PAGE MWO .., THE MICHIGAN DATLY THURSDAY. FEBRVARY -A 1931 THR M1CHT~~AM flATLY ThUflF~T5AW r~Th~47AT~7 .& ~21 .sZ i .a. ./.' Al.i. %t %.;A &A ko s rev, .6 f1 M .b Two New Sections to be CURRENT YEARBOOK TOCQNTAIN HRECORDH 'OFADMINITRTION Annual Will Make Appearance on Campus, May 20, Editor Says. HOLD TRYOUT HEETINGS Editorial, Business Staffs Give Many Opportunities for Creative Work. Marking a definite advance over the yearbooks of the past years, the 1931 Michiganensian which will make its appearance on the cam- pus about May 20 this spring will be completely designed by students even to the cover and to the layout of the art work. The cover on this year's book is to be novel and modernistic in a fine-grained white canvas with a design stamped in green. The back- ing will be patent leather fabricoid on which the name and the year will be stamped in silver. Two new departments have been added to the book and will include an editorial section and a section on the administration. In the last part will be included a record of the activities of the University ad- ministration with an account of the various disciplinary measure which have been enacted and the various programs which have been advocated. Art Work Distinctive. The art work of the new book will be distinctive and original. Most of it is to be printed in coral and light green on a silver back- ground and is all in modernistic designs done by students. In the photography there have also been new arrangements made, that of taking the pictures in action in- stead of in the studio. The addition of these new de- partments and the improvement in the methods both of the editorial and of the business staffs presents many new opportunities for second semester freshmen who are inter- ested in this work, George Dusen- bury, '31, editor of the yearbook, pointed out yesterday. Routine Work Eliminated. Formerly, the work on the 'Ensian has been very much of a routine nature, Dusenbury said, but this difficulty has been demedied by the methods used in the staff as- signments. Work on the editorial staff pro- vides opportunity for practical ex- perience in a number of different and varied fields. Among these may be listed the work of writing the sports for the yer. In this de- partment, a record is kept of the achievements of all the Michigan teams during the year. Photographs are taken of the more spectacular meets and games and at the end of the year, these records are com- piled into story form. Excellent ex- perience in sports writing is thus gained. In the art department, there is much opportunity for students in- terested in design work and in cre- ative drawing of all kinds. Other departments of the staff include the seniors department and the fraternities department. No Experience Necessary. On the business staff, George E. Hofmeister, '31, business manager for the annual, pointed out that tryouts to this branch of the work receive much practical experience in contact work, salesmanship, and No previous business experience is necessary for this work, Hofmeister said, although such training is of valuable assist- ance. Possibilities are also provid- ed for much work in accounting and bookkeeping. Meetings of both the editorial and business tryouts were held yes- terday in the offices of the 'Ensian in the Press building. The next meetings of the staffs will be held Monday afternoon in the Press building. Cover of Yearbook to be Modernistic FINALDRIVETODAY- Faculty M n ddress F o Three iaciv m erbe-'s of the; school of en inc ezing ;r; ereyes-' l fy irom Ch o, where they mcL lcast v ,,:,.h the federal utiities veseerA ;h cc nTUnhesio 1. Prof. Walter L. Badger, of the; dlpartmient o c h ( nica l clgleer- X81 1931 Michiganensian I OBYS IN fS PLANPie, Cigarette Relativity Shown F STTECNTRby Herr Einst LLL *ein NATINALFORESTS Three Reserves to be Important to Forestry Station of University. I ' Last Opportunity to be Offered to Redeem Pledge Stubs at Full Value. National Conference Seeks to Establish Central Headquarters. (BY' Asscited Press) PASADENA, Calif., Feb. 25.-The ice cream was served and speeches were about to start. Prof. Einstein At last the solution to the red g. g pke on p'cr: os o k with (F iress> drew his pipe, looked around at the asquetion arks hichaes he ae bn con- WASHINGTON, Feb. 25.-Organ- women guests and laid it down. According to a recent presidential question marks which have tata- ization of well centralized politico- H-e whispered to the president proclamation, three national forest zlized the campus for the past week We temperance fighting units in each of Ihe Chamber of Commerce reserves have be n created in the raWdT MSg ne esis e uctor of of the 48 states bore the indorse- by upper peninsula of Michigan. Near he deparirmen o engineing re-nce of organizations suportin his side. Gasps of as onishment jthe center of the Hiawatha forest, Sian, yearbook of the University, searh, (ddrese thc mi- eving on the Eighteenth Amendment, went up among the scientists as located about mid-way across the will open its final one-day drive t sP( >J pm K tn :i esearch. Dr. Dr. Ernest Cherrington, president he accepted a cigaret, and Frau state, -is the University of Michi- for subscriptions on the campus i1reCn L. Mi be 0; ti depart- of the dry conference, said the de- Elsa, with amazed eyes, was speech- gar's forestry station, Camp Fili- today. onct of cheiic (c L[ncmieig, was cision to form these units, reached less. Einstein never had smoked a bert Roth, for which the recently S meo ehian del- ointeddirect- ciar created reserve will hold much im- a y's the plldge thst on R t ly toward the next presidential But nonchalantly he broke it in portance, according to the state- The cover ofthe new 1931 Mich- at which the pledge stubs which es at my d e e eeengi- election. He asserted it was the two, tore off the paper, put thelment yesterday of Prof. S. W. Allen, iganensian,fyearbook of the Uni- u ll m e rmee nvr-most significant step yet taken by tobacco in his pipe, and soon was of the foestry department. versity, will be of white canvas' at full value, George Hofeister, s ouyofere aa wi also the assembled leaders of the 33 or- Iblowing rings. Frau Elsa sighed The lands on which the new pre- with green rdesigns stamped on it.1 book, said yester-day. It willeasopes~i ihgrndsgs tmd nt.bk.adystra.t ilalso. ganized prohibition groups. and his secretary went to get the serves are being created, accord- The backing is topat- be of blacmpsaa- tw - - As the third day of secret sessions pouch of pipe tobacco left in their ing to the announcement, were or- ent leather fabricoid with the name the final campus sale at which (r ;1 tV' , - opened, the conference began con- car. iginally exploited for their timber. entleaherfabicod wth he amethe annual rr be obtained at the~ ~ of the book printed in silver. It was n prices, Hofmester state sideration of a proposal to form a -_zthen followed programs of coloni- designed entirely by students on presenty aricesidrtiofteapmoeosatoaboarddedicated almost soleyto - e- zation foraricltra development. the editorial staff of the yearbook As only a limited number of yplacig dry planks in the 1932 plat- Now, since many of the original booksdryeplanksedinctheea1932dplat- theiora _saffth eaooks fare number of the have adli °. l form of both political parties. Wh tsGo gOn residents have moved away, 'and aree neeof them rve only- There was, however, some objection much of the land is reverting to the tw b eooks for each 5 students who to the measure, state through tax delinquency, it L phave not yet purchased their sub- Locomotive and BaggageClub state temperance conferences, each the lands is for timber production 0 cription. The sale will last only Car Plunge From Open to he represented as a unit in the Majestic-Jack Oakie in "The and the government's program is in Coupons, which may be redeemed'Big noRvr ainlcneecwsntgie Gang Buster," with Jean Arthur furtherance of their restoration to 1 for books when the annual appears -until shortly before midnight Tues- and William Boyd. that economic purpose. in the spring ma be urch asdat (/' :at 's s)iday. It was part of a drastic re- M i c h i g a n-"The Doorway to Several thousand acres of non- Noted Architect Says American iny p the sn mabe prhedan MOBILE, Ala., Feb. 25-The loco- writing of the organization's con- Hell," with Lewis Stone and Leon producing land within the three Common Sense Is Best any of the stands along the diagon- motive and combination baggage stitution. Janney. new national forests have already TommonS n.hal and in Angell hall and Univer- and club car of the north-bound Other highlights in this unprece- Wuerth-Marilyn Miller in "Sun- been planted with white and Nor- Tradition. sity hall. The campus broadcast- Pan-American train plunged 40 feet dented revision were: ny," with Joe Donahue and Law- way pine and the present program "--it-sa ecssty r ,ra-ing'system will be called into ser- through the open draw of the Mo- The establishment in Washington rence Gray. contemplates further planting at ice to advertize the sale. bile river bridge 18 miles north of of national headquarters for the ant average rate of 2,000 acres per tive art," stated Richard J. Neutra, here at 12:50 a.m. today carrying nation's combined dry groups. GENERAL year. internationally known architect, SOCIETY TO MAKE four trainmen to death and nar- The creation of a committee or The three new forests will at who delivered a lecture on "Mod- BALLOON FLIGH 1TS rowly missing a passing tugboat. "board of strategy" of 15 outstand- Tryouts-For Union, 4 o'clock, present all be under the manage- nA e rgu.No passengers were reported in- ing dry leaders to provide a unified udent offices. ment of one supervisor, who will em Architecture Throughout the 1ured or killed, but Louisville & command upon all matters arising Michigan Socialist league-Or- have his headquarters at Munising. World" yesterday afternoon in the Members Plan Ascensions From Nashville railway officials said a between meetings of the national ganization meeting, 7:30 o'clock, Ranger stations will be at Munis- auditorium of the Architectural Wyandotte Airport. careful check would be necessary conference. room 304, Union ing, Raco, and Kenton. building. hehst estyletermine definitely whether -- _____---- - "thhsyle Aeronautical soc i e t y members theie had been any passengers 13 ARIZONA CONVICTS have been sincere in their work are completing plans for three or loungig in the cib car. The train ARE STILL AT LARGE and if one is to follow in their cx- four balloon flights, the first of was No. 98. bound for Cincinnati R-esi ence F o r Sl amples he must be also," he added which will probably take place the from Mobile. PHOENIX, Ariz., Feb. 25-(')-Of The. architect, who has traveled first part of spring vacation, and H. P. Rearon. ais-nt superin- the 1 convicts who climbed over around the world on a lecture tour the remainder between that time tendent of the Mobile-New Orleans the Arizona state prison wall at Most modern home, new, in Southeast residenti district. 'This home is and has inspected many of the fa- and the close of the semester. division of the rii way. said ho was Florence last Sunday, 13 remained complete in every detail and fils the desires of the ,Host fastidious per- mous buildings of the world said The balloon to be used is a 90,- at a loss to account for the accident at large today. One was captured sons. Close to good schools. that common sense in American 000 cubic feet craft, of the Detroit as an automatic bok signal sys- near the prison a short time after architecture is the best tradition we balloon club. The flights will start m should have given warning of the break and two more were ar- A few of the modern features follow: havelfro n cair-porlgtsinwylate hve.h from an air-port in Wyandotte. the open draw fully a mile away rested here Tuesday night. Narrow oak flooring. Hand rubbed birch woodwork. Balsam wool insula- Clared "will grow up with new Four or five passengers, in addition - - tion. Weather stripped windows and doors. Large Indiana Limestone-and .ae,"il rwupwt'e to the pilot, can be accommodated k - totepltpa eacmoae brick fireplace. Silenta ire heat blowe. I icieao1 is term'1iostatic control. ideas on color harmonies which on each trip. The aim of each crew G treae. iLare aact wawer. Mltne Cpolesthermland crom. seem too be radical and incongru- will be to cover as great a distance STA TING2:003:40 Gas water heater. large capacity water softener. Compee laundry room. wlbetcoeasgetadsac;Fruit storag om te a iutwnow ihcpe ul-nsres ous to those of the old school." He as possible, unless conditions are bODAY 7.00-9.0(r storage room. Steel casement windows it copper built-in screens. gave an example of this as the pop- such as to make so doing unduly Living room,, extra large 26x16 feet. Built-in arched book shelves. Dining ular Neon tube sign-. hazardous. rm, ample wall space. 16x15 feet. Most modern kitchen. Full sized Neutra also discu ed the ma- Last fall a group of members of Funniest Picture of the Year tile sink. Breakfast nook. Ventilating fans. Built-in Incinerator. Built-in chine romanticism of the present the society made a record flight Frigidaire. Four bed rooms. Newly decorated. Orchid tile bath room. day stating that the mechaniec of from Wyandotte to a point in Built-in tub and shower. Tiled first floor lavatory. Billiard-card room, today are giving rise to a new ro- northern Ontario, traversing a dis- finished. 18x18 feet. Situated on lot 60x132 feet. Large 2 car garage. manticism in architecture much tance of more than 300 miles. nee.SteBeautiful .rckgare fuy cn ot-t'x3t. ol onrear falt. the same as the older types. 0garden.fullyshrubbe continis. "Machines can be just as beae'M- MARION W HITING Owner has invested over $18,500 in this propertyI BUT WILL SELL AT A ful as anything - else of form sin oesota Professor NIXON JACK BIG SAVING to purchaser and on extremely reasonable contract terms. times," he said. to Talk on Economics If you are considering buying a home it will be worth your time to At the conclusion of the lecture, As Fast as it is Funny. And there are more hearty laughs per minute investigate this property first. Owner might consider a smaller home in Neutra showed various slides of "E omic History and Economic than any picture we have shown this year. exchange. For appointment call at noon or after 6 p. m. Phone 3378. buildings which illustrated the Theo will be the subject dis- COMING SUNDAY points brought out in the lecture, cussed by Dr. Max Handman, pro- Following this an open discussion fessor of economics at the Univer- "THE BIG TRAIL" of problems in modern architecture sity of Minnesota, in an address was held, before the Economics club Thurs- day night at the Union. - ROMEO, Feb. 25. --()- M. B. Dr. Handman, who was formerly Smith, editor of the Romeo Ob- on the faculty at the University of server, reported Tuesday night he Texas, is a veteran pubic speaker. had been kidnaped by four bandits His experiences as a teacher and in an automobile, robbed of $12 and ;writer in the fields of economics - - finally allowed to escape near Bir- and sociology qualify him for the mingham in Oakland county. address. -- -7 mmamomma -- WMENNIM ..® tAFA TON ,L lI I I' NOW PLAYING JACK _ - - IN - X i . .- - TiE NEWS CARIxER OF 1870 1 Professor to Discuss Army Camp Forestry To discuss plans for undertaking forestry work at Camp Custer, lo- cated near Battle Creek, Prof. E. V. Jotter, of the School of Forestry and Conservation, left yesterday for; Chicago where he will confer with Major General Frank Parker of the sixth corps area. While in Chicago, Professor Jot- ter will also give a talk before the Chicago Women's club on the sub- oot, "The Forest Situation in Mich-! BRIGH T SPOT 802 PACKARD ST. TODAY, 5:30 to 7:30 LIVER AND BACON IN A SWIRl. OFI DusT the pony express arrived! Carrier of the news in 1870! Messages from the East, news of ships just docked from foreign ports, dispatches of local importance, were contained in the .sack the rider carried. OVER WIRES AND CABLES and through the air Associated Press dispatches are sent to the various parts of the country and abroad- today. The (Newspaper) receives these A. P. messages daily. Keep yourself posted on the accurate, up- to-the-minute news of RI A PARAMIOUNT PICTURE wit - D~aily ait 2:00 3 :ti0 7 :00 t:00 JEAN ARTHUR WILL A M BOYD l= -s Cr and funnier than "Fast Compa~y;" dizzier than "Sea leg' "Come, joyin'in the fun- pl ay at the IMajestic. Your favorite comedian n o w appears as an a g e n t selling accident insur- ance to gang- sters. Imagine that! 1I' - ________EXTRA ALDD i ~~~I~~~us .r~~r~~rii ;13 U W~ /1' i~?3 Western .Front" IN NI Y il lOlC)MI YH ARO NU I 1I NOVELTY III DOC' CONIEDY III ICA RTOON I II IE (I