Tl HMICHIGAN DAI L Y TURSt HIE ADVOCATES URN TO -STATE TROL OFLIQUOR nd Executive Holds That ition Problems May Be olved in This Way. SE TAXES POSSIBLE Governors for Failure Face Controversial Questions. FCH LICK, Ind., June 3.-(/P) izing the annual Governors' nee for its policy of avoid- troversial subjects, Gov. Al- R itchie of Maryland took of the cozing session he e esday to advocate return of .ontrol to thpstaes as a i of taxation problems.- Schoolmasters' Club Convention Discussed What's. . Going Plans for the 1932 meeting of the Michigan Schoolmasters' club, to be held in the last week in April,. will be considered at a meeting of the executive committee of the club next Saturday noon at the Union. The meeting was called by Prof. Claude S. Larzelere, of Central State Teachers college, president of the organization. Committee mem- bers from the University include Registrar Ira W. Smith, Prof. D. H. Rich, of the physics department, director of classification, and Dean J. B. Edmonson, of the School of Education.. L. P. Jocelyn, of Ann Arbor High school, is secretary of the body. On THEATRES for scuring your invitations will be today. The sale is no longer re- served to those who ordered, but is open to anyone wishing to secure Invitations. Blanche Yurka in Recital: Pre- ceding the performance of Strind- berg's "The Father," Blanche Yurka will make her only recital appear- ance this afternoon at 3:15, in the Mendelssohn theatre. Her program of poems will be from the works of Goethe, Sir Philip Sydney, Leigh Hunt, Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Samuel Hoffenstein and Dorothy Parker, Robert Henderson, director. 'Varsity and Reserve Bands: Uni- forms and march folios will be turned in from 8 to 11 a. m. Depos- its will be refunded at that time. Educational Psychology: The final examination in Education C1 sched- uled for Saturday, June 13, at 2 o'clock will be held as follows: Sec- tions I and IV, Mr. Good, 4017 U. H. S.; Section II, Mr. McClusky, 4009 U. H. S.; Section V, Mr. Keeler (Correlated course), 4203 U. H. S. Final Examination in Speech 31 and Speech 32: Students in Speech 31 will be examined in room 1025. Angell hall, Wednesday, June 10, from 2 to 5 p. m. Students in Speech 32 will be ex- amined in room 25, Angell hall, on Wednesdav. June 10. 2 to 5 D m 154, will be in West Phy. Lecture. Spanish classes are: Spanish 1, in 1035 A. H.; Spanish 2, in N. S. aud.; Spanish 31, room 103 R. L.; and Spanish 32, in room 103 R. L. EXHIBITION Competitive Designs in Eighth Annual Competition for the George G. Booth Traveling Fellowship in Architecture are being shown in the third floor exhibition room of the Architectural building. Open this week from 9 to 5 and on Sunday, June 7, from 1:30 to 5. The public is invited. Lydia Mendelssohn -B la n c h e Yurka in "The Father" at 3:15 o'clock, and in "Caprice" at 8:15 o'clock. Michigan -- Barbara Stanwyck, Ricardo Cortez, Monroe Owsley, and Sally Blane in "Ten Cents a Dance." Majestic-Mary Brian, Kay Stroz- zi, and John Halliday in "Captain Applejack," and Chester Conklin in "Gents of Leisure." hall. Those who ordered pictur for "Pierre Patelin" may obta them at this time. There are sor very important announcements be made. The meeting will be ve j short. Everyone is urged to be pr I sent at this last meeting. Freshman Girls' Glee Club mee ing, 7:30 in therCave of the Leagu Please be present. Gargoyle Business Staff: Meetir of entire staff and tryouts at today. COMING EVENT . Faculty of the Department Chemistry: A meeting will be he in room 212 Chemistry bldg., Frido June 5, at 4:15 p. m. FOR SALE New Essex, never been driven, $10 off from regular price. No trade it C. DOUKAS 1319 S. University i ,u c ,ctive, presid- discussion meeting, done, the system of hich may again be do away altogether come taxes and "at ve capital, labor and n the tax problems heavily upon them." conditions, Gov. "You cannot have ight million people ind unable to get it ig that this °consti- e to our social order the strongest argu- nunism unless it is lChot's "Revolt." e from the confer- llowed that of Gov. t of Pennsylvania, he assigned subject, n and attacked pub- drgi ng that electric s are "milking the stimated half billion hrough overcharges. left French Lick before receipt of a ch Samuel M.'Vauc- o the Baldwin Loco- board, accused him ting conditions in at Quarries. Indiana limestone iills at Bedford and as on the governors'' , to be followed by. ce at French Lick on the conference anklin D. Roosevelt id: "Once again the .ference has proved conference, 23 years its chief function, branch of govern- forum for obtaining ty, but as a round"- nterchange of views executives who have filar problems. Dr. Graglia Granted LibraryFellowship Dr. Arthur B. Graglia, of Turin, has been granted a fellowship to study in the department of library science at the University of Michi- gan. At the completion of his year here, he will return to Italy as an etnpoye of the Vatican library in Rome. Reserve Officers Plan to Hold Summer Camp Approximately 25 reserve officers from all parts of the country will attend an ordance campnat Ann Arbor from June 2 to 15. The men will be assigned to the branch group. In addition to the regular army officers, the .members of the University faculty who will act as instructors are Professors) A. H. White, John C. Brier, Claire Upthegrove, Frank A. Mickle, and Major Basil D. Edwards and Arthur B. Custis. Courses are to be giveen in ma- chanics and design of artillery, ammunition and explosives, use of artillery, military law, and. field training. Daily Otiicia Bulletin (Continued from Page 3) Colleges of Engineering and Ar- chitecture. English 4, The Lecture, Popular, Scientific, and Technical: Students who expect to elect this course the second semester are urg- ed to see Professor Brackett about the gathering of material for lec- tures and slides or demonstrations during the summer. Robert D. Brackett, room 31'East Hall. Freshmen interested in trying Lowest Cost Home! Wuerth-Dorothy Lee and Edna I EXAMINATION SCHEDULES Mae Oliver in "Laugh and Get Geography 1 and 2. Final Exam- Rich." inations.: These examinations will be held on Saturday, June 6, from GENERAL J 2-5 p. m., in the following rooms: Geography 1-room 205, Mason hall. Concert - Mildred Dl inkaus, so- Gorp - m2 o a. Conert- Mldrd D inaus S0Geography 2-Prof. James' section prano, in graduation recital, 8:15 and Mr. Kendall's sections, room o'clock, School of Music. 2225 A. H. YYCU10Ay, VU1 1 , VU J1. .1 .___MEETINGS TODAY Room Schedule for the Examina- 'Psychological Journal Club, 7:30 tien in English 11: Friday, June 12, p. in., in room 3126 Natural Science at 2 p. mn. Sections taught by Be- bldg. Mr. George Masselinkkwill dis- aut, Hoag, and Curtis, in room 25 cuss an experimental study of in- A. H.; Hornberger in 35 A. H.; Mor- voluntary movements accompany- ris, and Baker, in 231 A. H.; Butch- ing certain mental processes. All art, Watson, and Ott in 1025 A. H.; interested are cordially invited. Schenk, 103 R. L.; Binkley, 209 A. H.; Wells, 225 A. H.; Bliss, 229 A. H.; I Comedy Club: Last meeting of the Swain, 1009 A. H.; Abbot, 2203 A. year at 4 p. m., room 203 University H.; Brown and Appel, 2219 A. H.;- - Proctor, 2231 A. H.; Davis and Ten- ney, 2235 A. H.; Boothe, 3017 A. H. out for Union committees report at the student offices between 3 and 5 o'clock any afternoon. Hugh Conklin, president. Sophomores or juniors interested in serving as freshman advisors for next semester should sign up be- tween 3 an 5 o'clock at the student offices. Hugh Conklin, president. Sociology 222: I cannot meet my Thursday class. Please leave theses in my office. A. E. Wood. Sociology 132 (Problems of Pov- erty): I shall not meet my Thurs- day section. The lecture on Friday' will be given .as usual. A. E. Wood. Mr. Guthe's sections, in room 35 A. H., and Mr. McClure's sections, in room 1035 A. H., Education A 1: The examination in this course will be held in the West Lecture room of West Physics building. Students having conflicts with the scheduled hour will meet for examination in room 2436 Uni- versity Elementary School, Monday, June 8, at 9 a. m. G. L. Jackson. French and Spanish Final Exam- ations: Following are the French vourses and the room numbers: French 1 in room 103 R. L.; and French 2, in N. S. aud. French 12 in 1035 A. H.; French 31, 231 A. H.; French 32e(except 11 o'clock), in West Gallery of Alumni Memorial hall. French 32 (11 o'clocks), in 205 M. H.; and French 71, in 103 R. L. French classes 111, 112, 153, and You Cannot Study On An Empty Stomach IF, FOR A GOOD PLACE TO EAT 'YOU ARE LOOKING, AND, YOU LIKE ITALIAN SPAGHET SEE AL-IT'S THE BEST YOU """""" HAVE TASTED, AS YET. Your Invitations-- Your Announcements- N Have Them Engraved Maynard Spaghetti and Sandwich Sho Senior Engineers: Caps and gowns will be turned in the afternoon of Commencement, June 22, from 12 noon to 5 p. m., -in room 248 West Engineering building. The $3 deposit will be refunded at this time. Be there early. r Senior Engineers: The last chance ; For excellence and auality in your announce- ments and invitations have them engraved. We can furnish you samples and suggestions for all types of work. We are also equipped to execute your printing needs. 308 Maynard Street 11 THE MAYER-SCHAIRER COMPANY 112 South Main Street Phone 4515 y t Steaks and Chops fried in Spaghetti sauce I T I ! '? We Deliver Phone 9392 Al. Jaffi B. Plui I, A PI I mwFOtR- Second- an ooks Be Well Dressed for the Week-send Campus Travel Bureau' , Union Side Desk A SQUARE DEAL ALWAYS AT DS PAY 12-2, 4-6 p. m. daily University Bookstore u Take advantage.of ourAnniv 4297 for Future Reference "The Moving Number" ELSIFOR CARTAGE CO. LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE t. Excellent Service 1 Experienced Men Reasonable Rates Storage Service sary Salein selecting for the week-end and. your app re mainin N. First St 17 N. First St. finge'rle operated restaurants season. You may save considerable < Lydia MENDELSSOHN Theatre Matinee Today at 3:15 BLANCHE YURKA IN RECITAL Followed by Strindburg's Powerful Drama "THE FA THER" Tonight at 8:15, in the Gayest of Continental Comedies "CAPRICE" "A BRIGHT PIECE OF WORLDLINESS NOT TOO VUL- GAR TO OFFEND AND NOT TOO NICE TO BE DULL." -THE DAILY NEWS. SELL OUT PRICES: Nights 75c, $1.00, *and $1.50. Matinee 50c, 75c, and $1.00. Season Tickets, all six plays: $4.00 and $5.50. Always 200 good seats at 75t° for all performances. -good food-good service- good atmosphere-cooler,... -for dinner tonight-why not try fingerle's your garments street wear, and for business sports wear. wear, the hut IIa the tavern the den I Masten & Cha 211 South Main Street iii 'Where you may buy with confidence" ill,1 ' ,. a.w..... _. .... w.. ..,,, 1 Your Last Chance This Season! to dance to the music of - . ammulims. IdIdolkh. _ i m - A - - A- - * W q AM uFWA Wea AVL WMft AM W IV ULM AM VM VM AL