'U)' A2j L+V$ S14,iti THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE nF 7 loover, Stimeon Give Welcome to Road Engineers at Capitol. MO~~U9~NLAY RETURN 67, ohie LkSend De5egates to en rerto4 Langua~ges Are Spoken.- Havinig completed a series of' sessions during which various (lfes- tions relating to highway construc-. Lion were discussed, the sixth In- ternational Road Cong'ress will set out in the nex few days from Washington on three tours, two of which are scheduled to stop at Ann Arbor on October 25. ~eeptiors gAeiu Receptions given by President and Mrs. Hoover at the White Houe, ad by the secretary of state t the Pan American Union in Washington featured the social activities,. given in honor of the Prof. Roger L. Morrison of the iglway 'engineering department and Prof. Walter E. Lay of the me- chanical engineering department, who were . representatives at the meeting, have returned. Professor Morrison is at present arranging{ for the enterainment of the dele-! gates when they arrive in Ann ir- bor. Discuss Tobics The impdrtant topics discussed during the past week at the con- vention were related to concrete, brick, and other paving materials, bituminus pavements, construc- tion of roads in undeveloped re-t gions, methods of financing high- ways, highway transport, and traf- fic control. Reports on these sub- jects were prepared by delegatesI from all of the countries. Since representatives from 67 i Foreign countries were present, the meeting room was divided into four sections, according to the lan- guage spoken by members of the group. I Rev. Lewis Lectures t on Christian Marriage "Ideal Christian Marriage" was the subject of the Rev. Henry I Lewis's lecture Sunday night given a at Harris hall. He dealt with thec historical background and sonie of the modern ills of marriage. s REVOLUTLONARY WAR CLOUDS LOOM OVERMANYSECTIONS OF BRAZIL. VI Ci AmaonA6 N844'.. pA PARAM4 7 SAO a iPJ PERNAMgUC } O, M , NA S: t 1 t S................. 'MPA 'i NA PA EAR/Ery 3~ E S AANTz NT Aj Ftto Rr AL©R C1OI GRANDEE r "& : E Battles between Brazilian federal and revolutionary forces are immi- nen t at widely separated points. Troops were rushed to the borders of the states of Parana and Sao Paulo, center of the coffee growing section, where conflict between revolutionists and defending federal troops seemed likely. Federal forces made Florianapolis the base for their operations to the south. In the north, Pernambuco was in the hands of the revolutionists with federal forces preparing to launch an offensive. Shaded portions of map show likely points of conflict. INDIAN4 NATIONALIST DEM'IANDS REEDOMu~ SENATOR PROJES CAMPAIGN FUNDS i { ANN ARBOR NEWSBRIEF i Jawaharal Nehru, Prison, Plans Pact With Released From to Prevent 13ritisb. NATIVE COURTS OPENED (fBv Associated Press) LONDON, Oct. 13. -Four major developments have taken place in India over the week-end. 1. The fiery young extremist, Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru, was re- leased from prison upon the com- pletion of a six-month sentence and resumed the presidency of the India National Congress. 2. The government has taken ur- gent steps for the defense of the northwest frontier and for sup- pressing the wild Afridi tribesmen, which, it is hoped, will obviate the necessity of a great military offen- sive there. 3. The government is raiding con- gress offices, confiscating property "ald arresting leaders, under the drastic "Unlawful Association Ordi- nance pronulgated by the viceroy. 4. The congress is establishing parallel, courts and other govern- mental institutions which aspire to Public ni ht school classes opened a l night in the Perry school on Packa d street, with an enrollment ofi 187 ttending the first session. The enrollment, normally between (li ' and 400, was said by officials to be small. The two largest classes this year are in shorthand, with 28 - InricGed, and typewriting, with 23. .:ri7ction can be given in any oil eials explained, ii 12 or more sons sign up for the course. Noble Arrested Trminating a short but eventful Cr *c as abruptly as it had begun, William Noble was held by local nolice Sunday on a charge of fraud Associated P ?,O; O sfte<,' he had confessed to passing wortliess checks totaling several Gerald P. NyC, hundred dollars in various local ecl othing stores. Senator from North Dakota, Wb1a INoble was arrested at a tourist is chairman of the Senate campan emnp three miles west of Ann Ar- funds investigating ccmmitt'e. bom. where he fled with a quantity of clothing he obtained from the UNIVERSITY OF -AS For-merchants he victilflized. Pdlice re- covered two suits, an overcoat, two the university this year' b' - Psis of oxfords, a hat, a necktie, a belt, two pairs of socks, an d tino letnts. Of these, 24 are f ,wn tl1Vi :shirts from shrubbery in the vicini- LargeVeil frlxch One of the Larget underground boi of water ncounteretd in Washenaw county was stiruck St- urday on Oi',hard avenue when well drillers struck an underground lake at a depth of 174 feet. The col- umn of water from the lake shot into t. air aore than 200 feet. dwad 'hompson, who was drill- ing the vl, was thiown almost 10 feet into the air. The well is esti- mated to be approximately 80 feet deep. Balekers to Meet f e Bankers from Jackson, Wdshte- naw, Lenawee, Hillsdale, and Mn- roe counties, comprising group nine of the Michigan Bankers' aso-ia- tion, will be the gues s Wednesday of Ann Arbor bankers at the annial district meeting in the Women's league. A tour of the city in the afternoon and a business neeting in tile eveUning will eoplt the one-day session. John W. arer oIa president of te 8o-' ciation,, an~d Rudolph E. Reicl~rt, state banking commissioner, aVe in- diud d anong' the speakers. Prof. Brown Speaks FO on Lure of Science -r-- Dan "Adventures in Research" was the title of a lecture given yester- day afternoon in room 303 of the Chemistry building by Prof. A. W. To Browne. I teac "If one puts one's heart and soul know nto chemical research one becomes vatio a true scientific adventurer," stateda Professor Browne. He declared further that the nawtL purpose of every university is two- fold, teaching and research and take that the trained scientific adven- Dean turer is the main product of a uni-schor versity. Est WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY- confE Disciplining of freshmen will here- a ser after be in the hands of a traditions invol committee and a freshmen court. Mem Hazing has been abolished by the al m( student council. - lead Fraterntis, Here's an idea for you! Now you can haive movies tig~ht in your own clapter house-shots of Michigan football ganes-your house parties-your pledges in action-the final smile and bow of your seniors-an album of memories that will grow mor e valuable to you as the years go by. You don't have to buxy a movie camera. Our cmeraThis is the Plan Our cmeraman, a movie expert, will take the pictures whenverandwherever you say. He will furnish you the developed film at actual cost. You have no invest- ment in camera equipment. Your chapter buys, from us, a projector on very easy terms. This is your property. Then, as the years go by, your house accumulates a lirary of movie reels, intimate shots of the life of your chapter. Down east, and in California, this idea is taking f rater- ninies by storm. Why not phone 7113 and let Mr. Mack explain the whole plan in detail? And fhr Photographic Finishing Calkins-Fletchei's camera Taboiatory leads. For nearly a quarter century we have been developing films and making prints and enlargements. If it's quality you ant, bring your films here. T ou Im " -. Wi'ill Elljoy . The frst and only Real Campus News. 2. Full Assocated Prss Dispatches. National affairs that interested in. Al2k y every college man is ., }L't S ' ' l '. h: 4 , The best in Sports-follow Michigan teams to Victory all year in the Michigan Daily. The Daily Official Bulletin which contains all ofcial announcements of the Universit. "The Best of College Newspapers" Snyose ilbe ow S OS I