ESTABLISHED 1890 EDITE LwL- ;D AND PUBLISHED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN A#r MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XLI. No. 14 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1930 PRICE FIVE CENTS fl ||TT(I l NOMINEE TO FORCE OFFICIALS DECLARE YALE'S SECOND EIR (|VC ] THRILLS AUDIENCE ARDU W L IIV LPROHIBITION ISSUE SCORE AGAINST GEORGIANS ILLEGAL CAXFLId UUVEL AT FIRST CONCERT Eli Touchdown, Made on Fumble yard line where he was hit hard by ATINAL CCL - After Kickoff, Conflicts Captain Vincent of Yale. With the FOR I tCRASH r A t i f n tmpact of the Yale tackle s b d,-. MEWith Sixth Rule. the ball bounded from the armsIfliflDl -of Kelly tra_gt inta the handso ... ~~~~~~~Barres Yale enddsoyMIISS1PT tOILS H EtC I n" iiir RIOT ISTIS nrni wi Dobbin Also Appointed Delegate :o Interfraternity Convention. WILL VOTE ON RUSHING Ruthven, Rodkey, Kleene Named Members of Judiciary Committee. Election of James F. Ward, '31, president of the Interfraternity council, and John M. Doboi, '31. secretary. as delegates to the Na- tional Interfraternity c O u n C i wihich meets in New York shortly after Thanksgiving, and the ap- pointment of two committee chair- man constituted the principal bus- iness at the meeting of the council yesterday. NEW YORK, Oct. 13.-Not that it mkes any toartlcula difrec nobut iin -the co=d.gray anof the morning after., it hs been dis- covered that one of the Yale touch- downs against Georgia Saturday was not in aScord with the footbal statutes. The miscarriage of justice came at the oeginning of the second half when Yale was leading Geogia by a score of 7 to 6 and then increased the count to 14 to 6. Yale kicked off, the bail dropped in the arms of Kelly. Georgia back. who ran a few steps to his own 20- JONES LAIN UPHELD0 BYSUPREME COURT St. Joseph Residents Challenge of To Submit Report James E. Huston, '31, was named chairman of the committee on fraternity taxation. T w o other members will be appointed by the chairman during the next week and the committee will submit a report on the fraternity taxation situation at the next meeting of the council. At the same time, Charles Reyn- olds, '31, was made chairman of the activities committee. He will ap- point two other members. In addition to the five student members of the judiciary commit- tee, named at the meeting of the council last week, announcement was made of the selection by Pres- ident Alexander G. Ruthven of Prof. Robert G. Rodkey, of the bus- iness administration school, for faculty member on the committee. Herman Kleene, '03, was selected by Dean Joseph A. Bursley, dean of students, for the alumni member of the committee. Asked to Pay Dues Ward placed particular stress on the attendance of the junior rep- resentatives at the meetings of the council. A list of the fraternities that are deliquent in the payment of their annual dues was also read and it was announced that any fraternities that had not paid their dues for 1930-31 term by the time of the next meeting would be in- eligible to vote. The proposed deferred rushing plan to take effect at the begin- ning of the 1931-32 term is ex- pected to come before the council for the final ote at the next meet- ing. Ward urged that all members be present at that time. COUNCIL PLANS SENIORELECTION Literary Students Will Meet Wednesday at Auditorium. Election of senior literary class officers will take place tomorrow afternoon with the nominating of candidates scheduled for 4 o'clock in the Natural Science auditorium. A large vote is looked for by party, leaders and members of the Stu- dent council, who are supervising the elections. Bef ore a student can run for any class office, he must present to the council, a slip from the office of the ean of Students certifying his eligibility. Nominations for all offices which will preceed the act- ual voting will be made from the floor at promptly 4 o'clock. Mer- ton J. Bell. '31, president of the council will preside over the meet- ing. UNION ASKS MEN TO REGISTER NOW Registration at the Union will be continued from 3 to 5 o'clock every afternoon with the exception of Saturday during the week in ac- cordance with the action of the board of directors of the organiza- tion. Registration at the Union enti- tles any male student of the Univer- sity to a membership card, the Un- ion pin, and the use of bowling al- leys. swimming p o o 1 s, billiard rooms, the Pendleton library. and Constitutionality Dry Law. Barres caught he ball in his stride and dashedstraight ahead over the goal lne.- The officials evidently overlooked rule six. governig the kick-off, for without a question the touchdown was allowed and placed in position for the try for extra point, which was quickly added by Sullivan's toe. Rule six says: "If the ball is re- covered by a player of the receiving team before it is declared dead, he may run with it, pass it backwards or kick it: if the ball is recovered by a player of the kicking team the ball is dead at the point of re- covery." Walter . Okeson, commissioner, of the Eastern association for selec- tion of football officials. was asked' by the Associated Press for an opin- ion on the play. Commissioner Oke- son replied: 'Rule six says that if the kicking team recovers the ball on a kick- off it is dead at the point of re- covery and in a supplementary note it is stated that after a kick-off" the ball is to be considered a kicked ball until it is declared dead; there- fore the kicking team may not run with the ball if recovered on a' kick-off." Captain Maffett of Georgia made no protest to Referee W. T. Hallor- an so far as could be observed from' the stands. So perhaps, he, too, had forgotten the rules against running with a fumbled ball. Or he might have been more confident than his team's supporters that the Geor- gians would score two touchdowns later in the afternoon, the last and deciding one in tthe last few min- utes of play. Official States Diamond's Death May Have Been Sought by Several Gangsters. Dwight W. Morrow Former ambassador to Mexico who, in opening his campaign for election to the United States Sen- ate, definitely eliminated himself as a candidate for the presidency in 1932, and advocated repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment. MOROW CAMPIGN OAPENS IN JERSEY Former Ambassador Eliminates~ Himself as Presidential Possibility in 1932. SEEKS SEAT IN SENATE NEWARK. N. J., Oct. 13. -Dwight W. Morrow. opening his campaign for election to the United States Seiate on the Republican ticket reiterated tonight his advocacy of repeal of the Eighteenth Amend- ment and eliminated himself as a candidate for the presidency in 1932. Seaking from ine same platform where five months ago he first ex- pressed himself in favor of repeal and a return of state control of liquor traffic, he repeated that view, commended warmly President Hoo- ver, and the national administra- tion. and concluded: "I look forward with pleasure and confidence to the opportunity of voting two years from now for the renomination and re-election of President hmover.- The Senate non'.nce said it was idle for any Republican to contend the United States was not passing through a period of depression, a period when subtantial unemploy- ment exists. Mere ivbecause I an a candidate for publc office," he said. "I do not for one moment underestimate the sufferings that hard times Ang to many people whose margin of saving has been small." "Rather I want- to recognize frankly the situation that exists. and to do what I can to assist both public and private agencies which are trying to remedy the difficul- ties." Mr. Morrow is a candidate both for the full senatorial term of six ;ears and for the unexired term of Walter E. Edee. who resigned to become antbassador to Frane. His opponents are Alexander Simpson for the long tern and Thelma Parkinson for the short ternm. The Repubican nominee had been men- tioned. after the primary, in which he won from three opponents by a plurality of almost 400,000 votes as a presidential possibility, partly be- cause of his outspoken declaration for prohibition repeal. Edna Thomas to Offer Program Here Tonight Edna Thomas. noted singer of Negro folk and sirnual songs. will BOTH ARE SENTENCED WASHINGTON, Oct. 13.-An at- tack on the constitutionality of the Jones law. under which a violator of the Volstead Act can be sent to prison for five 3ears and fined S10,- 000, failed today before the Supreme Court. The suit came from Missouri. Two St. Joseph residents, Hugh Mc- Elgogue and William J. Brown. challenged the statute under which McElgogue was sentenced to the penitentiary for a year and Brown four years. As is customary, the court in re- fusing to pass upon the constitu- tionality of the drastic dry law, gave no explanation. The question of the constitutionality of the Jones Act was not raised. however, in the United States district court where the cases were first tried The challenge to the statute was made on appeal to the eighth cir- cuit court of appeals. Those famil- iar with Supreme Court procedure pointed out that in such circum- stances the tribunal generally de- cides that a question of constitu- tionality has not been properly pre- sented. Denial of the petitions for re- view does not preclude the court at some future day from passing upon the constitutionality of the statute. Another legal attack on the con- viction under the Jones law also failed today before the court. Frank Ross was convicted of violating the liquor laws at the Viaduct club, Elm Grove, near Wheeling, W. Va., and was sentenced to two years in At- lanta. At the court's last term he asked a review, arguing that the vi- olation of which he had been con- victed should be treated as a mis- demeanor. His plea was refused and today his request for a rehearing was denied. Professor White Plans to Attend Convention Prof. Alfred H. White of the chemical engineering department attended a meeting of the Ameri- can Gas association last night at Atlantic City. Professor White represented the Michigan Gas company of which he is president. PAR GOLF MARKS WOMEN'S TOURNEY Mrs. Hill of Kansas City Leads Field With 79 Score. (t l _ C~rf i7-i'ITt; i LOS ANGELES, Oct. 13.-While the gallery followed the defending titleholder and other stars, Mrs. O. S. Hill. Kansas City. not spectacu- lar but decidely steady, slipped in today to post a 79. to under par. and capture medal honors in the qualifying round of the 1930 wo- men's national amateur golf cham- pionship. The golfing lady from Missouri. who took up the game six years a- go because of ill health, gave a practical demonstration that aver- age length shots straight down the middle surpassed hard wallops that waner ito the rough. She went Wrtn f)or nvpr na _ but nnne MANY UNDER SUSPECT NEW YORKOct=.13.-Th murky patterns of the racketeer's progress in the metropolitan underworla was examined minutely by police today" in search for an explanation of the; shooting of Jack "Legs" Diamond, notorious gang leader. A red-haired chorus girl, friend of the wounded gangster. a few emplcyees of the West Side hotel where two gunnmen pumped five bullets into Diamond's body yester- day. and a host of roomers com- prised the "catchm" i New York's most sensational shooting since Arnold Rothsein, gambler, was slain two years ago. Progress. or lack of it. was summed up by Police Commissioner Mulrooney tonight in his terse statement that "there are 101 reasons why somebody wanted Diamond dead." KREISLER PRAISES SCHOOLOF MUSIC "I always find student au- diences unusually attentive and appreciatiVe " stated F r i t z Kreisler. Austrian "King of Violinists." aft rer his cc.ert at Hill auditorium last night. "I Michgan is the second one I have visited on this tour. and I shall visit another. Rochester university, before returning home to Berlin next Christ- mas. "Michigan is one of the high spots of ny tour." he continued. "They have a very fine school wthan organilzation_ secondoone.Another thin about student audiences tt I have rerd s those that are interested come. I like them very much. Herr Kreisler ha d to leave very earl. ae h ng greetd several old friends, for Cleve- land. where he will give a con- cert tomorrow night. and one in New York the following eve- ning. Onderdonk to Speak rf Ktnnrce Conventinn Declares World-wide Business Depression Had Origin :n United States. CONDEMNS TARIFF LAWS Presidential Nominee in 1920 Blames Administration for Depression. WASHINGTON. Oct. 12.--James M. Cox. Democratic presidential nominee in 1920, said in a radio address tonight that the world- wide business depression started in the United States "and the dread- ful thing about it is that it could have been avoided." Speaking over t h e National Broadcasting chain. Cox said that the Hoover administration "en- couraged gambling hysteria" pre- ceding the stock market "crash" and that it "then forced upon an unwilling people the tariff law which later accentuated the de- pression." "We must not lose sight of the impressive fact." he asserted, :that. our tariff changes were initiated when our country was living in un- precedented prosperity. When the president signed the now famous bill in the face of the most rep- resentative. far-spread and appeal- ing memorial ever addressed to an executive, he gave furtherance to the ills borne of his failure to act in the face of an inevitable crash in our stock market. Blames Over Production "What is the answer to all this from Washington?" Cox continued. "The statement comes that busi- ness depression is everywhere, and that not only are the conditions of unemployment alike in all coun- tries, but it arises from a common cause, over-production. "There is no over-production in the sense that the president speaks of it. There is a shortage in the buying power. If the world were purchasing normally we would be manufacturing normally and we would if we were employed. "We were the industrial giants of the earth, the great creditor na- tion, and we were producing one- third of all the products of the globe and buying from other na-, tions, thus establishing an econo- mic balance that would have con- tinued had we' acted wisely. "When giant America was pros-. trated she curtailed her purchase, abroad. This occasioned unem- ployment there and further dimin- ished the purchasing power. It is significant that this thing did not: start anywhere except in America.' Attacks Government Discussing the stock market de- pression, Cox said the preceding "hysteria" and the wild dreams of; fortune were the direct consequen- ces of administration propaganda. 'The government had the power of restrain," he added, "but did not exercise it. The president and his advisors either lost their heads or they had become so indoctrinated with the theory that the stock tape is a certain index to our economic state, that they were, no doubt, no less shocked than the rest of the country when the diaster came." Triangles Elect New Officers at Meeting Officers for the year 1930-31 were elected Sunday afternoon at a meeting of the Triangle, honorary junior engineering society. Bazlev W. Johnson, '32E, is the new pres- ident. Other new officers are Jack L. Spenser. 32E, vice president and treasurer, and Keane S. Jackson. 32E, secretary. 180 PUPILS ENTER EVENING SCHOOL Miore than 180 men and htave enrolled in the public night school which opened at 7 o clock last night at -he Perry ree- school. Attendance of between 300 and 400 is expected by the end of the week. Ten teachers have been enrolled in the night school staff for 1930-31. The largest classes this year are trom their last stronghold in south-t ern Brazil by capturing the city ofI Fl orianopolis.i That important trading center inj the state of Santa Catharina had# been virtually the only place in Brazil south of Sao Paulo that theE government has held since the, revolt began nine days ago. While rebel troops marched from' the extreme south of the country, In the state of Rio Grande de Sul,r and went northward through Santa F Catharina toward Sao Paulo, the, federals held on to the coastal city and used it for a base for small1 operations against the revolution- ists. Capture of the city, if confirmedt means that the rebels can consoli- date their line front the southern-l nost parts of the republic to the Parana-Sao Paulo border region,t where the rebels already have en- gaged the troops of President WVaslington Luis Pereira da Souza in an effort to reach Sao Paulo. Rebel sources claimed continued" advances against the government, although their announcements aref disputed. General Miguel Costa, in- surgent commander on the Sao! Paulo-Parana front, reported he had crossed the Sao Paulo border; and had captured the town of Ourinhos. Fingues and Punto Ri-t beira, with his forces continuing.. toward Itarare, important rail head = on a line leading to Sao Paulo. 1 Tryouts for Debating Team to be Conducted by Speech Department Inasmuch as the speech depart- nent has extended the debating program forhthe eoming ear, the department hasQ agreed to hold an- other tryout today at 1 o'clock in -3209 Angell ha11. The tryouts will consist of five-minute aregumenta- tive speeches. At present there have been onlyI two debates scheduled-with Indi- ana and Ohio State - to be held early in December. The topic for theedebates will be "state unem- poment isurce," althougithe exact wording of the question has not been decided as yet. The tryouts today may be on any c darpe n to both men Travel Bureau Plans for Ohio State Game With reports indicating a capa- city crowd at the Michigan-Ohio State game at Columbus this Sat- Demonstrations Break Simultaneously in Berlin. FEW ARE INJURED Hundreds Contend with Police at Gates of Parliament I , ,. - ,ioting by Fritz Kreisler left nId1( right wing cnemuie of the Austrian violinist and composer. Republic kept the central part of who gave the first concert on the 1Berlin in a turnmil f r several Choral union series before a capa- h urs this atterno:n andl over- city audience at Hill auditorium shaowxd1theothe new last night. He was accorded three hadiw the encores. and prolonged applause The distu.bances started near followed numbers of his own com- Unter den Linden, within a stone's throw of the parliament building, at the edge of the Tiergarten. Here the communists gave the mounted R 71[1 N H[B. and font police agba ds ti ee before the Reichstag building at- tempted to sweep a vast throng T1 E SNaway from its entrances. Smash Windows, In mid-town, along the Leitziger- Capture of Florianopolis Ousts strasse, Berlin's elite shopping dis- Federals From Southern !trict, several lundred fascists took Part of Country. 'advantage of the disorders at the lReichstag and burst forth into a SAO PAULO THREATENED idemonstration of which the chief nature was the smashing of numer- ous windows in expensive shops ' n I" owned mostly by Jews and the firing BUENOS AIRES. Oct. 13.-News of pistols into the air. coming through from Uruguayan Only a few injuries were reported, sources today indicated the Brazil- in spite of the heavy gunfire and the virtual reign of terror that ex- ian rebels had routed the federals isted for some time in that part of the city. Early this evening the police au- thorities announced that order had been completely restored in all sec- tions of the city and described the events of the day as a "mere flare- up" which would not be allowed to go further. An official communique said 53 persons had been arrested. Police Handicapped. The activities of the police ob- viously were handicapped by the need of concentrating a strong force around the Reichstag. It was while almost the entire police force was quelling the Tiergarten riot that the fascists broke loose in the shopping district. Trouble had been antici- pated in view of the open hositilities toward the government expressed during court testimony by Adolf Hitler, leader of the Fascist party, recently at Leipsig, and the opposi- tion of the communists to the Re- publican fiscal program. CONDLIFFE PLANS TO ADDRESS CLUB Educator to Talk Before Campus Economics Group Tornight. Speaking on "The Role of the Se- cial Sciences in International Poli- ties," Prof.J.B. Condliffe, of the Eco- nomics department, present re- search secretary of the Institute of Pacific Relations, will address the first meeting of the Economics club tonight at 7:30 o'clock in room 302 of the Michigan union. Professor Condliffe, who is taking the place of Prof. Charles F. Renter during the current year while the latter is in China, received his master's degree in New Zealand in 1914, w kas professor of economics in the New Zealand Expeditionary Force. and a research student of economics at Canterbury college and Gonville and Gaius college, Cambridge. During recent years Professor Condliffe has made several contri- butions to economic and historical literature including "A Short His- tory of New Zealand," "Problems of the Pacific," and "New Zealand in the Making." Three Officers Named for HillelFoundation Election of officers occupied the center of interest at last week's meeting of the Student c.ouncil of the Bnai Brith Hillel foundation. Under the chairmanship of By- ron Novitsky, student president, E. Al Miller. '32, was elected vice pres- ident. and Miss Beatrice Ehrlich. I w