THE MICHIGAN DAICY.1 F'RIDAY, 41i11 of -iterature, Law, siiness Schools Makes -riculuiPossible. KE SEVEN YEl-ARS rse to~ Prepare Students Pres et Bus;inedss Problems. GERMANS TO MEL u/ i:$ E. Giffin, of the )ess Adinistration, ercoy a new orns- n; letters, business, will now be possible, said Griffin, "to take in seven and t~o sum2lmer Sessions a e in. letters, busircs s~, and law, a. would others5e requ,,ire nine .We have comikned the c-x-~ tfacW lr-s of the Un1 -iverstiy ale' this posible. Cw rrs prepare the 1,tarl cut fr rthe exng businie aristcations; have so mlaj'v~wtin iN_ years. Ada I c to ! disry a: con'scquece of the new all- siveness of industry," declared Griffin, "'members of the leg- ,fessiofl are more and mrore it, to adj~ust such of these re- ships~ as fall within the scope elaw. As a result, many legal ha e c m o d vt hi ice almost exclusively to, the as it relates to businaess. mect the overlapping of bus- and~ the law, lierefore, we secur~ed a new coordination e latw school, the business A, and' the college of literature. combined programn in letters, Bess, anid law is the resuzl, By .ig hims elf of its use, the stu- can. obtain the A.B., the k., and the LL.E. (or" J.D.) de- in- seven aca,,demlic years and summer sessions,. a feat that I otherwise require a space CaricuunIReviewed. ere is a resume of the curri- n.During his Karst three years stent should pursue studies le College of .Literature, Sci- and the Arts. At the end of third year he should have (1) L5t ninety hours~ of credit. (2) is one half mo~re honor points hiours, (3) at least twelve sof th~e ninety devoted to eco-- cs, hicludin~g principles of cco- es and printciples of account- economics-551-52, 171-172, or equivalents). Finally, he shall met the specific requirements LO College of Literature, Sci- and# the Arts for the A.B. de- In order to be permitted h enrollment in the college of .ture and the business school, 1tudent must submit, a:3plica- ;Orfetime in the seconid semen- f his' third year and before 20." ie student will enter his stud- 1the School of Business Ad- tration during the Summer :)n which follows lhi,>third i '# Ger man delegates Iwill m-1: tw forma.F Iidkession on business, dcKbtr tius (cenvie' above), foreign ministei represeniAatives will beArthur flend minister. V. 1 hat's Going On ThE'OA'TES rLdial&7ercti .lssoh = :31 at.n c h e Yurka in "Ca~jrice" At 8:15 o'clock. Mlichigan - B a:bara Stanwmyck, Ricrardo Coirte7 Monroe Owsicy, and Saly Blane ir1 "Ten Cent, a Dance" and Charley Chase in "Rough Spas." Majestic-Mary Brian, Kay Stroz- zi, and John Halliday inz "Captain Applejack," and Chester Conklin in "Gcents of Leisure." Wkiertlhi Dorothy Lee and Edna Mat, Oliver in "Laugh and Oct Rich." I wj'l. coirpl te the regular first year business admiitration programa begun in summer school. In brief thne first year work, which i6 to a large extent prescribed to all stu- dents, includes thle' principles of arketing, business finance, per-I sonnel, business statistics, and al choice of organization and prodluc- tion, advanced accounting, cost ac-j counting, real estate fundamentals,l and inurance. The conception of thae, program for° the first year is that it should g:'ve to all students a knowledge of the, major fields that occupy the attention of busi- ness executives. "By virtue of the required courses covered in the preceding summer session, a studenat is also. enabled to elect duringm this year courses in some special ph ase of business ad- mainistration to tho extent of twelve semnester hours. The details of the pro;gxam .will be conducted on the basil of thte student's intere st after hec has consuilted with a designiated memberk~ of the f. acuilty of' the ET WITH ENGLISH FOR CONFERENCE ( MURIE AND VAN TYNE DISCUSS 1 Upsown Wart Re EVENTS OF GUATAM AN TLPDgeFrn -" ~___ J J Ralph Upson, lectur Luc:~ k from thenr tripl to Guate- Junge snake stuck at nc bu nauticl engineering a ro « ul~a, Dr. Adolph Mur'ie, asistant mlis7 d. Aside'fromnFain Tyn's ill- city, and winner of cuator of mammals at the Lniver-'ness, there was nohing startling.' B A net-bal'loon race, :ity MuiSeu ii of zoology, and Dr.! l\ ir~' °cll erio i cnsistS Ilargely reciec an h~1nF1rry « mfe wk« s F{;::."Jo se~yn Van Tyne asitant cura- lof monkeys, Gcelats, mice, rats, Stevens sho j of 'I' ' fI or of ir', are awa itng the arriv- i ki'nsu, pecies, and small der. Hioboken, N. J., Saur al of thir 36 cases of specimens 1Whether ecther of the mnicollect- Tpson i a radft {{scthool arnI ill re ci 'y ". g~atheredloon the expedition. Ied few u ce isnot known, an atthecomnent'emne The part; reached Ann Arbor will rema ini unkwnw until casi- The balloonist is the Tuesday night tired from is long Ii~u ~ encmltd i ea-ld.isi tripy. Theyhad arrived in New Or-___________Ir atfln ls y ~~~~~~~~leans fern Belize the pr viouS - lel "fl ldas k 1night, and took the train from1 Ar rested for'Lrey ao 111 aninrieUIw ysterdaLy WIIII I Lewis Nader and Sam Valeini, .«'~D. MriJi; as evale"tat:heboth of Ann Arbor, yest2 d ywere colectons of both members of the( arested in Detroit, where they are IC iie J { ~party wee unlusually good Thel accused of L..rceny. I they are not A « : "$ material arrived i New Orlans on convicted in Detroit, they will be x 'the same boat as gthy, and should sn ee Ir ohote r $ fi ~arrive in .nnr Arbo today or to- wanted on silar charges, }policeIaJ morrow. said. }1t"The routine of tie expediion was _____ described by Dr. Murie as being DA6N 3 SUDN 5 ri "nothing exciting" We got up every, morning at 5 o'clock, Van Tyne Dora thi Bor:, well-known eastern qXJ " - { shot birds an d I trapped animals dirce, and a to ct* aes special st- ' ~That h our i the bes for hunting dent' t the Tlnivr it- of Oregon._ .x*~ and the coolest. Returning with She is the daughtr ofa professor our Ends, we spent the rest of the in the sc. hool of achitecture and Se Iday skinning the specimens. a i d alts. h "The traveling that was done- --- -- endured ; .m....was by mule. Transportation was Arpane hav been used in Utah Asite rssPoOnot bad, particularly at this time in counting big game. To take a the of the year. Daners were few. My census of elk on Mt. Nebo, six flights embrace z rich Biish negotattirs on Jieca to 11 at Chequers, England, for an in- naret approach to trouble care were made over an area of about ofa evision, anddlsarn mament Germany will be represented by Julius Cur- when a fr de lance, a poisonous 540 squa re miles, r, and Ch'neliosEir cnu-ach Brin, (center below). Great Britain's --...... __ strangers _f" e vo l (lft), o rign se retary and Ram sey 11A dfon d (rig ht), prime D'EP LNa ~ O UD E IRCO TET EIVRY 1IGHT AN) SATURDAY AND SUNDAY MAINEES Fe lix W. Pawlowski, Guggenheim I uiring June only all gt'L L Ireisteing .at pavllion prir to 9 o'clock dic professosr of aeronautics at the c'vefiflgs or 3 o'clok aftrnoons rZciv achnsson gind si dances aso- University, will serve as a judge lutely without cost. T lfo the Detroit News model paeYo'lSt r e e Piwoee!B rbr S --contest, Saturday, June G.Stpo e hoee a" ^± Opoe _,Find fGvro The planes will f e models of au- C11I0, WAMvPLER INDIANS A DpoebtfehndscafhGoenor togyro types and will be exhibited O)N 'THE AlRt OVE R IBMv, JACKSON, XX~rlTDNSA'S, 6i to 7 P. M Debae Imeachentat the municipal airport hangar at in House. 9 o'clock in the morning. - - ._-*-.--- .--~- - - _ ~*._- NASHIVILLE, Tenn., June 4.-(/') BRGHT SPOT NOW ':034 -Opponents anld friends of Gover-- 802 PACKARD ST.SOWN :o-:0 nor Henry 11. Horton took the floor TODAY, 11:30 to 1:30 LV in the Tennessee house of repre- SALMON CROQUETTES rte'______________ POTATO CHIPS sentatives today to' advocate and1 SPANISH RICE+ EDNA MAE OLIVER denounce in turn the movement to CABBAGE SALAD 9RRMC impeach him.:AIC uDN DOROTHY HUGH Pouto COMFEE OR MILK Poiear Among those engaging in the dc- 30c LEE HERBER T bate was Water M. Haynes, speak- 53 o :0IN l~r~y BAKED STUFFED WHITES FISH Chase s er of the house, who argued for 'VEGETABLE' DINNER WITH "LAUGH AND GET RICH" Comey H adoption of eight impeachment ar- =POTI ROAST OF BEEF OR HARD °ROTGH thc tiees returned against the gove- COOKED EGGBtblnwihluhe...rmigwtheatus..HmnsoySE" ROAST LEG OF LAMB .B udogwih a&hrenal syrimmng ihhattg ua tr ES nor last week by a special commit- SPANISH PORK CHOPS SUNDA tee of the house. MASHED OR FREN 'CH' FRIED7 COMING SUN7 +DAY POTATOES LOUIS eSIX CYLIND Speaking in defense of Governor -CARROTS, PEAS, NOODESOR in 'DANGER L1'J 'I' S" wih Horton, Representative J. D. M- SPINACH WOLHEIM SPENCER T Murry, of Trousdale, said anyone 35c_________________1_________ familiar with court procedure knew - -0 ig W that no grand jury would "indict a -- yellow dog" on evidence presented against the chief executive. McMurry said statements that? Congressman E. H. Crump, of Memn-rbe phis, leader of the impeachment movement was "out of the picture" were 'a "smoke screen," and that if "Ed Crump is not ,sidetracked, he will continue to strive to take Teninessee into the hollow of his hand and conduct Tenniessee as he "nF L A l h a R conducts Shelby coupty > II______ _ (Alpha Kappa Chapter) 'TIMES- TODAY__ IF'TH ANNUAL EN APPLEJACK", IFIso4" Brian-Alce Francis alliday-ay ~troz 1 I I1111111! 'ceive zStevens~ rer in acro- t thx: Uniiver"- the $ordot1 of 1913, will degreea'c from .1ch1o1owy at orig-inator of 1) 11i lctured Sseveral ye'lars G~ Presents is Maijesty eOrgan" U' 4Y i 'RACY to the fourth tear thee studlent I school.. -LAST "CAPTAO 4 Mary I wTrHPEc I Sof John 1H 2:01:0 70,90 e i w Per couple. sm"m awn LAIF; TOIGT-F.-I- UN 5h I' with music B Vic MC GRE cock eyed EDI LAGLEN marines LOWI TA NISSEN' EL BRENDEL)," dozen scrnl s, a scame of laughs aw JEAN, Ij - Adr' -1 T'TE'S 1Y TnNc die famous l pl afro a"A' , F