______r~PHEMICHIGCAN DAILY N ... ... . . . .. . . Total o-.f Star, NTJSTIE, Seotland,Jno5 in4 in11the se:cond lround of rlIii-h Open golf chamlpion- ,oday to takan-, <, c r il Ica h alf-way' mar]k' withl147. iy Argenltine covereie 13,f'Iis jole ii 34 anid 1t1C3.1came1 in3 37 to equ.aifl te ]reco+:'1 set the q a lifyn. rouil nd On Tn by I~a,aona'll Smiith a, 61 ed later in the .am ity'by Cli:ish starl, Archie Compsrz~to1. Armour Follows, in back of Ji-raldo vwas the Xn Detroit pro, Tom-my Ar -{ fo-.mer American open chan- who shot a 75 today for al C total of 148. Armour played "golf on the outgoinlgninle, h1e covered in par figures, in into trouble on the first holes of the scond nine and Phliladelp.jhia 4 -Chicago 1 St. Louis 8-NVew y ork6 Cl"evelanrd 10-Boston 2, NationDal League Chicago 8-Brook~lyn 4 S.Louis G-New York J t't.'urli2--Boston 1 I ~(thirtee-n innings') Cincinnati 5-Philadelphia 2 ASHERMUVEN FINISH IN FURTHPLAC Michigan ook Sa 7-:1ruphoe O-hio P&-ate, but lost inth te final Conference engagement to Indiana, 9 to 5. The first Ypsilaniti and Ohio State enou,nters were rained out as wan the second gamae with the Badgei',rs. Out of the four te'en niwho were awarded letters this year only Eive w',ill be lost 'W t rtim,_rcompehti- tion on Wolverine nines. H1owevrer, two~ Af thle mrnintre pitchers, the stafft--Coirnpton and Kiegier. Thp other thre are oultfielders--East- man, Drabick'e, and Mmody. T hus, ,Coach Ray Fisher has a pwe rf' 1 nucleus around' which to build a teame next sping which should be a reel mner i n 1the' (onfor~ j-' P TiiI t IU 1 Senators Win by 5-t; Cleveland a P C , -Sstrin y esterd a y a te o o w en they ls to the Senators a tWh ]ing;2t)1".by" a sfcre of 5-1. Brdgs !is whlhteBeil w ,re bl The' Clevel nd indians stretched thirwining streak to ten straight, taking1 Boston into camp by a lop- sided s.core of 10-2. Running true to tem*the Clcveland club's tallies were1bunche into fou-n in the first iniu ed i in tho inth. ZNine- S pcec dl 1ba 1l--Alpha Kappa Phi; "3 Si ma Chii;, "-i > 'rcb. , _Phi Sigma Delta. Wresting Ttu KpaEsln Voile'y Bia 11 -A1lphia Kappa Lambda. Tcnnix- _.Phi Bewta.-Delta. Indoor TrackT --Allph)a. Phi Al- pha. Handball--Phi Detwa Delta. Dual Swimming-Phi Kappa Psi. Waeor Polo- Theta Chii. 1- o i° s c,:ih o e s -Alpha Kappa Lambda.. Cross (fount ry-Tau Kappa Ep-. 3ilon. Swirnning-Thetta Chi. YSigma Delta Psi--- Sigma Chi. Relays-Phi Sigma Kappa. Foul r.£Ibrow-Chi Psi, Alpha Omnega,, tie. in~~ se era vents, buncdlea tion doocs not appear to W'e;,trong agai tocp seoll _;n st such large entry lists as Wis coin i, Illinois, Ohio State and India na have entered. The olves are .,:chcduled(to leave his morn- ingfor the Windy ity ('orfe1"t STrials will 'be held fthis aftern oonz with the tillals cotnin oor- row. 0-no of" the; latest annou-tncemient~s >' > , .131 1 :i 'I I VAI FAVO RED I~ 36HLE SCORES - ............;- - .1. ! t rl7n .-.. .( , :s ; WAN 4ADS*AY C LAS47~IJ DETSN is that Lee Sentman, national low hurdle of the eV,-nt, owin.'g! record holder andc-hle worlds' record high huardle will be unable to compete to final examination con- Sentman was the Big' star Illinois aggregation. I' NOTICE FRATE'RNITIES, AND SORLORITIES Piatno Turning! Phione 6676, Victor Allmendintger, the concert' artist- tuner. Tuner for Univ. School of Music. Office at residence, 1603 Morton Ave.- 345C USED- CLOTHES bought' and sold. Call 4310. 215 East Washington. 11. Benjamin. 246C NOTICE--6%long; term mortgage loans on iew Ann Arbor hom'es 'without bonus or service charge. Clyde M. Smithl. Call 4356. 2460 HISTORY 11 and 12 TUTORING GEOLOGY and GEOGRAPHY Tommie Mach Tutoring Agency 310 So. State St. Phone 7927 TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair rates. M. V. H'artsuff. Dial 9037. C TYPEWRITING AND MIMEO - G r a p hi i n g. Moderate Rates. Prompt Service. 0. D. Morrill. 314 S. State St. TYIPEWRITERS--Alil makes sold, rented, exchanged,' repaired. O. D. Morrill, 314 S. State St. Phone 6615. CALLING CARDS-100 with en- graved . copper plate $2.50. up 100 printed from old plate $1.75, Best quality workmanship. 0. D. Morrill, -314 S. State St. WILL sublet Forest Plaza apart- .menit for suminer session accomn- mnodates two or three people. Re- duced price. Call 3780. 12345;; L In the Nationallega thirteen1- inning endurance contest was taken from Boston by Pittsburgh. The Boston club was able to mnake good on only one of the elecejits 1- scored by them in the long contes.t. Pitts- burgh tallied twice-one i A the ninth, and then in the thirteenth, to win the game. The World's champion Athletics defeated Chic ago, 4 Earnshaw, I~Lji/4N LSETO U. S. TEAM CIP Speciai .90 I. goo lour's gsolf t5wsasdsp ery dacula r- ' "' --' -" threejits s nasrtcho i olsIp~ K p aL s TeCrina~lsnoed11o2utiitheUAN 'York Giants, 5-G by tallying a run gh the middle of his round hie Sets New Hip, h Mark' in the ninth. Hubbell and Hallahan four fives and two twos. He1 were the rival hurlers. missing' short putts and sink- i ('Continued from Page 6) That the sluggers of both leagues hle lone; ones. Hie was at his are rounding into form was evident com1ing homei;, his mzarvelousan es eealn olssta from the -nine homers hit in the ,ries fromt hoolked drives koep- svecvents, this year. Cihtgames which took plac e yes-, is; score down.Pal Iwin saw action in 23 g amc I ", t afte J rnoon. Amen,, te.),;who, Kirkwtooat1 Shoots. wile Howamv rd Simon and Jim Spen- E1' mm cci ,out cciro do'1'were< iling7 these two leaders were cer follorwed him with 22 each. This cri of the Ya1 uks ,.>>u h's (te.am- Kikwood, the tr ick sho star igh individual' interest in the In- Iaeu iald1lc isno New Yorkz, and W. T. Twine, traimural sports has been gratify- the Cllc oCbbt fwur,,n romiley in Kent, with 15-Os.in to the officials. seem to be stating late i c year veoo, after a disastrous 40 on____ - utgoing ninei, burned 'up the CGOLFERS IK~E OLD A)iLL. sp-A[l"V1NS COI I 1'E IT CA ,ecmn oeanee!35 strokes. Twine, whose 72 in ThI; poll of golfers in the Detroit A squad of seven Spartmns, head- irst round gave him a tie with Ditc, being conducted by the !ced by Clark ChamberliO, crack ny Farrell and IIen:y Cottn etoi News, the sentiment seems distance star, are comlpet ing in the ,he lei , could not get along to be overwhelmingly in favor of: N ational intercollegiate tracek meet and tooks 78, the old ball against the new. 'in Chicag ,o. - ----- A , , cur boxers representing the ®.rL United States defeated a t 'am of 1 eener ompetiton It aiihiii pugiiss ive bouts to two. Marks 'Mural Season For aimoet half an hour the are- ____ na was in an uproar and the Ital- (Continued from Page 6) lians} in high dudgeon marched ,;right out of the party after the ace was any the less keen, however, and of the invading squad, Edelweis was decidedly not in several eases, P odriguez was declared the loser such as foul throwing and golf. in the opening bout to Lou Salica, ]Five other sports have apparently clever little New York flyweight, fbut held their own or m.-arked time \vho holds the 112-pound title in the last year, baseball, fencing, soc the metropolitan. cer, twenty-one, and wrestling fall in this class, yet- the first event ranks second for the great e n~um- ber of men participating a nd t'hus interest shown for the ye,,cr. B asktball tip k s the :1 ' to honors in num berscniptinig, w' I 1speed- ball nd anaM ; ll r'ig11 t;upin the ruulain gfO.' third atlli (JourtI1A pla c £S * Ri"au aic' ben gratif. ingto See, ' the newe.*p~s badmintona andcodbal ar am~igthose ta } .re15 gongup in 1his .race. R~est Are New. White with iblIac k S4hipmen saddle, white black cap. Two tans and tan white. with tone' and I WANTED Now 0 ° 0 0 0 0 a wo-,. V Swl--Vs boro and vigare, infielder,, are the only regular holdovers on the Wichita team this year. 311 Sow h State I I P w _..,. .i --- " 7 a / C f. Iti _ _ _,.._ I 41; Central Mark e t QUALITY MEATS We Solicit Your P atronage Delivery Service JZARL MYERS PROP. T __ _ _ __ __ 1 1 , a ljj "4 You Are 70°% Li quid P'.urest Ave. Market t IF YOU ARE NORMAL I'm if you or your' employees fall below normal, ill health is sure to follow, cspecially during the warm months. A "20th Century" cooler will act as aconstant reminder to drink plenty of PURE water. Let us install one your home or office today! I I I Dial 4251 530 Forest Ave. E 7'412 206 SOUTH ASHLEY P ASTRY HOP I FRESH DRESSED BROILERS .43c F RESH DRESSED FOWLS..0....0 33c ARBORSPNS WATER CO. 416 West 7HA:..n UR.ITY Phone 8270 AED GOODS maAe PURELY for YOU SALT-RISING BREAD OUR SPECIALITY 7 Packard- Phone 9605 We S.pecialize in Good Pies SHORTIBOFBEE........ 1l c DELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF TH-E'CITY YOU WILL DO BETTER AT LEMBLE'S x__________________________' Ir STEAKS ROASTINGCHICKENS WANTED -Canoe in good ond- tion. Must be sixteen feet on. state size, kind, condition, price. W, p$ N. Hunter, 1010' Donovana Bcrg., Detroit. 45x WANTED-Ford modelA roadster, 1929 model preferred; terms cash; cheap. Box 181. 456 WANTED-Two passengers. Driving to Des Moines, Iowa, June 12. Call Dunn, 23159. 4 LAUNDRY WANTED-Use soft wa- ter, sun dried, work guaranteed I at reasonable price. Call 21'5'57. 34 FOR RENT - Heated' parnet. five rooms, bath, sleeping' poch, electric refrigeration, garage, 05 Forest. Phone 6137. 345 WANTED-two passengers. Driving to San Antonio, Texas. June 15. Call Madero. 551 Church, Apt. 4. 4 SALE FOR CASH-Oldsmobile- 10 Isedan. Only driven 10,000' m lbi. A-1 condition. Call 519. 345 PROFESSOR wants to rent small unfurnished house on east side, beginning about Sept. first. a3ox No. 178. 234 WANTED - Colored couple desires position in fraternity as porter and cook or at single positions. Dial ?-3441. 345 WANTED-Will buy used clothing. Phone 2-3441 or call at 122'-E. Washington. 345 SHORTHAND -- Important. Would like to 'gel; in touch with 2 stu-= dents with- knowledge of- shor~ hand who expect ' to enter aw school next fall. Write to Bos 179, Mich. Daily. 34 MEN-171 offices in the U. S. to place you. Work-healthful, edu- I ational, and profitable. Must be satisfied with $35 per week pls bonus. Write box No. 170,'Mich. Daily. 6-5 TEACHER -'shes two or three pas- sengers to -Calfornia. Address Box 173, Michigan Daily.C SMALL FAMILY driving to Los Angeles by Yellowstone; roml 'for one.' Phone 3212. 123456. FOR RENT FOR RENT-Pleasant cottage, "d- lightful 10 c a ti dnii. Cvanaugh lake. Terms reasonable. Agut and September. 'Phone 8466.' 46 FIRST FLOOR of attraptve private home available for summer.. Large livingroom, sunroom itlA' daybed. Kitchenette with eletrPV stove, Kelvinator, private' btii. Best. residential section. Tele- phone 3768. FOR RENT-2 rooms; large; nine-y furnished; near campus; retii-. able rent. 1115 So. Univ. Ponie 7561. 4 APARTMENT FOR RENT - during summer, 4 rooms and ktcln.. Phone 7735. 3456 LOST 'LOST-Large 'black notebook, ni- tials P. L. carved on cover. Re- ward. Dial 5847. 34 HOAGLIN PIE SHOP 1I Miller Avenue Phone 5501 LET US SERVE YOU-j II ICES-PUNCHES--FANCY MOLDS Servic--plus first class meats- -;mean saving. ROASTS ! Meats of a quality you can see 118 West Washington I ~~~-- - --- --_-__ _--- t ZP BROILERS and taste Phone 22596 ik -plus prices FEAy IN MOREHOS EVERY DAY lu- *gR" KR.U'STBR A One of Ann Arbor's Leading Loaves Butter Krust is constantly imi p oving in quality with pure fresh milk. Washington akery a I iiN1 A IYI .. . 's M ...+.,.M.. ', , s' INCREASE IN DISTRIBUTION IS THE MOST DIRECT PROOF Everyti~ng for Your Party Phone 23181 THAT AL8211 213 EAST WASHINGTON I 1i1!11 I! .:. s I _____________________________________________________________________________ -' -------- I * * * * * VALUES THAT CANNOT BE BEATI AT THl E ANN ARBOR DAIRY GOLDEN JERSEY MILK ' bas won and is winning the approval of the Ann Ab rH ueie w osrvst ev e aiy rANT ADS PAY *k 'I' * ,' * * Vlhen downtown drop in P U R ..s* r s: ie rA M .... E eco r ",- . _ ; .. . . a. I T YMn S T R I C T L Y F R E S H 122 East Washington Telecphone 7996 P olnd 9c PROMPT FREE DELIVERY D z onl the best food obtlainable. YOU'LL PREFER IT ONCE YOU HAVE TOO T R iED /' iT ;..:,;.m,,. eIciouIStase dwiclics, tasty sia ld, nice rich naltcd. CHOICE TENDER HAM HAM BALONEY T-BONE STEAK SLICED TASTY1, E a TedI- ;J 1. -.- PCIA ICE CREAM BRICK - - Philadelphia Vanilla Chcolate ': m