THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY,JUNE 4,19: 31 S r.. s , tr Ygan t g i dished every morning except Monday during the University year Board in Control of Student Publications. uber of the Western Conference Editorial Association. Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re- tion of all 'news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise d in this paper and the local news published herein. ered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second natter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant ster General. 'scription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50 ces: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, n. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR RICHARD L. TOBIN .ditor ..... .............. David M. Nichol al Director........ ..................Beach Conger, Jr. ditor ............ ............Carl Forsythe Editor...............................Sheldon C. Fullerton s Editor................. . ......Margaret M. Thompson Reflections............................Bertram J. Askwith .nt City Editor ... .......... ...Denton C. Kunze nt News Editor ............Robert L. Pierce itor............ ......William F. Pyper NIGHT EDITORS Cilbreth oodman Karl -Sciffert Denton C. Kunze George J. Cullen Kennedy Jerry E. Rosenthal A. Stauter Charles A. Sanford .ohn S. Townsend i Jones Jones ecker indilan loper arrison Per [nall Sports Assistants Wilber J. Myers John W. Thomas REPORTERS James "Krotozyner Robert Merritter henry Meyer Marion Milczewski Albert Newman Jerome Pettit Joh obPritchard Joseph Renihan Elsie Feldman Prudence Poster Ceorgia Geismnan! Barbara Hall Martha Littleton Susan Manchester Cile Miller Brackley Shaw Parker Snyder Ford Spikerman Alfred Stresen-Reuter William Thai (x. R. Winters Charles Woolner Margaret O'Brien Eleanor Rairdon Marjorie Thomson Anne Tobin Alma Wadsworth Joeephine Woodhams - BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 ES T. KLI NE... .. ........ ....Business Manager. S P. JOHNSON.....................Assistant Manager Department Managers Sing ............................Vernon Bishop sing ... ......................Robert B. Callahan sing ....... ................ .William W. Davis ..............................Byron C. Vedder oons .. .............. ....William '. Brown tion..... .. .. ....... ..harry R. Begley ts a....... .... ... ..............Richard Stratenmier s Secretary .. ................. .Ann 'W. Verner Assistants ronsen Willard Freehling Thomas Roberts E. Bursley Iherbert Greenstone It. A. Saltzstein - IA. Combs ,1o11)Keyser Bernard E. Shnaeke Clark Arthur F. Kohn (1rafton W. Sharp eDalberg Bernard II. Good Cecil E. Welch E. Finn James Lowe n Bayless Ann Dallmeyer Helen Olsen Becker Ann hiarsha Marjorie Rough ve Field Kathryn Jackson Mary E. Watts Fischgrund Dorothy Laylin ert and n tave ert ryl na enri ne They are now out on $5oo bail, but will face the charges of violation of the prohibition law merely because their landlord, William W. Hamilton, thought it necessary to call the police and inform them that the boys had a half pint of alcohol. This is only one example of what has been going on all year. One of the campus honorary societies was reported to the police because mem- bers entered a student's home to summon him to the initiation. Last fall, another society was re- ported to the dean of students because the mem- bers, dressed as Indians, rode about town on an old wagon. This tradition of the wagon, which is dear to many of the old graduates and to many4 on the campus, was abolished this year because of the complaint. Numerous other cases are on record where stu- dents have been reported to the police and univer-; sity authorities for matters of no consequence. One landlady based her right to visit the dean's office on the fact that the students had left a ginger ale bottle and several glasses in their room when they went out in the evening. Upon returning, the stu- dents were refused admission to their rooms. The University should refuse to tolerate such narrow-mindedness from people whose living in many cases is dependent upon the fact that their homes are approved as living quarters. When landlords and landladies are antagonistic to the students upon whom they are dependent for a living, their homes should not be approved by the University and students should refuse to live in them. And when these individuals call police and report violation of the prohibition law without even first talking to the boys or in a case as serious as this, to the University, all rights to have stu- dents living in their homes should be refused. THOMAS A. EDISON-I like to see a man get mad sometimes and have some good habits, too.-The Detroit News. Music and Drama RECENT RECORDS DE FALLA: Nights in the Gardens of Spain: Suite for Piano and Orchestra: Columbia Masterworks Set No. 156. Concerto for Harpsichord, Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Viola, Violoncello: on Columbia Records 67922-67923. SPANISH MUSIC has long been the most completely indigenous of all national musics. This has prob- ably been its weakness. Certain peculiarities of the Spanish folksong have been isolated and become conventions in serious music. These conventions are hardly as rich for people who haven't absorbed the wealth of communal song from which they were ab- stracted. The exploitation of these has mean that Spanish music - except possibly to Spaniards -has been exceedingly narrow in scope and very monoto- nous in its melodic mannerisms. The extent to which these characteristics have become stereotyped is seen in the facility with which composers of other nations (Glinka, Rimsky, Ravel, etc.) can write an acceptable piece of "Spanish" music. Previous to Manuel De Falla, probably only Albeniz had made these conventions structural in any very important sense. According t J. B..Trend who has written a book on him, De Falla has carefully re- examined history of Spanish music, both secular and religious, and found melodic and rhythmic modes more basic and more expressive than the stock melo- dic cadences and rhythms which have become con- ventionalized. Columbia has just issued two of his scores: the one an early and familiar one; the other a recent, little-known one. The "Nights in the Gardens of Spain," dated 1915, was a product of De Falla's visit and study in Paris. It is a charmingly impressionistic score aligning itself with "L'Apres Midi D'Une Faune" and "Daphnis et Chloe." The three pieces are attrac- tively evocative. No one of them is very strongly national; the Spanish locale being suggested in a very unobtrusive manner by certain folk dance char- acteristics (particularly a continued reiteration of single phrases). The Concerto (1927) will be wholly startling to those who know De Falla only by bits of tunefulness from "The Three Cornered Hat" and "El Amor Brujo." All the monotonous meldoic mannerisms have disappeared. In fact, the Concerto is a modern- istic experiment without melody, which obtrudes only occasionally as comment on the rhythmic figures and harmonic combinations out of which the movements are built. Mr. Trend traces the sources of the pecu- liar freedom of rythms and the prevalence of the aug- mented second in the harmony to old Spanish liturg- ical music. Though there is some difficulty in getting; this music into the ear at first, it is austere, firm andj severe. Mr. Trend also suggests that the interesting instrumental combination is designed to get certain3 of the unusual and rich effects of the guitar (an) instrument which Spain takes very seriously) into1 serious music. OR /KETS FRESERVA SaTaOst DUL _ Tsty Toasted K4 ,E LRTRAVEL*Btni. andwiches ENJOY AUIMPOR TRAL US. YOURSELF I801 EJHUON STANNA H6t Cool Refreshing TONIGHT Dr" There aren't very many plays---_ _ that we have ever liked better than Gilbert, Whitman "Caprice" now being played at the and Mary Lincoln Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Its a Candiesn just the kind of light comedy that We deliver we like, in fact one of these inter - We e-ve esting plays where the famous law-XP PHONE yer tells his seventeen year old son N he Un iHspt 6618 OR 9318 that the beautiful and languorouse tenive osa Ilse has been, well, practically mar- ried to him for at least two years, R PbRINGe nr go and the son finds himself in love 103 North Forest at Huron Street with a dream and people talk about \ the sanctity of love. The play is HALLER'S full of some of the most clever lines State Street Jewelers we have ever heard, and that's say- SUBSCRIBE TO THE MICHIGAN DAILI ing a, lot considering the number of lives we have heard in our day. - * * * We begin to doubt the advis- - ibility of becoming an actor. B Its no bed of roses. From the G f amount of Bicarbonate of Soda that the councillor downed the course of the play we judge that Actors have pretty hard lives, especially when there are two performances a day. * * * Jon the And incidentally Robert Hender- son turned out one of his best per- formances of the year as the 17 year old son. A role like that is just about his speed. We mildly wondered just how Doris Dalton managed to make herself look like an old woman so convincingly. Af- come in our nearest store, sign the club register and you're ter the performance in "Electra" a member! Take wonderful snap-shots with this new colorful we thought-well- Eastman camera and it soon belongs to you. . . . Buy two rools of 120 Kodak Film at the regular price of 25c And Yurka was just great. a roll and we loan you the camera. Then buy 8 more rolls of The show is well worth seeing, film, as you need it, and the camera is yours. You pay nothing even if you have three examin- for the camera-just buy two rolls of film and enjoy the use of ations on Saturday and the rest the camera immediately on Monday.- . * * * Membership Limited-Come In Today The other day while ye were bus- ily writing this column we were at- Buy two rolls of 120 Kodak Film at the regular price of 25c tacked by one Guy Breining, 10, certain that you will be accepted by hurrying to our nearest store. salesman extraordinary for the Wo- Only by joining the club can you get this great camera absolutely man's Home Companion. We had FREE! to promise to put his name in the paper before he would allow us to keep our last' dime in the world away from a greedy publishing compny I'ayn at o man's Home Companion, Guy lives DRUG COMPANY at 751 Brook street. 324 S. State St.-S. & E. University Aves. *. *Uivrst NIGHT EDITOR-KARL SEIFFERT THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1931 Michigan's - Wickersham Report THE recommendation of the committee which was appointed to investigate the present sys-1 tem of marking was a distinct disappointment to :hose individuals who had hoped that some change n the present methods, a change for the better, would be recommended. The report of the com- mittee, however, was encouraging in that it recog- iized the existing evils, the greatest one of which s the grade-consciousness of the student, and also admitted the possibility of a reversion to the sys- em as it existed before 1912. As the main argument against the pass, not pass, and condition marking system, the commit- tee mentioned the immaturity of our students as compared with those of European universities,, where this type of grading is in force. Yet the system is admittedly more satisfactory than the. prevailing A, B, C. D, and E marks, which fail to satisfy either the student or the instructor. The Daily, previous to the appointment of the committee, advocated a return to the earlier sys- tem as the only, and most nearly satisfactory, workable plan. Since that time, the Regents have approved the new Michigan Plan, which provides for two two-year courses for the student. Since the abolition of the present system and the com- plete adoption of the former one is impossible, ac- cording to the committee, an excellent opportunity for a compromise between the two systems exists, which would dispose of the argument of the im- maturity of the students. The first two years of the student's education will consist mainly in the elementary and factual courses. The present system might adequately cope with the marking problems. But for the two later years, which should develop the mental train- ing of the student, we feel that the passed and not passed grades would prove far more satisfactory in eliminating the grade-consciousness of the student, aind perhaps encouraging a little work for the sake of knowledge. To those students who had proved themselves to be far above the average, and in order to pacify the irate Phi Beta Kappas, who would otherwise oppose any such plan, the addi- tion of "passed with distinction" would be the re- ward for excellent work. The recommendation of the committee was dis- appointing. The body of the report was encourag- ing, in that it nearly contradicted the recommenda- tion. The inauguration of the Michigan plan offers a chance to try out a new system on an experi- mental basis, which, if proven a success, could be extended to the whole four-year program. Steps in this direction should be taken in the near future if the situation is to be remedied at all. O - Student Protection Against Landlords? AN IDEA FOR THE B. & G. BOYS The trouble with the campus is that there aren't enough lights along the sidewalks. What lights there are aren't systema- tized. What the B. & G. boys ought to do now is to get out their picks and shovels and in- stal some more lights. The Rolls architect has drawn up a plan for a complete, well-or- ganized, campus lighting sys- tem. Campus Lighting System. "Where is Dan Baxter?" is a question that we are hearing con- tinually these days and getting pretty darn sick of it too. As far as we are concerned he could drop right out of oblivion without caus- ing us a single tear, but apparently it is not to be. That's the insidious thing about Baxter. Perhaps we had better clear the matter up once and for all and say that Baxter is doing nothing, and that he is! just lazying around taking life easy. Here is a picture of Baxter taking life easy, inadvertently snapped by the Rolls photographer. Baxter Taking Life Easy. We are pretty worried, around the office here, because somebody sent in one of these terrible chain letters and no one here knows three people to write to. We are awful sorry that the letter started by an American Soldier in France won't get around the world three times ust on account of us not knowing MISS YURKA IN RECITAL Blanche Yurka, now in the second week of her three weeks' engagement in the Ann Arbor Dramatic Season, will make a recital appearance this afternoon preceding the second special performance of August Strindberg's melodrama "The Father." Miss Yurka is well known for her recitals through- out the East, having appeared at many important lecture and music courses. Her program, arranged with special attention to chronological order, ranges from 17th and 18th century songs to some light modern verse. The program in full is: t S X S g J Prologue (Faust) ........................ . . .Goethe The Bargain (17th Century) ........ Sir Philip Sidney Green Room (18th Century) .............Anonymous Sonnets From the Portuguese.. Elizabeth Barrett Sonnets Frnm .the Portuguese l 1 T " TTRTNC than ni-,t vpar_ .qtiMentq have heen I