FAC=E FOUn THE MICHIGAN DAILY: SUNDAY, OCTOBER. 1 1930 . . . . . . ........ Vii .i.? MlV .4. 1~il kiL AAL4 ,L.7t7V Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis- patches credited to it or not otherwise credited in thie, paper and the local news published 'herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postagegranted by Third Assistant Post. master General. Subscription by, carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 (ea MANAGING EDITOR Chairman Editorial Board HENRY MERRY City Editor Frank E. Cooper Nlews Editor.........Gurney Williams Editorial Director ...........Walter W. Wilds Sports Editor................Joseph A. Russell Women's Editor........... Mary L. Behymer Music and Drama.......William J. Gorman Assistant News Editor.....Charles R. Sprowl Telegraph Editor...George A. Stauter NIGHT EDITORS S. Beach Conger John D. Reindel Carl S. Forsythe Richard L. Tobin David M. Nichol Harold O. Warren Sports Assistants Sheldon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy. Robert Townsend Reporters Walter S. Baer, Jr. Wilbur J. Myers Irving J. Blumberg Robert L. Pierce Donald 0. Boudeman Slier M. Quraishi George T. Callison C. Richard Racine Thomas M. Cooley Jerry E. Rosenthai George Fisk George Rubenstein .Ternard W. Freund Charles A. Sanford Morton Frank Karl Seiffert Saul Friedberg Robert F. Shaw Frank B. Gilbreth Edwin M. Smith Jack Goldsmith George A. Stauter Roland Goodman Alfred R. Tapert William H.dHarris Iohn S. Townsend James H. Inglis 1obert D. Townsend Denton C. Kunze Max II. Weinberg Powers Moulton Joseph F. Zias airector, and second, to lend what tempering and weighty effect a concensus of opinion might give to the stand as finally adopted by the editorial board. About Books NOTE. Lynne Adams Betty Clark Elsie Feldman Elizabeth Gribble Pemily G. Grimes Elsie M. Hoffmeye Rean Levy orothy Magee Mary McCall Margaret 0OBrien Eleanor Rairdon Jean Rosenthal Cecilia Shriver Frances Stewart er Anne Margaret 'robin Margaret Thompson Claire Trussell Barbara Wright BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER T.A OLLISTER MABLEY Assistant Manager KASPER H. HALVERSON 'Department Managers Advertising ................Charles T. Kline Advertising.........Thomas M. Davis Advertising............William W. Warboys Service ........:.........Norris J. Johnson Publication ............Robert W. Williamson Circulation ..............Marvin S. Kobacker Accounts...............homas S. Muir Business Secretary.... ...Mary J. .lenan Assistants Thomas E. Hastings Byron V. Vedder Harry R., Begley Erie Kightlinger William Drown Richard Stratemeier Richard H. Hiller Abe Kirshenbaum Vernon Bishop Noel D. Turner William W. Davis Aubrey L. Swinton H. Fred Schaefer Wesley C. Geisler Joseph Gardner Alfred S. Remsen Ann Verner Laura Codling Dorthea Waterman Ethel Constas Alice McCully Anna Goldberg Dorothy Bloomgarden Virginia McComb Dorothy Laylin Joan Wiese Josephine Convisser Mary Watts Bernice Glaser Marian Atran Hortense Gooding Sylvia Miller SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1930 Night Editor-Harold O. Warren It is our hope that from time to time we may advance our views upon timely questions of the cam- pus and country in a manner that will appear judicious and civilized. It is our further desire that in treating of controversial subjects, if we seem to be shedding more heat than light upon the matter, we will not be indicted for hyster- ical ranting or pawing of the air. Our accepted form is to dissemble from the flux of student opinion the salient and ideal view and to present it in such fashion as seems appropriate and reasonable. Above all, we strive to give active curren- cy to the student viewpoint, eschewing that which is puerile, but giving vigor to just and worth- while attitudes. on Editorial Comment oo CORRUPTERS OF YOUTH (From the Princetonian) Generally accepted as a pedago- gic maxim is the principle that a course which is not climaxed by a searching examination is hereby deprived of its significance and substance. Comparatively novel is the theory of Professor Donald Clive Stuart that it is almost as important to examine prospective auditors on the degree of learning and sophistication which they bring to a historical study of the master- pieces of the world's drama. Heretofore, Professor Stuart's an- nually propounded question, "Have you ever seen a play which was harmful to your morals?," has had only the slight value of indicating, by an argumentum ex silentio, the validity of his cherished opinion that drama is incapable of produc- ing a noxious effect upon an audi- ence. But this year, inexplicably, seven Seniors testified that their morals had been harmed by a play. One searches in vain for a his- torical precedent for youths who have testified against their alleg- ed corrupte'rs. Socrates only de- lighted the young men who offer- ed themselves as foils to his devas- tating onslaught against compla- cency and cant. This tattling on the part of the seven strikes us as sissy; maybe it is only abortive braggadocio. "Artists and Models" and "Pleas- ure Man" were frankly "naughty," but it is amazing that they should be called harmful by anyone but a patrolman temporarily detailed to the Vice Squad. The former notor- iously caters (or is the word "pan- ders"?) to out-of-town buyers and callow children from preparatory schools who feel the need of mere- ly titillating their emotions in a strange city. We must warn the morally damaged Senior that 'tis a naughty world, naughtier even than Earl Carroll's shows. "Pleas- ure Man" was from all accounts so stupid that it failed to be disgust- ing. If its tarnished victim at Princeton still, after two years, harbors an unsatisfied desire to ap- pear in "drag," he need only go out for the Triangle chorus. We remember some clever songs and dance routines from "June"; Grandmother said it was simply swell. None of our friends (except Heywood Broun) has seen "A Farewell to Arms" yet, but even so we can't believe that Laurence Stallings or Ernest Hemingway is capable of writing anything actu- ally poisonous. It should be mentioned that yesterday morning's books column was written by L. R. K., known for some years in connection with the Rolls column as Lark. The copy (particularly the short note which referred to Rebecca West striking a death note of some sort in her latest casual piece of journ- alism) was unedited. THE REALM OF IDEAS. POETRY A N D MATHEMATICS: by Scott Buchanan; published 1930 by John Day Company; Price $2.50. A Review. An extraordinary versatility of background, an artist's gift for the perception of analogies between the various levels of that back- ground, and a fine stylistic talent for elucidating those analogies, makes Mr. Buchanan's second book an outstanding achievement in criticism. It seems a little odd that the book has received such little notice in the best journals. In its undoubted permanence and combination of several important excellences, it is comparable to Mr. Santayana's essay on "Platonism and The Spiritual Life," with which book it has some affinities. Underlying this book are the conclusions that resulted from his wrestle in his first book, Possibility (Kegan Paul: 1927), with the Pla- tonic problem of the relations be- tween ideas and things: better stated as the problematic relation of essence and existence. There, he was worried by the contrast be- tween the relational character of the world as revealed to reflection and its immediately qualitative aspect as given in sense perception. Somewhat maliciously (with little concern for its metaphysical impli- cations) he left the problem in all its difficulty, asserted a radical dichotomy between discourse and existence. The purity of clear and distinct ideas is insisted on. They can never render the character of things. To ascribe relations to things is nonsensical except when it done with the awareness of metaphor. "Any history of thought," says Mr. Buchanan, "might begin and end with the statement that man is an analogical animal." "Abstract ideas are of the very tissue of the human mind." It is only the bad emotional habits, in- duced by the contemporary extoll- ing of the superior reality of the scientific object, that has made us fear this abstraction. "There is something persistent in what the whimsical and uncontrollable uni- verse of ideas does to our exper- ience"-an activity we have lost interest in, only temporarily, be- cause of our devotion to the tradi- tion of experimental science which: has until recently asserted the con- trol of nature. "A dialectical in- vestigation of categories, such as Plato made, would show that the play and consequently the expan- sion of ideas is unlimited except by the energy and inclination of think- ing beings." With this interesting attitude in mind, one is prepared to under- stand the significance Buchanan grants poetry and mathematics as parallel developments in human culture. The universe is not only a system of perspectives for Mr. Buchanan. It is a book of mathe- matical formulae and a realm of poetic insights. Poetry and mathe- matics are thought of as two very successful attempts (that is, tech- niques) to deal with ideas. The fact of the difference in the symbolic notation each uses is only super- ficial. Their essence resides in being intellectual, in beginning in insight and resting in the detection of an intelligible relational structure in the realm of ideas. Their subject matter is essentially the same: the discovery of fundamental orders, variations within those orders, and hierarchies of such orders and vari- ations. The object of the book is "by treating poetry mathematically and mathematics poetically to show the mutual reflections and common illuminations they afford." In this light projective geometry is con- sidered. It is found to be interested in a figure's retention of certain properties, such as proportionality of lines and angles through given transformations and the discovery of the laws governing such proper- ties. This interest Mr. Buchanan finds similar to the procedure in literature: where a character, a leit-motif, or an idea undergoes clarification through transforming development. Poetry is the adum- - - - - - SIC AND DRAMA MONDAY NIGHT: In Hill Audi- torium, Fritz Kreisler's recital in the Choral Union Series, to begin promptly at 8:15. FRITZ KREISLER. Fritz Kreisler will inaugurate the Choral Union Series tomorrow night in Hill Auditorium, the pro- gram to begin promptly at 8:15. Mr. Kreisler, as usual, will be ac- companied by Carl Lamson. He has announced the following attractive program: La Folia, Corelli. Sarabande, Double, Bouree: From Partita in B minor for Violin alone, Bach. Concerto, E minor, Mendelssohn. Allegro molto appassionato, An- dante, Allegretto ma non troppo- Allegro molto vivace. Romance, A major, Schumann. Rondo, G. major, Mozart. Three Caprices: Study on a Choral for violin alone, J. Stamitz; La Chasse (The Hunt), J. B. Car- tier; Tarantella, A Minor, Wien- iawski. Caprice Viennois, La Gitana, Kreisler. EDNA THOMAS. The program that Miss Thomas will give here Tuesday night is to include a large group of spirituals, a group of New Orleans street cries, croons, and work songs, and a group of Creole negro songs in French and Spanish. Vanity Fair comments on her work: "A remarkably beautiful woman, Miss Thomas' programmes are always wisely selected. She im- presses on sight, and ever after is heartily, if not vociferously, ac- claimed. She leaves behind her the perfume of musk and violets, and the memory of that rare combina- tion-artist, scholar and lady." THE THEATRE IN DETROIT. The real opening of Detroit thea- tres is pending until next week, which will offer Alla Nazimova in the Theatre Guild's production of Turgeniev's "A Month In The Country," discussed here recently by Elmer Kenyon, Katherine Cor- nell, Detroit favorite since her early days at the Bonstelle Playhouse, in another typical vehicle "Dishonored Lady," and finally Horace Liver- ight's production of Dracula, fam- ous mystery play. That week, at least from' an Ann Arbor stand- point, is promising. Meanwhile, there are two hold- overs, Sweet Adeline, at the Wilson, and Sheridan's The Rivals at the Detroit Civic. The first musical show, with its background of buxom burlesque queens of the 90's, its attractive Jerome Kern music, is getting a reception similar to the one in New York. Helen Morgan and Charles Butterworth are the principals, who alone make the show worthwhile. The Civic Theatre, whose prod- uctions and existence are always somewhat precarious, favorably sur- prised all the newspaper reviewers with an extremely creditable per- formance of The Rivals. in the book by quoting at random some of Mr. Buchanan's insights The elementary mathematical dis- tinction betwen cardinal and ord- inal numbers is found to yield ex- celent terminology (both with ref- erence to characters, Dostoieski's Idiot and Tom Jones, and to styles, that of Bertrand Russell and that of Santayana). From his fundamental thesis that all thinking is analogical, "some usually unnoticed presup- positions of science are manifested in a rather startling way" resulting in the startling conclusion that "Science is an allegory that asserts that the relations between parts of reality are similar to the relations between terms of discourse," or "scientific objects are poetic objects whose relations are said to be similar to the relations between mathematical objects." In two chapters on style, Mr. Buchanan arrives by way of ideal- istic logic and calculus at the con- clusion that "Style is an uncon- scious witness to the presence of a system of abstract relations among words." The "inward dialetic of thought" is thought of as a sort of co-opera- tion betwen creation and criticism: creation consisting in the achieve- ment of perfect coincidence of symbol and idea; and criticism distinguishing and abstracting into allegory the relations implicit in these symbols, which are actually metaphors or condensed analogies. Then there is a final chapter on the hut Fingerle Operated the den .... ,; ..r .. ... ..., : : k....- .w... Y NEAT DESIGNS in illustrated facsimile cir- culars, letters, etc. Prices moderate. Work called for and delivered. MIMEO-PRINT H. A. Olsen, Mgr. Phone 3447 T!", I'll, " 11 OPTICAL DEPARTMENT Lenses and Frames Made to Order Optical Prescriptions Filled TJALLER'S STATE STREET JEWELERS 11 _ili, 1 11 IIIII r l I I+nngIIIF " ' kl+ , . r I - i I1 ,, ,,,ill "lr Mn'gxui NNUU+' , f/: \ r ;VIII .,Illil l lll t 1 :. ., I,. ,lIIIIIlI -- ; +" i dtrlrr !l+tlrdl. .I IIIJ I , C 1ltr 1+a _._ 1/dlr; I( I ae j __ ____ I LIGHT SUPPER SUGGESTIONS FOR SUNDAY Hot Minced Chicken Sandwich............t...... ................ ...............55c Candied Sweet Potatoes Small Coca Cola, Milk, Coffee, Green or Black Tea Turkey a la King with Mushrooms on Toast.. . .. . ............... . .... . . . . . . 65c Lettuce and Tomato Salad, Choice of Dressing Small Coca Cola, Milk, Coffee, Green or Black Tea. Chinese Chop Suey with Rice.. . . ..................................... 65c Apple, Prune and Nut Salad, Mayonnaise Rolls and Butter Tea, Coffee, Milk Grilled Pork Chop Sandwich.............................. ................. 65c Mexican Slaw and Sliced Tomatoes Small Coca Cola, Milk, Coffee, Green or Black Tea 11 1 -:. Our Weekly Financial Letter Contains Analysis of Am. Tel. & Tel. Math iesonAlkali Copy on request WATLING LERCHEN & HAYES Daily Market Letter Members New York Stock Exchange New York Curb Exchange (Associate) Detroit Stock Exchange Mezzanine Floor FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Phones: 23221-23222 Expert Developing and Printing Greeting Cards Francisco &Boyce Photo Company 719 NORTH UNIVERSITY The Home of Sparkletone Prints __ --____ ____ __ _-'-- -- -'---- ____ -' ______._ I EDITORIAL METHODS. Of late we have. received a num- ber of inquiries concerning The Daily's methods in formulating editorial opinions. In the advent of several campus issues which are on the point of being placed before the campus generally, the' preseni may be considered a ripe time foi explicating our manner of ap- proaching these topics. The organization of that part of the staff which is responsible foi the editorial, department is briefly as follows: an Editorial Board is set up at the beginning of each year consisting of the night edit- ors, the managing editor and the editorial director. The selection of the night editors is flexible and changing-before each meeting of the board, those junior night edit- ors who have evinced a satisfactory interest in editorial matters are asked to sit with the board for that particular meeting. In the event that this interest fluctuates from time to time, those persons in- volved are either removed or re- instated as the case may be. All general editorial policies ad- vanced by The Daily are the con- census of this board. While each member's views and information are taken into account, it is quite natural that the opinions of the senior members of the board re- ceive greater weight in the discus- sions. This is justified by the as- sumption that through their longer experience with the campus at large and with previous editorial boards they are better able to adjudge the nature and import of the various issues under discussion. It is the aim of this board to represent, both through its active members and through their reflected information on subjects at hand, a concerted attitude toward the affairs of the University and the world at large. Its function is to shed what light it may on an issue and evolve a sane, well-seasoned view toward it. This mechanism of the editorial board was set up pursuant to a request of the Board in Control of hut f ingerle operated offering highest quality food, There has never, in our theatre- going career, been a more gorge- ously funny ' show in New York than "Lysistrata." Its humor is unremitting and visceral, and that is always salubrious. If it were more covert, it might possibly be offensive (not harmful), but there isn't a leer in the whole farce. Any- one over 14 should be quite safe; there. Two indictments have been re- turned against Eugene O'Neill, for "Strange Interlude" and "Dyna- mo." There is powerful mental stimulation in each, but there is in "King Oedipus" too, and the two students who stigmatized O'Neill are well prepared for the shock they will get from Sophocles before many weeks. It is a curious cir- cumstance that O'Neill thus looms as the most virulent of the play- wrights, that same O'Neill whose incipient genius, in its undergrad- uate manifestations twenty-odd years ago, was fatally confused with malicious mischief by a Princeton Dean. It is O'Neill's good fortune to be bracketed, on this account, with Oxford's Shel- ley and Swinburne and West service and surroundings at lowest prices. many specials for sunday eve- ning supper such as roast' duck- ling-fried spring chicken-roast turkey-broiled ;texas steer steaks. a group of luncheon suggestions that are sure to satisfy your ap- petite and pocketbook. 4lm Amb 4 U~kA u ikAm A k - - - A ~b .mAk4 - Ai4 -.. ...