PAGE FOUL THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 1, 1931 . 'i- - Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to. the usek for republication of all news dis- ptches credited toit or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published lherein. Entered- at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- ma te: General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business,21214. EDITORIAL STAFF l Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITORt Chairman Editorial Board HENRY MERRY FPANK E. CooPna, City Editor News Editor..............Gurney Williams Editorial Director ..........Walter W. Wilds Sports Editor........Joseph A. Russell Women's Editor ........... Mary L. Behymer Music. Drama, Books.......Win. J. Gorman Assistant City Editor....... Harold 0. Warren Assistant News Editor......Charles R. Sprowl Telegraph Editor ..........Geor e A. S tauter CopyIditorG................WE.DI.TPype NIGHT EDITORS S. Beach Conger Carl S. Forsythe David M. Nichol John DA Reindel Charles R. Sprowl Richard L. Tobin Harold 0. Warren SPORTS ASSISTANTS Sheldon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy Robert Townsend REPORTERS E . Bush homas M. Cooley Morton Frank Saul Friedberg Frank B. Gilbreth Tack Goldsmith Roland Goodmas Morton Helper tJames Juhnson ryan Jones Denton C. Kunzi Eileen Blunt Nanette Dembitz Elsie Feldman Ruth Gallmeyer FEmil 'G. Grimed can Levy oroti Magee Susan Manchester Powers Moulton Wilburs J.Meyre Brainard W. TNies Robert L. Pierce Richard Racine Jerry E. Rosenthal Charles A. Sanford Karl Seiffert George A. Stauter TohntW. Thomas John S. Townsend Mary McCall Cile Miller Margaret 0'Brieni Eleanor Rairdon Anne Margaret Tobin Margaret Thompson Claire Trusseil BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 T. HOLLISTER MABLEY, Business Manager .ASPER9 I. HALVERSON, Asistant Manager DEPARTMENT MANAGERS ';Advertising ................harles T. Kline Advertising...............Thomas M. Davis Advertising..........William W. Warboys Service...............Norris J.Jaohnson P~ublication.................Robert W. Williamson Circulation.............Marvin S. Kobacker Accounts .......T..homas S. Muir Business Secretary..........Mary J. Kenan Assistants Campus Opinion Contributors are asked to he brief, confining themsehes to less that. 300 words if possible. Anonymous com-. iunications will le disregarded. The names of communicants will, howvr, be regarded as confidential, Upon re- quest. Letters pulished should not be construedeas expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. - WHy RELIGIOUS EMPHASIS? To the Editor: Activity of University students in the promotion of a Religious Em- phasis week prompts the question, Have they a purpose? Arc they indolents with nothing to do in efforts toward material betterment, and, satisfied with per- sonal literary achievements, have consequently adopted religion as an outlet of effortless mental activ- ity, or are, they maturely imagina- tive individuals who hope to realize in their earnest spirit a more im- mediate approach to the happy mil- lennium with "peace on each, and good will to all men?" Sponsors of the week assert that with the conclave and addresses of the religious leaders brought from all corners of the country, a decay- ing spirit will be reborn in our fast-pacing youth. They maintain that the student needs an intangi- ble divine counsel, and that he will achieve it with the aid of the spiri- tual guidance of paid and adver- tised churchmen, or at least learn how to secure closer communica- tion with Him who controls all humans as though they were pul- leys and He the engineer. Ours is a very practical age. Ma- terial accomplishments are reckon- ed more than theory. "Results rate higher than theory," Rabbi Heller of the Hillel foundation maintained from his pulpit in a recent sermon. The test we apply to a project is not one determining "what it is," but rather one seeking an answer to the querie, "What is in it for us?" Tradition has had man pursuing religious studies in a desire to en- lighten his soul. It has made Con- fucius, Newman, Maimonides and Cadman dispel worldly cares with the thought that an inner some- thing theretofore lacking has been satisfied - that their fellowmen -could likewise achieve that spiritual ease by devoting predetermined pe- riods to prayer, and speculation of what is tocome, regardless of mo- mentary inspirations or Sunday de- pressions. Yet the majority modern concep- tion seems to have adopted the be- lief that today is today, man is free-willed, let him do as he cares be a Browning,--if one wishes to inhabit the church let him, if he stays shy of worship it is his con- cern. Dr. Frederick B. Fisher of the methodist church expressed the be- lief in his discussion with Rabb Heller on "The Religion of E- Istein" that man may devote him- self to God in his particularl chosen manner, and that as he thinks and does, so is his religion If by poring over books the scholar derives his satisfying sense of in- ward achievement, let him read content in his communication with the Immortal through w r i t t e n words. If the scientist worships hi tools, and spends hours and day doing research work in his labora- tory, his investigations are his pe- culiar religion. His religious philos- ophy is that of the minister, merely tempered with a scientific applica- tion of mathematics. Our industrial world seems to f have chosen Dr. Fisher's conception of religion. It is content to strive toward financial or literary achieve- Screen Reflections IN LIKE A LION-- What's Where Current attractions are headed by "Illicit" at the Michigan center-1 ing more or less around free love as enacted by Barbara Stanwyck, James Rennie, and Ricardo Cortez.+ The Majestic offers Chester Morris! in "The Bat Whispers," a mystery melodrama reviewed below. John Wayne and Marguerite Churchill's "The Big Trail" is the Wuerth fea- ture, also commented on below., March 1, 1928 Three years ago, when we ver- dant freshmen furnished the talk and sound effects in the local cine- ma palaces, the Michigan, then less than two months old, featured May McAvoy and Ralph Graves in "A Reno Divorce" and Ken Murray in +big stage revue, the Majestic was announcing "Douglas Fairbanks as The Gaucho," while the Arcade (now there was a theater!) proud- ly proclaimed Lewis Stone in "The Prince of Headwaiters." March 1, 1921 A yellowed Daily file reveals Bebe Daniels at the Wuerth in "Oh Lady, Lady" with Harrison Ford a mere ten years ago, with the Majestic offering Lionel Barrymore as "the world's shyest man in Arnold Ben- nett's great comedy 'The Great Ad- venture.'" Hill auditorium was showing benefit movies for the Union, and the Orpheum announc- ed none other than Tom Moore in "Officer 666." -AND OUT LIKE A BAT Displaying unusually brilliant photography and perfect mastery of camera technique, "The Bat Whispers" at the Majestic is ex- cellent in many respects and only fair in others. Producer-Director Roland West undertook a difficult task in attempt- ing an effective r talking picture transcription o fH this stage mystery drama, but with the aid of a well- selected and com- petent cast has succeeded to an entertaining ex- tent, while failing f to attain the ab- sorbing heights of u OAWKLL interest which marked his previous production of "Alibi." The story revolves around the ac- tivities of a master arch criminal 'known as "The Bat" because of his , singular apli)arance and uncanny methods. While we saw the silent production a number of years ago, it was impossible to recognize the true identity of the Bat until the final scenes. In this respect sus- pense is remarkably well-maintain- r ed. The main flaw, however, is the absence of a logical ard under- standable sequence of events lead- ing up to the admittedly intense climax-with the result that the audience is confused rather than baffled. Chester Morris contributes the strong polished performance now regularly expected of him. Una 1 Merkel is the feminine lead but has s too little to do for a fair appraisal s of her acting. Gustav Von Seyfferit2 is outstanding among the remain- ing characters. "The Bat Whispers" is on the V borderline between B and C. Tc compromise we'll rate it C+B-. THERE'S A LONG, LONG TRAIL Raoul Walsh's epic of the settle- e ment of Oregon proved to be a long - drawn-out, but none-the-less in- teresting talking film with some DRAMA FOR MARCH As generally, March promises to be the busiest month dramatically of the year. This coming week be- longs to Play Production, which will offer a laboratory production- of a three-act play, "Mrs. Partridge Presents" by Mary Kennedy and Ruth Hawthorne, Tuesday, Wednes- day and Thursday night, and will sponsor Sir Philip Ben Greet's Shakesperean players Friday eve- ning, Saturday afternoon and eve- ning. Recently knighted by King George in grateful appreciation of a life of conscientious educational service in behalf of the best stage tradi- tions, Sir Philip jen Greet devot- edly continues his tours of England and America with a Shakesperean repertory. His appearance here last y e a r with his productions of "Everyman" and "Hamlet" in the first quarto was well received. This week he will present "As You Like It" Friday evening, "Twelfth Night" Saturday matinee, and "Macbeth" Saturday evening. In prospect for March Drama are "Came the Dawn" or the Junior Girls' Play now in vigorous rehear- sal, and immediately following that Grace George in "The First Mrs. Fraser" the popular production which has been residing in Chicago and New York for the past year or Eso and is being brought here by the Ann Arbor Alumnae. 0 9 Presenting the Unusual A Vie v of ihat's What on the Campus 1vw 3 V AF PRICES FIRST E -h f OWS . . . . . . . . $2.50 EXCEPT FOR BLOCKS OF 15 OR MORE REMAINING FIRST FLOOR . . . . . . . . . $2.00 BALCONY . . . . . . . . . . . $1.50 LAST HVE ROWS .$1.00 IR>ERS TAKEN NOW oLSSOHN Theatre ~MUSIC AND DRAMA IF14 - --_ n(R 'm! I. I 11 Parry R. Begle, Vernon Bishop William Brown Robert Callahan William W. Davis Richard H. Hiller Miles Hoisington Ann W. Verner M~arian Atran Helen Bailey o yephine Convaei Uorotliy LeM ire orothy Laylin Erie Kightlinger D7on W.' Lyon William Morgan Richard Stratemeier Keith Tyfer Noel D). Turner Byron C. Vedder Sylvia Miller Helen Olsen Mildred Postal Marjorie Rough Mary E. Watts Johanna Wiese SUNDAY, MARCH 1, 1931 Night Editor-RICHARD L. TOBIN THE "WORLD" DISSOLVESy Joseph Pulitzer's New York World, founded on equality for all classes of people, has been purchased by the Scripps-Howard chain because of an unparalleled financial crisis, By the will of Joseph Pulitzer, who died in 1911, the "World" was to have continued pullication "for- ever" on the same policies which made it the pillar of journalistic equality for twenty years. But fi- nancial depression in recent years coupled with the fact that the "World" is neither an ultra-con- servative, nor a "sensational" news- paper, have placed the once power- ful journal in the red side of the ledger at an annual loss of ap- proximately $800,000. News of this sort carries with if a very discouraging note, somehow Joseph Pulitzer started in early ir 1901 with little money, plenty o courage, and an ideal in journal- ism-that the mass of the peoplE should be equally represented it the press of the nation with the richer families; that never, as long as it was published, should the paper become partisan. Mr. Pulitze: founded the New York "World" or just such principles. He stuck to hi; ideal through thick and thin through terrific competition be- tween ultra-conservative New Yorl Times on one side and sensationa Mirror on the other. Now, because a fickle public has refused to realize the merits of such idealism in journalism, the "World' goes to the enemy camp, to bE swallowed up in the "Telegram" as a daily New York paper. Employees of the paper, wishing to extend the ideals which made Mr. Pulitzei famous, were outbid by the greet Howard chain whose offer of $5,- 000,000 cash is the largest in the history of American journalism. The "World" has dissolved at last but not without a valiant fight Sensation on one side, with its steel armor of public approval and tre- mendous circulation, ultra-conserv- atism on the other with its fac- tional, partisan viewpoint - both have been insufficient to outride MAY FESTIVAL A third artist of stellar mani- tude has just been engaged for the Ann Arbor May Festival according to an announcement made by Charles Sink, president of the School of Music. Official confirma- tion has just been received that the cooperation of the three important May Festivals, the ones at Ann Arbor, Evanston and Cincinatti, in offering him engagements has per- suaded Walter Widdop, the dis- tinguished operatic tenor of the British National Opera Company, to make his first American trip. Mr. Widdop is recognized as the outstanding Wagnerian tenor of the British Isles and has for the last several years won only enthusiastic praise for his appearances at the Royal Opera House at Covent Gar- dens.and at his Majesty's Theatre, London. Mr. Widdop's Ann Arbor appearance will be made in the Saturday evening concert, taking the tenor role in the production of Moussorgsky's "Boris Goudonov." .2 " About Books6 THE INDIAN PROBLEM. MASSACRE: A Survey of Today's American Indian. By Robert Gess- ner. Cape and Smith, 1931. Price: $2.50. Mr. Robert Gessner, the author of this book, was graduated with the 1929 class of the University. Since then he has been an instructor at Columbia University. While in resi- dence here he was a frequent con- tiibutor to the Music and Drama column of The Daily and to the pages of the Inlander. The present volume is a neat and thorough expose of the injustice done, and being done, to the native American in the United States. When Mr. Gessner resorts to au- thority and quotes his facts, his exposition is dignified and convinc- ing. When he begins to talk about himself, one is tempted to question his sincerity. The latter trait, un- fortunately, is spread about in many chapters of his book. In any book written with a cru- sading purpose, the author must 'not be effusive unless he is a Har- riet Beecher Stowe or a Billy Sun- day, and it can be taken without a gulp of doubt that Mr. Gessner is neither. Rather must he see to it that the reader knows the au- thorities and that the authorities are authorities. Mr. Gessner quotes liberally from the authorities he has bothered to include (or possibly peruse), but they are quite limited if good. Mr. Gessner points out that the Indian for 150 years has been not only increasingly harassed, cheated, and robbed outright by the Whites, but actually subjected to a subtle killing-off process through gradual starvation and openess to disease. The Congressional Indian Bureau is fraught with graft and corrup- tion and is openly antagonistic to the peoples in its charge. The rem- edy suggested is immediate Con- gressional interference. ) '. S tii.__ r . 1 = I I I v n ,r -> v ,o, aruininiii f±u li~y fui uuii mnm, secure im im, ieenng of uomng - -, right. exceptional natural backgrounds Is the campus movement an at- and scenic effects, some interesting tempt to change "we moderns'" roles well enacted by John Wayne sense of spiritual security from one and Tully Marshall, and some fre- of material satisfaction to one of quent bits of comedy by El Brendel. abstract soul serenity? If it achieves B for "The Big Trail." a general inquiry into the philos- RETURN OF THE MASTER. ophy of the immortal, it seems For this week's Monday night Owl worthy of purpose. Yet it seems show the Michi- to have assumed the role of a Vol- g;aosn has secured' taire exclaiming that "If there be j one of the great- no God, it would be necessary to est talking pic- invent one"-it has adopted the uires yet produc- well-meaning but seemingly im- Icd - "Div:aeli," practicable philosophy of spiritual >= wherein George scholars such as Rabbi Heller that - Arliss all but re- religion is an indispensable "thing." I inc. nates t h e Doubtlessly one coming from di- character of the vine services feels somehow in- f a m e d p r i m e wardly hollow, and owns a different minister. Histori- feeling than that held when he ' cal realism here went in. Yet Mr. Average Man's 2 3... !..proves to be in- feeling is but temporary, and soon GORe AnUSs, finitely m o r e is overborne by passion, greed, de- hrilling and unbelievably enter- sire and sentiment. Religious Em- .ining than any fiction could pos- phasis Week assumes the aspect of sibly be. Mrs. Florence Arliss and a worthy but hollow movement to Joan Bennett lend considerable force a superficial spiritual striv- charm in addition to the great ac- ing into the souls of money-and- tor's perfect characterization. Un- pleasure seeking youth. qualifiedly an A production. F. M. OTHERWISE. I - I MIENi