PAGE FOUR THF. MTCHIC IA DAILY FRIDAY, OCTOBEIZ 10, 19310 Published every morning except Monday *nring the University yearby the Board in Contirol of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis- patches credited to it or not otherwise credited in thie paper and the, local news published herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices Ann Arbor Press Building, May- ntard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR p Chairman Editorial Board HENRY MERRY City Editor Frank E. Cooper News Editor...nk.... Gurney Williams Editorial Director ...........Walter W. Wilds Sports Editor............... Joseph A. Russell Women's Editor ............Mary L. Behymer Telegraph Editor ..........Harold O. Warren Music and Drama .........William J. Gorman Assistant News Editor......Charles R. Sprowl NIGHT EDITORS S. Beach Conger John D. Reindel Carl S. Forsythe Richard L. Tobin David M. Nichol Harold 0. Warren Sports Assistants Sheldon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy. Robert Townsend Reporters Water S. Baer, Jr. Wilbur J. Myers Irving J. Blumberg Robert L. Pierce Donald O. Boudeman Sher M. Quraishi George TI. Callison C. Richard Racine Thomas M. Cooley Jerry E. Rosenthai George Fisk George Rubenstein 7ernard W. Freund David Sachs Morton Frank Charles A. Sanford Saul Friedberg Karl Seiffert Frank B. Gilbreth Robert F. Shaw Karl E. Goellner Edwin M. Smith J ack Goldsmith George A. Stauter oland Goodman Alfred R. Tapert William H. Harris Tohn S. Townsend James H. Inglis RoObert D. Townsend Emil J. Konopinski Max H. Weinberg Denton C. Kunze Joseph F. Zias Powers Moulton Lynne Adams Margaret O'Brien Betty Clark Eleanor Rairdon Elsie Feldman Jean Rosenthal Elizabeth Gribble Cecilia Shriver EmilyNG. Grimes Frances Stewart Elsie M.yHoffmeyer Anne Margaret Tobin Jean Levy Margaret Thompson Dorothy Magee Claire Trussell Mary McCall Barbara Wright BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER C T. HOLLISTER MABLEY Assistant Manager P KASPER H. HALVERSON Department Managers Advertising.................Charles T. Kline Advertising .............Thomas M. Davis Advertising.............William W. Warboys Service........ ..Norris J. Johnson Publication ............Robert W. Williamson Circulation ..............Marvin S. Kobacker Accounts................. Thomas S. Muir Business Secretary ....... ... Marys . Kenan Assistants Thomas E. Hastings Byron V. Vedder Harry R. Begley Erle Kightlinger William Brown Richard Stratemeier Richard H. Hiller Abe Kirshenbaum Vernon Bishop Noel D. Turner William W. Davis Aubrey L. Swinton H. Fred Schaefer Wesley C. Geisler Joseph Gardner Alfred S. Remsen Ann Verner Laura Codling Dortbea Waterhan Ethel Constas Alice McCully Anna Goldberg Dorothy loomgarden Virginia McComb Dorothy Laylin Joan Wiese Josephine Convisser Mary Watts ernice Glaser Marian Atran Hortense Gooding Sylvia Miller FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1930 Night Editor-JOHN D. REINDEL officer. In the firs place, no really effective means exists at present in this University for weeding out the undesirable academic misfit; in the second place, to enroll and pro- vide instruction for these persons is highly expensie both to the University which has to finance the instruction and to the other stud- ents whose progress and oppor- tunities are warped to suit the re-1 quirements of their less talented fellows. At the conclusion of his article,1 Mr. Howard presents the prevail-_ ing, pedagogic view toward theE spread of education. Certainly no one would question the validity of, his wish that all young persons who have demonstrated exceptional talents in their preparatory work should be educated at the colleges. But he advocates that "knowledge should be made available to every- body, free as light and air." This desire is tempered, however, by his recognition of two important fac- tors. The first is his belief that those who are sent to college against their will are invariably failures. Secondly, he holds that the social prestige which attends the colleges today induces thous- ands to enroll whose real interests are not in intellectual things. While these two considerations mitigate somewhat the democracy of his view, they are so little considered in the general rush to accommo- date the maximum of students as to deprive much effort at dis- criminating a m o n g prospective members of the university of any real or effective significance. TOPCOATS. With the advent of cooler weath- er and the necessity for wearing topcoats the Michigan student is faced with a problem in sartorial practice that becomes more puzzl- ing every year. Shall the modern student, ever ready to keep up with the trends of the times, don the old traditional blue or grey corduroy reefer which has found favor on the campus in years gone by or shall he step out in a smartly tailored topcoat which is a mark of the present-day tendency of students to reflect the fashions which find sup- port among the upper strata of the business and professional worlds. The admirers of the well dressed college man base their arguments on the value of accustoming the fu-' ture insurance writers or bond salesmen of our campuses to dress- ing in the correct mode so that the transition from college life to the outside world may be easier. We discount this argument emphatical- ly as an evidence of that every- annoying tendency to put the em- phasis on the practical preparatory aspect of college training. The pristine, simple, collegiate dress whose gradual passing we re- gret, besides being well suited to such practical exigencies of college existence as the necessary stowing away of an overcoat under the seat of a none-to-clean lecture room, give to the campus and its inhabi- tants a colorful charm and pictur- esqueness that has been superseded of late by a somewhat chic over- dressiness. o -0 Editorial Comment o .1 OAS ROLLS JW AND DRAM4 I ~ NEW I ~A. .A.A ..A. ..A. . _ ._~. .A. 4w w + r.. w.*.rrrrvm SERVICE. * In connection with the want ad that appears in the pages of yes- terday's paper asking for "Three young women of upright character to escort three clean young men of personality to the Pan-Hell. ball,- experience necessary," Rolls hereby throws open its columns for an- swers. In passing, may I add my name to the list. While I cannot guarantee the appearance and character of the others in the ad, I myself wil be on exhibit any after- noon about 4 o'clock in the Daily office,-but keep the entrance free. Here is a good example of what I have to put up with in my work. I am printing it merely because there have been rumors to the effect that mine is a job of ease and comfort. If any of my readers can remain comfortable or at ease after reading this, I will give them the job of editing the contributions without any argument whatever. Duck, boys! Here it comes! HEARD AROUND THE CONFER- ENCE. (With apologies to Floyd Gibbons) (Hey, how about an apology to me? -D. B.) Hello folk's let's b r o w s e around and see what's doing in the old football world. Take the conference for instance: Oh, the old Blue team she ain't what she Oosterbaan ....... Tho it ain't no use to worry. Annahoo, if we could Yost yump into our little Chrysler And Stagg 'er O'er the Rockne And Kipke on a goin' Weiman, we'd have a team About which it's worth a-blowin'. Oh boy! can't soneone help us Zuppke? Willaman ever be found To properly Hanley our team? Hey, Frosh, keep your Cappon. And until then Thistlewaite. Sincerely yours, C.E.W. There she is, boys, and Joe, if you're going to make noises like that you'll have to go outside! This is a respectable house. * * * "Little Boy, why aren't you in school today? "Why Hell, lady, I'm only three years old!" Dear Dan: I see by yesterday's Daily that "Emperor Jones," by Eugene O'Neill, noted New York playwright, will be piesented by Mimes. My purpose in reminding you of this is not to call attention to the Emperor (founder, no doubt, of the first Emporium) but to other details omitted from the story, which should have read as follows: "Emperor Jones, by Eugene O'Neill, noted New York playwright, will be presented by Mimes, local dramatic organization, some time in November, well-known month in the year, together with another play (well-known form of amuse- ment), as the first presentation this year on the University of Michigan (n o t e d educational institution) campus." Good - Lord (noted diety), what TIIS AFTERNOON: At 4:15 in the Mendesohn Theatre, Elmer Kenyon lectures on Modern Rus- sian Drama. Continued Showing in the eve- ning of Eisenstein's motion picture "Old and New." Music and Drama- BEETHOVEN'S THIRD SYMPHONY Asked in 1817 which of his sym- phonies he preferred, Beethoven unhesitatingly replied: "TI-pF11 oica; yes, yes, the Eroica." The Eroica is more inclusive, con7 sidered f r o m the experiential standpoint, of the Beethoven that is a vital force in contemporary feeling than any other one work. This is not, of course, a judgment of musical quality (the chamber music of the last period would sur- pass it from this point of view) but a judgment of its meaning for a contemporary individual. In attempting an interpretation of the Eroica, the contemporary can disregard those many pages of critical cant that have grown up around the dedication and with- drawal of dedication to Napoleon. The Eroica was completely ground- ed in Self, as J. W. N. Sullivan's brilliant analysis of it with refer- ence to the Heiligenstadt Testa- ment which preceded its composi- tion in 1804 clearly proves. The dedication represented no doubt an effort to find in the external world a symbol that would as far as pos- sible mirror or clarify the qualities of Self being expressed. The tear- ing of the dedication page was a passionate judgement of the in- adequacy of that symbol. In interpretation of the Eroica, I see the logic of the four-move- ment structure as being (despite the second movement Funeral March) almost the logic of chron- ology: the logic of a great life lived. For a whole life is implicit in the experience recorded so crudely in words by Beethoven in the Heil- igenstadt Testament and so mag- nificently in music. The first movement has the qual- ity of tragic utterance that only Beethoven has realized in music. There are all the qualities for a great tragedy. Here is the gigantic Beethoven, the Beethoven, in Wag- ner's words, "able to wrestle with the Gods." There is a noble sever- ity and magnificent directness in this character. And above all, a su- perb, irrepressible will, gradually becoming lucid to itself, learning its own invincible energy in the com- promising task of living. The first movement is Youth: asserting with all its passion and idealism the will to live nobly despite life. Beethoven's intuition in the sec- ond movement was happy. The con- cept of a Funeral March gave him a mode of fusing a new aspect of Self: a lofty detachment and spir- ituality. The Funeral March is a great spirit's elegy of all humanity. Here Beethoven's attitude is the introverted one of gentle, sad com- prehension, possible of attainment only to him who has known the bitter antagonism of life and met it with heroic energy and idealism (the first movement). The attain- ment ofdthis all-inclusive sadtol- erance does indeed mean death. For life has been lived and under- stood. The death of such a hero is grand. It is summation. The Scherzo I see as a vivid mo- mentary reminiscence of t h a t heroic fund of energy (first move- ment) that has made possible the elegiac attitude (2nd movement): serving as an introduction, by the logic of the emotions, to the last movement: which I see as an ecstatic apostrophe and exaltation of that rich energy and zest for life. This exaltation (the Beethoven con- cept of Heroism it might almost be called) is the early Beethoven mes- sage to the world. The beauty of the spirituality and noble melan- choly which we have seen to be its consummation in Beethoven's life (in the 2nd movement), con- vinces you of the importance of that exalted energy. BROWN-CRESS & Company, Inc. INVESTMENT SECURITIES Orders executed on all ex- changes. Accounts carried on conservative margin. Telephone 23271 ANN ARBOR TRUST BI)G. 1st Floor Complete Line of Everything Musical THE MATCHLESS BALDWIN LINE OF PIANOS VICTOR MAJESTIC BRUNSWICK RADIOS UNEXCELLED MARTIN BAND INSTRUMENTS Terms to Suit University Miu sic House Devoted to Music William Wade Hinshaw Cur. Maynard & William Phone 7515 rA -. m ame.---- --- Delicious and Refreshin Your good deed for today " 2 .-- :~ R~ that refreshes No matter how busy you are-how hard you work or play-don'' forget you owe your- self that refreshing pause with Coca-Cola. You can always find a minute, here and there, and you don't have to look far or wait long for Coca-Cola. A pure drink of IO~s natural flavors-always ready for you- dfa ice-cold-around the corner from any ay, where. Along with millions of people every day, you'll find in Coca-Cola's wholesome refreshment a' delightful way to well-being. The Coca-Cola Company, Atlanta, Ga. IT HAD TO BE GOOD TO GET WHERE Grantlpnd Rice--2"-Fame Sports Champions .-."Coca-G Orchestra -w- Every Wednes 10:30to 11p. m. E. S. T.-s.. Coast to Coast NBC Network 9 MILLION A DAY- CW.s IT iS - "WHO SHOULD GO TO COLLEGE." D. T. Howard, director of per- sonnel at Northwestern, writing in the current Nation, presents an in- cisive and trenchant survey of the issue, Who ought to go to college? Taking into account ability, inter- est, and opportunity in the search for capable students, Mr. Howard considers the general admissions problem in the light of two ques- tions: first, What students are likely to perform successfully in our colleges as they exist at present? and second, W h a t individuals, selected from our population as a whole, are most likely to achieve distinction in their college studies and benefit society through their later achievements? After showing that ability is conditioned by two factors, native intelligence and scholastic prepa- ration, both of which are gauged to a high degree of accuracy by the admissions officer who has access to the candidates' I. Q.'s and high school records, Mr. Howard goes on to a discussion of the part played by interest and opportunity. In determining the extent of the prospective student's i n t e r e s t, again his high school record is con- sulted, this time to gauge the methods of habituation. The other factor in the student's interest is mental initiative, and quite natur- ally there are slight means for prognosticating a student's intel- lectual curiosity. In the phase of opportunity, financial circum- stances, health, social adjustments are all considered as bearing acute- ly on the student's chances for suc- cess at the university. Our more conservative institu- tions make their selection first upon the basis of high ability, then nar- row down the field when consider- ing the group whose interests and opportunities seem most favorable to successful college performance. But State universities are com- pelled to take in anybody who pre- sents a high school diploma from 'icy ...-. urrii M ws . ii .innr i'";" MACDONALD'S LEADERSHIP (From the New York Times) No man is indispensable. This is as true of public life as of private. Yet a given leader may at a given time be necessary to the solidarity and success of a political party. This is so clearly the case with Ramsay MacDonald that even his severest critics within the Labor party feel that they could not get reporting! on without him. It was plainly Yrs. trly, made evident at the National Con- Aunt Minnie. ference yesterday when his most * * vitriolic enemy within the Inde- T pendent Labor party, James Max- Thanks to you too, Auntie, I ton, went over to his support on a shall appreciate hearing more from critical motion, exclaiming: "We you in the near past. cannot throw the Prime Minister * overboard." After that the vote of censure was defeated by more than Oh, Oh! Here comes Elmer with 5 to 1. smirk, bearing in his hand a letter. If Mr. MacDonald were ousted I take back all I ever said about from the leadership, the Labor par- Elmer. He is a fine fellow. Here it ty has no one with whom to replace is: him who could begin to combine Dear Dan: Mr. MacDonald's many obvious In spite of your hasty cracks qualifications. He is, in the first yesterday, I'm still on hand and place, a man of high character doing well. It seems that these THENEW REG. U.S. PAT. OFF. Smr On thc College m( to wear an( choose Allig College Coat. Alligator' breasted ragl -roomy-fi patch pocket collar that gi around the n Light in parent-ab proof. Four1 -Deep Sea,' and only $7. Other Alli $5.0( est, oat Campus en who know what d how to wear it ator "50"-the new 50" is a smart double. jan-long-full-cut ull-belted, with big ts, and a convertible ves extra protection neck. weight -semi-trans- solutely weather- rich, original colors Tan, Blue, Black- 50! - igator models from 0 to $25.00. AL- AW which commands universal respect. His abilities are rare and various. If he has a fault, it is that of being an idealist who shrinks too much from grappling with hard facts; yet this very quality, together with his dislike of slap-your-back methods in mingling with his followers, tends to make him successful in holding together the disagreeing elements of the Labor party. Nor is Ramsay MacDonald without the power of vigorous decision and trenchant ut- freshmen are either too polite or too ignorant to live. I heard a coed boast the other day that while she stood and talked with a friend, a frosh stood respectfully by and held the door for her, waiting for her to enter. She thought it was funny. He who laughs last laughs best. X marks the spot. Elmer. SHAME ON YOU ELMER! Ridi- culing such an exhibition of fine COLUBIA: Masterworks Set No.' 138: Beethoven's Third Symphony in E Flat: played by Max von Schillings and Symphony Orchestra,. This recent issue of Columbia's is undoubtedly the most superb re- cording of the Eroica available. Max von Schillings is a very wise conductor of Beethoven. His first movement is played magnificently. The rhythms are wrought with fierceness to suggest life's antagonism. There are defi- ant and titanically jocose moments. But is is never so magnified (and here he avoids the common mistake 75n