up academic plums and have sugar- coated as much erudition as they can under the circumstances. In the past, the large state Uni- versity has come in for considerable destructive criticism. It is a matter of general knowledge that the level of teaching is somewhat low, that many lecturers are dull and ill- suited for the task they are often forced to perform, that specializa- tion dissipates broader cultural ad- vantages and that the powers of administrative heads has under- mined the influence of the faculties. But we cannot help praising and envying the efforts of more fortun- ately constituted colleges that are not only planning and talking of changes, but are really reforming t h e i r educational systems. The growth of the tutorial system has been very gradual, which is attrib- utable as much to faculty indiffer- ence a n d persistence in o 1 d- fashioned ways as to the tremen- dous expense involved.aNeverthe- less, of great significance is the fact that in virtually every experi- mental college or school of advanc- ed and designedly 'ideal' methods, the tutorial practice has been the nucleous of the teaching structure. Without seeming to ignore the fi- nancial difficulties of a revolution- ary change in instruction, we still believe that much can be done by way of retrenchment and bolster- Editorial Comment | o ^ CONCERNING THE "CHANCE" (From the Yale Daily News) Mystery, danger, enchantment have always clung about a long sea voyage. From Homer's epic to the tales of Conrad the song of the wet sheet and flowing sea has never lost its charm. The return Of the schooner "Chance" from her twen- ty-seven months in foreign waters brings home to this country, and to Yale in particular, the spectacle of a twentieth century adventure after the approved style of England's sea- dogs themselves. No one is justified in saying that the century of the World War, of aviation and conquest of disease, is a pampered century. There is courage, endurance, ingenuity and colour in ample evidence today. Yet it is with a certain amount of wist- fulness that we read the story of Commander Brown and his mates. We cannot quite see ourselves doing what they did. We are used, some of us, to a little! danger, a little experience, during the summer vacations. But we mar- vel a bit when we think of twenty- seven months of it. We conjure up pretty extravagant pictures, with ourselves in extravagant roles. We realize acutely all that divides out life from real, complete indepen- dence. Few of us have actually cast our hawsers clear. Upon a quick survey of our shackled positions, it seems doubtful if we could ever really break away. This it is which accounts for the wistfulness. We have so many in- terests, so many ties; our lives are so full, that we rarely ask questions. Once in a while a tremor runs through us; could we break away if we wanted to? The adventure of the "Chance" is a grand thing to read about. But it is significant in that those men could and did break away from positions exactly like our own. Their example serves, not to convince us of our stolidity, but to show us what we might be if the spirit moved us.. As to why the spirit does not move us more often-that is anoth- er question. NO MONEY FOR FREE SPEECH. From The "University of Washing- ton Daily." Those who appreciate indepen- dent discussion will regret the un- timely discontinuance, October 1, of "Plain Talk," three and a half year old champion of frankness in the consideration of national social and political problems. In a private communication to the University school of journalism, "Editor and Publisher" expresses itself as feeling that "'Plain Talk' was as worthy of support as any magazinethat has come along in some years, but it could not sell ad- vertising to any of the legitimate businesses that spend millions for magazine advertising." University of Washington library copies of "Plain Talk" were always well-soiled at the end of the month, betokening an appreciation of plain talk by those who find themselves in the college sphere-supposed hot-bed of unbiased discussion, if not cynicism. G. D. Eaton, youthful editor of OAST D L MENACE MENACE .MENACE No, fellows, that isn't the villain approaching, it's a statement of fact. There is a menace in the air,' and it's high time something was done about it as it is dangerous to menace well as women. Come on, now, I was only 'kidding', leave a fellow be will you? As I was saying, we're being menaced. Our liberties are being unduly trampled upon, and in general we're being treated real nasty. Although the full force of the trouble rests on the should- ers of the males of the campus, our sisters come in for some of the beating too, and should aid in its' recrimination an dultimate amelio- ration as they say in editorials. * * * The trouble is really simple to remedy,-all that is neces- sary is the shooting of one Mr. Tillotson, and surely none should balk at that. Perhaps I had best explain what is wrong, however, before going further. The fact is that our pals the higher-ups are really serious about seating girls (or young women as they are more pro- perly called in this age of sophistication) in the cheering section. I'd just like to see the face of old Cyrus Q. Michigan, our revered founder, if someone had suggested that to him. That's all, I'd just like to see it. Women should arise too in de- fense of their rights as preservers of the purity of the English lang- uage free from such words as. - oh well, just free from such words, and I can assure you that a few years of this mixed cheering will. break down their morals of speech just as ... OH NOTHING! * * * Dear Danny Baxter: (I don't like this 'Danny' stuff, it sounds too familiar for my mid-Victorian tastes). We, two coeds wish to inform you that chivalry is not dead. Andy Gump, we all know Andy, was motoring along Forest avenue Fri- day when a stray ball from the tennis courts bounced his way. He gallantly stopped his motorcycle and tossed the ball to the two maidens in distress. We should like to reccommend him for the highest medal. Betty and Sally Coed. * * * Dear Dan: All of which only proves that women, especially co-eds, like to imagine themselves the focal point of interest. I have it on first hand information from Andy that he is going out for the baseball team next spring, and he was too eager to let an opportunity to heave the all go by. Hurray for the en, Elmer. Cut it out, Elmer, none of your smot crecks against the----ladies God Bless 'em. There is only one thing in that letter that arouses my skepticism. That is the state- ment that anyone, not to mention Andy can stop a motorcycle gallant- ly. The only time I ever tried it I had to keep going until a kindly coal pile intervened. Otherwise I should be riding to this day or to hounds or to the dogsnor something. * * * Dear Dan: I agree with you perfectly; where is Elmer's manhood to duck the responsibility of that epic? Fear- lessly, flagrantly flaunt following futile fragment: To E. N. (or who have you) Better fish are in the sea Than any brought to land, So consoling friends tell me Who do not understand. Better fish there are to play- Ah yes, I know, I know; And yet no matter what they say I voice the angler's anicent woe: But God! the one that got away Well, Dan, you know what the Good Book says. To save you an embarrassing revelation, it's, "do unto authors as you would have done unto yourself." How about a poetry prize? I suggest a medallion, size of a nickel with wire attached :MUSI C AND DR AA TONIGHT: It the lendelssohn Theatre, Ednia Thiomps1on, the L dy from Louisiana., ini a recital of Negro spirituals, street cries, croons, and Creole songs. FRITZ K REISLER. A Review by William J. Gornian. Fritz Kreisler opened the Choral Union series last night quietly and magnificently with all the certainy of his mellow art. The superbly con- sistent excellence of this violin art probably marks it as the best that this generation has been offered. Last night's program found that art brilliantly articulated in several of its phases. One heard Kreisler's "style" adapting itself to a con- siderable variety of music: music by Bach, music by Mendelssohn, music by Mozart, music by Kreisler and Grainger. The sameness of the style in those very different con- texts was, I think, very clear. One should like to be able to de- fine that style. At the basis of it, certainly, is the mental quality which Kreisler's stern, inexpressive external manner reflects. One feels behind all the playing a secure sensibility, not tortured or even concerned with the "personal" qualities in it; a sensibility con- stantly in touch with the intellect. It is this deep calm of maturity (containing in it only the one basic desire to be sensitive to music) that makes his style im- personal. (One should interpolate here that it is eminently personal in one sense by reason of its rarity). It is this impersonality that makes Kreisler so flexible and his musical feelings so un- failingly sound. Undisturbed by the demands of t e in perament (which pervert all the recitals of youthful ro- mantics), Kreis- ler's intellect a n d physical talent can go about the great task of recreat- ing music purely. These qualities are somewhat more easily defined in physical terms. Kreislev's tone is always vital and resonant. It is not large, above all 'lot sensuous, certainly not lachrymiose. It is pure. One al- ways feels that Kreisler's phrasing is nothing but faithfulness to the indications of the text. Similarly, nuances and intensities are pre- cisely produced with reference to musical values. Always there is cer- tainty: coming always from intelli- gent respect for the text. The interest of last night's pro- gram lay in its revelation of the merits of an artistry of this classi- cal, intellectual sort. The fine formal eccentricities of early eight- eenth century music came to exalt- ed life through the sincere, self- effacing musicianship of a master violinist.Kreisler's artistry as a per- former is almost the equivalent of the deep impersonality that Bach achieved in his contrapuntal idiom. Such identity means almost the perfect performance. One tended to think that Kreisler's playing of Bach particularly, and of Corelli and Stamitz was perfect. (One gets a similar feeling of perfection in the work of Toscanini, whose simi- larly impersonal style enables him to master such variety as the Haydn Clock symphony, Dukas Sor- cerer's Apprentice, and, it is strong- ly rumoured, Wagnerian opera). Then, Kreisler turns to the Men- delssohn Concerto, certainly a well- battered score. Here he makes no attempt to change the naivete of this score into something other than itself. He allows himself on his violin no feelings that the score is not adequate to support. This reverence for the object is clas- sicism". The resulting performance communicates all the loveliness of Mendelssohn. The Concerto is fresh and pleasant. Schumann and Mozart are played the same way. The program closes with some of the justly famous Kreisler "popular" music. One finds it completely acceptable because honest. Kreisler grants it the same intelligent devotion. There is no stra~ininp' to miake it maR~niloauient.I BA L N CE The only Balance pen' and pencil is Shea ffers. The College World has "g one Shtea~ x o 1IIT.Sc, Man afc (, rcen, $4.00 This whitc dot idcnti'Fes 4hant'er's,thc ONLY Aenuine Lifetime pen. re r SAFETY SKRIP, SUC- CESSOR TO INK.SKRIP- FILLED, 50e to $10. Carry Safety Skrip in your luAgage and to classes.It's leak-proof, practically unbreakable. Savesfurnitureclothinkrui, keeps the fluid fresh, makes all pens write better. SPENS-PENCILS-DESK SETS-SKRIP W.A.SIIEAFFER PEN COMPANY, FORT MADISON,IOWAU.S.A, oReg. U. S. Fat. Off. @W. A.,3. P. 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All fountain pens are guaranteed against defects, but Sheafler's Life- time' is guaranteed unconditionally for your life, and other Sheaffer products are forever guaranteed against defect in materials and work- manship. Green or Black Lifetime' pens, $8.75; Ladies', $8.25. Black- and-Pearl DeLuxe and Marine Green Lifetime'pens, $10; Ladies', $9.50. Petite Lifetime' pens, $7 up. Golfor Handbag Pencil, $3. Others lower. .K74T C $9.50 * .1 .