SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1931 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THR THE MCHIGA DAIL A V~ L' 1 aA.LV1r s Practic CO ITIONS EXISI SIMIAR TO THOSI FOUND ICJINDUSTRI Unit Under State Supervision Courses Designed to Aid Civil Engineers. EMMONS DIVISION HEAt Materials Used in Constructio: of Highways Tested by Department. Opportunity for students of civi engineering to obtain experience ir practical testing work, as well a to come into contact with materials and conditions similar to those found in industry, is offered by the state highway department in thei laboratories in the East Engineer- ing building. This unit is under supervision o the state, being connected with the University only through Prof. Walt- er J. Emmons, of the engineering school, and director of 'the state highway laboratories and Edwin A Boyd, laboratory supervisor. Is University Division. The division has been established in conjunction with the University, Professor Emmons said, because the University is a public service, as well as an education institution, be- cause it greatly strengthens the course in civil engineering by giving the students access to valuable practical experience, and because it keeps professors in the course alive' to modern changes. It is these features which helps to make the ccurs at Michigan, one of the best in the country. Many undergraduates work their way through college - by helping part time in the highway labora- ties. Professor Emmons stated that this outside work was very valuable to engineers after graduation and to inted to the case of a man who gzaduated last year, after working clmmers and part time with the department who obtained a $2,400 a year job with one of the leading cement companies. Test Road Materials. The road department tests all ntaterials that are used in road construction in the state. Cement nmaterials constitute the majority of, their work. The staff, when running to capacity, includes 80 n'n. In the winter, when the building program is rather limited, a great deal of research work is performed. Two years ago they carried out an extensive study of the effect of soft stones, such as ochre and slate, in the aggregate to be used for concrete. They were able to prove that the effect was injurious both a' far as the strength of the work was concerned and smoothness of the surface. At the present time the depart- ment is studying the soil on which sib-grades are built to find the rmason why thawing and freezing will cause the road to bulge. "This can be preaicted," Profes- sor Emmons said, "by a careful survey of the roads under the rocks. In general, the 'heaves' oc- cur in soil consisting of clay or silt which has access to water carrying strata. With alternating freezing and thawing a pumping action is developed that causes ice layers, formation of which will eventually cause the road to bulge. Therefore we are conducting a soil survey and when the points of probable failure are located, we will excavate and Rudy Vallee to Play for Michigan Program A special University of Michigan night will be held at the Michigan theatre in Detroit, the evening of March 11, during the personal ap- pearance of Rudy Vallee. Vallee will feature Varsity and other Michigan songs during the perfor- mance. Experience aaned - in Highway Lab oratories ANN ARBOR NEWS-BRIEFS COURT SENTENCES Novel Purposes for Radio Seen GANGSTER TOI GsI ~i G.W. Watson's New Invent ion JURY EXONERATES Republicans of Couny ALBION MOTORIST Rally in Court House (1Y Associated Press) DETROIT, Feb. 27. - Radio has been given a new job, transmitting messages to be recorded on distant .z 1, *1 receivmn es ya neto Charles Baldwin Released After The Democratic party was termed redemonstsuccesnuiyee. -hda"poor, old discouraged ,,arty, em- heosrtd ucsf y nere. Verdict Is Reached. aittor,' old asuged §ryudem- Glenn W. Watson, the inventor, of overwhelming defeats tey heT said the possibilities of his ma- Inquest into the death last Sun- met" by H. Wirt Newkirk, Republi- chine, which he has named the1 day of Miss Anna Spatheli, 61, Ann can candidate for mayor of Ann *Watsongraph, were no more than Arbor business woman, who was Arbor, at a Republican rally here touched upon in the demonstra-, killed a, she was crossing the in- yesterday. ao n uehione taNewkirk declared that the Re- It also can be used, he said, to publicans, with its leader, Ierbert reproduce simultaneously in thea- mouth road, revealed that the Hoover, will "sweep the country ters without number, words and ac-c driver of the car could not be with another victory" in 1932. His ';Ytions of a theatrical performance' charged with negligent homicide. address was the principal one mad presented in a properly equipped Charles Baldwin, 23, Albion col- at the county convention held .in broadcast room. lege student, driver of the car, was the court house.jX Among other uses suggested are released following the hearing. He William Laird, Ann Arbor attor- transmission of mesages to ships1 was arrested by police immediately ney, presided. Prominent p a r t y at sea or airplane in the air; di- following the accident. leaders from all over the county rection of police squads by code The coroner's jury held that both attended the meeting. kmessages of which a record may be Miss Spathelf and Baldwin were _Assoc6ated Press Photo kept and transmission of news careless. Baldwin contended that a ge B dstories from the typewriters of re-t he had been waiting for the signal Pass of Issue Alphonse Capone, porters to news rooms or directlyP light to change, and did not see Seen as Aid to Labor Gangster who was sentenced to into homes.o Miss Spathelf cross the street. six months imprisonment for con- The sending machine with whichd More than 100 unemployed resi- tempt of court by Federal Judge the inventor demonstrated the pos-L Fumes From Gas Stove dents would be given work if the 1Wilkerson sibility of these developments might - -.-n a -yproposed $325,000 water bond issue. --- be a typewriter with a revolving disc attached. Watson typed out messages on the keyboard. A re- ceiving set in a distant room re- corded them instantaneously. The reciving set has a similar disc and Watson explained the secret lies in synchronization of those discs. Eacai disc contains let- ters of the alphabet as each key i depressed, he explained. The im- pulse of that letter is sent into the air, to impinge on the same letter or key of the receiving set. Static cannot interfere, he said, nor car, other machines create interferenec when the synchronization is per- fect. M. Adeva to be Guest at Filipino Reception M. Adeva,, general secretary of the Christian student movement in America, will be the guest of hon- or at a reception for Filipino stu- dents to be held at 8:00 o'clock in Lane hall. All students from the Philippine Islands are invited. LONG WOR TH G ET S PLACE ON TICKE 1 House Republicans Renominate Present Officials. (BY Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Feb. 27.-In har- monious mood the house Republi- cans Thursday night decided to support Speaker Longworth and the present slate of officers for re- election next session. But away from the party caucus stayed 15 members who refused to commit themselves, by attending on either candidates or policies. Five of these were Kansas regu- tars, incensed at the final refusal, delivered Thursday by Chairman Hawley of the ways and means committee, to consider oil embargo legislation at this session. The rest were members of inde- oendent tendencies with various demands for legislation and fur- ther recognition of their group. United, this group can hold the balance of power in the next house, for the membership is almost equal- ly divided between the parties. ly divided between the parties. F atal to Local Woman Overcome by illuminating gas from a stove in the kitchen of her home, Mrs. Marie Schmid, 342 Mul- holland avenue, was discovered dead at 1 o'clock yesterday after- noon by John Dolgey, a roomer. According to police, who were called to the Schmid home by Dol- gey immediately after he discovered the body, Mrs. Schmid had had a pan of potatoes cooking on the stove at the time of her death. Officials have accepted the theory that water from the potatoes boiledl over into the stove, extinguishing the fire. One burner was turned on when Mrs. Schmid was discovered, police said. An inquest held by Justice Jay H. Payne in the absence of acoroner handed down a verdict indicating that death was due to accidental causes. It is believed that a heart attack contributed to asphyxiation as the cause of death. Burial will be from Hildinger's Funeral home. Lay Will Give Weekly Lectures on Aircraft Prof. W. E. Lay, of the engineer- ing school, will give weekly lectures on aircraft engines as part of the course in naval aviation, it was an- nounced yesterday. The lectures will deal with the fundamental principles of the gas engine, materials of construction and ignition, oiling, and carburiza- tion systems. Special emphasis will be placed on the design of engines for air- craft use and a comparison of the air and water-cooled types of mo- tors will be drawn. Reserve officers who have com- pleted their training at Pensacola state that this course has been helpful to them. Two Addresses, Band to Feature Broadcast When radio fans tune in on the Michigan Night program at 7:30 o'clock tonight they will hear two faculty talks and the Varsity band broadcasting from the campus stu- dio. Dr. James M. Winfield, of the medical school, will discuss "Street Accidents." Prof. Elmore S. Petty- john, of the engineering college, will speak on "Gas Progress." He will tell of the various new uses of gas in the home, shop, and factory. The 100 piece Varsity band under the direction of Nicholas Falcone will present concert selections and marches during the program. CROSLEY AMRAD BOSCH SHOP WE SELL WE SENT Radios WE SERVICE Tel. 2-2812 615 B. William providing for the construction of as new reservoir and the connecting and installing of mains, is approv- ed. Harrison H. Caswell, manager of the water department, said yester- day. Reads Paper Based on Findings of Educational Committee Appointed by Hoover. (Special to The la) (hDETROIT, Feb. 27,-A summary of the "Federal Government in Education" was delivered today by Dean James B. Edmonson, of the School of Education, before the Na- tional Association of Commercial Teacher Training Institutions, in the Masonic temple at Detroit. He based his paper on publications of the national advisory committee on education which was created by President Hoover in 1929. "T h e committee, according to President Hoover, was appointed to investigate and present recommen- dations," Dean Edmonson said. The following major issues are before the advisory committee, he stated: "Under our theory and practice of popular sovereignty has the fed- eral government an obligation to aid education in the states?" "Shall this aid be financial; to what extent; by what methods?" "Shall federal aid take the form of general education grants to the states for their own allocation or the form of special grants for par- ticular types of education?" "Shall the states be compelled to match federal grants, general or special with local appropriations?" "Shall these grants be so condi- tioned that the federal government may inspect, and ultimately con- trol, both the social policy and the professional procedure of public schools in the 48 states?" Dean Edmonson also stated some of the tentative proposals that has already been considered by the na- tional advisory committee on edu- cation. "Let's walk" (_ f I, iI i) li ,1 i i i i I I , ;; l' CI I I' I q , j li' , ; i i ICI; iii. I ! ;;, ,., i h, ;; '; l ..-- ---- A ield For Advertising- Find out first, Mr. Merchant, just what fields you want to cover with your advertising and then go after it. The students of the University o Michigan offer you a field with unlimited possibilities for increased business. If you are not getting your share from this field look around Only one publication To Cover It--- covers this field thoroughly and that is The Michi- gan Daily, read every morning by every student and faculty member. Here is where you will get the greatest advertising value for the money you stf)e11(1 It is left to you to make - edAppeal--- "oh, well .. ." - THE Neolithic men were un- questionably a smart people, In the heart of the Umbrella Age they figured out that strolling in the rain would be fun if you only didn't get wet. Nothing more was done about it, though, until 1836, when Tower started making slick- ers. We're good at it now, if we do say it. Fish Brand Slickers, roomy, well-cut, long-wearing, are sold everywhere, in a wide range of models, weights and colors, for men and others. Your slicker will soon pay for itself in reduced taxi and pressing bills. Look for the fish on the label. A. J. Tower Company, 24 Simmons Street, i i t i I I E i I i I As appeal that is suited to the student mind will bring results. It is up to you to see that your ad has the correct appeal and if it has- - 01 Yu'll Increase ourBusiness PI 10 -I