lED f Bernard Shaw. He with Katherine Cor- andida;" -with Tom Sentence and $80,000 Fine as Punishment. CHICAGO, June 6. - (A') - The chief of gang chiefs-Alphonse Ca- pone-today faced the possibility of a 32-year penitentiary sentence and a fine of $80,000 for alleged evasion of the Government income tax. ,This Is the maximum sentence possible if he is convicted on the charges on which he surrendered Friday, following his indictment by a Federal grand jury. ti ' will of Doris Dalton, Lramatic season, ed in "Caprice" :a." Miss Yurka s will again play g as Millamant to be the finest in dramatic lit- y Costumes Secured. I h the influence of Cos-I )f the costumes designed ond Sovey for the New Juction of "The. Man of I" have been secured for itation here. Cossart has need the complete adapta- e Players club script, ar- id revised by Iden Payne, director. resentation employsthe st of the entire season, venty-one players. The a will play nightly next, i matinees at 3:15 o'clock y and Saturday. s and other who have ob- rmission from Valentine director of Play Produc- who also present tickets erformance, will be ad- the final rehearsal of of the World" at 8 o'clock he rehearsal will be com- 1 the exception that spe- rnes will not be worn. al performance of Strind- ntinued on Page 3) BAILEY PRESIDENT White Is Chosen Vice-President; Wheeler, Balbach, Gray, Are Other Officers. J. Russell Bailey, '32A, was elect- ed to head the Architectural so- ciety for the coming year at a meeting held Friday in the audi- torium of the architectural build-' ing. John J. White, jr., '32A, was chosen vice-president. Malcolm R. Stirton, '32A, and Ar- thur O. Schmidt, '32A, were the other candidates for the presidency. Betty Wheeler, '33A, was elected secretary of the organization, Wil- liam R. Balbach, '32A, was chosen treasurer and John R. Gray, '32A, will be curator. Selections for representatives to the Architectural society council will be made next fall, the new president announced as will the various committee appointments. Plans will be begun immediately next fall in obtaining speakers for the lecture series which the organ- ization sponsors every year aril nu- merous noted architects and others' interested in this field will be se- cured. Work on the annual Architect's ball which is given every year will be started sooner next year, Bailey, also stated. iMOORETODRC IN FINAL_ CONCERT" University Symphony Orchestra to Be Heard on Program With Soloists. T h e University Symphony or- chestra, under the conductorship of Earl V. Moore,_ musical director of the School of Music, will give its final concert of the year at 4:15' o'clock this afternoon in Hill audi- torium. Solos by advanced students in the school will feature the pro- gram. Kate Keith Field, Spec., Marjorie McClung, '31SM, Ruth McCormick, Spec., Frances Peck, '31SM, Rag- nild Moe, '31SM, and Arthur Ray, '31SM, will be the students who will render solos. Special numbers by the orchestra will be conducted by Kenneth Osborne, Grad., Romaine Hamilton, '32SM, and George Poin- ar, '32SM., The program in detail is as fol- lows: Overture, "Russlan and Lud- milla" by Glinka; Aria, "Depuis le jour" from "Louise" by Charpen- tier; Romance and A la Zingarh from "Concerto in D minor for Vio- He posted a $50,000 bond and was released. There were two indict- ments; one was returned Friday. Another was voted March 16, but was suppressed, They contained six felony and two counts, of misde-- meanor, and 'alleged a Government tax claim of $215,080.45. The indictments marked the cul- mination of two years of investiga- tion under the direction of A. P. Madden, chief of the special intelli- gence department of the Internal Revenue Department, during which Madden said that more than 1,0001 persons were interviewed. A total income of ,$1,038,654.84 during the years of 1924 to 1929, inclusive, was charged. The Federal agents, however, said this did not represent Capone's income but only the sums which could be definitely traced. There was no indication as to the exact date of the gang leader's trial, but United States Attorney George E. Q, Johnson, who has won a conviction against every gangster he has tried for income tax frauds, announced that he was ready for the supreme test against Capone. The indictments constituted but one of a series of blows the Gov- ernment has struck at Al Capone, whose income from his liquor, vice and gambling interests is reputed to have reached an enormous sum. Within a few hours after the news of Capone's indictment became pub- lic, Sam Guzik, one of his lieuten- ants, was on his way to the Federal Penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kan., to serve a sentence of a year and a day for an income tax violation, Students to Start Journey Home Soon by Varied Methods Beginning with a few fortunates the early part of this week and gradually widening into a solid ex- odus of sad seniors, all roads, rails, and airways out of Ann Arbor will soon be burdened by the persons and baggages of students bound for all torty-eight states. . Airplanes will carry a larger pro- portion of those home-ward bound than ever before, it was reported yesterday by several lines. Low fares, a number of which have just been reduced, to Cleveland, Chi- cago, and St. Louis are mainly re- sponsible for the increased number flying home, thb student travel bu- reau at the Union stated. Reduced rates have also been put in effect on a new co-ordinated Great Lakes boat and rail trip to the East, as well as on a number of bus routes, it was said at the Union. The present dearth of pas-1 ISHER TO TALK ON MODERN LIFE IN SERMON TODAY Methodist Pastor Will Base His Discussion on Current Popular "Books. TO HOLD COMMUNION Religion and University Mind' Is Topic of La Rue's Address Today. The major problem of modern civilization, based mainly on a dis- cussion of three books of the pres- ent day, will be the subject of a sermon today by Dr. Frederick B. Fisher, pastor of the First Metho- dist church. Dr. Fisher, in selecting his sub- ject, said that the problems of to- day are "the result of the machine age. The machine seems to be the dominant thing of today." Three Books Selected. The books he will discuss are Stu- art Chase's "Men and Machines," Charles Beard's "The Rise of Amer- i c a n Civilization," and Michael Pupin's scientific work on "The New Reformation." A communion service will be held from 7 to 8 this morning. There will be no formal program. At the Unitarian church,. Prof. Carl D. LaRue, of the botany de- partment, will speak on "Religion and the University Mind." He will base his remarks on a statement which he helped frame last Feb- ruary during religious emphasis week, which sets forth a liberal re ligious philosophy and which was signed by 19 professors in 19 differ- ent departments of the University. Communion will be given at St. Andrew's Episcopal church at 8 Q' lock f tlowed at 9:30 by urch school. At> 11, communion will again be given, with Rev. Henry Lewis preaching the sermon. Classes Will Be Promoted. Promotion of classes will be held in the First Congregational church, with Rev, Allison Ray Heaps speak- ing on "The Parable of the Magic Tree." The morning worship of the First Presbyterian church will be in charge of Rev. Merle H, Anderson, while' at the First Baptist church Rev. R. Edward Sayles will take as h i s subject "The Shield of Faith." SPAE S HIP F UEL STAIVTION PR81OOSE Refueling of Rocket Planes Will Take Place 600 Miles Up in Stratosphere. BERLIN, June 6-(/P)-How rocket planes, propelled beyond the strA- osphere, or outer layer of the at- mosphere, Could be rescued from circling the earth indefinitely has been worked out by enthusiastic theorists of the propulsion motor school. The Verein fuer Raumschiffahrt, or Society for Space Ship Travel, is a natural center for such calcula- tions and its enthusiasts contend that to get the full effect of recoil motors the missile or shipwould be sent 600 miles from the earth. At that distance centrifugal force would balance the pull of gravity and a machine would become, in effect, an asteroid, going round and round the world until kingdom come. It is proposed that use should be made of this fact by establishing a super-terrestrial fueling station, built up of rockets separately launched from the earth and "hooked up" after arriving at the asteroid level. Each rocket unit would be shot upward with a load of fuel, oxygen and other service supplies, but with just enough power to reach the 00-mile level. Library Will BeOpen Same Time for Finals |1((( |( 0|( T RACK ST AR E NDS LDEFENSE LAGUE BRILLIANT CAREER IN MALT BATTLEI I FIRST UNIOY PRESIDENT APPROVES OF NEW STUDENT ADVISORS GROUP (Col State, ultn (By Associaled Press) Saturday, June 6, 1931 :TROIT-Police Superintendent P. Smith today ordered all >lmen to refrain from shooting otorists who fail to halt after. i ordinances. The order was