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February 28, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-02-28

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VOL. XLI. No. 104





9 Journalist States Newspaper
000 I NI UIIFTU SIs Neither Conservative
B FNo r S en satio n al.
DEGRES GRNTED By Frank Gilbreth, '33

University to Receive $10,000
Annually for Four Years
for Social Research.
Hobbs Given Leave of Absence;
Appoint Fund Trustee;
Present Portrait.
Gifts to the University totalling
$51,000 and a trust fund of $10,000
were accepted by the Board of Re-
gents at their meeting yesterday.
Two hundred thirty degrees were
also granted.
The University will receive from
the Earhart Foundation $10,000
annually for four years to be used
in social research. This gift is to
be used for scholarships for seniors
to make contacts with organiza-
tions and groups in outside com-
munities; for graduate fellowships
in social research; and for salaries
for additional instruction and su-
pervision in guiding students in _
contacts with larger communities.
This foundation was established by
E. B. Earhart, of Detroit, president
of the White Star Refining com-
Society Gives $11,000.
The American Council of Learned
Society gave the University $11,000
for assisting in the editing of the
Middle English Dictionary, compi-
lation of which is under the direc-
Perhaps there isn't much in a
name, but there is enough to
furnish basis for action by thev
Board of Regents. -
Those members of the Univer-
sity staff who were once knownc
as "janitors" are now to be seenI
in new ochre jackets bearing thev
embroidered title of "Custodian."
'lherefrom, a conflict arose. 1
Dr. Randolph G. Adams, inter-..
nationally known , bibliophile
who has long been 'dentifled as
"custodian of the William L.v
Clements library" will hence-1
forth, by virtue of action by theN
Regents, be designated as "di-s
tion of Prof. C. C. Fries of the Eng-2
lish department.
Prof. William Herbert Hobbs, n
head of the geology department,
was granted a leave of absence fora
the first semester of the academic
year, 1931-32. Professor Hobbs planst
to devote this period to research
work and the preparation of ar
new book. r
By the will of the late Jane Arm-n
strong, a fund of $10,000 is held inc
trust by the Union Trust company,d
Detroit. Income from the invest-_
ment of this fund is to be used to
establish a scholarship to be ad-.g
ministered by the faculty of the'
Medical school.
State BulletinsI
(By Associated Pres)
February 27, 1931.
BAY CITY-A petition with 2,075e
signers has been prepared here ask-I
ing the city commission to enactf
an ordinance providing for the c
construction of a municipal light-a
ing plant. The petition suggests 11
that if the commission fails to actt
on the matter that it be submit-
ted to the voters in the April elec-
DETROIT-Soon after word was
received here today that the bonus
bill had been enacted into law by

Failure of the New York Evening
World was attributed by Prof. John
L. Brumm, of the journalism de-
partment, to the fact that its poli-
cy, which was neither conservative
nor sensational, did not appeal to
a large public.
"The World," he said, "is a paper
half way between the New York
Times and a Hearst paper."
Professor Brumm explained that
well educated people prefer a con-
servative paper, while others want
one that is more sensational. Of
the latter class especially, there
are many to choose from in New
"The World has been famous," he
continued, "because of its crusades
and because of its well written and
frank editorial page. For a con-
siderable time this was in charge of
Frank Cobb who was regarded as
one of the most forceful, fearless
men in newspaper writing.
Walter Lippman, who is the edi-
torial chairman at the present
time, brought a scholarly back-
ground into the editorials that fur-
ther established this department of
Confidence in Value of Stocks,
Return of Prosperity,
Seen by Moody.
Continued confidence in stock
values and a slow return to pros-
perity will characterize the next
decade in the business world, in the
opinion of John Moody, noted New
York banker and financial analyst,
who spoke yesterday on "The Fi-
nancial and Business Outlook for
1931," before an audience that over-
flowed the West Engineering build-
irg auditorium.
"I believe that the United States
will continue to grow, world prob-
lems will be solved, and the country
will enter another period of great
stability," Mr. Moody said. On the
other hand, he maintained, stocks
certainly will not, during the next
20 years, reach the heights record-
ed during the inflation period cli-
maxed in September, 1929.
The present depression is unlike
any that has ever occurred before,
Mr. Moody said. After the war, the
United States became a creditor
nation; a period of stability was
reached, and the apparent sound-
ness of the investments brought
many people to buy stocks, he de-
clared. Speculation began; people
decided the millenium had come,
and that there was no need of
working; even the economists be-
gan to think public demand un-
limited, he pointed out.
Investors lost perspective and
overspeculated, he declared; stock
issues were doubled, and the coun-
try tremendously over-capitalized.
When the crash came, millions were
wiped out, he said. "So millionaires
who bought lemons in 1929 are sell-
ng apples in 1931," he commented.
The panic of 1893, which has been
compared tothe recent one, was
entirely different from it, he said.
It became acute because of crop1
failures, labor troubles, and politi-
cal unsettlement, he pointed out,
and occurred at a time when the1
United States was still a debtor na-
Capone Sentenced
to Six Months for
Contempt of Court

the paper as one of the best in the
country. Lippman is the author of
"A Preface to Politics," "Public
Opinion," "The Phantom Public,"
and "Men of Destiny."
The news value of The World has
always been high. Professor Brumm
said that it is one of the most
enterprising papers in this respect.
It has reported Washington accu-
rately and originally because it has
been in disfavor with the news
agencies very often and has been
forced to do its own reporting in-
stead of obtaining the information
through these services.
He stated that he believed that
the annual loss of The World was
about $40,000.
Chicago Professor Decries Fear
That Awakening of Asia c
Portends Danger.
"What does the awakening of
Asia portend? Does it mean danger
or hostility?" queried Prof. Martin
Sprengling of the Oriental Institute t
of the- University of Chicago, yes-1
terday in a lecture delivered in Na-
tural Science auditorium. There isf
no fear of it in Professor Spreng-A
ling's mind,
"Our modern civilization is beingr
subjected to an intensive and criti-4
cal study by the scholars of the
Near East and they are extractingr
from values of permanent impor-i
tance," he said. The literary re-I
search and creative work beingc
done in the Egyptian Univerity ofc
Cairo, in his opinion, is as "honest,c
sincere, keen and fine as beingP
done at any university in America."
"Taha Hussain, the blind social
philosopher and literary critic of
Modern Egypt, is one of the out-t
standing scholars teaching ArabicI
Literature and Literary History atc
the University of Cairo. He is onel
of the literary architects of modern
Egypt, according to P r o f e s s o rf
Sprengling. Taha Hussain afterI
completing his education at AlF
Azhar, the medieval religious uni-
versity of Egypt proceeding to Paris
and there made an intensive studyJ
of the classical greek and French E
literatures. Now he contributes tov
the literary journals of his country
and is also building a teaching1
force imbued with his own critical1
spirit to,.spread modern world views
in the Arabic speaking world.
"The critical evaluation whicht
modern Asia is making of its ownI
and our western civilization," Pro-
fessor Sprengling said, "foretells of
a synthesis that may be very dif-
ferent from the partisan colonial
interpretation or that often given
in the public news prints."
Graduate School Leads Mid-Year
Registration With 233 1
New Students.-
Mid-year registrations of n etw
students in all the colleges of theo
University have reached a total of1
545, acoerding to an announcementr
issued yesterday by Marian Wil-t
liams, statistician of the registra-s
tion office. Out of this total, 168
are women and 377 men.a
Of the various schools and col-a

leges of the University the gradu-
ate enrollment increased the most,
with the literary and engineering
schools next.
In the following figures which
show the total new enrollments in
each college, not only are new stu-
dents included but those who have
transferred from one college to an-
other as well. This accounts for
the fact that the total registra-
tions stand at 632, whereas the to-
tal of new students entering for
the first time reaches 545.t
New enrollments in the various
schools are as follows: Graduate
school, 223; literary college, 204;
engineering, 94; architecture, 31;
medicine, 6; law, 3; pharmacy, 8;
education, 32; business administra-
tion, 6; forestry and conservation,
3; and the school of music, 12.

Citizens to Vote on $325,000
Water Issue; Two Seek
Assessor's Office.
Six Announce Their Candidacy
for Office of Justice
of the Peace.
Candidates for seven offices will
seek their nomination when Ann
Arbor's citizens gotonthe polls on
Monday. The vote on the $325,000
water bond issue will also be a
feature of the day's voting.
Run For Two City Posts.
Nominations for city offices are
limited to two different posts, the
office of city assessor and the office
of justice of the peace. Five of the
contests are in the wards, three
for supervisors, one for alderman
and one for constable. In the race
for justice of the peace there are
six persons seeking the nomina-
tion, including the present incum-
The bonding question will, in the
event of its passage, furnish the
water department with $325,000 to
make some n e c e s s a r y improve-
ments including the installation of
a new concrete reservoir.
Two candidates are seeking the
nomination for city assessor and
include Herbert W. Crippen, 132
North Seventh street, present in-
cumbent who boasts sixteen years
of continuous as city assessor. His
opponent will be Philip O'Hara, 113
North Ingalls street.
Six Seek Justiceship.
Interest is focused on the justiec
of peace race with six men seeking
the nomination. They are: Bert
E. Fry, 700 Mt. Vernon Ave., the in-
cumbent at the present time;
Dewey M. Forshee, 1137 Forest Ave.,
Capt. Charles J. Rash, 1508 Shad-
ford road; Harry W. Reading 1234
Prospect street;Andrew E. Gibson,
507 East Hoover Ave., and Leo F.
Wohlwend, 512 Hiscock street.
In the ward races for supervisor,
James N. Galbraith, 821 Oadland'
Ave., incumbent in the Seventh
ward will be opposed on the Repub-
lican ticket by Frank T. Judson,
1602 Granger Ave. In the Third
ward, Charles F. P a r d o n, 1092
Spring street, the incumbent, will
be opposed by Fred H. Sodt of 610
Fountain street.
Rabbi Leo Franklin
to Lead Discussion
of Religious Group
Rabbi Leo M. Franklin of the
Temple Beth El of Detroit will re-
place Dr. Louis Mann, professional
lecturer at the University of Chi-
cago, as the last speaker on the Re-
ligious Emphasis week program. He
will discuss "Religion at Work" at
8:00 o'clock Sunday night in Na-
tural Science auditorium.
As leader of one of the largest
congregations in the United States,
Rabbi Franklin bears a reputation
as author, lecturer, reformer and
orator. Returning to Ann Arbor in
1915 after doing graduate work
here in the latter part of the nine-
teenth century, he created the first
student congregation in the Uni-
versity. His most recent appear-
ance here was last spring, when he
addressed an all-campus convoca-

Rabbi Franklin graduated from
Hebrw Union college with an A. B.
degree in 1892, and is president of
the college alumni association, as
well as the holder of an LL.D. de-
gree from the University of Detroit.
He was the first religious leader to
introduce the unassigned seating
system, which has since been a-
dopted by more than a 100 congre-
gations. He has served as president4
of the central conference of Ameri-
can rabbis for two terms, and is the
members of numerous administra-
tive commissions, including boards
of the Ford Republic. Detroit Svm-
phony society, and the Federation
of Jewish charities.
He is the author of "A Ritual for
S u n d a y Service," "Christ and
Christianity, from the Standpoint
of the Jew," and "A Ritual for Chil-
dren's Service," and many pam-
phlets and magazine articles.




Becomes Law,

Opening Treasury
Hines Adds


to Needy


More Employees to Staff.

Prof. Lawrence M. Gould,
Second in command on the re-
cent Byrd Antarctic expedition,
who will make a brief visit to Ann
Arbor March 1-3. Professor Gould,
who is on leave of absence for the
purpose of lecturing and also edit-
ing the reports of the Byrd trip,
comes here to speak in Ypsilanti
on March 3.

Automatic Reapportionment
Seats in Congress Will
Take Place March 4.


(By Associated P'ress)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 27.--Congress today opened the treas-
ury to increased loans to World War veterans over the objection
of President Hoover.
The veterans loan relief bill became a law when the Senate,
voted, 76 to 17, to disregard the presidential veto after acrimonious
debate which brought demonstrations from the crowded galleries.
By a similar decisive margin the House yesterday overrode the
"no" of Mr. Hoover.
The legislation allows the veterans to borrow up to half the
face value of their compensation
certificates which were allowed
When Driver Is Away, by Congress seven years ago over
The Auto Will Stray the veto of President Coolidge.
Tl Veteran Administrator Hines
Although it didn't have a driv- tonight began employing addi-
er, a car which police found is tional help to meet the demands
regitere to . T Hybrger offrom the 3,400,000 certificate hold-
registered to C. T. Hybarger, of ers eligible to obtain the loans.
Milan, can do plenty of damage. The average loan available to
The auto rolled away from the former service men will be $500.
urb, where it was parked on Wil- Interest is 4% per cent.
liam street, ana coasted down Interest of four and one-half per
the hill to the railroad tracks, cent is charged. While the presi-
where it knocked down a warn- dent feared the treasury would be
ing sign, and concluded its ex- called upon for $1,000,000,000 by
cursion at a convenient tele- the legislation, the others estimated
phone pole. Even at that it was- the demand would not amount to
n't badly damaged. much over half that amount.
A little later President Hoover
pronounced he. had issued orders
to the veterans bureau to give com-
plete priority to veterans in need in
A Ij V L r 9 administering the loans.
"Although I have been opposed
to the bonus bill," the president
said, "now that it has passed we
ADD0S SOPHOMORE propose to facilitate its working in
every way."
The Senate gave slight heed to
Business Department of Campus the objections of the president in
Magazine Is Enlarged by the three hours debate prceding
the roll call. However, a heated dis-
cussion of the merits of the measure
several times brought roars and
Appointment of nine sophomores hisses from the galleries where ad-
to the lower staff of the business vocates were noticeably i a major-
department of the Gargoyle, cam-
pus humor publication, was an- ityA
nounced yesterday by Bruce Palm- A remark by Senator Hastings,
er, '31, business manager of the Republican, Delaware, in opposing
magaz uingthe bill that it would lead some
magazmEe.C veterans "to steal" their insurance
William Elliott and Samuel Co- criiae rmterwvsadt
hen were appointed to the circula- certificates from their wives and to
tion department; Ross Bain and squander their loans in riotous liv-
Jerome Bielfield to the publication ing provoked a storm of debate.
department; Erwin Koning and Watson Changes Vote.
Richard Martin to the accounts de- More Republicans voted today to
partment; Charles Rush and Guy override Mr. Hoover's veto than
Williams to the advertising depart- originally supported the measure,
ment; and Arthur Keller was named 36 lining up behind it today as
to the foreign advertising depart- against 34 on its first passage. Only
ment. Senator Watson, of Indiana, the
Most of the students have, been Republican leader, changed his vote
working since the time of their try- in response to the veto.
out last spring in the departments A statement by Mr. Hoover in his
to which they were appointed. They veto message that the legislation
will assume their new duties im- might necessitate an increase in

(By Assoiatd uPress
WASHINGTON, Feb. 27. - Auto-
matic reapportionment of House
seats on the basis of the 1930 cen-
sus will go into effect at noon
March 4.
Thirty-two states affected by the
law making the new representation
alignment then will receive official
notice from William Tyler Page,
House clerk, of the number of seats
they are to have for 10 years oe-
ginning with the 73rd Congress.
This became certain today when
the House census committee tabled
all proposals designed to change the
reapportionment either by increas-
ing the number of House seats or
delaying enforcement of the law,
The vote was 13 to 8.
Under the act of 1929, a reappor-
tionment based on the 1930 census
is automatic unless C o n g r e s
changes the law. Efforts were made
by representatives from states los-
ing seats to increase the number,
but sufficient strength could not be
mustered to force the bill out of
committee even after prolonged
Under the new reapportionment
as announced by President Hoover
in November, 21 states lose 27 seats
to 11 states.
California gains nine, Michigan
four, Texas three. Two additional
seats each go to New Jersey, New
York and Ohio. Connecticut, Flori-
da, North Carolina, Oregon and
Washington each gain one.

With the appointment of the new
lower staff members, Palmer also
stated that there are still a few
opportunities for tryouts interested
in the work of the business staff of
a monthly magazine. A meeting of
all sophomores and second-semester
freshmen who are eligible will be
held at 4 o'clock Tuesday in the
offices of the Gargoyle in the Press
Work on the business staff of the
Gargoyle, Palmer said, gives the
underclassmen the opportunity for
practical experience in sales and
contact work and advertising. They
will handle contracts, learn ac-
counting and bookkeeping, and the
make-up of a magazine "dummy"
for the printers.
Lord Irwin, Gandhi, I




Is in United States.

the senate overriding the presi-
dent's veto, 200 World war veterans (Thi Associated Press)
were in line at the veterans' bur- CHICAGO, Feb. 27.-Al Capone
eau office ready to make out appli- jwas convicted of contempt in feder-
cations. Although official notifica- al court today and sentenced to six,
tion of the Senate's action had not months in county jail.
been received at the bureau, em.- Judge Wilkerson in announcing
ployees there began to take the his decision declared it was evident
men's applications. the affidavit which attempted to
show Capone was ill and in bed
GRAND RAPIDS-Kent County when he was wanted by the gov-
Republicans, holding their conven- ernment two years ago was "glar-
tion here, today praised President ingly false."
Hoover and Governor Brucker in The effect of the affidavit, the
resolutions. At the same time they judge declared, was to "hamper
selected a slate of delegates to the the administration of justice" and
s t a t e convention, supported by that "this court is not to be tamp-
Frank D. McKay, former state ered with."
treasurer. The court allow;,., Capone his
freedom under the same bond of

CHICAGO, Feb. 27.-The market
for American goods, Dr. Julius
Klein told mid-west manufactur-
ers today is still primarily in the
United States and not in the export
The assistant secretary of com-
merce. addressing the foreign and
domestic trade convention of the
Illinois Manufacturers association,
said the consuming power of this
country "is at its lowest, greater
than that of any other country at
its highest" and expressed the "de-
vout hope" that "prosperity for us
shall never be heavily dependent on
our trade with other nations."
Industrialists of nearly a dozen
states heard Dr. Klein attach much
importance to the relative size of
American exports.(
"Our export trade continues tol

Fail in


taxes was challenged by enator
Vandenberg, Republican, Michigan,
who contended that $785,000 in se-
curities in deposits as a reserve for
the insurance fund were available
for the 'loans.
Senator Is Questioned About
Use of $20,000,000 of
Drought Relief Fund.
(PY Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 27.--The
Senate today called upon Secretary
Hyde to "explain immediately" why
the s u p p 1 e m e n t a r y $20,000,000
drought relief fund had not been
made available.
Even as it did so, the department
of agriculture moved to use half
of the appropriation as a reserve
to assist the formation and exten-
sion of agricultural credit corpor-
Applications for such loans of the
$10,000,000 thus set aside will be
received by the feed loan office of
the department early next week
and actual loans probably will be
made by the end of the week.
The Senate's demand was made
in a resolution by Senator Cara-
way, Democrat, Arkansas. It re-
quested him to "inform the Senate
immediately "why the $20,000,000
has not been made available for

of India's Problem
NEW DELHI, India, Feb. 27.-Ne-
gotiations which began so hopefully
between Mahatma Gandhi and the
viceroy of India apparently have
reached a point where the two men
can go no further as individuals
and Gandhi tonight sat crosslegged
in a circle of members of the Con-
gress working committee, talking
over with them the things he had
discussed with the viceroy.
Gandhi and Lord Irwin talked for
three hours today and although
neither would say what they had
discussed, it was understood that

Scripps-Howard Chain
Buys NewYork World i.

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