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June 07, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-06-07

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>Aished every morning except Monday during the University year
Board in Control of Student Publications.
tber of the Western Conference Editorial Association.
Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-
tion of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
d in this paper and the local news published herein.
ered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant
.ster General,
>scription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50
ies: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
an. Phones:rEditorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor ......... ...............David M. 'Nichol
al Director...... ..... .........Beach Conger, Jr.
dl tor ....................................Carl Forsythe
Editor,............. ..........heldon C. Fullerton
i's Editor..................M..argaret M. Thompson
Reflections.................. .......Bertram J. Askwith
nt City Editor ....................Denton C. Kunze
nt News Editor ......................Robert L. Pierce
iditor ............. ...............William F. Pyper

invalue constitutes more than petty larceny. Here
is an object somewhat more worthy of consider-
ation by the police department than the possession
of a half a pint of liquor.
An impression prevails that the Prince of Wales is
the busiest traveling salesman on earth. More will
be known about this when he counts his hotel towels.
-The Detroit News.


It's easy, when in Ni
icans in the vicinity. Al
in!"-The Detroit News.

icaragua, to rally any Amer-
1 you do is shout, "The fleet's

Denton 0. Kunze



Sports Assistants
John W. Thomas
.1amIes IKrotozyner
Robert Merritt
Henry Meyer
n Marion Milczewski
Albert Newman
>n Jerome Pettit
John Pritchard
Joseph Renihan
Elsie Feldman
Prudence Foster
n Georgia Geisman
Barbara Hall
Martha Littleton
s Susan Manchester
Cue Miller

J. Cullen Kennedy
Jerry E. Rosenthal
A. Stauter
Charles A. Sanford
John S. Townsend

Braekley Shaw
Parker Snyder
Ford Spikerman
Alfred Stresen-Reuter
William Thal
O.. R. Winters
Charles Woolner
Margaret O'Brien
Eleanor Rairdon
Marjorie Thomson
'Anne Tobin
Alma Wadsworth
Josephine Woodhams

Telephone 21214
T. KLINE.......... .........Business Manager
P. JOHNSON.......................Assistant Manager
Department Managers
......... .Vernon Bishop
........Robert B. Callahan
6 ..... " "" .....William W. Davis
........... Byron C. Vedder
1s ..........W..William T. Brown
n......... .....Harry R. Begley
......Richard Stratemeier
Secretary.......... ... .............Ann W. Verner
nsen Willard Freehling Thomas Roberts
Bursley Herbert Greenstone R. A. Saltzstein
-. Combs John Keyser Bernard E. Schnacke
rk Arthur F. Kohn Grafton W. Sharp
alberg Bernard 1.Good Cecil E. Welch
Finn James Lowe
Bayless Ann Gallmeyer Helen Olsen
eker Ann Harsha Marjorie Rough
Field Kathryn Jackson Mary. E. Watts
ischgrund Dorothy Laylin


It is believed an arrangement can be worked out
whereby Smedley Butler gets into trouble the first
three days of the week, and Sinclair Lewis put his
foot in it from then on.-The Detroit News.
Someone figures it out that Floyd Gibbons talks so
rapidly, things are happening now that he described
last summer for the Digest. -The Detroit News.
Music and Drama
W HAT is probably the best comedy of manners,
a completely unmoral and delightful play about1
the people who in all time considered themselves"
the wisest and the wittiest is the next play in Mr.
Henderson's Dramatic season. This play is of course1
"The Way of the World," by Congreve. It will be thel
fourth play of the season, "Electra," "The Father,"
and "Caprice' having already been played.
"The Way of the World" was first played in 1700
very much in fashion and very muh enjoyed by the
masked ladies and their partners. It is the perfect
description of a period which is perhaps analogous
with our own, the "way of the world" being the
curious and sometimes popular philosophy of getting
what one can without paying too much for it. The
people in it are thoroughly convinced that they are
There exists at present still in some quarters the
curious turn of morality which led to sentimentalism
in England, which condemned the "Way of the
World;" In fact New York critics, who are supposed
to be somewhat cynical about such things, rather
foolishly complained about the lack of sentiment in
the play. Be it said that "The Way of the World"
is not romantic (in that perhaps it does not find its
counterpart on the modern stage), but it is delightful
theatre, entirely adequate in itself.
The real-wit and hero, the believer in "the restor-
ation way of the world," Mirabell, is played by Rey-
nolds Evans. Opposite him in the part of Millament
is Blanche Yurka. Ernest Cossart plays the part of
the ridiculed but good-natured country relative on
his way abroad, who takes off his boots in the draw-
ing room, half-brother to the would-be-wit; he plays
Sir Wilfull Witwood, the part he has just played in
the Players Club revival in New York.
After "The Way of the World," Bernard Shaw's
play of the Swiss soldier among the ridiculous
Bavarians, "Arms and the Man," will be seen. "Arms
and the Man" is possibly the most delicious satire
on the military hero we know. One of the characters
tells the story of a charge he made on the Switzers,
waving his sword into the teeth of the enemy. The
enemy, the Swiss are quite bored. They would have
shot him despite all his shouting and arm-waving,
if their war department had sent them bullets which
fit their rifles.
Violet Heming, Tom Powers and Ernest Cossart
will play the leading parts in it.
At the Saturday matinee and night, June 20, Noel
Coward's "Private Lives" will open for its first pro-
duction outside of New York and London. Tom
Powers and Violet Heming will be starred.
"Private Lives" is that inimitable and popular
comedy (it will be still playing to "standing-room
only" at the Selwyn theatre in New York on June 20)
in which Gertrude Lawrence and Noel Coward be-
came very famous by lying on a couch together, feet
in each other's arms, smoking cigarettes during a
whole scene. Of course there is also dialogue.
y ESTERDAY the arrangement of plans for the
third season of the Michigan Reportory Players
was announced by Mr. Valentine B. Windt, director
of the season. .The Players is an organization of



SUNDAY, JUNE 7, 1931 -
Will The Deferred
Rushing System Work?
JPPERMOST in the minds of most fraternity
men on leaving school will be the thought of
next year's rushing-the number of men to be
pledged and the methods by which to do it. And
naturally, the regulations of the Interfraternity'
Council in regard to deferred rushing will be read
by many for the first time.
Although we hold no brief for the present sys-'
tem, as detailed in a rather explicit manner by the
Constitution of the Council, we recognize that the'
system will at least be in force next year, and hence
the cooperation of all fraternities will be necessary,
in order to give the new order a fair trial. Any
slight hint as to violation by one house will cause,
many others to do the same, and the rules will fall
as quickly as they were made. For this reason, it
is vital that every fraternity on the campus obey
the regulations to the very letter, as any deviation
from the proper course will probably result in an
even more cut-throat rushing season than existed
under last year's methods.
For this reason, we take this opportunity to
announce a policy of cooperation to the fullest ex-
tent with the Interfraternity Council in the en-
forcement of the rushing regulations. Complete
publicity will be given to all violations of the rules,
with respect to the individuals as well as the
organizations concerned. This is the only manner
in which underhand rushing tactics can be com-
batted, and we will welcome every opportunity
to assist the Council in its work.

We don't Know wust what to do'
about this chain letter business. We
have it all figured out that the bad
luck tomorrow is the fact that the
Daily won't be published on that
day, nor on any other day this
year, because this is the last Daily
of the year..
Next Thursday our exams
will all be over with. Where'is
any bad luck there? We are in-
clined to hoot at the whole'bus-
iness and say it is all a nasty
frameup. Somebody is just try-
ing to intimidate us, that's
Our Yankee greed was all whet-
ted up at the prospect of getting
twenty-five dollars reward for the
location of the DKE chapel gates.
We went around there but there
isn't anything left but half of the
hinges and a tombstone labelled
"Abe." There weren't any foot-
prints around so there isn't any
way of finding out where the gates
are. Its a shame, thats what it is.
Such depredations are to be de-
plored. Haw haw.
* * *
Dear Smiley:
The question in my mind
is why have they discontinued
furnishing soap to the "almost
athletes" at the Intramural
building? You know cleanli-
ness is next to Godliness and
no soap means that the stu-
dents will be way below Godli-
ness. Oh do something, or else.
I am not yours,
Listen here Nertz, I wouldn't
want you for a valentine, not that
way, anyway, and furthermore you
can get a cake of soap for a pence,
and even if you haven't got a
pence if you would look around on
the floor you could find any num-
ber of soap. Its time to go down
and clean out your locker and go
home, anyway. This is a farewell
column and it can't be messed up
with any sentimental soap stuff.
We had to laugh a bit at the
poor old newspaper boys about
that Do-X affair. All the pa-
pers in the country carried ban-
ner stories about how the Do-X
was drowned at sea, when all
the time the Do-X was sailing
sturdily on tc "\!azil or some-
where. Its a fine world...
* * *
We are getting pretty sore at the
Note Editor of this paper. Such a
person always putting in wisecracks
about the column any place he sees
( occasion to is a demoralizing in-
fluence on the Editorial Staff. To-
night this column is going to
press without an Editor's Note or
we'll jolly well know the reason
why not. (Editor's Note: Oh it will,
will it?)
* * *
Examinations are apt to be.-
come boring if you don't watch
out, and not only to the in-
structor but boring to you. per-
haps the insertion of a few
wise cracks into the blue-book
would cheer things up and con-
vince the instructor that you

are a fine fellow after-all.
* * *
The way newspaper people write
stories is positively i r r i t a t i n g
Yesterday they told all about how
Private Osborne got up in the air,
opened his parachute too soon, and
how the "big white skirt" of the
parachute "flew backward catch-
ing in the tail assemblage, and on-
ly then did Private Osborne decide
to bail out." Here the story ends,
w i t h private Osborne dangling
from the end of the plane. The
story tells us however that Private
Osborne finally ended up safely;
how, nobody seems to know. Any-
one who knows how Private Os-
borne got out of the air should
spend the rest of the week mak-
ing announcements to the anxious
its about time
to make a fare-
well gesture, and
whlat could be
more appropri-
ate than to wish
you all the hard
l u ck in th e
-. .world, and hope
that you r e a d
things as bad as
this all summer.
(Not t h a t we
really think this



The whole-hearted support of all houses will be summer school Play Production courses. A bill of
essential next fall. Disobedience of the rules will seven public shows, running the later part of each
net them nothing more than publicity and punish- week during the Summer Session, provides entertain-
ment, since it will be impossible to benefit finan- ment for the summer students. This year's plans are
cially from a violation of the order. The period of extremely ambitious: two very prominent directors
transition is theperiod during which the financial have been added to the staff; and the list of plays to
burden will be felt most by the houses, and that be produced includes very oustanding ones.
period will be over as soon as the work of the first The directing staff has added to it the name of
semester has been concluded. The system which Mr. Thomas Wood Stevens, director, author, and
will be in force next fall was adopted almost unan- playwright of considerable note. Mr. Stevens has
imously by the members of the Council upon the formerly been conected with the Drama School of the
passage of the ruling by the Senate Committee, Carnegie Institute of Technology, and for the past
and it will be their duty to uphold it until they few years has directed the Goodman Theatre -in Chi-
find a more feasible substitute. cago. He is scheduled to produce one of his own
O 0plays as the closing bill of the summer, which un-
doubtedly will be an outstanding event. Secondly,
Collegiate-ism M. Jean Mercier, who for the past year has been em-
Comes to College ployed to direct at the Cornish School in Seattle, and
who was formerly connected with the Theatre du
EVERY now and then the college student ap- Vieux Columbier, Paris, will spend three weeks of the
parently finds it necessary to revert to his old session here directing a French comedy. His exper-
high school customs, forget his supposed dignity- ience will surely add colour to the season.
or is it display his newly acquired carefreeness?- The plays are as at present announced, in the
and go collegiate once more. For collegiate, in order of their production, "Paris Bound," a modern
the sense in which it is used today, as the extreme, play by Philip Barry for the opener. Followed by
loud type, is essentially applied to high school "Don Juan" by Moliere the second week. -The much-
mannerisms and customs, which the students fond- talked-of "Liliom" of Molnar is planned for the third;
ly, but wrongly, hope are modeled after college and M. Mercier's "Love and Chance" of Marivaux the
habits. next. The fifth week, this year's Pullitzer prize play
We refer more snericallo tn eip nractice of "Allison's House." The "Marv. Mary Ouite Contrarv"

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