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February 27, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-02-27

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VOL. XLI. No. 103






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State Senate Adjourns.
Without Discussing

New York Financier
to TalkHereToday

Issue May Not Come
Vote of People .
in April.


(By Associated Press)
LANSING, Feb. 26.-The legisla-
ture adjourned today until Monday
night after capitalepunishment had
trudged its weary way through the
house to passage, leaving in its
wake a maze of complications that
dumped the issue into a boiling pot
of controversy.
The lower branch passed the Fos-
ter death penalty measure by a vote
of 57 to 34 with the referendum
intact a n d another amendment
substituting lethal gas for electro-
cution as the method of punish-
ment. The senate, which had re-
cessed that the bill could be receiv-
ed and its amendments approved,
inadvertantly approved a motion to
adjourn deferring legislative settle-
ment of the capital punishment is-
sue until next week.
Popular Vote Uncertain.
A spectacular upset in the house
still left a web of doubt whether
the issue will come before the peo-
ple on the April 6 ballot. Speaker
Fred R. Ming made a sensational
ruling on a motion to give the bill
immediate effect. The speaker de-
clared that the clause in the bill
providing for a referendum was
sufficient in itself for immediate
effect. His ruling was strongly
challenged and defended on all
As an aftermath of the house
vote, charges . were freely hurled
claiming the administration was
behind the move in the senate to
adjourn before consideration of the
revised death bill as it returned
from the house.
Executive Coup Charged.
The motion was made by Senator
Norman B. Horton, of Fruit Ridge,
after he had returned from the
executive office. Members, who hadl
adopted a concurrent resolution to
adjourn today until Monday night
that the membership may attendl
county political conventions, voted
acquiesence a n d later regretted
their actions. When the capital
punishment bill was returned to
the senate, the membership had
officially dispersed.
Gov. Wilber M. Brucker denied
that he had requested senator Hor-
ton, who has acted as floor leader
in the senate, to make the adjourn-
ment motion.
State Bulletins
(By Associated Press)
February 26, 1931.
DETROIT-City Health Commis-
sidner Dr. Henry F. Vaughn says
that Detroit's death rate of 9.2 per
1,000 population is the lowest of
any large city in the world. Dr.
Vaughn, who made this announce-
ment while speaking before a joint
meeting of the public health com-
mittees of the Wayne County Med-I

John Moody,
Financier and business analyst,
who will lecture here today under
the auspices of the business admin-
istration school on "The Business
and Financial Outlook for 1931."
Moody, New, York Banker, Will
Talk on 'Business and Finan-
cial Outlook for 1931.'
John Moody, noted New York
banker and financial analyst, .will
speak here today under the spon-
sorship of the business adminis-
tration school on "The Business
and Financial Outlook for 1931."
The lecture will be presented at
4:15 o'clock this afternoon in room
1025, Angell hall.
Moody is one of the outstanding
figures in Wall Street, and holds,
as president of Moody's Investors
service, great responsibility in the
financial world. Through branch,
offices, his company serves banks,
insurance companies, investment
trusts, and investors throughout
the United States and also main-
tains a unit in London.
Educated in the public schools,
Moody entered the finance business
in 1896, afterka short period of
newspaper work. He joined the in-
vestment banking firm of Spencer
Trask and company and in four
years rose from office boy to man-
ager of the bond department. In
1900 he founded Moody's Manual
of Railroads and Corporation Se-
curities, and in 1905 hc founded and
edited Moody's Magazine, an in-
vestors' monthly.
After a period of experiment, he
published in 1909 Moody's Analyses
of Investments, annual analytical
reference work, the rating system
to which he ascribes a great meas-
ure of his subsequent success. He
has written a number of books, a-
mong them "T h e Truth about
Trusts," "The Investor's Primer,"
and "The Remaking of Europe."
Says Reading of Contemporary
Literature Is Basis for
Better Writing.

Comrades Aid Newspapermen in
Battle Against Merger
With Telegram'.
Paul Block Withdraws Offer to
Outbid Scripps-Howard
( H ,4 Sopn'2/afI'rcS)
NEW YORK, Feb. 26. - Spurred
by offers of help from newspaper
comrades all over the United States
and in Europe, the men and women
of the New York World strove des-
perately today to preserve the paper
of Joseph Pulitzer.
The 2,867 employees of the Morn-
ing, Evening, and Sunday Worlds
battled against time and a surro-
gate's impending decision to get
into shape a money offer for the
paper which would avert its acqui-
sition by the Scripps-Howard in-
terests and its merging with the
New York Evening Telegram.
Lack Legal Status.
They worked largely in the dark
and without legal status. It was
not certain whether Surrogate
James A. Foley would construe the
will of the late Mr. Pulitzer to
permit the sale of the World news-
papers. He was preparing his opin-
ion today on the request of Herbert,
Joseph, Jr., and Ralph Pulitzer for
permission to dispose of the papers,
which they said had been losing
money for five years and could not
be continued for more than three
Block Withdraws Offer.
major hope of the emiTyeces
collapsed this morning when Paul
Block, publisher of a chain of news-
papers, withdrew his offer of yes-
terday to pay more for the World I
than the Scripps-Howard group
had offered, and to give the em-
ployees 45 days to acquire it from
him at the price he paid.
Former Treasurer of Ann Arbor
School Board to Serve 5
to 15 Year Sentence.
Within a few hours after plead-
ing guilty in circuit court yester-
day to charges of embezzlement,
Grove J. Ray, former treasurer of
the Ann Arbor school board, began

Worley Would Place Township
Highways Under County




Capone Comments
on American Grl
(PIv As'UcirdPrs
CHICAGO, Feb. 26.--A girl re-
porter approached Al Capone in
timid fashion during court re-
cess today, and after gulping up
once or twice, stuttered out her
Capone rose and bowed gal-
"I was supposed to ask you a
question," she said, "but I can't
think of what it was."
Capone stood smiling. "Oh, I

Says State Could Save Huge Sum
If Small System Were
Stressing the importance of the
administration of Michigan's state
highways, Prof. John S. Worley, of
the engineering college, yesterday
in a radio address declared that
leading highway engineers favor
the elimination of the township,
road system and the placement of
all township roads within a county
under the direct supervision of the
county highway commissionsand
county highway engineer as a
means of saving the state thou-
sands of dollars.
Cites Brucker's Statement.
Professor Worley referred to Gov.'
Wilber M. Brucker's recent address
in which he stated that "if there
ever was a system that is wasteful
in the expenditure of money, it is
this one which permits expendi-
tures in small units when large
units are so much more efficient."
It was predicted by Governor Bruc-
ker that 50 per cent of our road
funds could be saved if the small
system were to be eliminated.
Suggestions for coping with the
situation were outlined by Profes-
sor Worley, who stated that "it has
further -been suggested that wher-
ever any money received from the
feight and gas tax or any other
state source is used in the counties
for constructing, repairing, and
maintaining county highway trunk
lines or township roads, the plans
should and specifications and the
expenditures be approved by the
state highway department."
County Control Suggested.
It has also been suggested, he
said, that each county lay out a
complete system of county and
township highways covering the
whole county, for the adoption of
which the approval of the state
highway department will be neces-
sary. By this procedure, there will
be complete coordination between
all state, county, and township
roads. It has been suggested that
the streets of some of the smaller
villages might be incorporated as a
part of the county highway sys-
tems, he stated.

know," s-yid ti-
you think of t
"I think you
Capone. Theg


g raJ. "What do
American girl?"
beautiful," said
retired in con-


President Informs Congress

Michigan Senator Scores Move
to Consolidate Eastern
Rail Companies.
(13Y AssmicatrrlPrrrs'
WASHINGTON, Feb. 26. -- The
proposed consolidation of eastern
railroads was sharply criticized to-
day by Senator Couzens, Republi-I
can, Michigan.
At the same time, House com-
mittee action made legislation,
affecting railroad holding compan-
ies impossible at this session.
The interstate commerce commit-
tee postponed indefinitely action on
the Parker bill, introduced at the
request of the interstate commerce'
commission to give it authority
over the holding companies.
The measure was introduced by
Chairman Parker of the committee
after it had made a study of the
holding company situation. Another
Parker measure. to authorize a

( /)'Y Asso aC ('I Ir 'ssn
WASHINGTON, Feb. 26.--Turning 'iti back on President
Hoover, the House today overrode his veto of the veterans loa.n
bill by 328 to 79.
The decision came less than an hour after the House had re-
ceived the veto message from the White House. The veto then was
seat to the Senate where leaders began maneuvering for a vote on it
at 11 a. m. tomorrow.
The vote was preceded by an effort by Representative Tilson,
of Connecticut, majority leader, to have the chief executive's veto
sustained by offering a substitute

That Treasury

(fayAssociated I"ss)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 26. - Presi-
dent Hoover late today nominatedr
Earnest A. O'Brien to be United
States Judge for the eastern Mich-
igan district, filling a post created
by recent legislation.
National Education Association
Adopts Measure Approving
Eighteenth Amendment.
(By Associated Press)

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Frosh Frolic
WII ('n n

Has no Money to Meet Demands
of Certificates.

.Sarle Son

serving a sentence of from five to VV i "JV+~
J5years in the state prison Tickets for the Frosh Frolic which
Ray was taken to the prison by will be held at the Union March 13
Deputies Flynn and Gartman of the will go on sale in a few days in An-
sheriff's office. 1gell hall, University hall, and the
Tacked to the sentence were two Engineering arch. They will sell
provisions if Ray is to be released for $5 it was announced last night
at thesend of the minimum term. by William Bohnsach, '34, chairman
The former treasurer, at the end of of the ticket committee.
that time, will be eligible to parole
provided his record at Jackson is, The Weather
satisfactory, and restitution is made -
to the school board. (H:1,o", ''d Ss
Ray was sentenced by Judge Glen L o w e r Michigan: Increasing
Gillespie, of Pontiac. Judge George cloudiness and somewhat warmer
W. Sample refused to preside, say- Friday, followed by rain in south
ing he had served as a member of and rain or snow in north portions
the board when the misappropria- at night and probably Saturday;
tions were made. somewhat colder Saturday.
Question of Armed Intervention in Caribbean
Debated by Porto Rican and University Teams

committee investigation of all hold.- DETROIT, F e b. 26.-Before a
ing companies in the public utili- hostile, jeering audience, Dr. Dan-
ties field, came before the rules , S. Kealey, superintendent of
i committee, but action was de ferre schools, of Hoboken, N. J., fought
indicating that it also was dead so a losing fight against adoption of
far as the present session is con- a resolution indorsing the Eigh.
cerned. teenth Amendment by the Depart-
The commission has urged Con- ment of Superintendence of the
gress to give it control over rail- National Education Association in
road holding companies on the the Masonic Auditorium today.
ground that it now was powerless When Dr. Kealey had finished his
to regulate consolidations, argument, cut short by cat-calls,
-- -- -a rising vote was taken and the
resolution adopted by an overwhel-
LniEg majority, only six men rising
in the audience to support Dr.
Kealey in his stand against the res-
'51T OINT RELIIONolution.
The audience was taken to task
--by Robert C. Zuppke, foot ball
o I P coach at the University of Illinois,
University of Illinois Pastor for "lack of sportsmanship toward
Interprets Purposes, Aims ter, Kealey," after the Hoboken su-
of Churches. perintendent had been h o o t e d
down. Zuppke was one of the
Using as a cause for currert, re- scheduled speakers, who gave a talk
ligious discussion the statement of on one of the phases of the theme
President Wilkins of Oberlin col- "Working for the Physical Well-be-
legetha ofevey 100 verge ol-ing of Children."
lege that of every 1000 average col- There was only one other speak-
lege students, 80) don't care to er besides Dr. Kealey. This was
bother and 100 have altogether dis-- l another superintendent from New
pensed with religious activity, Rev. IJersey who said he represented 83
J. Walter Malone, student pastor'whopiseedth r.Ka e
at the University of Illinois, inter- T hedisresolutionth uDea t h e
preted "The Purposes of a Student Eighteenth Amendment "as the
Church" last night at the student most effective means yet advised
Presbyterian center. to curtail the distribution and use
"A church has three functions: of alcohol," was presented by Dr.
to interpret life, to furnish a labor- H. P. Shepherd, superintendent of
atory in religion, and to offer a schools, Knoxville, Tenn., chairman
motivation in life," Reverend Ma- of the resolutions committee.
lone stated. Maintaining a parallel - R O C I
position to that of science in the ANN ARBOR CHILD
modern world, religion serves to
interpret life and tell us why and KILLED BY TRUCK
for what we are here, just as sci-
once commits itself to the work of Robert Walker, Eight Years Old,
telling us how we breathe and eat..F'Iue
The church as a laboratory is as Dies From Injuries-
vital to the layman as the work-.
shop is to the chemist, maintained Ilit by a truck as he was running
the Illinois pastor, for there one across the intersection of Main and
learns the functions of religion just Packard streets yesterday morning,
as the scientist studies the uses of eight-year old Robert Walker, 327
chemicals. The student chapel fur- S. Fifth avenue, suffered a fractur-
ther serves to induce some to enter ed skull and other injuries, and
the service of spiritual advance- died from the injuries last night
ment through continual contact in St. Joseph's hospital.
with religious work. According to police reports of the
accident, the Walker boy was cross-
Twenty Men Reported I ing diagonally from the east side
of Main street, as a Cook's garage

that would apply only to needy
veterans. It was shouted down.
The atmosphere was tense as
the president's message, calling
the legislation "unwise from the
standpoint of the veterans them-
selves and unwise from the stand-
point of all the people" was read.
Applause greeted both the chief
executive's message and the declar-
ation of Tilson that there was no
disinclination to aid the needy
Proponents heild their lines stout-
ly but the president's appeal swung
40 Republicans to his side. On the
passage -f the meaur, eb. 1 the
vote w 363 t ": .
se r n nxeted.
It pa d the Senate last Thurs-
day, 72 to 12. It, too, was expected
co override the veto.
The bill provides that the veter-
ans may borrow 50 instead of 22
and one-half per cent of the face
value of the compensation certifi-
cates issued in 1924 and maturing
in 1945.
In his message, President Hoover
told Congress the legislation would
impose a potential cash outpay of
$1,700,000,000 if all the 3,400,000 vet-
erans applied. Veterans Admin-
istrator Hines, he said, estimated
it would cost $1,000,000,000.
Galleries Applaud hoover.
The crowded galleries broke into
applause when the message was
received. Speaker Longworth ad-
monished the spectators.
When Tilson arose to offer the
administration's substitute proposal
at the end of the reading of the
message, there was a rumble from
the impatient members. They
granted Tilson some time, and at
the conclusion Representative Con-
nery, Democrat, Massachusetts,
"You would have every veteran
prove himself a pauper before
helping him."
Settlement of Franco-Italian
Naval Differences
Is Soug t.
(py rssoiated Press)
ROME, Feb. 26.-British and Ital-
ian naval experts spent six hours
today shuffling paper warships
from category to category in their
search for a settlement satisfactory
to Italy of Franco-Italian naval
In the meantime, the British
foreign minister, Arthur Henderson,
and A. V. Alexander, first lord of
the admiralty, who headed the
British peace-making mission, call-
ed on Premier Mussolini and dis-
cussed the pending settlement with
him. It was understood that they
acquainted him thoroughly with
the terms of the provisions accord
reached between France and Eng-
land and adhesion to which by
Italy will bring the two continental

ical society and the Detroit board While the University of Porto the speech department. Prof. Jesse
of commerce, predicted that Detroit Students in courses of creative Rico's debating team argued that S. Reeves, of the political science
would be in a position to win the writing were advised to secure a intervention by the United States department, presided.
first award in the national hea large reading background by John Iin the Caribbean has always been The visitors based their case up-
contest this year. f the for the commercial aggrandize- on the contentions that all inter-
Tment of a few moneyed persons, j vention has been for the protec-I
Rochester-Lyle Knapp, Roches- Midland, literary magazine, in his ,'the Michigan team, in a debate last tion of the interests of only a few
ter high school senior, who was lecture on "Creative Writing in Col- night in Hill auditorium, pointed capitalists, that such intervention
expelled recently after a fist fight lege and Subsequent Publication," out that the United States has nev- has always led to occupation and
with Principal David G. Millard' given last night in the Natural er intervened except at the request that history has shown that pre-'
was back in school today, the school of the nation concerned. liminaries like these have always
board having reversed their pre- Science auditorium. The question under consideration been followed by annexation, ex-
vious ruling. The action was taken "Sterility in most college writing was, "Resolved, that the United ploitation, and subordination.
following presentation of petitions courses is due to defective back- States should cease the policy of The Michigan team argued that

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