ss JORDAN HALL RESIDENTS ENTERTAIN IN HONOR OF ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Approaching Wedding Occasion for Shower; Honors Dinner to Be Held. senior is to be chosen is scholarship, campus activities, and contribu- Lions to either Jordan or Mosher hall. reading fromTOP to BOTTOM I At this time the senior and grad- Wednesday evening the residents uate residents will present their of Jordan hall gave a personal class gifts to the halls. shower for Miss Elizabeth DeVol, This dinner will close all social assistant director of the hall, who functions for the present school is going to be married in August. year. Miss DeVol received a number of Illinois Women Plan lovely gifts and the good wishes of the entire group. Refreshments 'Big Sister' Projects we-e served. Next Wednesday evening Mosher EI.b!rate plans are now being', Jordan halls is giving an honors adc for a Big Sistcrs project at dinner. At this dinner all the wo- he University of Illinois for next men who have outstanding scho-yBr lastic records, and those who have year. The BigSiters are to help been foremost in campus athletics new women who are entering the and all other activities will be lion- m jVersity for the first time in get- ored. inf acquainted with the campus. A scholarship cup will be award- A series of parties is being planned ed to the senior in each hall who has the highest scholastic stand- 'vhich will be given jointly by Wo- ing. Also a cup will be presented nan's League and the Y. W. C. A. to the senior in each hall who is Vieetings will also be held at the the most all-around representative first of the registration week to give in that hall. The last mentione ;enera information as to location will be elected by the residents. )f buildings and explanation of The basis on which the all-around :ampus activities. Five Week End I Successes The Dainty Dancer Iii: Laura Belle Friendmaking Week Saturday, June 6 to Saturday, June 13 of Women's Perfect Silk Hosiery Service, Semi, and Chiffon Weight -P t - Always a success, the dainty dancer will be the most, sought after of prom trotters in one of these quaint ruffled embroidered organdies, point d'esprithor mousseline-de-soie' with their flattering pastel colors and wasp-like waists. The Formerly $1.00 to $1.35, now 9e Topping Tennis-er 500' She will put a real top her forehand drive, and a t in her week-end drive, if is wearing a cool cot mesh with short sleeves. one and two-piece styl White, pastel colors, a combinations. Laura Belle Shop 229 South State Street Phone 22631 r; The L: I . fit: ,.,..:,. ..._,,.... .._. ,..,... .._-- .. .s......e,.., ..,... .,.. .:,,...., ,.....:.._..,..._.. i Giddy Golfer oarding andLodging Free in the Clothes Closet! "Are you running a hotel for moths? if you are you have guests with expen- sive taste. Moths thrive best on furs. They can create pitiful damage." Our Fur Storage facilities are yours for a moments attention. Just call 8507 ... we'll do the rest... to your com- plete satisfaction. ExperCTIleansing, Remodelig and Repairing A feature of our service is our expert Repair and Remodeling Department, under the supervision of skilled fur- riers. Work done during the Summer is much better and less expensive. $167 Even a dub will go big wearing a boucle suit with its slip-over sweater and cardigan jz In white and pastels. ov The G+ Baffli Bathing Beauty $51- 595 These one-piece Pelto and Jantzens tend to soft bumps and to bring out yo good points, with their sp cial brassiere in fits and v riety of colors from which choose. Also two-pie French jersey suits. The III Modern Mariner $100 Just the Thing to Complete. Your Spring Ensemble III I Sea legs flopping in th breeze, this jaunty week ender can afford to giv them all the air, for he white sailor pants so hastil pulled on over her bathin suit, were only $i.oo. Our collection of f Jacquettes -and Scarves prehensive then ever. select the appropriate, Spring costume. ashionable Fur is more com- Let us help you one for your Summer Fashion Revue with living models, 2:30 to 4 p.m. Saturday. Il 11111 I liii II III ]III :0 K