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February 26, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-02-26

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I.- -l.

Published every morning except Monday
huring the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republicationof all news dis-
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
in this paper and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
maste: General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mnail, $4.50.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard
Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4923
Chairman Editorial Board
FRANK E. COOPER, City Editor
News Editor .............Gurney Williams
Editorial Director...........Walter W. Wilds'
Sports Editor ..............Joseph A. Russell
Women's Editor..........Mary L. Behymer
Music, Drama, Books........Wm. J. Gorman
Assistant City Editor.......Harold 0. Warren
Assistant News Editor......Charles R. Sprowi
Telegraph Editor..........George A. Stauter
Copy Editor .................WYVM. F. Pypei

couldhbe opposed by a vigorous on-
slaught from the same group which
shoved Jim 'Ham' Lewis over the
top last November, there might be
some chance for a victory. At pres-
ent rumors are rife that an inde-
pendent Republican candidate will
enter the field next April. Should
he attract enough Republican votes
to cut down Thompson's plurality,
and should enough disgusted Re-
publicans turn Democrats in an
effort to provide their city with a
relatively competent mayor, per-
haps the United States will hear
less of the Thompson ballyhoo.
Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to be brief,
confining themsehes to less that 300
words if possible. Anonymous com-
munications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should not be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of The Daily.


TONIGHT: The first performance
of Comedy Club's production of
"The Strait-Jacket" by Prof. John
L. Brumm in the Mendelssohn
Theatre beginning at 8:15.




Tel. 2-2812

615 E. Williamn



61r1. Wlia




S. Beach Conger
CalS Frvh

John D. Reindel
Care R.Sww

DavidM. Nichol Richard L. robin To the Editor:
Harold O. Warren I write in answer to the person
SPORTS ASSISTANTS who by his communication to The
$heldon C. Fuller ton J. Cullen Kennedy Daily yesterday so honored the
"resolutions of R.W.L." In the first
REPORTERS place I wish to state that those
.E. Bush Powers Moulton opinions were a mere outline of an
T'homas M. Coole, Wilbur J. Meyer pnoswr mr uln fa
Miorton Frank Brainard W. Nies opinion, lack of space preventing
Saul Friedberg Robert L. Pierce freer expression. I hope I shall be
Prank B. Gilbretll Richard Racine
Jack Goldsmith Jerry . Rosenthal given opportunity to reply in full.
Roland Goodman Charles A. Sanford
Morton Helper Karl Seiffert I am accused of voicing conflict-
) ..r~es Inglis George A. Stauter
James Jouhnon Tn nr Thomas ing ideas. To this I can only an-
Bryan Jones }onn S. Townsend swer that the "grad" student's
Denton C. Kunz
mind must be befuddled, and un-
Eileen Blunt Mary McCall able to keep his own ideas in order.
Nanette Dembitz (Cile Miller
Elsie Feldman Margaret O'Brien I feel that my "nasty crack" at
Ruth GallmeFer Eleanor Rairdon the Senaecmiteadda'
Emilg G. Grimes Anne Margaret Tobin nate committee and dean's
an Levy Margaret Thompson office was fully justified in the light
Susan Manchester of past experience. It has become
BUSINESS STAFF proverbial for the dean to punish
Telephone 21214 offenders according to the publici-
T. HOLLISTER MABLEY, Business Manager ty given the occasion, rather than
KAsPna f. HALVERSON, Assistant Manager relative to the degree of the of-
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS fense. As for the Senate committee
Advertising.Charles T. int their recent action certainly is
Advertising............. . homas M. Davis -terecnatin etilys
Advertising............William W. Warboys worth a "nasty crack" in the best
Service..........Norris J. JTohnson
Publication............Robert W. Williamson circles.
Circulation.............. Marvin S. Kobackerl
Accounts ...............T.homas S. Muir I maintain unequivocally my
Business Secretary............Mary J. Kenan statement that "Michigan is prob-
Assistants ably as dry as any University in
ear nBisop D Eie iLnger the country." This is an easily de-
William Brown William Morgan bated point, I admit; yet the "grad"
Robert Callahan Richard Strateniier
William W. Davis Keith Tyaer student's personal observations to
Richard H. Hiller Noel D. Turner
miles Hoisingtonr yron C. Vedder the contrary lead me to believe that
he is a bit of an old maid in his
Ann W. VArner Sylvia Miller outlook on contemporary life.
Helen Bailey Mildred Postal Even my opponent admits that
Josephine Convisset Marjorie Roughthrhabenmc ufvobl
Maxine Fishgrund Mary E. Watts there has been much unfavorable
Dorothy Lire Johanna Wiese publicity. He fails to see that this
publicity could have been com-
pletely avoided. Supposing the ob-
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1931 ject of the raids justified, (which it
was not), the same results could
Night Editor - DAVID M. NICHOL have been obtained quietly by di-
--rect University action rather than
DEFENSELESS CHICAGO. ,by sensational police raids. The
William iale Thompson, thrice only "black smudge" that has been
mayor of Chicago, rode to victory attached to the name of our school
in the primaries held Tuesday by a is the hasty and ill-considered ac-
7,000 plurality over his nearest tion of the authorities-an action
rival, Judge John H. Lyle, and evi- which still stands on the books.
dently nothing short of a miracle I take direct exception to my op-
can keep him out of office for a ponent's statement that "one should
fourth term. remember that it was not the Uni-
Chicago has been noted for the versity that instigated the raids."
criminal activities of its under- One can scarcely believe that even
world, perhaps more so than any the Ann Arbor police would have
-other city in the United States. the effrontery and poor judgment
Judge Lyle promised to clean up to stir up such a mess. It takes
the city if elected mayor. Thomp- little imagination or reasoning to
son made no promises. Yet the see the hand of the President be-
gangster activities still continue, hind it; he is following out Presi-
although perhaps the publicity dent Little's policy of coercion. Who
given them is unfortunate. Never- knows but what this is another
theless, Chicago has become a syn- attack on the whole fraternity sys-
onym for any place infested with tem at Ann Arbor?
m a c h i n e guns, racketeers, and My opponent attempts to refute
gangsters, no matter how much it my charges of unfair discrimina-
deserves the first place in this [ion by saying that the '"action of
classification. In spite of the recent the police was based on evidence
Lingle quiz, evidently no shakeup given by a squealer." A fine justifi-
in the police department can pro- cation! He vindicates the "good
duce any results. And, strangely faith" of the police department by
enough, 'Big' Bill still stays in the fact that no charges were
office. lodged against any of the fraterni-
This election was more than a ty members. What then were the
regular mayoralty election. For the police objectives in making such a
new mayor will exercise other than raid? Does not this prove that the
his routine duties in office. Who- University instigated them? The
ever is chosen mayor in the final police department soon found that
election will be the chief official it had had enough of the matter.
during the world's fair, which will Even their warrants based on in-
be held in Chicago two years from formation and belief began to look
now. As mayor of the city, he will flimsy in case of legal attack by,
probably give many speeches, draw the victims of their stupidity.
upon himself the spotlight from all! My opponent says that he can-
over the country, and welcome not see how the penalty inflicted
whatever distinguished visitors ar- by the Senate committee is out of
rived at the exposition. M a y o r i proportion. He, no doubt, is the
Thompson has never been noted type of person who would try to
for his tact, but rather for his more justify Michigan's "life for a pint"
childish views on our relations with law or capital punishment for a
foreign countries. The anxious state misdemeanor.
department, if Thompson is re- In answer to my adversary's
elected, had better send one of their I charge of illogical reasoning and
best men to Chicago to conduct the other defects of mentality, this
mayor's relations with foreign visi- writer does not wish to descend to
tors. One can well imagine what personal abuse, which, after all,

would happen if Great Britain were settles nothing.
as touchy as Italy is about her na- In final I repeat that recent
tional honor, her citizens, or her events have proved that the stu-
reputation, and what might take dents and fraternities need protec-
place when Thompson greeted the tion from the unwarranted attacks
official represenitative of the British of certain officials.
government at the Fair. The student body has repeatedly
Unfortunately, the prospects of endeavored to cooperate with Uni-
a Thompsonian defeat do not look versity officials, and have just as
very largely over the horizon. But repeatedly been handed cold recep-
it might be safe to assume that any tions, until now the administration


BRAHM2: Double Concerto in A
Minor for violin,. violincello and
orchestra: played by Jacques Thi-
Baxter baud Pablo Casals and the Pablo
Casals Orchestra of Barcelona un-
Do I hear someone mentioning I der the direction of Alfred Cortot:
that this sentiment has been ex- Victor Musical Masterpiece Series
pressed before in our column this No. 99.
year? . . . . Ah, yes,-I thought as Several features combine to make
this March issue of Victor's an at-
much. Well listen to these apples-- tractive and important one. Prin-
or whatever that silly slang ex- cipally, of course, the quality of
pression is that has become so the music. The Double Concerto
popular of late-it may have been (Opus 102) was the last of Brahms'
mentioned before, but it was un- orchestral works and it is definitely
official and hence false.-No, I with thegreatest of them. It is a
won't take that back either, it was rich work: ranging from a magni-
false-out and out, in and up and ficently designed first movement of
down and sideways false, and forceful, heroic utterance, through
what's more, anyone who false for one of the loveliest of Brahms'
that sort of stuff when there's a German chorale Andantes, to one
six inch false of snow on the of his familiar triumphant, humor-
ground doesn't deserve half what ous Finales, joyously built from a
he gets. wealth of his beloved Gypsy melo-
e * I dic material. Throughout the whole
Spring, Spring, Spring, .... work, but very subtly integrated
blooming buds, blooming idiots, with the orchestral speech (for
earthworms crawling around Brahms in none of his concertos
naked before our horrified gaze was willing to admit the dominance
in the raw, green indecency of of the virtuoso) is some unbeliev-
the vernal equinox. Think of ably lovely dialogue between cello
it! .. .All right, now that you've and violin.
thought of it you might just as The performing conditions are
well get out your overcoat and almost ideal. Pablo Casals quite
settle down for a nice long undisputedly, the best 'cellist in
siege of rain, snow, sleet, spring the world. Thibaud one of the best
fever, examinations, moths in violinists, Cortot a conductor of
your flannel pants, and who considerable experience (he was
cares-you'll never get a chance assistant conductor at Bayreuth
to use them anyway. before his career as a pianist):
I three musicians who probably have
from their long years of intimate
The assistant supervisor of the association in performances a
Rolls Under-Desk-a n d-Dressing- greater mutual understanding than
Table Investigation Bureau has any other contemporary group of
just returned from an extensive so- virtuosos. And the result-the su-
journ (extensive was my adjective, perb presentation of a great work-
not his) under a cast-off anima- makes the album pretty "neces-
cassar in that new Mosher-Jordan sary."
Hippodrome-on-the-Hill and re- BEETHOVEN: Egmont Overture
ports that if he didn't have any- played by Willem Mengelberg and
thing better to do than make tea the New York Philharmonic Sym-
in a remodeled linen closet every phony Orchestra: on Record 7291.
evening from nine until about Mengelberg's somewhat dubious,
eleven he'd be crazy too. We though distinguished interpretation
couldn't get him to tell us much of this familiar overture is now
more about the place except that available with two orchestras: a
it is full of card-sharks and other previous record having been made
varieties of the finny tribe to which for Columbia with the Amsterdam
they belong, and ought 'to be sup- Concert Orchestra. There should
pressed. A very disappointing re- be some interest in considering the
port, I might add, and I'm sure you two records with reference to the
will agree if you have read all this two variables in orchestral per-
and found no more in it than I did ormance: conductor and orches-'
after looking it all over thoroughly. tra.
, * , LILY PONS: The Bell Song from
"Lakme" by Delibes: on Record
In the Irish Mood. This young coloratura, recently
Someday . . . someday I shall tear announced for the May Festival
My cringing body cheek from here, displays a brilliant crystal-
jowl line technique in a difficult aria
And leave this realm of toil and which seems to rank her already
care t with the best coloraturas of this
sen eratn
It's a fine world after all! (Pro- gnrtion.
founced 'Owl').

A Red Arrow Place
314 South State St. Phone 6615
State Street Jewelers

All makes and all prices

Y aO
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Wassily Besekirsky
Joseph Brinkman

Hanns Pick


Sun., May 3, 4:15, Mendelssohn Theater
In Organ Recital

pp q



__ _ _.

(No Admission Charge)
Sun., March 1, 4:15, Mendelssohn Theater
Sun., March 15, 4:15,_Hill Auditorium
Viol oncellist, and
Sun., March 22, 4:15, Mendelssohn Theater
Violinist, and
Pianist, in Sonata Recital
Sun., March 29, 4:15, Mendelssohn Theater
Sun., April 5, 4:15, Mendelssohn Theater
Violonist, and
LOUISE NELSON, Pianist in Sonata Recital
Sun., April 26, 4:15, Mendelssohn Theater

..- . ......

Dr. Ruthven has ben asked to assisL
in the devising of a new word
meaning one who listens in on a
television set-or maybe I should
have said 'looks'. I suppose that,

Screen Reflections
Th inevitable law of averages
has finally favored Jack Oakie with
a worthy story following an almost
diasrosu c rFGin - xAk v

being the eminent scholar that he ehides. his current picture at the
is-isn't he?-he would frown with Majestic, "The Gang Buster," is
scorn upon my humble suggestion not only well supplied with laughs
that he call such a person a 'Gin- considerably above the slapstick
Swizzle' in memory, of the mother type but has at least the semblance
of our country, and I guess he of plot continuity previously lack-
would object to anything so crude an
and unscientific as calling it, they, ocakie, in a more likeable and
or him, just a good old fashioned sen-asur coe Chae usa cy-
namelike'PepingTom or ny-seen as "Cyclone" Chase, star cy-
name like 'Peeping Tom' or any- clone insurance salesman in Ar-
I thingA like that, so I guess we'll i kansas, but forced to migrate to
have to leave him to devise some- the city when a
thing like Auriclopist while we go cyclone swept the
on calling it a listener-in or per- company a 1 o n g
haps listen-loker and let science go with the barns.
its exalted way in peace. Anyway I Once in the big
was just suggesting......- town, he lays
eyes on the one
* * *and only, saves
An o t h e r suggestion that h e r "ole man"
came in just too late to nake from an auto ac-
that last paragraph is that *z ...cident, and be-
they be called disturbers of the I, comes involved in
peace. We'll let it go at that. the a ff a i r s of
,Jthe town's Al Ca-
pone-no, it's not
Come on, boy, just a few minutes .AcK OAKiE on the order of
of dusting and all those lovely chips either Ed Wynn's "Follow the Lead-
in the plaster will be visible again cr" nor William Haines' "Remote
and the danger averted! Control.

Endorsed y en
The finest tribute that can be paid to
anything is for it to have been endorsed by
people who know what is good in its field.
The 1931 Michiganensian has had such
endorsement by professional men in the
fields of fine printing and en raving. In their
opinion it is a noteworthy accomplishment,
which is only an indication of the success
with which it will be met when it is presented
to the student body.
"Ca ps Sale"
T Oday

* * *
Oh this is the time for poets to
Of glorious Spring
Of Beautiful Spring.
Oh this is the time for people
to sing
Of glorious beautiful spring but
thank the powers that be
that our lovely Ann Arbor'
weather is such as to discour-
age such a policy at the very

In addition to Oakie who gives
an excellent performance, there is
Jean Arthur doing little enough
fairly well as the feminine lead,
Cnd William Boyd in an able char-
acterization of "S u d d e n Mike"
Slade, gang leader par excellence.
The latter is not blonde Bill Boyd
of screen repute, but another actor
of the same name imported from
the Broadway stage. Eddie Suther-
land helped with some intelligent
direction. Especially good is the
final fade-out scene.

acuaakw. _
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