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February 27, 1931 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-02-27

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Men to




Officers Discover Bar, Liquor
Select Manufacturers'
Society House.


Porto Rico's Developme
Sugar Cane Growers,.
By Roland Goodman, '32.
"Porto Rico under American rule
has been exploited by"sugar cane
growers, with the result that it has
becomea one-crop country, suffer-
ing all of the consequent economic
disturbances," asserted Antonio J.
Colorado, captain of the visiting
University of Porto Rico debating
team, when interviewed yesterday
in his room at the Union.
Colorado, who arrived in Ann

Paul Showers, Managing
Will Explain Phases
Editorial Section.


Practical Training in Advertising,
Sales Work, Accounting May
be Gained by Tryouts.,
Calls for sophomores and second
semester freshmen who are inter-
ested especially in cartooning and
writing of a humorous nature were
issued yesterday by Paul C. Show-
er, '31, editor of the Gargoyle, Assocated Press Photo {
campus humor publication.
Meetings for the men who are M nnar Nsatornes
hiterested in the work will be held Minneapolis attorney, who was
at 4 o'clock this afternoon in the nominatedbfor a Minnesota federal
Cxagoye ofics n te Pessbuid-judgeship by President Hoover fol-
Gargoyle offices in the Press build- owing a controversy with Sen.
lug on Maynard street. The next Thomas D. Schall who sought nom-
moeting of the business staff try- ination of Earnest A. Michel.
(outs will not, however, be held un-
til 4 o'clock next Tuesday.
Eligibility Rules Cited. Ten Publication
ligibility requirements for work W ill Provide Chance
.for participation in the work of any
on the Gargoyle are the same as for Student Talent
of' the oher campus student publi-
cations. Freshmen and sophomores T h e Midwestern Conference, a
must have Pt. least one grae of literary magazine devoted to mat-
A or B and no grades lower than
< C. Special permission for the ters of interest in Big Ten univer-
~Gag-oyle work is not required as sities, is scheduled to appear for
lists of staff members are checked the first time this month. The pub-
Sby the o1fice of the dean of stu- lishers, in Madison, Wis., have in-
dents. vited contributors to send in ma-
Frtoseterial concerning scholastic, ath-
For those to whom humorous letic, or other topics, relevantly or
-writing holds the chief appeal there humorously treated, that are likely
is a chance for the composition of to interest university students.
everything in this line from two- The publication will be a 48-
line jokes to the longer articles and page magazine, and will offer an
features. opening for journalists and car-
All this work will be explained toonists.
at the meeting of the editorial staff The object of the publication is
this afternoon by the members of to present college humor, especially
the publication's upper staff. In- of the sort that has not lost the
struction will be given in the writ- liveliness characteristic of t h e
-ing of the stories and in the type American university. The articles
of humor which Gargoyle seeks to and cartoons will be bought on a
introduce to the campus. The ex- sliding scale rate, according to re-
ebange section will also be explain- search involved, quality and length.
ed and many of the tryouts will be The first issue, appearing this
-iven an opportunity to begin their month, will be a model and will
work immediately in connection attempt to demonstrate the type of
wth the forthcoming issue of the cartoons, caricatures, and articles
magazine. Definite plans will be which will be accepted for publica-
drawn for the schedule of meet- tion.
inks in the future and a program-- -
of work for the tyouts will also be
Business Work Offered.
For those to whom the editorial THE DOWN TOWN STO
.taff of the Gargoyle has no ap-
peal, there are many opportuni-
ties for work in connection with
the business department of the
magazine. In this staff, there is a
chance given for practical experi-
encein advertisementwritmng dep
sales and contact work and in book-
keeping and accounting depart-
ments. Much of Gargoyle's adver-
tising is carried on through na-
tional agencies and the tryout will
become familiar with the workings
of the great advertising services of
the country. -
Photographic Display Presented
in Architectural Building.
Photographs of contemporary
buildngs in Detroit and vicinity are
on exhibit in the first and second
floor corridors of the Architectural
building. The exhibit is being held
under the auspices of the Detroit
chapter of the American Institute-
of Architects which recently held
th ls ~ame exhibit there.
Bunldings of all classes including -
office structures, schools, churches,
residences, exteriors and interiors
are shown. The exhibition will
continue until the end of the month
and will be open to the public daily
except Sundays from 9 until 5 L
Campus Bridge Match

Will Start Tomorrow'
Just received a special ship-
Plfy for the annual all-campus ment of suede jackets
auction bridge tournament, spon-
sored by the Union, will commence from our, New York house.
tomorrow in the lobby of this It includes greys and
building, it was announced today. brown wit esey ars
,o far 158 have registered. gowns with jersey collars,
Registration blanks can be ob- cuffs and buttons. We guar-
iaied at the main desk and play-
ing cards Will be furnished on pre- antee these to be $12.50
scnataion of a Union card.
The play will be conducted under values but now specially
the official rules of the American priced at
Whist club.

( AssoIatrd Pms) M a j e s t i c-Jack Oakie in "The'
PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 26. - The GaBg Buster," with Jean Arthur
Manufacturers' club, one of Phila- Michigan-L ew Ayres in "The
delphia's most exclusive institu- Doorway to Hell."
tions, was raided early today by a I W u e r t h-Marion Nixon and
special police detail personally di- Jack Whiting in "College Lovers."
rected by Maj. Lemuel B. Schofield,
director of public safety, a member GENERAL
of the club. Lecture-Prof. Martin Sprengling
Armed with a warrant issued by ion "Tahu Husayn, the Blind Social
Magistrate Edward P. Carney, the Philosopher and Literary Critic of
raiding party entered the club Modern Egypt," 4:15 o'clock, Na-
shortly before 2 o'clock. In a suite tural Science auditorium.
of rooms on an upper floor, Direc- Lecture--John Moody on "Busi-
tor Schofield said, he found a reg- ness and Financial Outlook for
ular old-fashioned bar and about 1931," 4:15 o'clock, room 1025, An-
100 lockers, many of which con- gell hall.



tainea Liquor.
From the lockers and bar the PLA Y PRODUCTION
raiders said they removed between ITO GIVE COMEDY
500 and 80 quarts of liquor, in- GIE C M D
cluding cordials, champagnes, rye,
Scotch and gin. The manager of "Mrs. Partridge presents," a com-
the club, August Bolli, was arrest'ed edy by Mary Kennedy and Ruth
on a charge of possession. ( Hawthorne, will be presented by
Immediately after the raid Di- Play Production students as a lab-
rector Schofield tendered his resig- oratory production Tuesday, Wed-
nation as a member of the club and nesday, and Thursday at the Lab-
issued the following statement: foratory theatre. .
"The only way to enforce the The presentation will be directed
prohibition law is to arrest the big by Harry Allen, Grad., assistant di-
fellow along with the little fellows. rector of Play Production. The
To the police, Broad and Walnut play was chosen by Burns Mantle
street (the club's central city loca- for one of the "Ten Best" in 1923-
tion) looks the same as any little 24.
speakeasy up an alley." Free tickets to the production
Maj. Schofield received reports may be obtained by calling in per-
late Wednesday that a large stock son at the theatre.
of liquor was in the club. He made - -----
a personal investigation. Since he
was a member, nothing was thought
of his visit. NOW"
Entering the club, the raiding SHOWING
party went directly to the rooms
on the upper floor, where, with the
use of crowbars, they forced their Funniest Pictu
way into the suite, after repeated
knocks failed to bring any response.
Edmonson Will Speak<
at Meeting in Detroit MARION


Arbor with his team mates yester-
day morning from Toronto, gave
his views on the needs of his coun-
trymen towards the methods of
the United States. He is an in-
tense, absorbing talker, carrying
his listener away with his sincerity
and the knowledge of subject that
he shows.
American capitalists, he said,
have taken over the best four-fifths
of the cultivated land for planta-
tions, and have secured tariff con-
cessions that make their stay likely,
to be a permanent one. He pointed
out that, though good rather than
harm was intended by the regula-
tions made, fluctuations in the
price of sugar make the living con-
ditions of the islanders, who must
depend upon the industry, very un-
stable, and that the necessity of re-
ciprocating by buying American
goods makes the Porto Ricans un-
able to realize on lower pricesof
staple goods elsewhere.
Turning to the subject of revolu-
tions in the Latin-American na-
tions, Colorado said that they have
been greatly exaggerated by news-
papers in the United States. He re-
lated an account of one that he
witnessed in the Dominican repub-
lic, which, he said, passed rapidly
and peaceably. "We do not like
dictatorships," he pointed out, "and
f7.0 -nn

nt Stunted by American
Asserts Visiting Debater
I so we resort to revolution to over-
throw them. But we do resent in-
terference by an armed force from
a foreign nation, which often is
responsible for more bloodshed than
ever would occur if we were left
He stated that Americans should
remember that the United States
was built by two revolutions, and
that perhaus such disturbances in
South and Central American coun-
tries are signs of vitality, even as
peace in the United States may be
a sign of stagnation.
It is the belief of Colorado that
the Porto Ricans, if given self-gov-
ernment in the degree that Canada
has it, could work out their own
problems, and become a happier
nation than they could ever be-
come under the rule of the United
Colorado was shown about the
campus along with the other mem-
bers of the team yesterday on his
arrival. He was greatly interested
in the full opportunity given the
student for well-rounded develop-


: -rJr :'.U)
re of the Year
are more hearty laughs per minute
s year.

The most popular
cereals served in the
dining-rooms of Ameri-
can colleges, eating
clubs and fraternities
are made by Kellogg in
Battle Creek. They in-
clude ALL -B'RAN, PEP
Bran Flakes, Rice Kris-
pies, Wheat Krumbles,
and Kellogg's WHOLE
WHEAT Biscuit. Also
Kaffee Hag Coffee-the
coffee that lets you

Dean James B. Edmonson, of the
School of Education, will present
a summary of the "Federal Govern-.
ment and Education" before the
National Association of Commercial
Teacher Training Institutions in
their meeting this morning at the-
Masonic temple in Detroit.

As Fast as it is Funny. And there
than any picture we have shown thi

_ v - - - - - --- - - -- -- - - -
- ---- ----.-- - - - - - - - - -- ---- --------- - -- --
- - _-------,r---- ~ z -- -


o to those of you who may feel just the least bit sceptical
about having your clothes tailored by us.
We want to call your attention to one of our client's in
particular, who's account with us will run between twelve
and fourteen hundred dollars annually.
This customer makes his home in New York, "the style
center of the world" and in the seven years we have been
making his clothes, just one single garment has been re-
turned to us for correction.
Do you suppose for one moment we would be able to retain
as valuable a client as he is, if our garments were not -he
best to be had in style, fit and workmanship? No Sir; if we
were not giving him the Very Best of Satisfaction we would
be unable to hold him as one of our most valued customers.
You no doubt will say that this is just another BUNCH
OF HOT AIR, but you're wrong because our records are
very clear and easy to prove our statement.
Now certainly if we are able to please a man who can afford
to spend this amount ups:- his nnparel, we ought to be able
to impress upon you the fact than our Tailored Clothes
are Worth While and that you run no risk whatever in,
having your Spring Suit tailored through us.
Thank you for your time taken in reading this article &nd
hoping that we may have the pleasure of showing you thru
the Spring Woolens we are

Sincerely yours,


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