5, 1931 ____ ____ ____ ____ ___THE MICHIGAN TDAILY ___ Q~fR n SEX 1N FERFERES WITH ED UCA TION e- .. _.. .. _...... ; IUddLV ~AZI-f ! son. Sae ie Issue Review. Statutes ofy .iuert schloars in mle the June is- an Law Review, n. Z. Evans, dean of the Law, of the University of. Ken- has contributedl a study of tutory survival of tort claims .d against executors and ad- ra1tos.Dia~n Evans has dealt one .e various state' statutes on vival of actions after death of the parties. E. Smythe Gambrell, of University, discusses the of "Lay Encroachmnents on ;al Profession." In his ar- ;Qfs p amprell treats the day situation wherein col- agncies and~ title and trusta es en g in the practice COLUMBIA PROQFE$SSOR DECLARES 9pisfrqct~on , Explais /l1noU1atof ::alr-l thatamatuire citizen has 'of Thme Allotted for learnedl," hie caus, t a: been ac- Couse.quired eithe r before adolescence or Average Core fter its storm and stress." Children. learn best of all accord- (Speial o Th !)a1r)ing to Professor Pitkin. "Boys and NEW YORK, June 3.-Sex is the girlsa in 'the fifth and sixth gradesl predomzinant interest of so many of grammar school read much more colleg~e students, especially those at- i than high school students," he says, t en di ng co-educational institu- "and they spell better, show more stdspontaneous interest in finding out tions, that its distraction from stud ew facts and take books more ser- ies principally "explains the tre- J., ,y" than do their fellow stu- mend~ous time allowed for the' ct- h have reached the years learning of a typical college cours.e, " . eeomn Prof. Walter..p. Pitkin, of Cohilumbia thwa-rts the learner, eca yb°- university, declares in his new book, t'wecen iuhe si teenth_ and1tiet- "The Art of Learninr.g," publishedcfirst yars," the author states, "and today. =the1law of cupid, who stealds so mach "Many college studlents waste four o thez youthful learners' mental years simply becausethycan t ce1cen{rt ionis 'Never think, obey keep their minds off sex lures," ,tha<1t implulse.' " Professor Pitkin states, adding that j _ __- "in co-educational schools this isCav DaiReun at its worst." According to the au- , ,-Vir ai Rf4' thior, "productive scholarship rela-1j Fr E uropean Tip tive to the attendance in co-educa- tional schools is exceedingly low, Fiit .ln4skolonCSt even contemptible at times, and the social advantages of throwing hot WreTa ee youths in with hot maids probably lrfCli ,Dvs ertr do not outweigh the intellectual Prf aix avsseety stunting." of the School of Education, return- "Mlany a bright girl," the Prof es- ed to Ann Arbor last Wednesday, srcontinues, "g'iggles heir sexy after a four-moniths' tour of E~urope way through college, learning less adteMdtraen i is thantha decimal o fwhatn, hismight, taadeiaofwasemgtvaaini26but for her flirting' and erotic fid- icio n2years with the Uni- gets. Many a clever boy receives versity. his sheepskin after four years off Leaving New Yfork on Feb. 3 on futility and necking parties, during the steamer le de France, he and which h1e has not even learned how Mrs. Davis visited a nuamber of ports to be a wholesom~e male."onteMderaa.Thyis Frmthe teachers point of viewo h eieraen hyds according to Professor Pitkin, theemakdt Suh ponndvs (later year:s of high school and the ited Engla nd, France, German y, entire college period are probably and a number of other European the poorest of all for 1earnin , save countries. They returned on the only the 'closipg decade of life. "Adults learn better than do col-EmrsofBian lege students," he declares, "and "Economic conditions in England stud1ents who "spend four years in seem worse than they are here," any institutionl of learning cover cominented Professor Davis, "Taxes no' more intellectual content than are high and the people are pessi- a fairly jealous anid able person of mistic. France did not appear so 30 or 40 might complete, even more thoroughly, in five or six months of hard hit as some of the countries. sustainedlstudy: Fully nine-tenths Italy is really looking up. - °' Tody'sRadiHo Progr~amls (Ea. tern Standard Time) _ r ; .! _ , Dedicating tonight's program to the Portlandt Rose festival, the RK.O. T'hea-tre of the Air will have as guest artist s Peter Hligg;ins, Mar- garet S hilling , Doeckwl, Judgei~r Walter A. Evan -s, and the ivrit of Oregon Rh-:Jlythmui Boys, wi 111a orchestra munder ithe direction of Milton Schwa rtzwald on the sus- taining progra)m. This broadcast is a National Br oadcasting comipany servce omig trough its tqtons, WWJWT VIandWGYat9:30, CollgeasndswillI be featured on thei Cliquot club ) graduatiioni pro-1 gra m tonight over Stations VVW,1 WOYA', and WDAF at 8 o'cloc-. 1Helen Carlin, as the guest artist, will sin several numberc-,s on a program of songs, incluAding; "Betty Co-ed," "Yale 3oola Poola," "He Ain't Neveri Been in College," a medley of other college tunes, "You Can Bet, Your Life It's Love," and "Notre :Dame Victory March." Ethel Waterrssar of thl , all- colored revue, '"'hapsody 'in?,BlaJk," now on the stage in New York, will be heard on the "Bits of the Thea- tre" program with Cosmo Hlamilton1 as the master of ceremonies. WEAF will handle the broadcast exclusive- ly at 5:3C o'clock. - I I ors; John Sc le, brit~one; Darrell Woodyardi, bass; F, ank Banuta and- Miltcn Rewttnb-jr-, piano cduo;avnd ,,an orchestra i~udr the dirct°lion of RLos- a .o Bourdon. 1:35--BRITIiH OPEN cGOLF FINALS - WXYZ. WOKO, 1WFii3 4:30-Rory'Atwefl's Tide W{pa n--WEAN, WOKO, WKBW E TEL-! W\iA T ERS of "Rhapsody inj B I,;:"-WFAF 5:4 5-LITFTLE JA.CK LITTLE--WEAF, WO.Y 6.C{0_-Major Bowev's Fami-ly -WJ,r' WE A: , Kate Smith n ld her Swaiie rMusic-- 6:15-St. Morti rhsr-F3,WLF3W, 6:35--F7ina;l :baseball scores-WIJ R 6:45--Morton Downey and Anthionry Wons- I7:00---Jessia Draqooncte --- WW4J, WTAM, KYW 7:30-DON AZPIAZU and his Havana orches- S tra-WJ:' Dutch hiasters"-4M--WXYZ, KMO'X, WVFBM '0-.Heleni Carlin in Clitruot club - WVJ, WGY0 , WRAF Billy Jones and Ernie Hare - KOKA, WJ R, KYW ,1:30-Armnour prograrn---WJR, KYW, WLW LEO R'EISM;AN7,= orchestra on Pond's dance progrann--WGY, WRAF, WER 9:00-Dr. Karl Menninger, psychiatrist-WJR3, KDKA, WREN Cnuntess Albani, soprano--WWJ, WGY, W TAMIb ANNETTE HANSHAW, Eugene Or- mandy's orchestra - WXYZ, KMOX, WEAN 9:30-R.K.O. Theatre of the Air - WWJ,1 WTAM, WGY The March of Time - WXYZ, KMOX, WFBL 10:00-FLETCHER HENDERSON and his or- chestra-WXYZ. KMIOX, WFB3L 10;30--VINCENT LOPEZ and his orchestra-, WWJ, WTAM Hollywood Gardens orchestra-WABC, WORC 1.1.:00--PAUL WHITEMAN and his orchestra-- WGY, WEAF, WRAF T:al Henry and rut orchestra-WEAR, KOKDA,"AWREFN ;,eorcjc Olsen and his orchestra--WXYZ, WJFlL J13-H(nry Busse and his orchestra-WLW, WOaAf-~WREN Larry Funk and his orchestra--WTAM, W~SM 12:00--Fcllx Fcrdinando and his orchestra - WABC Musetom - cretT ASE TORESISTER; ____Geneva Sminthe, recruit dairct $lashop Urges Those Intreted the Michigan Audubon society to Intntonsecretary at theivesiy ,i tSignify Itninumns, and will be ditibtdair Imimediately the junior members of that soc TO LIMIT CLASS TO 50 A feature of the book is acl lis ht o iso f outheatern gan madle'by Norman A. Wood, Students interested in registering &ator of birds in the University for the first year of library sciencer seumri.of zoology. The list is are requested to signify their in- tqo be h.polycomnplete oneco tendo as rl r Dr.mil ind, ever made. tetin s ary a, possible, Dr i- The handbook is the. result li mn W. Bishop, librarian and head collection of all the mimneogra' of the department. said yesterday. pamphle;ts of the last sixy "ZThecnumb er olfafrst-yearsStu- which :Miss Smithe i~e n dents in this department wili be enable the junior~ members.to definitely limiteci to K)," Dr. Bishop come better acquainted with bI :stated, "and any Michigan students of this locality'. who are interested should immedi- ately confer with Dean. Effiniger of The average, Canadian eats aL the literary college and also with On~e-9uarter of a pound more ca a representative of this depart- a 'yar than does the avrg ment." dent of the United States, says "Many applications have been re- department of commerce. ceivedl from students in other uni- for Michigan graduates to DIVEW~AY have the first opportunity for en L trance, they should take this means PE BL of placing their names on the list. Selections will be made July 1, but,1 ILLINS. the total number will be far ex- ceeded by that time, so the import- GRAVEL COMPANY ance of registering early cannot be Telephone 7112 over-emphasized." _______________ law. 'State Utilitiles and the Supreme' curt" is the subject of an 'article Prof.. homa~s R. Powell, of the rvard L a w school. Professors well describes the attitude. taken the' Unite~d States Supreme urt in adjudicating questions in- lvingthpoe of a, state to limn- the activities of public utilities.' :tudec4t haemb~rs of the Law Re- w boa~rd h ve"rwrtt9~ the Note I dcomment' section, as well asI reports on recent important~ visions. ;:eviews of new book~s in the legal d have been written by Profes- ,s Aigler, Holbrook, Tr~acy and rfee of t~he Law sc9hool., as well by member ofthe' faculties of Ler institutions. edleskj ay Fn for 'Basball' Gaime hargeci with operating' punch rds and a gam'e, known as "base, T" in the M'ichigan Bowling' Al- y s, Ben'Jamin Shedlfeski~ 1405 mry street, was fined $25, and ;ts of $4.45 yesterday by Judge H. Payne, although he .ple adeox guilty to the offense. A choice gathering of singers will appear before the microphone to present the Cities Service program tonight at 7 o'clock. over WWJ, WTAM, and KYW. Jessica Dragon- ette, featured artist on the series of broadcasts will be heard with Leo O'Rourke, Robert Stevens, ten-, Mac' sTaxi 35C Anywhere in I City. 10c for each addi- tional passenger. Phone 4289 We Solicit Y''our. Patronag DANCING 12:30-Dave Abramns and his orchestra-WABCI Grarngers bal1room SPECIAL ROSES Tonite Per Doz. SURPRISE FEA TUt1RES "Gene Burhan's" Patch of Blue Band rFRATERNITY EW R PARTY FAVORSI ARCADE JEWELRY SHOP CARL F. PAY' University Fl ower Shop, Inc. Phone 6030 229 S. State We Deliver Dancing 9'1~ Dancing Spatwrgy ike 94 JEWEL)6R AND OPTOMETRIST Nickels Arcade - -I ____ I_ 0 -----A 1 _____ t , . I