E THE MICHICAN DAILY PACIZ, DEBATING SOCIETY 1CHOOSES__OFFICERS I National Office of Athena to Be at University During Coming Year. Dorothy Daniels; '32, was electedj president of Athena literary and debating society last night. Bar- bara Shuker, '33, was chosen to be vice-president during the next se- mester and chairman of the ,pro- gram committee. Dorothy Peck, '32, was elected secretary and Flor- ence Hiscock, '32, treasurer. Isabel Bonicave, '34, is Athena's represen- tative to the oratorical board. As the national offices of Athena are to be at the University of Mich- igan next year the publication of the Gavel, national yearbook, will be in charge of the local chapter. Eleanor Rairdon, '33, will be editor ] of the Gavel. Jane Bean, '32, was chosen par- liamentarian. A pledge committee and rooin committee for next year will also be named by the incom- ing president. Florence Hiscock, '32, is the re-, tiring president and other officers during the last semester were Doro- thy Daniels, '32, vice-president, Barbara Shuker, '33, secretary, Marie Wellstead, '32, treasurer, and Eva Hesling, '31, representative to the Oratorical Board. DORMITORIES, SORORITIES GIVE ENTERTAINMENTS TO END SEASON Members of Social Cornmittee at Martha Cook Honored at Dinner. Tuesday evening the directors of Martha Cook, Miss Alta B. Atkin- son, house director, and Miss Mar- garet Smith, social director, enter- tained the members of the student committee of the dormitory at a dinner in the Women's League building. This committee included Kathryn Van Zoeren, '31, president, Ella Crile, '31Ed, vice-president, Mary Hagaman, '31Ed, secretary, Jessie Winchell, '31, treasurer, Edith Ellen Haughey, '31, senior representative, Lucille Oldham, '32, junior repre- sentative, Catherine Shannon, '31, night chairman, and Winifred Kel- logg, '31Ed, health chairman. A silver spoon was presented to each member of the committee as a token of appreciation for the splendid work that every woman has done throughout the school year. The tables were decorated with s p r i n g flowers and attractive matching tapers, which gave a charming atmosphere to the affair. Sunday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock the June vesper service which is an annual affair at Martha Cook will be held in the blue room of the dormitory. Mrs. Frederic B. Stevens will read the scripture, and Dr. III M III r Stoddard's Thermique The Heaterless Method of Permanent Waving The Thermique process of hair waving is the latest achievement in permanents. It represents a vast improvement over the old method because Thermique uses no heaters-there is no weight on the head -greatest comfort is assured. Either croquinole or spiral wind-or both combined if you wish. Thermique Permanents. are vastly superior to ordinary waves-more chic-more style-and they last longer. Stoddard Beauty Shop fill "tAnn Arbor's Premier Beautician for 20 Years" 317 South State Street Dial 21212 Evening Appointment Monday and Thursday n rrr r _ _ - - i finesse P III III by Finesse, Young America's idea of what a girdle should be . . . a perfect founda- tion garment for all youth- ful activties . . . will be found in our corset shop on the second floor. Just a few ounces of crepe de Chine, net and ventilated elastic . . with no hooks, no bones! Finesse is so light, so soft, so comfortable next the skin, that only the smart- ness of your figure reminds you of its presence! 1TP&T 12 inch Girdle-Sizes 26 to 31